posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:52 PM
Yes, it may be Fermilab's attempt to get more funding. The LHC can duplicate the tests if configured accordingly.
They haven't claimed a Higgs boson, just an example of unexplainable data. It does sound like a plea to "give us a bit more funding". I'll wait
to see what MSM reports, and factor that in accordingly.
Scientifically, a 5th force changes casual physics AND quantum mechanics as we know them. We have been looking for a theory of everything for quite a
while now, and we've been waiting for the Higgs to be discovered. A 5th force redefines all the theoretical models, (and mind you, GRAVITY is still
just a theory, unproven) and while strong nuclear and weak nuclear are relatively understood, gravity and electromagnetism are still just theories.
Don't fool yourself, the two biggest phenomenas that our world uses to function have the possibility to be uprooted by new discoveries. I would
think TPTB would try to stifle such discoveries, as it would lead to a new paradigm as to how our multiverse functions. However, it's inevitable.
This isn't me in my garage experimenting with a home-built quantum exchange device, it's people that have to account for what they do. They have
heat on them, and have to produce results.
Okay, there are people who don't have degrees in physics or quantum mechanics. Let me try to put it into english.
Our bodies are made up of organs. Yes, the skin is an organ, and it's the largest one in the human body. Organs are made up of tissue, and tissue
is made up of cells. Cells are made up of amino acids, and they are made up from elements. Elements are made from atoms. Atoms are made from
protons, neutrons, and electrons, and PNEs are made from sub-atomic particles, and sub-atomic particles are made from, ugh, we haven't got that small
yet. THAT is what this is all about. How SMALL can you get to explain reality? And when you do get that small, you can understand what makes up
reality, and you can become God. Is that really why they call it the God-particle? Not really, it's just used to explain the gap in human knowledge
about how we really understand reality.
The truth is still undetermined, but we as humans are, excuse the expression, "hell-bent" on finding answers. We'll figure it out someday.