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Whistle-blower Gets $4.5 Million Award From IRS

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Actually the problem is I do understand, and if you reread my post I said the tax code itself is the problem because it is written for the wealthy and corporations. Cheaters cheat because they know the system is skewed toasted benifiting the rich. I would have no problem paying into a system that was fair to all.
Also,, you speak like there is tons of time to "work through" and within this broken system.
You really do believe 'Illusions are grander'??

This broke system needs to be scrapped

There is no repair for such a one-sided fixture.
The revolution will start without you

Sad sad sad

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

I actually very aware how late the hour is, and how far we have let things slide.

I am not for revolution in the US, however. In addition to the simple truth that we have not even tried to consciously use the democracy in place to reform said democracy, I do not believe revolution will bring about any good outcomes for the United States or her people.

And I will say, I am very suspicious of those who call for revolt against our government, especially during a time when it seems rather clear that revolution is being incited in many Mid East countries, and staged in Libya. So let the "revolution" begin without me. I suspect the very corporatists we are discussing as infiltrating our government to be the very people planting the idea of revolt here, and around the world.

Its so much faster to get the people to foolishly topple their own governments so you can take over than the slow process of eroding the democracy court case after court case, and the globalists are drunk with success right now. They no longer want to wait.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I actually agree with you on some points you make here, so try not to take offense, none was meant,, (I was writing on an IPOD when I wrote my terse statements) I did not clarify much by throwing out the "revolution" word. My Apologies. In all fairness, our form of government has tried the slow method, and has been stuck for some time. 9/11 should have been the time we as a nation came together to produce Global Change for Good,, but sadly,,,, it went into the Alternate Universe we all reside in today.
Sidelined by special interest, Pork and such, our government is the laughing stock of the world today.
Now,, I am not sure if your use of the word is the same as what I would take it to mean, but when you said "Consciously" I listened.
The Revolution,, really is about this being a process of Conscious Change. Again, the issue is things are speed up at the moment,, and they are not going to slow down for us to sit around and pick over, and debate. Since this is the truth, then we must make ourselves ready for Quick Changes as they come,,, and Obama stole a very Honored word,,, with "Change you can believe in" what a farce,, more double speak is all we have gotten,, plus some. Quicker and More drastic Change is NEEDED TO SAVE OUR PLANET.
Revolution,, you sound like you think it a bad thing?
Was our American Revolution in that same category? Who were the "Corporatist" then,,, they were there,, and are the 'hero' of much of our success,, but alas that was another age,, when there was some morality behind those machines of Change. Today,, we have soulless entities on a global scale who love it when some one says,, Go through the courts. Do the time honored way,, and ''my lawyers will bargain with your lawyers"
Do you not realize this is a big part of the problem.
Getting back to the original meaning of this thread, it reminds me of Nazi Germany.
Yes, the corporation in question broke the Law,, which of course is a twisted thing in of itself, being I am sure they could have played the game better,,, 20million is peanuts to these companies... (One is Phizer the Drug Boys)
But, wait,,, reading more about this,, we see that many of the tips are against "Mom and Pop" type businesses,, and Ex Spouses,,,,, unfortunately they will not see a return,,, it is only the "Big Whales" not the Guppies" this "reward" program is For,,,
Hmmmmmm well, I hate to say it,, but I am sure I could back my self up and find that Nazi Germany did much of the same thing to steal from their own countrymen,,,,,, i.e. Jews and other "undesirable' and Unpatriotic tax cheats. What next we will want the children to turn their parents in??
If a system was fair across the board,,, cheats,, and such '''underpayment''' would be a thing of the past,,, but since this IRS game is not about fairness or everyone paying their share,,, it makes sense they would come up with a scam that Pits people against each other in this way,,,,, especially when one waves a $$$Carrott$$$ in front of your face. My point being,,, If we had a system that was uniform across the board,,, FLAT TAX,,, say 10% for all,,,,, EVERYONE WOULD BE HAPPY,,, no big forms,,, could be done on a postcard I am sure.
I could do my own taxes with the help of,,,, No One.... it would be that simple.
Corporations,, don't like this idea,,, because they would have to pay more than ZERO..... hmmmmmm!!
Sounds fair to me
I understand this isn't an issue that really makes people want to Revolt,,, but the problem is we are here,, people are ready to revolt,, and Our leaders are not doing a hell of a lot to stop it.
Your method is not working so,, change will be swift,, and we all will have to work hard to put it together in a new form,,, because Humpty Dumpty,,, when he falls '''all the Kings horses and all the Kings men ,,, couldn't put Humpty together again.
Change need not be violent,,, A Revolution of Consciousness would be a much better thing,,, but
Most are tired of waiting for their ship to come in,,,, while the Elite are using the boat for a private cruise ship.

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