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US atom smasher may have found new force of nature

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:14 AM
About time for a scientific revolution. Hope it's actually something substantial and not an attempt to extend funding.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:39 AM
dont be so naive. even if they uncover a magic genie that could cure the world of all its problems and free every human do you think they would do that???

so no free energy for you even if they do discover free energy.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by boncho
It's a pre-release media-release.

NASA does this all the time saying, "next week, major revelations on alien life"

A week later you find out they found some water on a moon somewhere...

Hope this one has more meat to it.

Errrr, the last NASA press release was to do with arsenic life and was a huge huge breakthrough in life in the universe.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 08:53 AM
They keep looking for smaller particles when in fact everything is a wave until the act of observing turns it into a particle. So maybe they are creating what they are looking for by their act of observing.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:10 AM
Well, the Fermi labs have been in a race with the LHC for a while now to discover and confirm the Higgs Bosun particle. Doesn't seem from the initial evidence they have done so, but maybe something else. In any case, it seems to offer more fundamental understanding of the strong nuclear force, maybe gluons, and other maybe enough for them to keep the doors open? Guess we'll see. A completely new force though? That seems to be jumping the gun a bit, and an exaggeration...

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Namaste1001
They keep looking for smaller particles when in fact everything is a wave until the act of observing turns it into a particle. So maybe they are creating what they are looking for by their act of observing.

I'm not the most educated fool around but I agree with you 100%.

Line two.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:14 AM
My personal op, these scientists are really smart idiots!

Why are we still using the "speed of light" as a constant when it's been proven thousands of times it's NOT. You want to have time travel? You want to understand General Rel? Time to start thinking in reality people.. The "speed of light" is in fact the "speed of time" in a measurable space. When scientists finally figure that out and grasp that concept, everything else will make perfect sense..

That fun bowl shape they love to show for gravity is nothing more then the way time flows around mass. The reason we dont fall down the side of the bowl and instead or held up is because time is flowing out holding everything in place..

In the milky way time is flowing toward us. The blackness is the future and in order to reach it you may have to travel faster then the flow of time.

edit on 7-4-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by libertytoall
My personal op, these scientists are really smart idiots!

Why are we still using the "speed of light" as a constant when it's been proven thousands of times it's NOT. You want to have time travel? You want to understand General Rel? Time to start thinking in reality people.. The "speed of light" is in fact the "speed of time" in a measurable space. When scientists finally figure that out and grasp that concept, everything else will make perfect sense..

That fun bowl shape they love to show for gravity is nothing more then the way time flows around mass. The reason we dont fall down the side of the bowl and instead or held up is because time is flowing out holding everything in place..

Dude, you lost me. Are you saying that they should try to speed up these particles to a speed faster than the speed of light? I thought that there wasn't such a thing? Or are you saying that they should try a different approach that is not measured in speed.

OK, sorry, I'm on my phone and didn't see the image or bottom part of your post. I think that I understand now.
edit on 7-4-2011 by Tnewguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:22 AM
I'm just saying they're trying to solve something that's right in front of their faces. They're stuck because General Relativity is measuring light instead of time. If you understand that concept you don't need a god particle to unify everything. You can use measuring light to determine what speed time is moving at until time is beyond light speed like in a black hole.
edit on 7-4-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

Like I said before, I'm not the smartest fool around but I think that I get what you're saying. I don't really follow these events so I feel pretty ignorant about them but it seems like a lot of these things are common sense when you start thinking about it.

I do wish that MSM would report more about these things. I'm tired of hearing more about Enrique Iglesias turning down Britney Spears as her concert opener.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:32 AM

"If it is real, it would be the most significant discovery in physics in half a century."

What discovery happened 50 years ago that revolutionized the world of physics?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:33 AM
Question is, they had that meeting last night, what were the conclusions? Is it confirmed or not? I did a google search and couldn't find anything on the results.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:37 AM
Lets be honest here people, they don’t have the first clue as to what they are looking at. All they know is that they’ve just seen something happen that they have not seen before. Everything you here if “hypothetical this . . .” and “theoretical that . . .” It’s all speculation. And to be honest with you, I hope it stays that way. I personally don’t think that we (or really they) have the intelligence or understanding of this level of nature to comprehend and control its potential in a responsible manor.

This is how the bad things in movies always start. Some mad scientist with a God complex on the verge of both discovery and eminent shut-down who will let nothing step in his way. Money and Power can make a man do horrible things.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by ikonoklast

excuse me not to bust your bubble =) didn't you forget magnetism?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by libertytoall
My personal op, these scientists are really smart idiots!

Why are we still using the "speed of light" as a constant when it's been proven thousands of times it's NOT. You want to have time travel? You want to understand General Rel? Time to start thinking in reality people.. The "speed of light" is in fact the "speed of time" in a measurable space. When scientists finally figure that out and grasp that concept, everything else will make perfect sense..

