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6 Year Old Girl groped by New Orleans TSA.This Has To Stop...

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 08:59 AM
Clearly the purpose of this is to indoctrinate the children. That little girl will grow up thinking "this is the way things are done." She will not question this activity and will see it as normal.

Normal. Sick, fascist, tyrannical and evil - now "normal."


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:04 AM
New Airline started: OWO Air (Old World Order).

- Just basic metal detector security. (purchasing a ticket you agree to this added "risk")
- No extra charges for anything, except alcohol during flights (1 carry on and 2 luggage each)
- ALL of our employees will be intelligent, courteous and will be required to have an IQ greater than their age, thus eliminated the vast majority of TSA.
- any delay greater than 30 minutes will result in a 10% discount for each hour.
- It will cost 25% more than any other airline
- Will refuse to gather with the other airlines to fix pricing and/or other unconstitutional "policies"

If it were possible to even exist, I would fly this airline every time, and I suspect quite a few others might as well. I don't believe sacrificing dignity or hard won rights is worth the illusion of added "security". Most don't actually, but our government and the sold out media convince enough unthinking sheeple that they need not question their government and just take it.

It's not only the mid-east that needs a revolution to get their country back.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:05 AM
I agree with the poster who mentioned conditioning.

The young girl did not look like a obvious security threat, there was no reason to torment her and feel her up

If someone did this on the street they would be rightfully locked away, a cereal carton badge with "TSA" written on it is no excuses to go around molesting children.

It makes me sick even watching this, the TSA are whatever agency the call them selves has no right to do this.
They are no longer "serving and protecting" but rather neglecting there powers.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:06 AM
it is clear that this type of violation is an aspect of social conditioning employed to get the full traction and effect from the aftermath of the 911 false flag event

it is things like this that should make people consider using their travel dollars elsewhere, when the control freak ghouls in the US govt, england and israel stop committing false flag massmurder together then the people should engage the infrastructure of travel, entertainment, industrial food and the military again ..... for those with a modicum of common sense and service to ones own self interest safety and dignity, it would be best to stay away from economic relationships of this dangerous and bloodthirsty fascist beast ,

if you will not "buy" it , it will not exist ......................... period

america has cancer
edit on 11-4-2011 by donotinducevomiting because: spelling

edit on 11-4-2011 by donotinducevomiting because: spelling again

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by i am just saying

government solve everything for you much?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by verylowfrequency

Sorry Im form the UK and are TSA airport security or like a security/police who operate in other areas in America? It just seems that they are really hated in general. To be honest I dont like airport security, but its not that bad is it!?!? Maybe over there its a lot different, but I go to the States fairly often and being a rocker who doesn't dress down much at all for flights I always expect to be targeted by airport security, but haven't had any problems yet. My Dad and Uncle have had a few bad stories, but they travel constantly. I just don't get why they are hated so much in general (not just this incident) Can someone explain please?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by phantom150

Sorry but this is being exagerated a lot, how was she being tormented or felt up? Did you watch the video? I don't get how people say the girl was groped when she clearly wasn't, she just received a pat down and where it is a bit OTT on a kid its by no means the end of the world or molestation for gods sake. It seems to me that everyone hates the TSA in the US for whatever reason and they are trying to exagerate this incident to make it appear worse than it is. It was a pat down and clearly the child was not molested of groped at all, the child probably forgot about it 30 seconds later. You can't call this 'tormenting' her at all. Kids as well see the adults getting patted down so its not like she's been singled out of a whole group on her own.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:18 AM
I agree with Celente we need to physically stop this with force. To bad The masses are so bleeping tamed that we'll just sit back and watch hpeing it doesn't happen to them. I can't do it alone so if anyone is ready to stop these freaks let me know.WE need the masses to wake the "F" UP NOW!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:18 AM
As a father of two daughters I can tell you right now that NO ONE would ever be touching my girls like that in my presence. It is ridiculous and disgusting to say the least that this is allowed!
I definitely will not be flying with my family anytime soon, and would never subject my loved ones to this!
edit on 4/11/2011 by FoJAk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:19 AM
I understand the frustration...sort of.

I just traveled abroad and when we got back the entire line of people were forced to go through the back scatter machine. I was the only one (and I forced my wife) to NOT go through it and opt out. I did it for two reasons. What if the hype about the dangers of the back scatter is true...and I wanted to see just how aggressive the pat down is.

I'm pretty laid back so getting "aggressively" patted down doesn't bug me.

So here's the wasn't that bad. The guy that did it would repeatedly warn me before he got near sensitive areas and he handled it with grace. No one, and I mean no one, acted like I was a terrorist for wanted to opt out of the back scatter. In fact, to be honest, I was treated with respect and as much dignity as possible.

So here's the other deal...and I know so many of you will be bothered by this just because of the nature of this wasn't bad for my wife either. I watched it happen and it was respectful and no big deal. I know this is hard to hear for some of you, but I honestly even felt a little safer knowing this was happening.

