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Are you a "targeted individual" or a paranoid schizophrenic?

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posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: bdizzi90

If this is the case, perhaps you could control or manipulate the impulses you feel. This could be highly profitable if you could manipulate the bots that control the stock market.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Spruce

"Everything is a trigger. Specific trigger obviously depend upon the individual. Once you see behind the curtain the harassment escalates"

I know this sounds ignorant and well, I admit that I am. When you speak of seeing "behind the curtain" are you referring to the curtain being the illusion of reality?

BTW thanks for the response.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: jondsilva426
a reply to: Spruce

"Everything is a trigger. Specific trigger obviously depend upon the individual. Once you see behind the curtain the harassment escalates"

I know this sounds ignorant and well, I admit that I am. When you speak of seeing "behind the curtain" are you referring to the curtain being the illusion of reality?

BTW thanks for the response.


posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: jondsilva426
a reply to: Spruce

"Everything is a trigger. Specific trigger obviously depend upon the individual. Once you see behind the curtain the harassment escalates"

Everytime I got closer to what I believe was the truth it would escalate, I ve been told im on tv, I believe im watched by the government on a tv but they want me to think its national tv, one night they told me I was the messenger of god, another before tht i went on a walk to get out of the house and they made me think that i was meant to visit the bolivian pyramid of the sun, basically, if you arent aware of whats real and whats not, they will make you go crazy and make others think you are crazy if you tell anyone.
for me, they claim I have critical thinking and are trying to help me because i have a psychotic killer in my head but in real life im a nice person, once i showed them this they actually started to tell me I need to go back to school but If I helped them figure out their own tech and they arent the good guys then im just a guinea pig for the bad
im just blurting this out but ill say some more, basically it started with hearing a women, and her friend every single day and night i could hear them, i was awake 5 days with 7 hrs of sleep and they were still talking to me each time i was awake, i basically knew or thought i was crazy then i started to get a low frequency buzz in my head that would repeat my own words try to make me say new ones, and every time these two would speak or i would hear someone say something it would trigger a response from this low frequency voice . none of this will make any sense to anyone i try to tell because it happned in a 2 month period and i dont even think anyone here will believe but basically i knocked myself in the head a few times and one of them said you broke the chip in your head, idk if i believe it or its another manipulation by them but yes i may have punished myself a bit just because i was tired of listening to this one character speak to me the moment i tried to sleep. ever since then i havent heard it return, wether it be because the two women begged him to stop or it be becaus i broke the chp but at the end of the day i still have voices in my head and am going to have to either get serious help or keep trying to find answers

sorry for the big blob that probably looks like the rant of a madman.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: bdizzi90

The first thing you should do is see a doctor to eliminate other possibilities.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: Spruce
a reply to: bdizzi90

The first thing you should do is see a doctor to eliminate other possibilities.

is this what you did? I feel if i go see a doctor they will just prescribe me some pills and call it a day or throw me in the psyche ward. I let these voices control my actions 2 days in the sense that i listened to them, first time, I almost opened 2 peoples doors, and the 3rd i actually entered a screen door of someone who was sleeping, i was holding 2 cans in each hand because i still didnt know if I was crazy or if they were tellin me the truth, once i realized it wasnt what they said I turned around and left, the 2nd time i jumped out my window and started to run across the street then i jumped a fence and was being told i would get picked up , only to be told i was getting them followed by psychos, then they told ME to turn around and i saw a guy in all black with shades holding his waist like he was packing, at that time i was nervous so i did a big square telling them where i was trying to get picked up only to be left on my own to get back home , oh and i forgot to mention i left the dead bolt on so i had to jump back in from the balcony. So you see, if im not crazy, I am communicating with people who hve a brain to brain or brain to computer link and I have no clue if going to get help with actually do anyhing but get me in trouble since I know whats right and whats wrong for now.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Skyfloating

