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Are you a "targeted individual" or a paranoid schizophrenic?

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posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
If you input the word "targeted individual" (TI) or "gangstalking" in a Search Engine you will find Forums, Discussion Boards, Reports and Sites of Millions of Individuals who claim to be victims of Government harassment, Gang harassment, electronic harassment, psychotronic harassment, remote mind control, group stalking.

If most of this is true it is important because it would mean that there is a lot going on that is outrageous and illegal and we`d have to act on it.

If most of this is untrue it is important because it means that there are millions of mentally ill people running around without getting proper help.

No matter which side of the debate you are on, this is an emergency-issue. This thread asks the question whether the majority of this phenomena is due to...

1. Psychotronic/Remote Mind Control Harassment

2. Paranoid Schizophrenia/Mental Illness

3. Demonic/Entity Possession

4. Overactive Imagination

5. Other Causes

There are a lot of people around who seem unable to view this from any other than their own position. I really do think that all five are possible, even after looking into the subject for some time. Meanwhile I have become somewhat a skeptic because in lengthy conversations with TI's I have found that they fail to produce evidence and fail to desire or act for a resolution of the issue much more preferring to remain a victim of overpowering circumstances. I get impatient with this. I ask "Why dont you go have that checked?" and "Why dont you set up a camera at your window?" and "Why dont you have your brain scanned to see whether it is really true if you have a brain implant?" and "Why dont you get help?" but very little initiative comes from these people. I am willing to be open-minded enough to consider that they are really being targeted by psychotronic devices of the Government or that they are really being gangstalked, but are they willing to consider they may be wrong and that their minds are making it all up?

If there is ever going to be some resolution and learning on these issues, they need to be discussed from all sides. No thanks to the media who pretends the problem does not exist.


edit on 3-4-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:17 PM
The truth about being a targeted individual
A targeted individual? How? Why? What is it? Well folks, if your ready for the truth then brace yourself.

