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Guddafi agrees to end conflict

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by heyJude

The CIA is going to implant a mafioso puppet government to control the oil.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousmindsWell, since the US gets about 1% of their oil from Libya, I don't really think it matters.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:02 PM
This will not do. We need more chaos to keep oil prices unreasonably high. Hmmm, maybe if the rebels are led by Al Qaeda we can achieve the desired goals.

(Just thought I'd channel my inner elitist).

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:04 PM
For the first time ive ever been at ATS i really just want to ignore this thread.
It seems everyone here is speaking to each other like immature babies.
Doesnt ATS pride itself on the high level of interaction?
No doubt im guilty of it in the past too about things im passionate about, but it just seems people on this thread are snapping and being rude to people for no reason...

.. its as if some of you are trying to be-little the others because they dont agree with you, and make them feel dumb.

Poor form for ATS and its users.


posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by boondock-saint

The only way to store enough Hydrogen is to use a substance they only use in nuclear bombs.

you do not store the hydrogen.
It is used directly upon separation
and flushed into the carburetor.
Basically, on the fly
Only the water is stored in large quantity
and that is not flammable or combustible.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:09 PM
NATO Ruled Out A Military Solution In Libya but Gaddafi has attacked shell at Ajdabiya.

Not only the rebels in Libya must withdraw from the superior forces of the despot Muammar al-Gaddafi, again and again. NATO has a long-term future of the country.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by SLAYER69

Why is our government spending trillions on wars when its people are suffering the worst economic down turn since the great depression?

That money could have done a lot to fund health care.........etc.

An off topic reply.

Why that sounds like a great thread. You should write one about it.

However this thread is about Qaddafi tossing in the towel and how everyone here at ATS are falling all over themselves theorizing about how everybody from the Anti-Christ, Al-queda, Big Bankers, the local PTA and my Cousin Vinny's toothless arthritic grandma might step in and take control of the Libyan oil.

I put my money on Grandma over Al-Queda

edit on 10-4-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Hmm, yeah ok that sounds plausible with the tbonds and investments.
But Israel?

I cant see any of these nations attacking Israel, especially when they are having such a hard-time coping with the rebels, let alone a nuclear nation.

I think all this talk of nations attacking Israel isn’t going to occur unless all major western forces are bogged / down somewhere in a significant battle.
I mean, if Syria, Iran, Egypt... all these sort of nations just hit Israel... well, the gloves would come off. Technological warfare, a couple of tactical nukes on tank columns and bases... and all of a sudden wars over.

Economically, I can see how the US would want to remove Gaddafi, but if the rebels offer the same terms why would they need too ?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

I think when people rise up against family held rulings that democratic nations must back them. Families ruling over nations should have faded into the history books, just like the English Royal family did.

Then why are we not supporting those rising up against the House of Saud?

The opposition is expecting at least 20,000 Saudis to gather in Riyadh and in the Shia Muslim provinces of the north-east of the country in six days, to demand an end to corruption and, if necessary, the overthrow of the House of Saud. Saudi security forces have deployed troops and armed police across the Qatif area – where most of Saudi Arabia's Shia Muslims live – and yesterday would-be protesters circulated photographs of armoured vehicles and buses of the state-security police on a highway near the port city of Dammam.

We are not helping the Saudi's cast off their oppressive family run dictatorship. Why? Because they are totally compliant with big oil.

I have no problem with the idea of helping people who need help. I really dont. If we can afford it, (and right now, we really dont have the money to spend,) and if the majority of the people really want help. I am not for the US intervening to overturn legitimate, (supported by the majority) governments. Its not my job to decide if they should be democracies. Its the people of those nations right to choose.

The problem I have with what we are doing in Libya is that I do not believe we are legitimately acting on behalf the majority of the people. The reason the "allies" intervened was because the government was easily putting down the rebels, as they were the minority.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:29 PM
a lot of people do not understand
that Al Queda and Muslim Brotherhood
how they are funded and where their
loyalties lie. That will tell you a lot.

Al Queda and Muslim Brotherhood
are both funded and supported by
several prominent elite organizations.

Saudi Royals (through Saudi Charities)
Rothschilds (through off-shore banks, money laundering)
CIA (through training, intel and arms support, Military Industrial Complex)
Soros NGO's (organization, mass media and public relations)

Now why would all these organizations
come together for a common cause?

Money !!!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

The opposition is expecting at least 20,000 Saudis to gather in Riyadh and in the Shia Muslim provinces of the north-east of the country in six days, to demand an end to corruption and....

We are not helping the Saudi's cast off their oppressive family run dictatorship. Why?

I have no problem with the idea of helping people who need help. I really dont.... and if the majority of the people really want help. I am not for the US intervening to overturn legitimate, (supported by the majority) governments.

Can I ask you a question?

Saudi Arabia has 25,391,100 people. Are you saying because YOU and a few others here believe the Saudi family to be oppressive that we should step in and help the Majority excuse me I mean the obvious Minority numbering around 20,000 out of 25,391,100 people to over throw their Legitimate Government?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

No doubt.. Saudi arabia should be one of the first places we help.
But, its so big, so difficult and such a hot bed that it wouldnt be as simple as a few airstrikes to help the people.

