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Man Gets Arrested For Making Joke In New York City

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:29 AM

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Wookiegonewild
Yeah, I am so sure there isn't more this story than is shown in this little video...
Everyone hates the Police till they need them. I love my freedom just as much as anyone else, and yes, there are plenty of "bad cops", but there are just as many who do their job because they want to make a positive difference. Anyone who out right yells, "F#$% the Police!" is a child. Don't do anything wrong and don't mess with them and your good to go. If this fool would have just shown his ID, said "Whoops, sorry officer." he probably would have been able to carry on with his day. I have been "hassled" by the Police when I was younger because I thought I hot sh$%, and I thought I could do anything. But once I figured out that if you get pulled up, just do what they ask you and not act like a jerk they will leave you be because they don't want to do all the paperwork most of the time. So in other words, don't start trouble, their won't be trouble. And before anyone else says, "Oh he has the right to say what he wants!", yeah, he sure does but anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows not to mess with the Police. While I agree that authority needs to be challenged once in awhile to keep it in check, this isn't a case of that. This was an argument that went completely the wrong way and could have been over in 5 minutes just by doing what was asked and not trying to walk through the Police. My father was a 40 year veteran of the Baltimore City Fire Department and as a result I obviously got to know tons of fire fighters, but also tons of Police. Like I said, there are good and bad cops, I have met and talked with both. And regarding this type of scenario, I know they would agree.

Cops are lower than thugs, grow up.

Guess who will be controlling you when your country protests against them?

Anyone who is on the cops side, I would say is a CHILD.

Go learn for yourself kid why the cops are hated, AND RIGHTFULLY SO.

If your happy living in a police state, continue to support them in your palace from behind your gated mansion. But if your anything like the common person, you'll see that the cops are not as good as they want you to think they are, and If you cannot see this, you are a fool.

Go ahead, support Nazi America, your time will come, oh will it ever.

The only way cops could be considered the good guys again, IS IF THEY ALL SUBMIT TO WEARING MICS/CAMERAS ALL OVER THERE UNIFORMS. And if they disagree, fire them.

If you are going to give a group of people more power than %.99 of the country, then I want those bastards video taped and recorded AT ALL TIMES WHEN ON DUTY. That is not too much to ask for right? Just to submit video/audio logs to get your pay check.

edit on 16-4-2011 by Quasar_La-Zar because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2011 by Quasar_La-Zar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:34 AM
Imagine this happening on frank rizzos beat?

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Just so you know there is a thing called sarcasm. And also it does make sense in a different way in that cops whether white or black can still be prejudice against their own race as long as their badge is on.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:38 AM
By some of these responses, sounds like some people actually feel police are better then the rest of us.

Better not mess with them, do what they tell you......WHO IN THE HELL ARE THEY? They are regular people just like the rest of us, sounds like some will march the beat to the NWO drummer. Brainwashed I tell you, just like the German people in World War 2. Sorry, but this individual won't just march to that beat. If I feel like questioning something, I GODDAMN WILL. Because an individual has a badge doesn't mean I am inferior being.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon

Originally posted by watchitburn
arrested for being black on a friday night.

2nd line a black police officer..

so your point if indeed you are trying to make one is complete nonsense...

it isn't, actually. black cops can be worse towards their own than white cops, just to prove to other cops how down with the "blue wall" they are. actually, a white NYPD cop probably wouldn't have done this.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:40 AM

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by fordrew

That is a great idea should link that to the you tube vid m8 COPY & PASTE ALL OVER THE NET PEOPLE

You may contact the New York City Comission to Combat Police corruption by calling (212) 487-7350 during regular business hours or you may write to us at: New York City Commission to Combat Police Corruption 17 Battery Place, Suite 327 New York, NY 10004 If your complaint involves physical force, abuse of authority, discourtesy, or offensive language by a member of the NYPD, you may wish to contact the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board's complaint hotline at (800) 341-CCRB (800-341-2272).

Everyone in US should call this or write and complain they would have a meltdown.

That white guy should have went mad and then the cops would have no choice but to leave, cause everyone knows you dont mess with a skinny white kid on a bike.

But all joking aside corruption effects poor white/black people so we should unite and show true Solidarity.

How can NYPD and other Police authoritys convince the recruits to be so bloody evil
To any Cops or Army recruits would you like this to happen to you?

anyone seen this cop v cop

Also check out the test for your local police force lol
ATS members could teach a monkey to pass there tests, but the goverment refused to let them on the force saying that the pigs were fine doing the job.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by dragonseeker

Originally posted by Misterlondon

Originally posted by watchitburn
arrested for being black on a friday night.

2nd line a black police officer..

so your point if indeed you are trying to make one is complete nonsense...

it isn't, actually. black cops can be worse towards their own than white cops, just to prove to other cops how down with the "blue wall" they are. actually, a white NYPD cop probably wouldn't have done this.

Very wise words I myself am white but goverments and police dont give a damn about our colour they hate all poor people the same

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:52 AM
I wish people lived in reality here.

The IDEA of having somebody protect you at all times with just a phonecall is great, we all would love that, and need it in a way, security is needed in a country.

