reply to post by cloudwatcher
Reply to: cloudwatcher From: estimatedprophet
"It would have help some of these people if you could of add some more detail about your (NDE) Near Death Experience, and or what you saw and heard
in your vision!"
"It is most certainly not the 666, Mark of the beast, but another symbol!"
"Since your NDE, experience you heard or may have seen the words: "As Above, So Below!" Which indicates a spiritual meaning of life that's above
and below or "As In Heaven, So On Earth!"
"If you are familiar with the Book of Revelations, please read these following verses that will shine light to this mysterious vision you had during
you NDE!"
"Revelation 7:0-4, Revelation 7:9-17, Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 9:4 and Revelation 13:8-10!"
"Since you been through this trial of death and then coming back, I suppose that you were given a message to give, but you came hear for an answer,
for someone to help you and in turn, you can help others!"
"So I Am hoping that this will solve that problem for you and help you move on to spread the truth of Life After Death!"
"This symbol that you saw is the Seal of God!"
"People/Saints who shall be passing through the Tribulation in this world and read of these words of mine, speaking spiritually from the One who sent
me, our Lord Jesus Christ, will have a Mark like this in their Foreheads, to discern them from the rest of the world!"
"For example, that when people are captured and then thrown into prison camps with force, the people/saints shall have this mark on their foreheads
and so the world will know that they are the Chosen One's of God, whose name has been written in the Book of Life since the creation of the world.
Therefore you were told "As Above, So Below!"
What this means is that allot of people living in the world today are "oblivious" or don't know or even have forgotten the true origin were they
actually come from!"
"As in heaven, so on earth, the people/saints of God will come to worship Him, all over the world, from every nation, language and race, during these
End Times!"
"And the truth is this: Long before the "earth" was ever created, these Souls or Spirits of these people who some are living in the earth today,
existed with God and in his Realm or Kingdom as "Angels, meaning servants, long ago!"
"Yes this is the truth and that is what your Heavenly Father wants you all to know, that in the begging you were there with Him!"
"Now since you are all born in the flesh, you are given a new mind and a new body and since you are born again but this time in the flesh and given a
new mind, that all memory of your past life or thoughts have been wiped clean from your consciousness. Therefore you cannot remember of the times that
you once were in heaven, but if you only believe and do so with all your "Faith" then your are on the Right path of Salvation and Everlasting
"Because you wants were, now are not and yet you shall be there once again, this I promise all of you saints!"
"Blessed are those who do have some memory of were they came from. And there is sometimes that we get visions or we see glimpses or "Déjà vu"
because at one time we were there. So all these things that I'm writing about will be made known to all of you." "Thank you for posting!"
[email protected] "God Bless You!"