In trees and power lines, for real? Do you have any links to these cases that you can share? That is absolutely bizarre and though not beyond the
capabilities of Drunk Rednecks or Satanists or whatever they normally attribute these cases to, but certainly would require some effort and would, I
think, substantially increase the chances of being caught for the time and effort and additional evidence (such as tractor tracks or whatever they use
to haul them into place - that's certainly going to take more than a few "Bubbas" and a rope!) that moving such heavy carcasses into these locations
would entail.
I'd think that if Aliens (in as much as we think that we could come anywhere remotely close to understanding an honest to goodness alien species'
thought processes, official guidelines they may have to follow for off world research, and so on) really wanted to hide evidence that they would very
easily just zap the remains with whatever handy dandy death ray they presumably have.
Or eject it into space in the path of the Space Shuttle (when we had those), ISS, or even dump it on the wing of an Jetliner to observe the startled
reactions of humans and to get a kick from whatever ridiculous cover story TPTB would create to explain it. :-) Otherwise, I still think it's probably
the EBE version of PC - take the parts they need for research (or sustenance, etc) and deliver the meat back to the hungry carnivore primitives for
consumption so they won't get peeved that their food has been taken*.
Afterall, *we* kill those animals, so the EBE's probably assume that we don't object to the cow deaths in principle (vegan and animal rights
arguments excepted for the moment). And as we don't typically use the blood, sex organs, or eyes for anything then we presumably wouldn't care about
the EBE's taking those either. But mess with our Big Macs and we could get all Ape #e on them when and if they ever try to make contact with us
(theories that they are in collusion with the Government and everything excepted for the moment)! :-)
NOTE: Apologies Guys as I get wayyyy off track here. Call it New Kid Fever or what have you - I got on a roll of theorizing and realizing how many
questions I have, coupled with the excitement of finding a place where I can actually discuss these topics with adults intelligently and not getting
looks like I've gone insane and spouting gibberish! :-) I am still finding my way around here and promise to break this up and post the ?'s and ideas
in more appropriate places as soon as I locate them (and of course any suggestions/directng from those of you who have been here awhile = always
welcome!), but for now it was more important to me to get them out here so I didn't forget them, etc. With that disclaimer, here's my excited chatter!
And going back to my question about any reports of mutilations in areas where cows are sacred/not killed, specifically the culture in Africa that uses
the cow blood as a protein drink, then I wonder *if* there are cases *if* the blood is left in the carcass in these instances. Again, I know it sounds
goofy *but* if we can find any differences in the condition of the "returned" corpses that indicates a possible recognition of the local area's
methods and practices for how the animals are used, then I would be astounded! Or maybe it's just a strong sign that the humans are the perps and
simply applying their own cultural norms on the cases.
Completely off topic, but that just jarred some memory of seeing pics of a dead cow in a tree and another cow, or possibly a deer, jammed in the
support beams under a bridge or over pass or something. In this instance, these poor creatures were the victims of a flood as opposed to Aliens (or
drunk rednecks). I seem to recall that getting them down was proving to be a logistical nightmare and not sure what the outcome was.
One thing I also forgot to ask - does anyone know or have any sites I could refer to - Interested in seeing if the farmers that have experienced a
mutilation event, do they have any sort of insurance or other manner to replace the dead creature's financial worth? I'd be interested to see if an
insurance policy exists, what the conditions are that allow a claim to be made. Obviously if the conditions typical of most mutilations assure an
Insurance pay out, then suspicion would fall right on the farmer. If not, or if the claims would be valid only under other conditions, then I think
it'd be a logical to eliminate the Farmer for any potential involvement. I'm sure someone must have looked into these sorts of things and curious of
the findings.
And since I've gone back off the Vault topic again, (apologies!) I better ask - is this a serious offense here or just frowned upon? I admit that I
easily get off topic on many boards anytime some fascinating anecdote or other timey wimey wacky factoid gets mentioned in passing but completely
enthralls me!. :-) And to get the most bang for the off topic buck - does anyone have any sites or other links that they recommend for details and
analysis on Cattle Mutilations?
Oh yeah, any info/links on the ultra-disturbing Human Mutilations (just found out about these a week or two ago and though I've googled it, I can't
see find anything bar one case in Brazil, and that was attributed to drug cartels and didn't match up with the check list for a typical cattle
And on that note (and apologies again for off topic - if there is a sort of "Newbie Questions and Answers" thread where Seasoned Vets of ATS welcome
and try to answer Newbie Questions or direct them to places where they may find what they are interested in, the PLEASE let me know and I'll move this
post there and will stop posting my dork Newbie posts (which are driven solely by the excitement-at-finding-people-to-discuss-this-stuff-with!, so
please don't rip me to shreds until I find my feet and way around here!). :-)
Anyway, back to my off topic topic question - and please understand I find it incredibly disturbing - we're talking stay wake at night disturbing -
some of the reports I've read during my crash course intro into this stuff - indicate that in many (I think the actual word used was "most") ships
that have crashed and recovered** by the Military, that there have been human remains found in such a manner as to suggest that they were stored on
the ships (as opposed to simply being pilots or even abductees). This utterly and completely freaked me out more than everything else that I've read
It's highly disturbing to think that "They" reportedly view us as too primitive to qualify for any potential Universal Intelligent Being Rights, that
we are mere lab rats to experiment on (possibly with the blessing of own Government!) and/or that we are viewed as a natural resource and even as a
menu item for their culinary practices and/or dietary needs. This is absolutely freaky, sick feeling in my stomach-level stuff. So please, if anyone
has any knowledge of this, recommendations or referrals to where this topic is described and refuted, confirmed, etc please please let me know. It's
bothering me, to the point that this topic which used to be intriguing and fun, and recently turned into "Wow, I just realized that I actually do
believe this" to " I see why TPTB absolutely won't disclose this" and keep people from the knowledge. I'm sure I'll come to terms with it -
whatever the consensus - eventually, but for now I just want to know as much about as I can find.
