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Originally posted by edmc^2
Does Genesis 1:1 “fit” the scientific fact of a “beginning”? Evidence says yes.
“All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Scientific evidence show that the universe had a beginning (big bang) – does the Bible agree with this fact? Evidence says yes.
Or how about this way:
The Bible says that the “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”—Gen. 1:1 – does the evidence show this to be so? That the universe had a beginning? Again the fact says yes INDEED!
Interestingly, since you've mentioned it, why do proponents of evolution allow their own presupposed conclusions to influence the way how they view the evidence?
For example – the discovery of a single tooth or a bone fragment by anthropologists in support of evolution – what is the conclusion that they will likely present? Creation or Evolution?
doesn’t CUT IT! It's a cop-out!
But if you insist please show me a book that is as old or even older than the Bible that accurately “fits” scientific facts - to back up your claim.
Are you saying then that Moses' statement at Genesis 1:1 is accurate due to “anthropomorphizing”?
What about his mentioning “God” as the Creator of the “heavens and the earth”? Will you also consider this accurate as a result of his “anthropomorphizing”? Is it scientific?
Also what about the rest of his writings? Are they also the result of “anthropomorphizing”?
How did he know that the earth is “hanging the earth upon nothing”? - Is this also the result of “anthropomorphizing”? If so how could such a primitive person (in comparison to ours) able to match our knowledge when it comes to space age information? How did he figure out that the
earth is “hanging the earth upon nothing”?
Do the facts show this to be so? There's no doubt about it!
Originally posted by randyvs
That's right, they have. People have been saying that since Christ left. Because he said he would. I see no reason for him to lie. Even if he were capable. So naturally, people who believe are going to say this..
People have been believing and professing. Breath in, breath out. The thing is, they didn't have anything but the book to tell them and that was enough for them. You have the book and if you had any interest in it, you'd also
know the signs are happening. The predicted end is very close. You have many ways to see the truth. But you simply will not. Because of this you will be counted amoung those whom God will send, "Strong delusion that they shall believe a lie. Because they would not believe the truth".
Yep people have been say'in this. You have heard this. Do you see that you will have no excuse when he does?
I imagine after he comes back. You prolly won't hear it after that. Breath in breath out..
I didn't actually ask you for scientific evidence, I was pointing out that being able to correlate a bible passage with current scientific dogma, said correlation isn't the same as evidence, its closer to coincidence as well as attempted to show that what you claim as scientific evidence just is not.
In fact, I would have given your posts a little more credence were it not for several glaring errors of fact on your part when discussing science.
You, however, neglected to address those items and simply quoted my summation and then implied that I labeled you as someone who "who will babble and ramble, distort logic and commonsense to the point of unrecognizability, and contemptuously ignore questions and criticisms in order to peddle his favourite line of tosh." -Astyanax" which never came from me.
Do I think I'm correct in my assumptions and you are inciorrect? yes, for the most part. I am not quite arrogant enough to say that I have all of the definitive answers one way or the other though. With that said, I won't be a hypocrite so I'm going to answer your questions-
I don't dispute the science.
My dispute is that the bible corroborates the science.
again, the bible does NOT corroborate science.
...additionally, when translating from aramaic to greek to latin and then into modern languages over the past 1600 years or so is it possible that portions of these older texts were mistranslated or altered to suit the intended new audience?
… an alteration of christian tradition would be Emperor Constantine moving the date of christmas to coincide with the festival of Sol Invictus. See, the Romans liked their parties, a lot. And they didn't want to give up holidays or feasts for anything so the easiest way to get them to go along with Constantine's new found faith was to simply change the names of Roman festivals to Christian ones. Sorry... totally diverging off topic here!