That fun bowl shape they love to show for gravity is nothing more then the way time flows around mass. The reason we dont fall down the side of the bowl and instead or held up is because time is flowing out holding everything in place..

In the milky way time is flowing toward us. The blackness is the future and in order to reach it you may have to travel faster then the flow of time.

edit on 7-4-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

I’ve always had a problem with that “bowl” image as an explanation for Space/Time. It’s always shown as a linear plain, and Space/Time is not a plain. It’s a void expanding and impacting mass on all sides. Therefore it should be shown as a 3 dimensional grid with the center of mass bending Space/Time on all sides. However this would force them to rethink their theory of how Worm Holes are created since this model is, again, based on the principal that space is linear and that by simply bending it in half you can connect it in the middle. Anyway, I know it’s off topic, but that’s just something that has always bothered me.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Draken

but was incredibly misleading. they were basicly creating a massive buzz for something quite unworthy. there was no need to use the word alien in the press release, it was the equivilant to a celebrity publicity stunt.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by ikonoklast
This should be an interesting announcement. They say it is NOT the Higgs-Boson - it is something "beyond" that.

Source: Update on

While much remains a mystery, one thing researchers agree on is that this is something beyond the "God Particle," or the Higgs-boson, a hypothetical elementary particle which has long eluded physicists who believe it could explain why objects have mass. "The Higgs-boson is a piece that goes into the puzzle that we already have," said Punzi. "Whereas this is something that goes a little bit beyond that -- a new interaction, a new force."

Assuming it is not a big PR announcement leading up to disappointment, this would seem to mean it could be an even bigger discovery that the much-anticipated discovery of the Higgs-boson. There are only four known forces they are likely referring to: electromagnetism, gravity, and the weak and strong nuclear forces. It sounds like they think this could mark the discovery of a fifth force.

I can't believe I had to scroll down most of the first page before someone actually sounded like they read the announcement correctly.

Fundamental force = nuclear strong, nuclear weak, electro-magnetism, gravity

This is a huge discovery it could be the (or one of the) missing link(s) towards unified theory, although I suspect that they will have to find a few more fundamental forces. and a whole zoo of smaller scale particles.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by libertytoall
My personal op, these scientists are really smart idiots!

Why are we still using the "speed of light" as a constant when it's been proven thousands of times it's NOT. You want to have time travel? You want to understand General Rel? Time to start thinking in reality people.. The "speed of light" is in fact the "speed of time" in a measurable space. When scientists finally figure that out and grasp that concept, everything else will make perfect sense..

That fun bowl shape they love to show for gravity is nothing more then the way time flows around mass. The reason we dont fall down the side of the bowl and instead or held up is because time is flowing out holding everything in place..

In the milky way time is flowing toward us. The blackness is the future and in order to reach it you may have to travel faster then the flow of time.

edit on 7-4-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

If its so simple why dont you go and do it? you would be bigger than Einstein! you'd make millions and be famous as hell!

That is unless you don't know what your talking about, the speed of light isn't a constant its just the speed of light, like the speed of sound, a Tachyon wiki travels faster than light...

The "speed of light" is in fact the "speed of time" in a measurable space

What? since when time have a speed? time is a perception not a physical means.

When scientists finally figure that out and grasp that concept, everything else will make perfect sense..

Well thank god we have you...

That fun bowl shape they love to show for gravity is nothing more then the way time flows around mass.

what? you do realise time is not physical, its not a force and doesn't "flow" around anything, its a perception that we use to identify certain points in "time", the universe changes and we change constantly and we mark these changes as "time" going by... at 9AM the the matter of the universe existed in a certain way at 9:30AM it had changed and existed a different way, we invented time to mark these changes

In the milky way time is flowing toward us.

I'm not sure I get your thinking behind this, time doesn't flow anywhere and it certainly doesn't flow in a certain direction ie. towards us, why would time in the milky way flow towards us and no-where else?

The blackness is the future

If anything the blackness out there that we "see" is the past,

you may have to travel faster then the flow of time.

Time is a perception nothing else, its not a force or something physical, you might get the "the speed of sound" "the speed of light" but there is no "speed of time"

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by roughycannon

But time does have a speed. Time blazes by us at a super-fast 60 seconds-per-minute!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by FarBeyondDriven69

US Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory said the results would be released at 2100 GMT but offered no further details. So why would they put this out there with out all the info? I guess we will wait and see. I hope this hasn't been posted I searched but it always comes back error?!
(visit the link for the full news article)

They must have peeked into NASA's playbook: make a B*I*G statement and get everyone excited!!! And then!!! And then!!! And then....!!!!


Most likely this "new particle" will end up being something near to insignificant.

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