But, when you give a small group country given powers that makes them vastly more powerful than the common person ' in his job not as a person' You have to make sure those people don't get off the beaten road.

But guess what? When you pay that group of people under $100,000 a year, taking a little for yourself on the side starts to become a good idea.

The cops in this country was doomed before they even started.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by fordrew

These cops are not even able to deal with such a harmless situation. It's just escalating because they are too stupid to control the whole thing. This is a great promotion video for the NYPD.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:57 AM
damn man, im gunna avoid NYC because of the pigs thier. The joke was directed towards the guy on the bike obviously, not the cop..cop shoulda kept his facist mouth shut, that simple. hope they get suspended at least.
its moments like this, caught ON video, that makes me think of the movie equilibrium.where in the future, no one was allowed to have emotions,a nd those that did, were exterminated. thanks to the NYPD, seems to be the direction were going. way to go NYP. NYPD=loosers and fascists.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:58 AM
And its interesting too see, african american cops, engaging in this form of fascism as well. The same race that had to fight for its own rights and equality, is taking it away form their own.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:04 PM
Give them an inch, and they tread a mile.

Police officers are starting to scare me. How am I NOT supposed to be scared? They have a belt full of weapons, they barely smile, and most of them have bad attitudes towards the people they are bullying -- I mean protecting.

I am NOT a police "hater". I just see the reality of the world we live in.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple
reply to post by MrWendal

I've read through this entire thread up to this point and I've seen 1, maybe 2, people who are somewhat defending the cops. True, you have a lot of bad cops out there, I'm not disputing that and I agree that they need to be taken off the force ASAP, but you have to remember that you only saw a short video of what happened. You weren't there and you didn't see the whole thing...

Someone had to say it. All the relevant parts are in the video. There's is nothing in the whole freaking universe that could justify this behaviour on behalf of the cops. Even if they have history going back decades. There's no law against that.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Wookiegonewild
Yeah, I am so sure there isn't more this story than is shown in this little video...
Everyone hates the Police till they need them. I love my freedom just as much as anyone else, and yes, there are plenty of "bad cops", but there are just as many who do their job because they want to make a positive difference. Anyone who out right yells, "F#$% the Police!" is a child...

I ADORE good cops - this requires that I loathe bad cops, because if the bad cops are not held accountable they bring harm to the good cops, and if we allow or even encourage bad behavior in cops then we actually ensure good cops will be forced out of their service to the public, for how can they stay in a system they joined in order to protect the citizens when that system has been molested to harm the citizens?

I can agree with the childish statement of "# the police", because that assumes all cops are bad and further aids in trimming out the good cops and encouraging those who remain to behave in an "US vs. THEM" manner, when in fact it is both their duty and ours to be "us PLUS them". And plus does not equate to subtracting our liberties.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

I hope you enjoy getting routinely shot when you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation.

Because if every cop is fearing every citizens pressence they are going to be shooting at the drop of a hat.
Really guys, think these things through..

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:13 PM
That is messed up, what happened the the first article of the bill of rights? He had a right to do such a thing. He didn't abuse it in any way. (I don't think you can abuse it anyway).

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:13 PM
The guy arrested unfortunately didn't know his rights. He had no right to be arrested, or even ID'ed. Cops like to make you think you have to provide ID if they ask, but you don't (with the exception of showing a driver's license while driving a vehicle [also with the exception of providing an affidavit legally stating your constitutional right to travel freely, but that's another matter entirely]). If a cop asks to see your ID, you simply have to ask, "Am I being detained?" If they say "No," then you don't have to give ID, and you should follow up by asking, "So can I go now?" If they don't let you go, then they are breaking the law by detaining you unlawfully, especially when they just stated that you aren't being detained. When they won't say "No," they will try to word their way around it by repeating things like, "Sir I need to see your ID." And you just keep asking, "Am I being detained?" They cannot detain you without suspicion that you are, were or about to commit a crime. If the cop says "Yes, you are being detained," then you must ask, "On what grounds?" If they can't come up with a reason, then congratulations, you've already won and it's best to cooperate from that point because you will win in court. Obviously if you actually did something wrong, you will be cited and/or arrested. Keep in mind there is a difference between detainment and arrest. To be detained is to be prevented from leaving the scene. To be arrested is to be taken into custody. You can also be detained if a cop believes you were a witness to a crime and they need to take a statement. In this case, if you don't believe you were a witness, you can simply say, "I didn't see anything." And repeat the "Am I being detained," process.

I hope this helps anyone who may run into a police power trip scenario.

Edit: Some states have different laws. I don't know if New York requires you to provide ID upon request by LEO... I believe in most states, the above is true.

Edit 2: I looked into it and I think this is federal law in every state. So there you go. You only have to provide ID if you are "being detained". So make sure you know your rights.
edit on 4/16/2011 by OrphenFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by ziggy1706
And its interesting too see, african american cops, engaging in this form of fascism as well. The same race that had to fight for its own rights and equality, is taking it away form their own.

Yeah, around 1989, Ice Cube said in a song .... I forget what it was called
" black police showing out for the white cop"

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