Date of celebration
For centuries, Christian writers accepted that Christmas was the actual date on which Jesus was born.[17] In the early 18th century, scholars began proposing alternative explanations. Isaac Newton argued that the date of Christmas was selected to correspond with the winter solstice,[11] which the Romans called bruma and celebrated on December 25.[18] In 1743, German Protestant Paul Ernst Jablonski argued Christmas was placed on December 25 to correspond with the Roman solar holiday Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and was therefore a "paganization" that debased the true church.[12] In 1889, Louis Duchesne suggested that the date of Christmas was calculated as nine months after Annunciation, the traditional date of the conception of Jesus.[19]
The December 25 date may have been selected by the church in Rome in the early 4th century. At this time, a church calendar was created and other holidays were also placed on solar dates: "It is cosmic symbolism...which inspired the Church leadership in Rome to elect the winter solstice, December 25, as the birthday of Christ, and the summer solstice as that of John the Baptist, supplemented by the equinoxes as their respective dates of conception. While they were aware that pagans called this day the 'birthday' of Sol Invictus, this did not concern them and it did not play any role in their choice of date for Christmas," according to modern scholar S.E. Hijmans.[20]
However, today, whether or not the birth date of Jesus is on December 25 is not considered to be an important issue in mainstream Christian denominations;[21][22][23] rather, celebrating the coming of God into the world in the form of man to atone for the sins of humanity is considered to be the primary meaning of Christmas.[21][22][23]
Just because you don't know the answer, that doesn't mean it must be God the creator in all his glory.(doesn't mean i can't turn out to be wrong, but I've yet to see anything that indicates to ME that this is the case).
I say that I grew up in a very Catholic family, was an altar boy and to this day(despite only seeing me in church for weddings or funerals) I can still recite the entire mass from memory. As a child my grandmother and I would spend hours upon hours pouring through the old family bible and learning passages so I am in no way ignorant to Christianity or biased towards religion in general or Catholicism in particular.
But unless Christians are really polytheists, I am uncomfortable with a book whos first half is about a vengeful God who orders infanticide, incest, rape and murder and beatings for your wife in order for certain Israelites to prove their devotion to "him" while the 2nd half of the book is Jesus preaching the word of a loving god who forgives all as long as you go to confession.
I have yet to find one of your putative verifications of scientific fact posited in the Bible. I see a bunch of ambiguous wording devoid of apparent meaning that can be stretched to fit any statement, but not much scientific fact.
Here's a scientific fact:
The Acarophenax is a parasitic mite where incestuous fertilization occurs within the womb of the mother. The haploid son impregnates the daughters, again inside the womb of the mother, and then the brother is eaten by the daughters who proceed to eat their mother from the inside and out. Each mother gives birth to one or few sons and many daughters? Why? Sperm is cheap, the threat of parasites and diseases is minimal because fertilization occurs within the womb and mites have short life cycles, so recessive genes are a non-factor. One haploid son can mate with hundreds and hundreds of daughters, while gene replication in females is tethered to child-bearing, not just releasing eggs. Therefore it pays to have unbalanced sex-allocation ratios in favor of females.
How the above can be reconciled with a God who created everything 10,000 years ago in its current form is beyond me (did Noah really procure the Acarophenax as a denizen of his Ark?). I eagerly await an explanation on the matter.
#Note: The Bible itself does not set any such time limit on the days of creation. Based on known scientific...[archeological] facts the earth is around 4byo and the universe around 13byo (for now – might change). Gen. 1:1 does not disagree with the established facts. But the 6000 to 10000 year old earth does not fit these [currently] well known facts.
Originally posted by strato
What about all the other claims in the bible that can't possibly be true? You can't just ignore them. You are simply trying to stretch the evidence to fit your own fairytale.
Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
Now let's test the other passages where the Bible gets all sorts of things wrong:
Plants existed before the Sun and Moon (Genesis 1:11-16)
The Earth is created before the Sun (Genesis 1)
...actually, to just shorten this: The order of events in Genesis 1 is wrong
The Sun and Moon are set in a physical firmament above the Earth (Genesis 1:16-17)
The Moon is a/produces light (Genesis 1:16, Isaiah 13:10)
Global flood (Genesis..mentioned several other times in later books)
Humanity at a time of civilization which would have enabled large scale construction projects shared a single language (Genesis 11)
Diverse language happened instantly rather than gradually (Genesis 11)
The Hebrew population in Egypt somehow goes from dozens to millions in a few hundred years. (Exodus)
Hares and coneys are ruminants (Leviticus 11:5-6)
God's cure for lepers (Leviticus 14:2-52)
Snakebites are cured by a brass serpent on a pole (Numbers 21:8)
Giants (way too many passages Numbers, Deuteronomy, 2 Samuel, Amos)
Dragons (Deuteronomy 32:33, Psalms 148:7)
The Sun apparently moves and can be made to stand still so that people can sneak attack others at night (Joshua 10:12-13)
The Earth has pillars...I guess instead of being hung it's placed.(1 Samuel 2:8, Job 9:6,26:11,38:4-6...actually, a lot of places)
Pi = 3(1 Kings 7:23, 2 Chronicles 4:2)
Either the Earth stopped rotating and moved backward a bit or the Sun moved backward on its own...well, we know what the Bible says about the relationship between the two. (2 Kings 20:11)
The Earth doesn't move.(1 Chronicles 16:30, Job 38:4-6, Psalms 93:1, 96:10...and a lot of other places where it mentions that the Earth is set on foundations)
People think in their heart (Esther 6:6, Isaiah 10:7)
Ostriches are apparently entirely inattentive parents (Job 39:13-16)
The Sun moves around the Earth (Psalms 19:4-6)
Snails melt (Psalms 58:8)
The Earth has four corners (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekial 7:2)
Lots of fantastical creatures used to exist including satyrs, cockatrices, fiery flying serpents, etc (Isaiah)
The Earth is definitively flat (Daniel 4:10-11, 20)
The stars are tiny objects that can fall out of the sky and be stomped upon (Daniel 8:10)
Well it isn't my brilliant reply you await but here mine even if it ain't all too bright.
I have also stated that I think you are stretching things to fit. This suspended on nothing is an example. If god had wanted to explain that earth was held in place by gravity he should have used the term "invisible force" instead of "nothing". Gravity isn't nothing. It is something.
Great Glamis! worthy Cawdor!
Greater than both, by the all-hail hereafter!
Thy letters have transported me beyond
This ignorant present, and I feel now
The future in the instant.
…We will proceed no further in this business:
He hath honour'd me of late; and I have bought
Golden opinions from all sorts of people,
Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,
Not cast aside so soon.
Now if he had taken into account that the word would survive for centuries after man had come to understand gravity as something which can't be seen but whos effects can be measured and therefore something then why did he use a term that isn't really correct.
During the time when I started loosing faith I looked back and realized that I had also been guilty of forcing things to fit the words in the bible. I was in my early teens so they were simple stretchings but stretching none the less.
Many have said that man could not have but together the bible. I think miswordings like these are proof that it wasn't an all knowing being that did it but actually a group of men who had no idea what discoveries man would make in the future.
Originally posted by edmc^2
Are the evidence presented in OP scientifically accurate?
just because the Bible writer said that the earth is “hanging …upon nothing”, doesn’t mean it’s inaccurate. To say it is imho is a stretch of imagination.
Originally posted by uva3021
Originally posted by edmc^2
Are the evidence presented in OP scientifically accurate?
Not even close
... No they aren't. But I just addressed how the Bible is clearly scientifically inaccurate in many ways in many places.
Plants existed before the Sun and Moon (Genesis 1:11-16)
The Earth is created before the Sun (Genesis 1)
The Sun and Moon are set in a physical firmament above the Earth (Genesis 1:16-17)
The Moon is a/produces light (Genesis 1:16, Isaiah 13:10)
Native global flood stories are documented as history or legend in almost every region on earth. Old world missionaries reported their amazement at finding remote tribes already possessing legends with tremendous similarities to the Bible's accounts of the worldwide flood. H.S. Bellamy in Moons, Myths and Men estimates that altogether there are over 500 Flood legends worldwide. Ancient civilizations such as (China, Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia) all have their own versions of a giant flood.
These flood tales are frequently linked by common elements that parallel the Biblical account including the warning of the coming flood, the construction of a boat in advance, the storage of animals, the inclusion of family, and the release of birds to determine if the water level had subsided. The overwhelming consistency among flood legends found in distant parts of the globe indicates they were derived from the same origin (the Bible's record), but oral transcription has changed the details through time.
