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Scientists Bringing Dinosaurs Back To Life! Will They Succeed?

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by tncryptogal

Are some breeds more violent by nature than others?
The chickens that we had were smaller breed.. Bantys i think they were called. We werent really on a farm, just a (then) small suburb of Dallas with a fairly large back yard.
My brother was big in FFA,so he always had a sheep or something back there. We even had a shetland pony at one time until the old man next door reported us for code violations.
Was great having the sheep though, they ate all the grass, which left less that I had to mow

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by searching4truth
I found it very interesting that there were human remains discovered buried with dinosaur remains. Anyone have a link to that? I've always wondered it that's where the dragon myths came from, very cool.

Here's what purportedly shows a man's footprint together with a dino's track...

We can say the age of this footprint is not 5 or 10, but at least 150 million years old. It is 26cm long, that is Russian size 43 EEE [9.5 American], and we consider that whoever left the footprint was taller than we are...this would create a revolution in the science of man." (Amanniyazov, Kurban, Science in the USSR T 986, "Old Friends Dinosaurs," p. 103-107.)

Either humans lived 150 million years ago or these prints are no more than a hundred thousand years or so which means the dinos didn't die out 65 million years ago as scientists suggest! In both cases this is incredible!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Here's a dinosaur dna/soft tissue thread I know of:

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:28 PM
This whole thing gives me a very bad feeling.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 04:11 PM
This would be great. Bring im back. Survival of the fittest. A few thousand t rexs in china will bring down there population.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 04:13 PM
i bet they all die off ...
with my luck I'll get eaten first
edit on 10-4-2011 by pleasetryagain because: turtle liking

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Hope they do this sooner than later.

Wonder what Dino taste like???

The other other other white meat!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:22 PM
I watched a show on history or something like that, where they were either talking about doing it, (but i think they actually did) but they implanted something or other into an emu egg, and the embryo started to form like a dino. i think they "turned genes on"? im looking for the article or better yet video. if anyone knows where it is can you please link me

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:23 PM
Yay let's bring back the dinosaurs !

Man is sooo stupid sometimes, if this thing ran away with itself it could take us out, I don't think the problem is philosophical in nature, as if they were to be re-animated so to speak, we won't be around long to debate the implications of our greed.

Good find OP, as much as it would be lovely to see them, I value the preservation of human life a little more, this is akin to pandora's box, and we know that bad boy must never be opened

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:24 PM
Only one thing makes me curious about this topic.
How do dinosaurs taste like? Nom nom nom

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

dinosaurs and man... 2 species separated by 65 million years of evolution, have suddenly been thrown into the mix together. how can anyone have the slightest idea... what to expect...

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Would be cool to see but not a smart idea. As Ian Malcolm always brought up Murphy's Law; anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:51 PM
My own feeling is since this was on TV that black ops or some underground operation has already been doing this and if they have succeeded they would not be for a Zoo. Just a Feeling that when The Sh_t Hits the Fan and the ELITES Run to the Bunkers how nice it would be to assist in De Population to Release these things to Speed up the Process. Just a Hypothetical.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:06 PM
Kind of skeptical, only because most things here have been a huge letdown. I'll keep an eye on it though, but I won't jump the gun.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Sounds awesome yet something out of the movies.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:20 PM
isnt the oxygen level keeping them from making dinosaurs that are the same size as they were represented in Jurassic park.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:26 PM
Lol, another thing came to my mind regarding dinosaurs.

I can imagine new fast food brand opening all over the world. McDino

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:27 PM
Personally I don't think they all went extinct 65 million years ago.

All the tales of Knights slaughtering dragons and such where probably left over dinosaurs that somehow survived.

Not to mention all the megalithic structures in the not so distant past, maybe they were constructed to keep out extra large predators like dinosaurs.

Hell there might even be some around today, I wouldn't rule out Plesiosaurs.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:43 PM
YAY! lets cause unknown genetic disease/mutations,unneeded suffering in an extinct species!..I bet a few lucky ones will only be brought to life for a few minutes then cut wide open to see how everything that's going on inside of them looks and works then rinse & repeat!
Who needs the Chinese-Crescent-Labor-Doodles & those fat lazy crippled munchkin cats
when you can have a dino?!

Anything for the humans enlightenment ::cough::entertainment::cough:: right?
Not like there's anything special unique or undiscovered left on the earth for us to destroy and tinker with.

There's been claims of this going to happen for awhile now, nothing has ever come of it and hopefully nothing ever comes from this.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

Originally posted by searching4truth
I found it very interesting that there were human remains discovered buried with dinosaur remains. Anyone have a link to that? I've always wondered it that's where the dragon myths came from, very cool.

Here's what purportedly shows a man's footprint together with a dino's track...

We can say the age of this footprint is not 5 or 10, but at least 150 million years old. It is 26cm long, that is Russian size 43 EEE [9.5 American], and we consider that whoever left the footprint was taller than we are...this would create a revolution in the science of man." (Amanniyazov, Kurban, Science in the USSR T 986, "Old Friends Dinosaurs," p. 103-107.)

Either humans lived 150 million years ago or these prints are no more than a hundred thousand years or so which means the dinos didn't die out 65 million years ago as scientists suggest! In both cases this is incredible!

When giants roamed the earth?

I would say that the Russian who said; 'whoever left the footprint was taller than we are' made the understatement of the century! Those footprints are of 'biblical' proportions!

Cloning dinosaurs would be cruel. Conditions on earth are not as they were. There was a time that not only more abundant oxygen but density and gravity were not as we know it either. Earth experienced incredible lightness of being compared to today. In the ancient artworks depicting dinosaur hunts, the people are proportionately larger than we are, as evidenced in the graphic earlier in the Thread.

Also, using chicken dna in the cloning process could produce very aggressive beasts. Cockerels and roosters are aggressive animals, that's why aggressive men who like a bit of violence and making money set up cock fights such as the World Slasher Derby.

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