posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 06:35 PM
Amadeus here:
I think in my case it might be easier to list what I DON't BELIEVE...but I'll give it a shot anyway....
I am a "Pantheist Spiritualist" in the sense that I believe "God is Everything Imaginable " and "Everything Imaginable is God" and that this
Pantheon is comprised of positive and negative energy poles :
In the Pantheis system, ALL is allowed (no good, no evil) , bearing in mind only One Law: Every Action has Karmic Implications (see 3 below)
2. I believe that the Universe/MultiVerse is not actually separate from his/her Creation but part of it), and this has NOTHNG WHATSOEVER to do the
with YHWH the clan god of Israel in the "bible", but is much less tangible: and that this MultiVerse just EXISTS.
3. I believe in KARMA (the Immutable Law of action/reaction) and "Elective" Reincarnation of Souls throughout eternity with an eventual RETURN to
the ALL for every piece of soul energy that sparks off from the center (still connected to the ALL, only remotely): therefore THERE IS NO DEATH, only
TRANSFORMATION OF LIFE ENERGY FROM ONE OUTWARD FORM TO ANOTHER, and that communication with non physical entities is possible and should be encouraged
with an open mind.
4. I believe that the so-called "Universe" (which I belive holds MultiVerses) is totally InterConnected and therefore all LIFE in all the
Multiverses is similarly Interconnected:
Therefore: there is no US and THEM (or Holy and Unholy) or any meaningful kind of separation therefore between anything (all part of The One
5. I believe that Life is Energy and Energy "cannot be Created or Destroyed": it just transforms itself throughout Timeless Being: and that the
MultiVerses are teeming with every possible life form (ETs).
6. That since we are all part of the same "body" when you seek to harm another person or thing, since we are all closely inter connected "on the
spirit level" , you are ultimately seeking to harm yourself.
7. I believe that although great spiritual leaders have come and left the planet over the millenia, their message was interpreted via the constraints
of the language used to express their ideas and the constraints of the society in which they lived:
I further believe that none of the great thinkers in the past were perfect or "divine": they all had a piece of the puzzle to share, some had a
larger some a smaller Understanding of Reality, but were ultimately as sinful and prejudiced as other men/women including "Jeeezzuz" of the
You can imagine now what I DON'T believe in !!