Perhaps the second most important historical account of a global flood can be found in a Babylonian flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh. When the Biblical and Babylonian accounts are compared, a number of outstanding similarities are found that leave no doubt these stories are rooted in the same event or oral tradition.
Humanity at a time of civilization which would have enabled large scale construction projects shared a single language (Genesis 11) Diverse language happened instantly rather than gradually (Genesis 11)
The Hebrew population in Egypt somehow goes from dozens to millions in a few hundred years. (Exodus)
Hares and coneys are ruminants (Leviticus 11:5-6)
Ostriches are apparently entirely inattentive parents (Job 39:13-16)
God's cure for lepers (Leviticus 14:2-52)
Snakebites are cured by a brass serpent on a pole (Numbers 21:8)
Giants (way too many passages Numbers, Deuteronomy, 2 Samuel, Amos)
Dragons (Deuteronomy 32:33, Psalms 148:7)
Lots of fantastical creatures used to exist including satyrs, cockatrices, fiery flying serpents, etc (Isaiah)
The Sun apparently moves and can be made to stand still so that people can sneak attack others at night (Joshua 10:12-13)
Either the Earth stopped rotating and moved backward a bit or the Sun moved backward on its own...well, we know what the Bible says about the relationship between the two. (2 Kings 20:11)
Sahagun -
The Spanish savant who came to America a generation Columbus and gathered the traditions of the natives, wrote that at the time of one cosmic catastrophe the sun rose only a little way over the horizon and remained there without moving: the moon also stood still. (22).
The Andeans record a myth-story that the sun stayed away for twenty hours. This event is said to have occurred under the reign of Yupanqui Pachacuti II, the fifteenth ruler of the old time.
In the Mexican 'Annals of Cuauhtitlan' or 'Codex Chimpalpopoca' - the history of the empire in Culhuacan and Mexico, written in Nahua-Indian in the sixteenth century - it is related that during a cosmic catastrophe that occurred in the remote past, the night did not end for an extended period of time. (22).
And from Asia - The canons of the Chinese emperor. (2,400 BC ?) - 'In the lifetime of Yao, the sun did not set for ten full days and the entire land was flooded (by an immense wave), that reached the sky'.
It is important to recognise that all these stories were recorded from different locations on earth. On one side of the Earth people record that the Sun stayed in the sky, while on the other side, the stores are that the Sun stayed away.
The Earth has pillars...I guess instead of being hung it's placed.(1 Samuel 2:8, Job 9:6,26:11,38:4-6...actually, a lot of places)
The Earth doesn't move.(1 Chronicles 16:30, Job 38:4-6, Psalms 93:1, 96:10...and a lot of other places where it mentions that the Earth is set on foundations)
People think in their heart (Esther 6:6, Isaiah 10:7)
Heart–Brain Interactions:
The heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue, each influencing the other's functioning. The signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions. This system and circuitry is viewed by neurocardiology researchers as a "heart brain."
With his revolutionary research the University of Montreal’s pioneer neurocardiologist Dr. J. Andrew Armour first introduced the concept of a functional heart brain in the 1990’s. This brain in the heart – just as the brain in the digestive tract – may also act independently of the brain in the head. The size of this brain, according to Boulder Creek, California’s Institute of HeartMath, is as great as a number of the principle areas of the brain in the head. Studies discussed in Brain and Values, have shown that the consistency of the rhythm found in the heart brain is capable of changing – sometimes in spectacular fashion - how effectively the thinking brain functions. In theory that means that what occurs on a feeling level, has the capacity to deeply influence what occurs on a thinking level.
The Earth has four corners (Isaiah 11:12, Ezekial 7:2)
Snails melt (Psalms 58:8)
The Earth is definitively flat (Daniel 4:10-11, 20)
The stars are tiny objects that can fall out of the sky and be stomped upon (Daniel 8:10)
The Sun moves around the Earth (Psalms 19:4-6)
What makes you believe that a hotchpotch of superstitious nonsense culled from unconnected mystical traditions round the world and elaborated according to one’s personal taste has any greater truth or value than a hotchpotch of superstitious nonsense based on a single ancient cultural and historical tradition?