Thanks in advance for anyone with recommendations!).
*Assuming they have a reason for caring (or pretending to care) whether we'd get upset or not - tho much of what I've recently immersed myself into
gives the unnerving impression that the majority of aliens don't give a squat about us, but I welcome anyone who wants to correct that impression
and/or offer alternatives! :-) Again, I'm fairly new to ATS and believing Aliens are real and here already, so forgive me for any embarrassing ATS
Faux Pas that I might make! :-)
**This may be a really silly question that may have been debated and written off long ago, but I can't seem to find anything on it. So this question
is - is it just me that thinks there's been a ridiculously large number of supposed crashes of EBE Craft? I see reports like "In the 3 years of such
and such period, 16 craft were retrieved by the US Military". I mean these creatures can build ships that traverse space and perform incredible feats
- so why does such advanced technology seem so incredibly unreliable?
As such, I'm guessing (tho it's an odd omission not to report it) that maybe we are capable of firing on these ships and bringing them down (I
understand why they claim they do it, but isn't anyone worried that we're quite possibly shooting down friendly aliens that may be here on truly
peaceful, diplomatic,exploration-driven visits?). Since it's also reported that pilots often encounter malfunctioning weapon controls and whatnot, and
that the craft simply out maneuver us, then even if we can bring them down it would presumably be a small percentage of them. So why so many crashes?
It's such a high number that it's suspicious to me. And I'd think it would indicate one or more of the following:
1. The number of advanced alien crafts that crash on our planet only seems like a high number because there are so many of them that come here
2. The number of crashes indicates that there are unusual and unique anomalies on Earth that the Aliens simply aren't prepared to encounter that leads
to malfunctioning ships. (A bit hard to swallow - if they've been coming here for the vast time periods that evidence dictates, then surely they'd
have either figured out how to deal with our Planet's unique properties, or would have put some sort of travel embargo on our world as being too
3. Is it speculated it is part of the Aliens' overall plan to seed our planet with technology in such a way that it appears to us that we retrieved
the crashed ships and reverse engineered it all on our own? (hard to swallow as well, but possible since we are dealing with aliens and their
presumably equally alien logic)
4. The creatures that travel here and perform abductions and research and whatnot are a bio-engineered species - and the true Aliens that remain at
home or only visit our world infrequently simply have little regard for their servants/slaves. (Possible given other reports that they view humans in
a similar manner and possibly lack emotions as we think of them completely. I would still think they would be worried that we are getting access to so
many examples of their technology. So either they underestimate human reverse engineering ability, the craft that actually come to our planet is NOT
representative of any technology they consider worth protecting (ie the servant class fly small saucers from orbiting larger ships and thus aren't
representative of any technology that the care about us having) or they simply don't care).
5. Given the number of crashed vehicles multiplied by the number of years they have been visiting our world would add up to a ridiculously huge number
of crashed craft. Perhaps they usually "clean up" after such an incident and simply considered humans as far too primitive for any retrievals to
matter (which makes sense as it's probably only the past 75 years or so that we'd even remotely have the intelligence and skill to gain any useful
knowledge from any crashed vehicles? Have there been any reports of archeological finds of that would indicate advanced tech? Or perhaps the crashes
are a *recent* phenomenon, indicating we may have developed technology that we can use against them and/or that our technology somehow interferes
adversely with their craft? I have to admit that the idea of archeological digs uncovering an ancient saucer crash are very titillating (can we say
Fan Boy Wet Dream Movie Storyline? Or rehash of Quatermass/StarGate - forgot about those! ).
In any event, I'm curious to see if anyone else thinks the sheer number of supposed crash/retrievals seems fishy to anyone but me. Or perhaps I've
stumbled upon my first Conspiracy Theory??? How exciting!!! LOL!!! :-)
edit on 17-4-2011 by NewtonDKC because: clarified/added & removed items - apologies for the long post and number of ?'s and topics - will move
once I find the proper threads for them - just got excited and couldn't stop writing about it!!! :-)
edit on 17-4-2011 by NewtonDKC
because: added Disclaimer for my astonishing descent into Bi-Polar Mania Writing! :-)