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Poll: 4 in 10 Southerners Still Side With Confederacy

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by CaDreamer

Hey my friend I don't kno wwhat your beef is but I id suggest don' taggravate a southener if you think you can make a debate bring it on if not except criticising the south then" I will be YOUR huckleberry".

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Juston

The war was not fought over slavery.
Lincoln himself didn't want to end slavery.

As to why 38 percent feel that way - well, I hate generalizations. As a historian, I can look at an event, and see myriad contributing catalysts. So, I apply that same approach to current times, too.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by condition9
reply to post by CaDreamer

Hey my friend I don't kno wwhat your beef is but I id suggest don' taggravate a southener if you think you can make a debate bring it on if not except criticising the south then" I will be YOUR huckleberry".

huh? now your a small fruit?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by CaDreamer

Fighting for what u believe in over your family and rights that fed and govt screwed the southeners with____ not somebody's dam slavery or black issues!!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:46 PM
if you think the average southern combatant was a slave owner
you are mistaken
take a look sometime at who ran and profited from the slave trade
( hint same bunch / country as are considered to be the biggest white slave traders today...
you know the country caught along with Dyncorps..the US weapons supplyier...)

the slaves were competion to the average man on the land.
and the racist thing...?
take a good look at any christan western eastern muslim buddist jewish communist/ facist/ socialist country
racism is rampant

edit on 13-4-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Talking about "divide and conquer" in this thread...

Mission accomplished for whoever came up with the idea.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Juston

The Civil War was and has always been far, far, far more complicated than common myth and history has portrayed it to be. The myriad layers of economic, social, cultural, agricultural, and historical reasons are usually oversimplified into simple terms of slavery and rebellion. Having been all through the South, and having a sister and other relatives in Alabama, and a lot of friends down there over the years, I have to get a dig in though. The average IQ in the South is 91.4 according to this chart 7&w=800&sz=27&tbnid=oRSRgIpqRCf_2M:&tbnh=82&tbnw=143&prev=/search%3Fq%3Daverage%2Biq%2Bby%2Bstate%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=average+iq+by+state& hl=en&usg=__h16yvPkUYTCDR3WVBkdo-bdE7xM=&sa=X&ei=t12mTZrBJYzQsAPun-X5DA&sqi=2&ved=0CC8Q9QEwBA

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by CaDreamer

No I am a blue berry lol!!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Hey wanna start something? P ick on a sothern man lol!!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

No idea or motives.

From my O.P.

Originally posted by Juston
Perhaps there are some ATS members who fall into that percentage who can, in a civil manner, shed some light on the subject for me.

There was some civility and genuinely good insight here and there.

I suppose I should have know it might deteriorate at some point.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by jaxnmarko

I have to tell you between the knowledge and talent amongst all men in the south it would shake this world AND I am no tkidding but we are suppressesd----- childre n including the blacks they don't even know how to shake hands like men anymore!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by condition9

lol my whole family is southern...i am not its cool.

and to dude with the hate flag avatar...

BTW never said that that the average "southern combatant" was a slave owner... I said where plantations where the greatest there was a strong correlation towards support for secession.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:59 PM
did you get a lot of cracker jacks with that high school diploma?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:02 PM
I wish I could raise a flag for all of us bcause ELVIS and jesse and many others knowing the world in the state we are all in when men actually fought now we are pusssies I cannot believe someone wants to rain on the south while they are in comfort allowing th b.s. happen to RAIN on us everyday LONG PRAISE THE SOUTH 11111111

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:03 PM
what really doomed the south, really really wasn't slavery actually, it really was a dying cancer in 1861, it was the invention of the cotton Gin by Eli Whitney in 1794. that damn near bankrupted the south and drove em to desperation.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Juston

I really, honestly wonder as to why 38 percent sympathize with the Confederacy. Is it pride? Racism? Ignorance? I'm not saying that they have no right, rather I'm just curious. I was born and raised in "the south" and I think I already know the answer, only based on my experiences however. But if that number is correct...well...I dont know. It is terribly hard to pass judgement without knowing why. Perhaps there are some ATS members who fall into that percentage who can, in a civil manner, shed some light on the subject for me.

Yes, I am proud of my southern heritage just as many are proud of their own from other areas. But no, that doesn't include those evils that the Confederacy is most often noted for.

Here in the US, we have this horribly myopic approach when it comes to the subject of the Civil War. That is to say, all we see is what is politically popular; the the south was entirely about slavery and that the war was fought solely on that premise. So people who feel as I do who then also want to approach the subject, are almost always labeled as ignorant racists.

No nation... no people are without sin. Historically, every country on Earth has at least one skeleton in the closet. For those in the US southeast, it is just convenient on so many levels, to hold the conversation in chains.


A good part of that war was fought against the bankers and industrialists... and an overbearing, intrusive central government in Washington. All it takes is one good look around today to see why. Only the smallest fraction of southerners owned slaves and most of those who fought for the Confederacy were dirt poor farmers who had never even seen a slave in person.

So let me close with this; slavery was, is and will forever be wrong. Period. There are no excuses for this horrible sin.

The subject is deeper and broader than just slavery, though. Just be careful when you try and talk about it in public. Unless you stereotype the people of the US south as being ignorant, racist rednecks, you yourself might be tagged as just that.


edit on 13-4-2011 by redoubt because: Typos

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by CaDreamer

Dud if you want to address me that way ; I don't know jack s## about your family= But I can tell you this I am sothern CHATTANOOGA BORN AND BRED -m I Fought with big knives on city buse when martin luther king was killed who do u think u are talking to about the south??LOL

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by CaDreamer

I will be yor huckleberry bring it on you do not have the knowledge or history I have on tenn. and southern states and the history ! You can bet I will challenge you on debate here because I know the history fought it worked with Elvis and moe bring it on!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Juston

There are always a few racist people no matter where you go. I think that's some of the reason, but to be honest I don't really have an opinion on "siding" with the Confederacy or not. It happened in the past. I think slavery was ridiculous and that's the extent of my opinion. You can't change the past, just like you can't change how ignorant super-racist rednecks can be around here.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by tmar11

DOES This apply to the illuminati as well?

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