All 5 of your causes exist. Some simply make it all up for entertainment. Some are trully being controlled physically. Some hear voices and labeled schizo, when not the case, they actually have serious problems that need to be addressed. Some are Mentally ill, but this is open to interpretation for you humans to debate on and learn. Other problems occurr in your genes we'll just say physical limitations. Other factors are your environment. Example: a man walking in the desert with no water starts to babble and sees things that are not there. Is it because he is out of water or food and needs medical attention or is it because he actually sees these things. Again, this is up to your interpretations and reasoning why this gentleman is babbling and seeing things you do not see. Some things are not what seem to be. Just because it did not happen to you or you cannot see it, does not mean that it does not exist or that things like this do not go on when in fact that they do all the time. Your world seems to be what you people call a magic show. Now you see it, now you don't. Now you get it, now you don't. Now you feel it, now you don't. Now you taste it, now you don't. Now you hear it, now you don't.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

All right. You oblige me to be blunt.
  1. A few people genuinely are spied upon or stalked. They fall into three categories: (i) individuals suspected by the authorities of being criminals, spies or terrorists; (ii) people who are being spied upon by private investigators for very mundane reasons — suspected marital infidelity, etc; (iii) people, often celebrities, who have become the victims of a lunatic who has conceived some obsession about them. People in these categories, if they know they are being spied upon or stalked, also know the reason for it. You won't find them posting on this thread, which is about something else altogether.

  2. Some people — a tiny subset of the population — suffer from full-blown paranoid schizophrenia (or whatever the DSM is calling it these days). Many are active on the internet, and it is they who are the origin of 'TI' and 'gangstalking fantasies. Needless to say, they are completely deluded; tragically handicapped people who live lonely, miserable, often truncated lives because of their delusions.

  3. A much larger subset of the population reads or views the schizophrenics' fantasies on the internet or in the popular media and gives them credence. Many slowly come to acquire a delusional mindset themselves. It is in this context that I invoke drugs. Drug use — not just coc aine, but also marijuana and amphetamine use — promotes paranoia. After a couple of snorts or tokes or hits on the crack pipe, some users become — for the time being — almost as paranoid as the genuine paranoiacs. However, not everyone needs the help of drugs to be infected by others' delusions. A great many are susceptible to the power of suggestion.

  4. There may also be a few idiots who make up paranoid fantasies to wind up the suggestible. They need not concern us here.

  5. Every single person who believes they are TIs or being gangstalked is delusional. Whether or not drugs are to blame in individual cases I obviously cannot say, but I regard it as a strong possibility in many cases. The others are simply suggestible, or out-and-out insane.

I trust I have now made myself clear. Obviously I am not going to argue the topic, since I don't believe that victims of a delusion are open to rational persuasion. Thank you for your attention.

edit on 6/10/14 by Astyanax because: of a few idiots.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

I'll gladly trade fond are you of walking on foot for twenty years?

I wear a size 7 ladies....and I can't promise they won't pinch like hell.

edit on 10/6/14 by GENERAL EYES because: clarity

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 11:07 PM
I was targeted for years and I have no real idea why. There was a long period when I thought I must be crazy but then 'they' made a rare blunder and exposed themselves. This revelation didn't help me at all, it just proved that my instincts had been right but it was not good news. These days they leave me alone because it seems that I have reached the age when I am considered harmless. My quality of life now is vastly better that it was because I have that sense of being free and independent and I can pretty well do whatever I want but it was not always like this. I will never forget or forgive what 'they' did to me and if the opportunity ever comes to avenge the past I wouldn't hesitate, old or not.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: Astyanax
Astyanax - while I can agree with your intellectual argument and stance... ...unless you have experienced "it", you are just presuming to know what the aquarium fish are thinking...
99% of my life (I am probably quite a bit older than you), I would have starred and applauded (if possible) your cogent reply.
Sadly, though - there is the 1%...
I do not espouse to know what happened to me...but, likewise, do not so blithely discount anyone-else's accounting, for the idiotic sake of "I know more and am more sane...than you".
If you have not yet met the Crazy You...then, a word of advice - - - Go light on those you think are south of your intellect &, someday, you will surely be well.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 07:09 AM
I know for fact I'm not mentally I'll as I've felt clicks in my body. I know people have mental illness, but today I wake up to silence in my head, because I didn't just take meds and live with it.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: sanitizedinfo

All right. You oblige me to be blunt.
  1. A few people genuinely are spied upon or stalked. They fall into three categories: (i) individuals suspected by the authorities of being criminals, spies or terrorists; (ii) people who are being spied upon by private investigators for very mundane reasons — suspected marital infidelity, etc; (iii) people, often celebrities, who have become the victims of a lunatic who has conceived some obsession about them. People in these categories, if they know they are being spied upon or stalked, also know the reason for it. You won't find them posting on this thread, which is about something else altogether.

