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George Soros Plans 2 NWO Events

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Soros or Koch
Soros or Koch.

I choose Soros...socialist hell is better than theocrat hell.

lol, how naive

I don't like Koch either, it is the lessor of the 2 evils just drank their kool aid...lets demonstrate

but at least with Koch, u got to keep ur guns,

Under this administration, you can carry your gun in -more- places than before...gun sales have gone up, and as of yet, the red army has not knocked on my door and requested my gun. heard that same line of bull during the clinton years..the last president/congress that took guns away was under Reagen..(whom some tell me was actually not a liberal...go figure)

free speech

defunding NPR is not a soros idea actually...
free speech...consider what would have happened under bush during the wikileaks issue...I think the free speech thing is pretty set in stone. free speech is the bane of conservatism actually as it allows for things like unions to form.

voting and a host of other rights. With Soros, you will get
none of the above other than a dictator who is part
of TPTB.

the koch friends have made corporations people, doners become anonymous, and are trying to destroy people forming unions...
yet we are talking about a guy whom has opened up the eastern bloc as someone bad...this is almost a parody its so damn silly...its the total opposite direction of what is truely going down here.
distraction at its finest...well done

Nice choice there Saturn

I think so, thanks.

I will side with people over corporatocracy any day of the week...if the government screws up, we can fire them, if a corporation screws up, some CEO gets a bonus and a judge bought out.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
We have decided to just pass on the whole - New World Order - thingy.
Instead we simply chose - Plan B - .
Stay tuned. More info later.

Now I am all for that sentiment.
I do not want this NWO.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by CasiusIgnoranze
damn, what can we really do?

Just ask the Germans how much
of a pain in the arse was the French
Resistance to them when they invaded

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I cannot understand why folks can't see this
new change (NWO) is NOT gonna solve
any of our problems. It will just create more
while stripping our freedoms and rights
in the process.

See, now this bit right here could be a starting point for the divide to start talking

Yes, there are issues with the organization of it all...but the thing is, its going to happen. Whats needed is a overall goal and guidelines to follow as it happens.

one world currency...sounds fine if implemented against a resource of some sorts..issue arises initially that super poor nations will bring down rich nations while things get, what is needed is before any of the one world currency is implemented, for backwoods broke and useless nations get developed..
so, how do we develop said nations to become stable and not a drain...what sort of infrustructure and trade needs to happen? what technology needs to be in place? etc...

the point of a united world is to get there needs to be thoughtfully planned out and transparent to all so that the goals are clear and the path is stable...the more warring between the fictious sides, the less stable the path will be (but that will not stop the walking down it anyhow).

The path will be walked down...this much is certain...its time to start paving it for a smooth and potentially enjoyable transition...and its a 1-200 year plan anyhow, not like tomorrow the military will be wearing some globe symbol where the flag used to be...(the flag will never be replaced...the NWO will just be a higher overall branch of earth to regulate resources and large goals/laws)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
We have decided to just pass on the whole - New World Order - thingy.
Instead we simply chose - Plan B - .
Stay tuned. More info later.

Luckily there is no say in the matter

says who ???
We'll see about that.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

The USA has no choice but to allow China be top dog in this day, you do notice all the rash of "earthquakes"...hmm!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by boondock-saint

You're not fighting for anyone but the corporate puppetmasters at Fox News.
Nice try though.
I wonder if Glenn Beck is Boondock-Saint?

u know the same exact accusation came up
in my other thread as well. I am NOT Glen Beck.
I am a Christian American Patriot living in North Carolina.
And I will not be governed or controlled by an Atheist.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by boondock-saint

You're not fighting for anyone but the corporate puppetmasters at Fox News.
Nice try though.
I wonder if Glenn Beck is Boondock-Saint?

u know the same exact accusation came up
in my other thread as well. I am NOT Glen Beck.
I am a Christian American Patriot living in North Carolina.
And I will not be governed or controlled by an Atheist.

I am an atheist american patriot, and I will not be governed by a label.

Otherwise, whomever governs for the betterment of his district can be also, as a side item, atheist, pagan, alien hybrid worshipping, or anything else...if they do a good job, they do a good job and I won't judge what they find peace in with their personal life and mindset.

but hey...judgement is more of a religious concept anyhow...(of course, the irony is that their religion tells them not to be, its not like any of the so called christians are "really" christian verses..just boastful and self rightous)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by boondock-saint

Absolutely imperative information and thanks for posting.
Its hard to keep up with the Soros "revolution".
With Obama's recent announcement to seek a second term this is not suprising.
Do you know is Soros still backing the Bama?
p.s. I would look forward to a day when you were on my ballot!

I think my presence could be put to better use elsewhere
than sitting in the Oval Office after finding out this news.
Obama will do what Soros tells him to.
and thanks for your contribution to the
thread. Many more need awakening.
This is the obstacle at hand.
star 4 u

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:38 PM
his real name is Schwartz György, he is chozen, a name changer of course.

the chozen consider themselves gods. and when they give one of their own money, as directed in the protokols, this is what happens.

the protokols distinctly call for the creation of millionaires and billionaires, and to celebritize them, to gloify them.

i am sick of the protokols. i am sick of war. i am sick of ethnocentrism. and i am sick of usury.

all things that the chozen worship.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM
ugh. reading that article was tough. it was hard to understand as the writer was clearly fellating the Koch brothers while writing the story. must be tough to type while doing that, so i understand. I may think soros is up to no good, but the koch's are just as bad, if not worse. all this article is doing is pandering to people that already hate soros and obama, and circlejerking their love for all that is koch. *shudders*

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by felonius
reply to post by Oberlin

Regardless of the source (Fox),
Soros is up to no good and hasnt been for a while.
Soros should be considered Public Enemy #1

AMEN to the above statement.
star 4 u

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by felonius

You do know it's a crime to suggest physical harm against a public official?

