posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:49 AM
Be very careful about installing a camera or recording device into somebody else's home. If she or someone else discovers the device you could make
matters much, much worse and possibly lose what remaining access to your child that you have. Even if she commits a major felony on tape, that
evidence could be considered inadmissable because you committed a crime to get it, so to speak. It may get child services involved and you both end
up losing custody.
Given the dramatic change in personality, it does sound as though she has post-natal depression. Have you tried getting support from her family to
get that problem addressed, in a supportive way? An earlier poster suggested that helping the mother may be the better solution, and most definately
in the long term. Perhaps, if she wasn't so threatened by the implication that if she admits to having a problem she may lose her child, or be
deemed a bad mother, she may be amenable to getting the help she clearly needs. Try not to back her even further into a corner, for your child's
sake if not her's. Sometimes, in these situations, we have to bite our tongues and remember that we are the adults and should behave as such. And,
believe me, I know only too well how difficult that can be, even the grand-parents of my child are in denial of their child's problem and
therefore oblivious to my concerns. But none of it is easy, you know that. Just be careful and mindful of who comes first and has no choice in all