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ALARMING: 63 percent of people killed in Iraq war were civilians

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posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Dock9
Only 63%

I suspect that's a deliberately conservative estimate, don't you ?

I also imagined everyone, Americans included, were aware of the unjustified slaughter of civilians, all the way through ?

Did people imagine those being killed were 'insurgents' -- i.e. Iraqis simply trying to defend themselves against foreign invaders with no justification for being in Iraq to begin with, let alone just cause to murder the people while chewing gum and raping their children ?

It's going to return like a boomerang, sometime down the line. The US administration has endangered its citizens. And if truth be told, there aren't too many people, anywhere in the world, who don't believe the US has it coming. Just as most believe those responsible for the carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc., will escape to luxury bunkers, leaving the US citizenry to suffer when the world takes revenge

You make an interesting point, Dock.

I see people who vehemently deny the statistics because they are somehow an insult to them (but it's not their fault). And then I see others who claim insurgents are just civilians that defend themselves.

I think when you consider this point of view, you can easily see the world from their perspective, and things are WAY more complicated than good guy / bad guy.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Not really a good point in the Iraq war oh wait i mean kinetic military action we don't go to war anymore. An insurgent was defined as anyone who shoots at you. If a civilian shoots at you hes no longer a civilian he becomes an enemy combatant. This is that age old rule live by the sword die by the sword. If you shoot expect someone to shoot back.In urban warfare when these fights break out bullets dont just stop they go through walls and those bullets dont discriminate if the person in the building is armed.Now US military tries to restict line of fire as much as possible however the enemy combatant isnt that nice if he kills 10 civilians to kill 1 soldier he doesnt care.

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