The final nail in the coffin for you that are already getting ready to reply to my words and call me a shill or a disinfo agent is this: I have a 2 year old son and him getting patted down would not bother me.

Sure, it's sad and sometimes wrenching to see this children on these videos crying and saying they don't like it...but then again my kid does that (even worse in fact) when I tell him it's night night time. A kid saying he/she doesn't like something doesn't necessarily mean something "wrong" is happening to them. In the same way that shoes are accepted as a requirement for my son to go outside, getting patted down can be a requirement for us to fly anywhere.

Rewatch the video. There was no groping. The woman wasn't making sexual noises of pleasure as she patted the kid down. This was done professionally. To sensationalize it by calling it groping virtually makes you the same type of "journalist" that all of us hate.

Here's my assumption: Most of you that are freaking out over being aggressively patted down have NEVER experienced it or even seen it first hand. I'm also going to step out on a limb and say a lot of the people freaking out over their child being frisked probably don't have kids.

Listen, before you hate me, I understand that this site is primarily here to talk about conspiracy and "truth" and normally I'm all for protesting the government's actions....but let's be fair about it. This is not groping and if you have experienced it yourself then you know that for a fact.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:20 AM
a lot of people use kids to smuggle drugs,she wasnt searching for a bomb lol

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Clavicula

Yes, not checking the child at all would be perfectly fine.

I disagree, and I do not want to fly in such a plane just because some overly sensitive parent has a problem with simple search.

I seriously do not get what is wrong here. All arguments presented are either blatant slippery slope logical fallacies, or unsubstantiated comparing of professionally and correctly done search to molestation by pedophiles (what?

Children can be used for dangerous attack or smuggling, too.

For everyone: if you dont want your child to be searched, use private jets, please. That is all.

edit on 11/4/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:28 AM
How could a mom watch her daughter be violated like this? WAKE UP! We don't have to live like this, we have the power to make a change. I completely agree with the pissed off canadian, lol.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:30 AM
i love reading posts to ats threads like this , especially this nonsense of defending the indefensible , i made my comment above with its pointed and direct criticisms just to see what would come crawling out of the woodwork

and within 10 minute s appears testimonials as to how this is all ok and no big deal , not only does anerica have cancer, but ats and its legion of thought police are a maglinancy too

your are all so laughingly transparent, are you glassy eyed creatures paid by the word or the post

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by clintdelicious

I'm referring to multiple experiences with TSA, this isn't the first time they have done stuff like this.
There was threads of them physically tugging on things they shouldn't and calling it "enhanced screening".

The last time I went to the US I got "enhanced screened" its more then a pat down, it was as if they were trying to find something on me.

Here in aussi they just walk us through the metal detector and xray our bags, sometimes they go over your pockets with a wand to check drugs or explosive fragments.

I'm sick of getting treated "guilt before innocent" and like a criminal, soon they will be rolling this out in supermarkets...."for your safety"

Why can't they just use a wand, it should do the job. There is no reason to xray, touch innocent children

This is only my opinion though

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by FoJAk

Yea but you wouldn't be so mad when they pat your wife/partner down though so whys it so different? You can molest an adult just like a child and believe it or not it is possible to touch a child without molesting them as the vast majority of people are not child abusers

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
This is absurd....maaaaybe if someone plants a bomb on their child and blows up a plane can they justify this but I, for one, would take that risk until it happens. IF it were to happen then I am sure that it would be perpetrated by a muslim intent on martyrdom for themselves and their family. IF you want to prevent that a priori then profiling people based on their mid east heritage and muslim faith (if can be ascertained) would be more effective than putting little kids thru this. In my humble opinion this is training people to be submissive. Where will it stop...when we have to completely disrobe and put our clothes in a basket and then go thru the scanners or submit to a body cavity search??
edit on 11-4-2011 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

Sure. Reactive responses are always the best way to go.

Do you believe in ANY preventative measures? No helmets, no seatbelts, no air bags, no smoke detectors.

So the solution is to only target people with dark skin? Wow. Or I guess we could just ask each person their religion before boarding the plane. Sounds like a fantastic plan. "Are you muslim? Cause you have to tell me if you are...isn't that how this works?"

Listen, do I hate the security checkpoints and stress that comes along with it? Yes. Is the solution to just open the flood gates and have a reactionary strategy to terrorism? No.

Instead of just complaining or coming up with racist/single out one religion way of doing things attempt to come up with a better solution.

Conditioning? I think this kid will get enough conditioning from her future pop star gone bad obsession...whoever that may be someday.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Caji316

Here Here! I agree with every single word! And I too am sick and tired of of the go along to get along type menality!!!

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Maslo

Children can be used for dangerous attack or smuggling, too.

And they call me paranoid.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by clintdelicious

Hell yes I would! That is why I said my "family". That pretty much includes my wife. This is all just a process of conditioning and getting you to accept giving up your rights. Your response shows me that you are already doing so in accepting this as your reality. Enjoy.


the vast majority of people are not child abusers

That doesn't make it alright for a stranger to touch every inch of my child's body.
edit on 4/11/2011 by FoJAk because: (no reason given)

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