I swear we have too many Glenn Beck viewers in this thread.

GS isnt a public official.

I also said that it wouldnt happen.

Evil lives forever and that sucker will outlive ALL of us!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Danbones
ya know
the "aliens" have a saying...

Lets be cautious about putting the cart before the rocket

ya know I am actually saddened by the fact
that so many on here actually want this NWO.
I cannot see their point. Maybe, I'm just too old school.
I understand change sometimes is needed, but
when I see that change is no better than what
we have now, then I am not gonna stand up
for that change. And from what I can see from
the effects of the nations that Soros has already
collapsed, those nations are in worse dire straits
than they were before Soros got involved.
I cannot understand why folks can't see this
new change (NWO) is NOT gonna solve
any of our problems. It will just create more
while stripping our freedoms and rights
in the process.

You beat me too my point, the people who want a NWO have givin up they see there's no way to fight it when clearly there is, Hitler wanted a new world order and he was stopped was he not???, I feel people's frustration i really do this is a crap world we live in and when people see things in the news every day such as the school shooting that just happened in Brazil, people want change and they should, but trust me when i tell you a new world order is not the answer, like i said before with that scenario you get a dictator and communism or socialism and as much as people want to believe that this dictator who would run the new world order will be different he wont be...a dictator is a dictator there all the same, and let me go on record as saying i'm not the most patriotic person in the world but way too many men risked there lives for our freedom in world war 2 so we could have it and to let the new world order and it's communist ways take over is a direct slap in the face of all the men who fought for freedom...i beg you please do not let there deaths be in vain...

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by ziggy1706
Me wonders if soros is the owner and puppetmaster of the president of the united states? i wonder if soros actually coresponds with the bilderbergs too? if so, the clintons,and all who have particip[ated in thier annual meetings know we are doomed, and should be arrested and tried at least, for perjury and treason for starters.

Soros was one of the founders of the Bilderberg group.

About: George Soros

The founders of The Bilderberg Group 1954

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by MRuss
We cannot take this lying down. Your right to vote is at stake.

that is exactly what I have been saying.
If Soros' NWO is established, then our constitution
will be abolished all together and that includes
our right to vote for our leaders. Now they will
be appointed by TPTB without our consent.
NWO is a dictatorship.

Should that happen, I will be right there in the trenches with ya mate...

It's already happened !!!!
Look at the EU.

Nobody votes for the leadership of the EU.
They are appointed by TPTB.

Who implemented the EU??

George Soros

you're currently in the wrong trench buddy

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
(Soros) ... he is a guy with a vision on how he wants the world to look

I don't give a rats ass how HE wants it to look.
What say so are the people getting in
ANY of his decisions???
Absolutely NONE !!!

His actions for America is NOT voted on
or even agreed to by the mass populace.
Matter of fact the majority don't even
know who this guy is. But when they do,
they are gonna be pi$$ed as hell that their
country was invaded while they were
sleeping. Time to awaken the sleeping
giant !!!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:52 PM
Soros is scum, and any and everyone who can't see that deserves to get swept up in the new world order. period.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Nobody votes for the leadership of the EU.
They are appointed by TPTB.

Who implemented the EU??

George Soros

you're currently in the wrong trench buddy

This isn't the EU, lets look for local examples

Meanwhile, Governor Snyder is expected to sign a new emergency finance bill that is highly controversial to say the least. The bill has passed both the Republican Senate and the Republican House and it grants sweeping powers to the Governor to eliminate the locally elected government of municipalities that are under a financial emergency to replace them with Financial Emergency Managers, who ostensibly oversee the town’s financial recovery. How does a city know it is in a financial emergency? The Governor gets to say so, and he has the power to appoint the manager, while declaring all existing union and worker’s contracts null and void. The law also allows corporations to take control, represented by the Financial Manager appointed by the Governor.

Yay Koch, thank you for trying to push the removal of our own elected officals and give sweeping control to the governor...

Yep...this is a right wing (fringe) movement growing...kill the people to collectively bargain and unionize, and remove elected officals

exactly what you warn is sadly in your trench your protecting.

I am trying to be reasonable without saying its you whom are fighting for the total wrong side...and your fighting for moves like this to pick up speed.
I think you are simply intellectually mislead, however, you may in fact be a spinner also...will go with the first, but I will challenge you whenever you spout things that are the exact opposite.

You are wrong, they are wrong, and thats what the hardline facts show...spin it into shadows as much as possible, but there will always be people like me to toss the facts out.
the fringe right wing theocratic/corporatism plan will fail eventually, but they may indeed do some serious damage before they do (like isengard smashed and destroyed before they finally were ripped apart by the finally awoken king)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by felonius

You do know it's a crime to suggest physical harm against a public official?

and what public official is that ???
what political office in America does
King Soros hold ????

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