  2. Some people — a tiny subset of the population — suffer from full-blown paranoid schizophrenia (or whatever the DSM is calling it these days). Many are active on the internet, and it is they who are the origin of 'TI' and 'gangstalking fantasies. Needless to say, they are completely deluded; tragically handicapped people who live lonely, miserable, often truncated lives because of their delusions.

  3. A much larger subset of the population reads or views the schizophrenics' fantasies on the internet or in the popular media and gives them credence. Many slowly come to acquire a delusional mindset themselves. It is in this context that I invoke drugs. Drug use — not just coc aine, but also marijuana and amphetamine use — promotes paranoia. After a couple of snorts or tokes or hits on the crack pipe, some users become — for the time being — almost as paranoid as the genuine paranoiacs. However, not everyone needs the help of drugs to be infected by others' delusions. A great many are susceptible to the power of suggestion.

  4. There may also be a few idiots who make up paranoid fantasies to wind up the suggestible. They need not concern us here.

  5. Every single person who believes they are TIs or being gangstalked is delusional. Whether or not drugs are to blame in individual cases I obviously cannot say, but I regard it as a strong possibility in many cases. The others are simply suggestible, or out-and-out insane.

I trust I have now made myself clear. Obviously I am not going to argue the topic, since I don't believe that victims of a delusion are open to rational persuasion. Thank you for your attention.

You contradicted yourself in the post. First you said there are people who are spied upon and then you said every person being gangstalked delusional.

I think your first category might be a little larger than you think. In fact, as spying becomes less labor intensive (with all the new tech) and cheaper it's being used more and more. You only need to look at the thousands of computer viruses to know just how prevalent this really is. Someone people write them for specific information some just get a thrill out of messing with people.

As for no one who is really being spied upon posting on the internet - not true. No one sends you an email and lets you know you are being monitored today. The little clues do give things away.

So, yes, people do turn to the internet for feedback. Unfortunately, the sometimes read posts like yours which just puts fear into people who are really being stalked. No one wants to be thought of as crazy and it's even more important when you have a legal case or info on someone.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: bdizzi90

I'm saying you should eliminate organic causes first.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

That is not true at all. I have been watched for years because I live a different lifestyle and here I am posting about it on ATS. Many innocent people are watched because of some bogus lead or crime line tip that some crazy neighbor called in. In my home town close to 50% of the residents are investigated over a 10 year period because of the War on Drugs. (I live in a beach town near a busy port)

Being under surveillance for simply being profiled is not acceptable in a free society, yet this is what is happening in the US. Some of us have almost a 6th sense that can feel it when we are watched. Being watched also causes a bit of paranoia, this is natural and to deny this would be denying an important survival instinct.

The US has become a nation that is encouraged to spy on and fear their neighbor.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 09:39 AM
I became a TI because I was a whistleblower.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 09:59 AM
In my view, those who hear people talking about them outside are hearing a hetrodyned sound sent through walls. Its a trick. People like this claim to also see beings or people. I also believe their occular system is being decieved by nueral holograms

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

I'm a men's US size 13, so it'll pinch.

I've said my piece; I don't believe anything you've posted actually contradicts it. I know you, GE, under this and your previous user name. You've spoken of your experiences often before this.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Daughter2

You contradicted yourself in the post. First you said there are people who are spied upon and then you said every person being gangstalked delusional.

That's right. They aren't the same thing at all.

I don't call checking other people (potential dates, business associates, etc.) on the internet stalking. Because it isn't.

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: jrod

If you really believe you're being stalked, have you thought of going to the police?

If you did go to them, do you have sufficient evidence — anecdotal, even — to make them take the complaint seriously?

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