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Can someone explain timewave zero in simple terms?

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by boncho
Simple terms
Simpler terms
Simplest terms

I like listening to TM because his discourse is stimulating and he has some wild ideas, but yeah...

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

TWZ is a made up graph with a made up unmeasurable quantity labeled as being fractal when it is not. It is an inspiration for people to sit around and shoehorn the days events onto the graph and then to relate today's events to past events.

Before the internet this was known as a conversation piece.
Conversation Piece

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:37 AM
Member evasius used to post some good explanations, here is part of one of his posts from this thread.

Originally posted by Evasius
The concept behind Timewave Zero is the mathematical understanding of history and it’s repeating patterns (called resonances) that relate to each other.

If you could view the timeline of human history where the line tracks the rate and level of change experienced from one period to the next, you would notice similarities between sections of the timeline. As it progresses into the future, each pattern shrinks in length and increases in intensity. The pattern repeats until it reaches an infinitely small length of time and an infinitely large level of intensity. This process is a fractal and exponential process. See the image below:


If history was laid out in a spiral fashion (with the flow of time progressing from the outside of the spiral towards the center), certain things would line up. If you were to draw a straight line from the outside towards the middle, connecting each layer of the spiral, the event placements along that line would be related in some way.


The Timewave Zero program measures the intensity opposite to what you might assume - as the graph descends towards zero, it's measures the increase of change we feel. The change is mapped along the timewave usually around events of change that affect the course of humanity's future. It also works on many levels - individual up to planetary.

The zero point marks a major point in human history where change reaches infinity, and we will be forced to choose a future timeline path that will lead to either extinction or transcendence. It doesn't mark the end of us, but marks the end of history and of time as we know it.

For a deeper discussion on the program itself, please visit my other thread entitled Timewave Zero – a closer look.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
Simply put, Time-wave is a graph to represent novelty on a global (perhaps even universal) scale.

Novelty, simply put, is change. When the graph goes down, the CHANCES of major changes effecting a large part of the global consciousness of people (such as the incident in Japan) goes UP. When the graph goes up, people go back to their HABITS of doing things like they did after the "newness" of the event has already altered their consciousness and the way they view and experience the world around them. There is a naturally occurring cycle, or repeating fractal, that occurs in the graph, and this has drawn a lot of speculation and interest.

It is not a prophecy engine, it doesn't predict the future, it doesn't specify events that are going to happen. It lays out periods of time, or windows, where there are greater chances of big change occurring that effect more than just you, it is usually something that changes the way the conscious mind views and observes the world around them.

The subject is split 50/50 between people who understand it and believe it is "on to something" and those who believe it is total garbage or a fraud. I would highly recommend starting with some of the material on Terrance McKenna and listening to some of his lectures.... it will give a lot more insight into the ideology than I could provide. There is also a great Timewave thread here on ATS but it is long.

Obviously, you should come to your own conclusions, but make sure you base them on fact and not misleading representations from other people who only have opinion and no good argument or facts to back their claims.

Good luck!

edit on 3-4-2011 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2011 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

I must confess the conclusions I came to about events that would or could happen were based on a totally different premise. I don't understand his theories or why they ring true to me. As I come to understand, by accident though I would love to credit but won't. Change or novelty if you will that being only change we notice, is what is the most basic building block of everything in this (and those who I do not have a name for) and other parts of the multi-verse. Take a deep breath. Lets start with I listened to particle physicists when they talked about what they "saw" happen at the Quantum scale, well as you would (may or may not) imagine I said guys give it a rest. You actually "saw" nothing. You had a signal that was picked up as a slight flux in the electrical charge, a "burp" in a primitive particle collider, and you needed to translate that signal into something we all here could understand. This is when it hit me in the next 10 seconds either I was unimaginably eloquent, or faster then my dog because I better then get the hell out of there. This was not a happy bunch. Allow me to digress. I have an MD, and hence it makes sense I can read an X-ray. I can't see of course the frequency that is a form a light that is what we call "x-rays". But whats nice is you take a photographic emulsion (if any one is glass eyed this is based on "film" that is before you stored image's as electrons inside an integrated circuit inside a solid state "camera")

Moving right along, That "x-ray" then strikes material it encounter's and because some of that material is "in sync" with stuff with in our visual range, and because its gradient can slow down to our frequency that is gradual enough, its change in momentum is not so abrupt we can't notice. It leaves a trail as it dumps energy slowing down to our level and in time enters our field of vision. That is what is we then see on the photographic plate. Thats when I say you have a broken leg or you're wasting my time. Now aren't you glad I never practiced medicine? The point when someone asks me, (most don't bother anymore) about the building blocks at the most intimate level of nature, and they expect me to give some "description" for what is the basic foundation of the universe, I am not going to tell you it's "gueon's, or"charm" or the God particle because I have never seen one and would't know one if it bitt me in the ass.

But I have never seen, or I should in my case also add heard an x-ray, or a radio wave, until it slammed in to something we could invent, or steal that could convert a form of energy our senses never were designed to even notice let alone put some meaning to, translate that into something that made sense to us.I guess this all my way of saying the foundation of the first "substance" (forget matter this is much more below that by our scale) is information and that at it's isolated foundation is movement, or change. And when enough information encounters another chuck of "huddled" information when they come in contact, they exchanged parts of themselves and each is reborn to use again an often used term. They are both if "both" is relevant anymore, are now something else. The memory of this "past life"? Meaningless because they now have new priorities.

I know it seems logical to me that there is change that may or may not be obvious to any one or all of us at any one moment. But that change does not care about me, it will affect event's, and in a way we can understand one way or the other. Most of those events will even knowing about them be seemingly insignificant. A single cosmic ray at the wrong place that blasts through your body can disrupt one little fragment of a piece of your DNA so badly it might , unlikely but kill you in minutes. These you worry about if you are in space unshielded, or you just might only get cancer. Or on the other extreme of the "momentum/mass/energy spectrum all of us are being hit by trillions of neutrinos every second, they pass threw the Earth and you and don't even bother to say hello. Be grateful we don't notice. Theres seems be some energy threshold that causes the level of change we notice, for one reason or another. And that makes someone using time wave zero or other methods to not just predict the future but to change it. But the later is only a theory at the moment.

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