posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 03:46 PM
One may ask such questions about agnostic or atheist "beliefs, and opinions."
To really ask the right question one would say "Is there or is there not a higher power accessible within your life connecting through the universe,
in physics, time-space?"
What we call our "faith," is only a cultural folkway, usually something political, as how one interacts with other human beings in social
solidarity, and consistency.
By the same token to ask a person what that person "is," requires the same "leap of faith," into a category.
I know for myself there is a "higher power," something ineffible that exists, evidenced by the fact that I exist, and I am alive rather than
actually being struck by a 4x4 block of wood many years ago. How that block of wood suddenly turned to the ground, bounced exactly upwards next to by
big toenail lifting up at the last instant, is an ineffible mystery to my direct experience.
So to me religious and cultural terms no longer hold as much significance to me as in years past, and denials of the higher powers appear to me to be
some kind of cynicism and cultural removal process. Whatever "it," the "end all of everything," as defined in the dictionary, is, I only know
because of it I exist at all. No other explanation suffices, as any cultural folkways, traditions, and other methods of taxation without
representation, will not do.
On the other hand where folkways actually represent people without taxation, I do affirm what we understand as something from God, perhaps a Guardian
angel if you will.
[edit on 25-7-2004 by SkipShipman]