Dont get me wrong, we definately should be focusing on Saudi, but it would be a much larger involvement, one that would cost a lot of lives and $$$.

And your right, we're helping the rebels because Gaddafi's jets and tanks were going to rout them in a matter of weeks. Which is why I think we made the right move in knocking out his airforces and dropping bombs on tanks when we can. We dont win the war for the rebels but we take away Gaddafi's uunfair advantage.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
reply to post by heyJude

The CIA is going to implant a mafioso puppet government to control the oil.

That doesn't seem very efficient.

Since they already had one of those in Gaddaffi.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:51 PM
[I]reply to post by SLAYER69

But is the Saudi family legitimate?
I always thought they were a ruling elite, but to be honest I never really read up on it.

Saudi will never be touched by the west, purely because they are the largest oil nation on the planet and they love US $$$, weaponry and the guarantee that the west will look the other way in regards to all things Saudi.

And in return, the Saudi's keep the pumps open, allow the US use of their land, and provide the US visiting officials with a absolutely awesome time in the palaces with the drugs, hookers and sweet oil contracts.

Saudi's really playing the best deal, one one hand they have this massive home grown anti-western base, on the other they have the west in their pockets.

In a perfect world, a world where leaders statements actually meant something, the US would have removed the Saudi's along time ago, helped a populace driven government to form then let the government use its oil to gain money for infastructure, thus allowing the Saudi's to set their own oil price.

Unfortunately, this isn't the case

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

The terrorists who attacked us on 9-11? Saudis. We used that attack as an excuse to attack Iraq. But the terrorists actually came from .................................Saudi Arabia.

Osama bin Laden? Saudi.

There is not good reason for us NOT to be attacking Saudi Arabia, except for the fact that they are utterly compliant with big oil.

Im just opposed to the endless lying. We are not intervening in Libya because we care about his people.

We did not attack Iraq because of 9-11. We are not in Afghanistan to save the people from the Taliban.

All the money we are spending, money that is running American into outrageous debt, and destroying our country, is being spent to further the economic goals of the rich people who have bought off our politicians. Not to help the people, not to secure Americans safety.

I dont like Gaddfi, he means nothing to me. But America does. More of our tax dollars are being dumped into the middle east for a cause that will help neither my countrymen and women, nor the majority of the Libyans. But I guarantee you it will make some rich guy richer somewhere.

Edit to add,

And you make a big deal of the NUMBER of Saudis who were rebelling, do YOU know the number or percentage of actual Libyan citizens, (not imports) who were rebelling in Libya? I asked another member and got no answer, just accused of being hostile for even asking.

But i have never seen or heard a solid percentage of the Libyan people who wanted this revolution. Im very curious as to what the numbers actually are. All i DO know is that the Libyan government had a LOT of supporters, with all their green flag waving gatherings, and Libya was very easily putting the rebels down with almost no effort, which is why we had to step in. There were not enough rebels to do the job.

edit on 10-4-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
That doesn't seem very efficient.
Since they already had one of those in Gaddaffi.

Gadaffi went rogue,
he wanted a bigger piece of the pie
than he was allowed to have by TPTB.

You do not blackmail the UN and the
Rothschilds and expect to remain in power.

Gadaffi was holding down oil production
intentionally so TPTB would succumb to his
wishes. He then was added to the endangered
species list.

And the goal of the UN here is regime change
at any costs.

Gadaffi knows this IMO

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Now if this Lybia thing is over will the MSN start hyping the little tuffel taking place in Syria , I smell another no fly zone coming .

Seems Only fitting , no ? Seeing how they have all the toys in place it would be a waist to just bring them home . And besides all that , haven't we been just looking for a way to piss off Iran ?

As for Guddafi " agreeing to end the conflict " , I don't think it's up to him , is it ? Well , guess he could always do the old bullet in the head trick .

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:22 PM
Awe , Saudi Arabia ....

Seems they have been " playing us " just about as long as we have " been playing them " .

" We " might not be going for Saudi Arabia right now , but buy the time " we " are done taking out all the other relevant ME nations I would bet that we do turn our attention to our " good friends " , the Saudis .

If we don't , it would be a huge turn about with our ME policy , taking out " friends " who are in power , once there usefulness is spent .

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
Edit to add,

And you make a big deal of the NUMBER of Saudis who were rebelling, do YOU know the number or percentage of actual Libyan citizens, (not imports) who were rebelling in Libya? I asked another member and got no answer, just accused of being hostile for even asking.

I wasnt going to answer and let you vent.
Everybody has that right in a Free Country to vent but you Edited to Add,,,,

Let's now extrapolate that argument further.

Should we get envolved over in Iran? There were a hell of a lot more people in the streets than possibly 20,000 mentioned in some article.

We all witnessed that.

And if not then why not?

Is it because the Legitimate Government of Iran has a right to be oppressive and should be able to crush a much larger uprising because they are viewed as resisting the West? By your logic we should interfere with almost half the middle East because the "Majority wish it"

Then we find ourselves back in the position of being the world police. But this time it's ok becuase You and some others here feel Saudi Arabia is oppressive.


posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

The Saudi family has been the legitimate power in Saudi Arabia going back quite a while. How far back do you wish to go?

[atsimg][/atsimg]King Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud) confers with the then President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, on a cruiser in the Suez Canal, 15 Feb 1945

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