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Man Gets Arrested For Making Joke In New York City

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by RicoMarston

A cop pulled me over and gave me a repair and report ticket for a brake light. I got out and checked right there, they both worked.

Yes, I've had similar cases years ago, riding a bike to school and being pulled over by some hero-cop who had to pull some U-turns and other car-acrobatics to reach me and stop me. He said I crossed the red light, at one of the busiest crossroads in town - I simply told him, I did not cross the red light - he said "you did", I then explained there was an elderly lady who also crossed at the same time as me and I thought that neither of us was suicidal. He got bothered and asked for ID, that's when I told him, I didn't commit any crime, there is no offense done, I need to go to school so unless you are going to arrest me now, kindly piss off - I biked away without letting him respond and he let me go.

There have been times where cops stop me and ask for ID or throw some retarded, underhand racist comment at me, whether that be while I'm walking or biking - irrelevant. I ALWAYS try to bust their balls(After all, they are trying to do the same to me but WORSE! These cops are too stupid to relativize and comprehend that their actions could affect a person an entire lifetime - through police records). I won't comply, because I know I've done NOTHING wrong, I look around to see if there is a reason why they are stopping people(burglary etc - in which case, they have a reason to question folks - and folks have reasons to not say anything). I have one exception and that is female officers - I'll give them a hard time by pointing out their mistakes, ie. if she wants to see my ID she has to show hers, otherwise I won't believe she's a cop(it's the law). But I won't take it to court or anything...something I'd be more than willing to do if a jackass male cop decides to boast his badge or behave according to some bully-handbook.

This is in the Netherlands by the way. I would probably behave the same towards any cop in any nation, that's why I try to stay clear of the US - you guys have SERIOUS issues when it comes to abuse of power (something on the rise in the Netherlands as well)

So you're not going to college for law enforcement .... Nobody is forcing you to be a prick.

That's an ignorant statement. There are quotas to uphold and if you don't you get fired or demoted or , so if you want to keep your job you better be a jackass and hand out fines. There exists peer pressure within the ranks of police, masochistic folk run rampant within the lower as well as the higher ranks. Wasn't there even an article some while ago of a person who wanted to become police officer but he couldn't because his IQ was too high? In NYC it was I believe.

edit on 16-4-2011 by Zamini because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by fordrew

There's so many levels of absurdity with this, I don't know where to begin!

It's obviously rediculously absurd to arrest the guy for crackin a joke as he walks by. Anyone who feels differently should immediately seek medical attention, because siding with the cops on that one indicates that you probably suffered major irreversible brain damage somewhere along the way.

But it's pretty F'n absurd that riding a bicycle on the sidewalk warrants being ticketed by the police too!!! There's no scenario anyone could ever describe to me that would convince me that cycling on the sidewalk should be against the law. Clearly NYC & NYPD reached deep into the realm of retardation when they put that offense into play.

There's more absurdity too, but I'm just getting pissed off thinking about it, so I'm just going to leave it alone.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by brindle

Im guessing the cops knew they were being filmed, otherwise he probably would have been laying face down on the concrete...for nothing.
I guees you were having a few shots of tequila when in this video the man walked away from the cops when they asked him for his I.D....

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by brindle

Maybe the guy walking away was Jewish and the police were Nazi Germans....

Must be the tequila talking...

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by brindle

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by brindle

Im guessing the cops knew they were being filmed, otherwise he probably would have been laying face down on the concrete...for nothing.
I guees you were having a few shots of tequila when in this video the man walked away from the cops when they asked him for his I.D....

Huh?...They stopped him for making a joke,they are the ones who instigated this little ordeal and they knew that if they would've slammed him on the ground on film they would've been in the wrong. He just walked away, no need for " excessive force ".

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:41 AM
About a year ago, while driving through the suburbs, I was pulled over by a cop who was about 20 years old.
He said I made an "improper turn into traffic", which is 100%, absolute bulls**t.
He was flat-out looking for someone to harass. He needed to feed his power-mad ego.
When I said, "I think you may be mistaken", all hell broke loose. What ensued is beyond belief.

Long story short, law enforcement agencies at every level have GOT to start weeding out these sadistic, "I wanna be in the special forces but don't have the balls for the real thing, so I'll show these SUV -driving dads how tough I am", dominating, harassing, bullying, psychopathic pricks from their ranks! It may be too early to tell when they're first hired, but it sure as hell doesn't take long for them to show their true colors.
They can't control it.They get off on it. Nazis. SS. Gestapo. Hans Landa. They probably have fantasies about torturing people.

Rant over. Thank you.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by ColeYounger
About a year ago, while driving through the suburbs, I was pulled over by a cop who was about 20 years old.
He said I made an "improper turn into traffic", which is 100%, absolute bulls**t.
He was flat-out looking for someone to harass. He needed to feed his power-mad ego.
When I said, "I think you may be mistaken", all hell broke loose. What ensued is beyond belief.

Long story short, law enforcement agencies at every level have GOT to start weeding out these sadistic, "I wanna be in the special forces but don't have the balls for the real thing, so I'll show these SUV -driving dads how tough I am", dominating, harassing, bullying, psychopathic pricks from their ranks! It may be too early to tell when they're first hired, but it sure as hell doesn't take long for them to show their true colors.
They can't control it.They get off on it. Nazis. SS. Gestapo. Hans Landa. They probably have fantasies about torturing people.

Rant over. Thank you.

