shanti23: Bush claimed to see video of the first plane hitting a tower on 9/11 before entering the classroom in Florida, even though video
of that event was not available until the following day.
donguillermo: Bush claimed to support a �Patient�s Bill of Rights� in Texas, but actually opposed it. (Excellent work! Thanks for
the follow-ups.)
donguillermo: Bush claimed that he would call for a vote on Iraq in the U.N. Security Council �no matter what�, then subsequently
announced he would not call for a vote. (Convincing example and well-documented.)
donguillermo: Bush claimed to have �put the Taliban out of business forever�. The Taliban is still in business. (A rhetorical
flourish, perhaps, but still a lie, and forever is a long time.)
donguillermo: Bush lied about about supporting a �Patient�s Bill of Rights� as president. (I split this out from the next one.
Recognizing the effects of �Google fatigue� (I know it well), anything you can present to clearly illustrate this when your fatigue passes may very
well support a good example of a lie)
donguillermo: Bush claimed in his autobiography that he flew with his Texas Air National Guard unit for �several years� after
completing flight training, when, in fact, he did not. (This is sourced and a good example, just needs a usable link if available, although a book
is itself a pretty valid source, even without a URL. I put this here, but will likely move it into the top list even if URL isn�t nailed down. Good
donguillermo: In 1998, Bush told a reporter that he had not been arrested since 1968, but he was arrested for drunken driving in
1976. (This is dynamite. If this can be sourced, it�s a first-rate example.)
slank: Bush cited an economic forecast as claiming 3.3% economic growth if his tax cut proposal became law even though the forecast did not
consider the effects of such a proposal. (Note: The link you provided points to a political advocacy website. If you are able to locate URLs
for the original source articles, that would be preferable, if not �mandatory�. I may move this up anyway, but �neutral� sources are best.)
slank: Bush claimed to have read a 268-page EPA report on climate change, but did not. (Bush Watch has some good stuff, but we
really need direct sources wherever possible. Just the original Bush quote is probably fine, although a subsequent admission by Bush would nail it.
Worth pursuing, IMO.)
slank: Lied about illegally using EPA funds to promote legislation. (Bush is not an EPA official)
Lies about the dividend tax cut. (Despite convincing reports suggesting otherwise, Karl Rove and Bush are different people.)
donguillermo: Bush claimed economic numbers were �beginning to look better�, even though jobs declined. (A good point, but not
clearly a �Bush lie�. He referred to �the numbers� in regard to �economic security�, but then said �there's still people looking for work�.
Compelling, but still a judgment call.)
slank: Bush claims to have gone to war, but has never gone to war. (This was compelling, but had to be pulled, since Bush has gone to
war as president, think of it what one may.)
slank: Lies about cooked intelligence. (Need public Bush statements showing a lie.)
slank: Lies about war decision. (Need public Bush statements showing a lie.)
koji_K: "I'm a uniter, not a divider." (Ironic, but not a demonstrable lie. Being a �uniter� does not require being good at
slank: Bush lies about recession. (Definitions of recessions and when they begin vary widely and are subjective.)
slank: Bush scares public about aluminum tubes. (Need public Bush statements showing a lie.)
slank: Bush lied about Harken Oil Co. (We don�t know what Bush actually knew. He may indeed not have known.)
Jakomo: Please clarify your allegations, provide source URLs and break them out in separate posts as needed.
loam: Please post a more concise explanation of the lie in question.
The status of anything listed here may be changed depending on additional information.
If you have posted an alleged Bush lie not listed here or wish to correct an entry, please make a concise post with URLs and I will update the list as
I can. Hint: When I scan posts for new allegations, I look for links, so please be sure to include them. All constructive criticism welcome, despite
impressions to the contrary I may have inspired.
Remember: This thread is about �Bush lies�, not �Clinton lies�, partisan politics or flame wars -- however melodramatic -- between me and my
donguillermo (whose talents I admire, whose posts I actually get a kick out of, and so far the most prolific contributor of solid
examples of �Bush lies�). All those things have their proper place, but not here, and I concede that I�m probably the worst offender, but we can still
strive for improvement, and eyyyyyy, I�m workin� on it!
The summary format needs some work, maybe more of an outline-style arrangement, and I�ll see about including supporting URLs in upcoming versions.
Thanks for all your submissions, especially the valid examples submitted so far, and yes, especially
donguillermo�s slam dunks (once expletives
are deleted
) and please keep them coming!
Your humble thread fuehrer,
Herr Majic
Thread Feuhrer; Drama Queen; Uncommon Troll, 3rd Class
�Achtung! Ze Guidelines vill be Observed!�
Godwin's Law FAQ
Edit: More errors than you can shake a flamethrower at.
[edit on 7/27/2004 by Majic]