I have, or better I had a friend who I went to school with who joined the military and is now an officer. The guy had a collection of cartoon porn pictures of women being tortured and dismembered...

A lot of seriously messed up people in the army/police force
edit on 16-4-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:46 AM
It's really to bad ,but it's things like this that show how truley stupid these cops are, the really bad part is that they are given power over us, a moron cop is going to rule you. It would be bad enough if it was a cop with brains, but these stupid morons in charge you don't stand a chance, and heaven forbid if you were top try and rationalize with one of them.
Most of these cops are people who could not get a job doing anything else, and did you ever notice how bad their hand writing is with 99% of them.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:48 AM
I cant imagine what would have happened to this guy if he tried that bullcrap on philly cops.They would have rocked his world

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:53 AM
What a joke.

I think the uniform comes with an extra order of "macho-bull----".

They must be very insecure people to feel the need to throw their weight around like that and hide behind a badge and a gun.

I think most people who go into police work do it because of their need to make themselves feel like they are better than other people, and to boss other people around, just like politicians.

As shown in the video, they obviously do NOT do it to "protect and serve".

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:00 AM
I would never choose a cop as a friend but come on, you don't walk up and get involved when someone is getting a ticket. Regardless of whether you're joking, that's just exacerbating an already tense situation.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by ColeYounger
About a year ago, while driving through the suburbs, I was pulled over by a cop who was about 20 years old.
He said I made an "improper turn into traffic", which is 100%, absolute bulls**t.
He was flat-out looking for someone to harass. He needed to feed his power-mad ego.
When I said, "I think you may be mistaken", all hell broke loose. What ensued is beyond belief.

Long story short, law enforcement agencies at every level have GOT to start weeding out these sadistic, "I wanna be in the special forces but don't have the balls for the real thing, so I'll show these SUV -driving dads how tough I am", dominating, harassing, bullying, psychopathic pricks from their ranks! It may be too early to tell when they're first hired, but it sure as hell doesn't take long for them to show their true colors.
They can't control it.They get off on it. Nazis. SS. Gestapo. Hans Landa. They probably have fantasies about torturing people.

Rant over. Thank you.

Got pulled over a few years back, wasn't any reason to be pulled over - when asked why I was pulled over the officer said, BECAUSE I CAN

Never will respect the police, because as was said before, they have long ago stopped being an asset to the people, they are just the tool of the power hungry elite.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:02 AM
The Global Revolution is Upon Us!
the police state is real ...the arab and african states we are fighting in the name of democracy have more freedom then we do,were we are all told it's for our own protection.

the OP video is just a clear example of the state putting it's foot firmly in your face....
letting you know who the boss is.

were all living in a televised illusion.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by fordrew

Guess those cops did not get their blow job that day...... loooooozers is what they are....... and they ask why do people shoot cops.... thats why.....

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:07 AM
Back talkin and thuggin. What do you expect ? I cant stand most law enforcement but good job NYPD.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Bureaucrats do not produce/contribute anything of real value in our society, other than thousands of laws to extract money from those that do.

One cannot "assume" anything written in Legalese. We would need to see the actual definition of Interference in context and relation to the law/statute cited in order to determine how the accused individuals actions constituted "Interference" and/or "Obstruction" of the LEO's ability to perform his duty.

Unfortunately LEO are rewarded by how many payees they bring into the system whether the payee has committed an actual crime or not. That's for the courts to decide and the subsequent fines/payments IMA.

In this case the Bicycle rider's ticket was superseded by more potential brownie points acquired by trumped up charges upon the outspoken individual. The LEO gets his arrest and brownie points towards his next promotion for the day !

Ka-Ching !

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:25 AM
The great American revolution is coming

Civil war is the only answer that I see from this, tyrannical police will not exist like this forever, this is just a dark part of humanities history, where we are all monetary slaves and they are our sheep dogs.

I myself, will be preparing for said day.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Yeah, I am so sure there isn't more this story than is shown in this little video...
Everyone hates the Police till they need them. I love my freedom just as much as anyone else, and yes, there are plenty of "bad cops", but there are just as many who do their job because they want to make a positive difference. Anyone who out right yells, "F#$% the Police!" is a child. Don't do anything wrong and don't mess with them and your good to go. If this fool would have just shown his ID, said "Whoops, sorry officer." he probably would have been able to carry on with his day. I have been "hassled" by the Police when I was younger because I thought I hot sh$%, and I thought I could do anything. But once I figured out that if you get pulled up, just do what they ask you and not act like a jerk they will leave you be because they don't want to do all the paperwork most of the time. So in other words, don't start trouble, their won't be trouble. And before anyone else says, "Oh he has the right to say what he wants!", yeah, he sure does but anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows not to mess with the Police. While I agree that authority needs to be challenged once in awhile to keep it in check, this isn't a case of that. This was an argument that went completely the wrong way and could have been over in 5 minutes just by doing what was asked and not trying to walk through the Police. My father was a 40 year veteran of the Baltimore City Fire Department and as a result I obviously got to know tons of fire fighters, but also tons of Police. Like I said, there are good and bad cops, I have met and talked with both. And regarding this type of scenario, I know they would agree.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:27 AM

You better give the cops, or any official for that metter, a SIEG HEIL!! if you want to keep your "freedom" to keep walking.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by watchitburn

that's bs,,,being black...the cop that had the problem was black...please take your racist crap elsewhere...
btw....cops are power matter what color they are....

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