A targeted individual is someone who is subjected to an onslaught of negativity. The goal perhaps may be self inflicted harm, suicide, driving you crazy, etc. Everywhere you go people seem to follow you (gang stalking), non stop attacks on your psyche, A lot of evil eye, people seem to invade your personal space, etc. This is just one example. Your thinking something while on a check out line at the grocery store such as “I need toilet paper” then the immediate following second the person behind you says “damn, I need toilet paper”. This is very common along with synchronization events such as “I wonder what ever happened to my morning newspaper because it wasn’t delivered, then wala, the newspaper company calls you to apologize for delay. Or I wonder if I paid that bill then wala the credit card company calls you. Its endless. It is basically a virtual reality. Others include constant, low flying aircraft, helicopters, waking up at the same times in the middle of the night times then hearing noises outside your home. Harrassment of police sirens, neighbors acting funny, people not acknowledging you when you talk, etc. These are just a few immediate occurences you may notice.
Now, as time goes on you begin to notice your neighborhood shopping area begins to look a little shady, people look a little thuggish, in a lot of ways everything seems to be street theater or your part of an ongoing movie and you’re the star. Well guess what folks – YOU ARE. To the powerful elite who get to sit back, tune in and watch the show. If you thought you have any privacy forget it. Your own eyes are teleporting cameras through nano chips, they see what you see, the gang stalkers are basically walking antenna reading controlled alien hybrids and your part of a virtual gameshow. The matrix, or like I said the virtual deathcamp.
Now for even the more sinister crap. When you finally realize something is not right you begin to release emotions, anxiety, paranoia, fear, worry, crying basically a crap load of negative emotions right? Well, all you are doing is feeding the beast. These things, aliens, dimensional entities feed off your life energy, your a milked cow to this new harvesting race of aliens who are in a complete covert take over of the plant earth. Basically, I call it being a big slurpee;. Its quite sick, you will notice these things that basically look human but in some ways appear to be under some demonic control come around you stand close get a little slurpee then leave. You are food. Sorry to be so frank but it is what it is. A slow methodical consumption drain of your life energy. Its like candy to them. All while the bigs get to watch the show for laughs and giggles. Crazy huh? Well it’s the truth.
I like to call this movie set, matrix a virtual deathcamp. Courtesy of yep you guessed it. You see folks, what is really occurring is a complete harvest of the earth by aliens, the alien agenda I call it, implementation of the NWO which is basically nothing short of ridding the world of about 5.5 billion people and the set up of a new king, the anti-christ. If you really want to know the truth about some stuff just research the underground bases of the Denver airport. It is nothing different than a high tech future aushwitzs. Heck even the runways are set up in the form of a swastika.
Ok now lets get back to being a TI. Well, unfortunately your going to need to come to grips, you will die. You are not part of their agenda. If you were you wouldn’t be thrown in the matrix. You may begin to see some signs that the virtual word or matrix is a spiritual call to you. Well I think it surely is. Matrix or not, Jesus and god are with you as well as your guardian angels. The only thing you got left at this point is to put all your faith in Jesus Christ. He will return and resurrect his people. I like to think of myself as a warrior for Jesus and the true Father. The devil is after your soul. You turn on the radio and whats playing “:highway to hell” You read a billboard sign and what does it say “your going down” other stuff such as this. Virtual deathcamp, spiritual battle grounds.
Basically, these in my opinion are all portals to feed the beast through anxiety, fear, being scared, knowing your being watched, etc, etc. You have to understand, you are being abducted by aliens in the night. You may not know it but there may be some unusual events such as lost time, “I been asleep all night but only an hour past” or I only been asleep for an hour but the clock says its been all night”. Lost time folks equals alien abduction. Mind programming, DNA manipulation and a whole bunch of other sinister crap. I tried to entertain the aliens are friends but if they were why do they need slurpees. Then your thrown back into the matrix for a little more slurpee by the beasts. Its been about 6 months for me now and quite honest, the last few days they must have been taking some big gulps cause my life force is just about done. They really took a big slurp the last few days. I don’t foresee myself here more than 30 days from now. The most sick part is what the best part of the ice cream cone – yep the very bottom, this is probably when they show their real reptilian face and gather around to take the last big slurp right before you die. Sick stuff folks. Educate yourselves.
Now, I don’t want to alarm you to much but if you ever notice your family and friends are acting a little different towards you well then you may be dealing with a reptilian shapeshifter. Perfect example, my son personality changed over night. He is aggressive, says things to create anxiety and basically as much as I hate to believe this has been consumed and his body taken over by the shapeshifter. He went from being a well natured boy to creating chaos and havoc. Probably to open feeding portals. Everything looks the same but they lack the normal personality traits such as empathy, love, compassion and a general caring connection you once had with them. I would like to say that perhaps they are being temporary held up in some pod in frozen time and they shapeshifted as family members to get a slurp but its been a few months now and my family hasn’t returned so just got to have faith that jesus and god have them. A lot of it can be financially motivated, real estate, assets, etc. They have the technology to completely resume ones body and take complete control of their memory so they can still work, pay bills, etc but you may notice something different, there spending a lot of money, you may be frozen in time matrix, a few months past while there all out on a nice Disney vacation, etc. The stuff gets really crazy. In my case, my wife is owned by a reptilian, so I can assume. She even has a tattoo of a lizard on her leg. Hmmm? Should of known, but anyway her whole family is money crazy and im sure I, perhaps my kids have been sold off for security and money and are now being fed on. Sick #. My mother in law is a real sick lady full of hate. My whole family are not the same and they are loaded in assets so for whatever reason I was and my family were sold off to the reptiallian energy sucking beasts who basically held my family hostage for ransom as part of some sinister game. For example, if he does this and solves this we will release you, OR if he don’t we will put you in a stew. Sorry, but it really is some sinister crap. I know jesus has my family now. Its clear its no longer them, they don’t call, they not happy when I come by to visit, they clearly say things to open up fear and anxiety portals for a quick slurp, etc, etc. You can just tell, it is not them.
Well mission complete I guess, The final key is finally ridding me. I filed for divorce but that was intentionally held up, now the attorney filed a release and the divorce is off, well guess what folks, assets, money, get rid off me, feed me off to the aliens so there reptilian owned family can go on a nice vacation. Sweet. Oh and yes, CIA, SUVS, stiffarms, all behind it.
Unfortunately I am lasting a little longer than expected however the last few days have been rough, big slurps. For all I know, when I am asleep at night the feeding. Gross stuff man. Learn to sleep during the day and stay awake at night if possible, they do their dirty work between the hours of midnight and 6am. Also, watch your neighbors, if you wake up with metallic taste in your mouth your probably being hit by some major electromagnetic radiation and microwave weaponry. Do not eat anything that is not in a can, drink sealed bottle water, do not use tap water, Stop drinking coffee if it is an unsealed bag. They will enter your house and slowly poision you. Don’t bother setting up surveillance or tape recorders. Remember they see all you see so they know it is on before they enter your home. They read all you read, see what you see, probably even take interest in the way you wipe you butt haha. Got to laugh. Slow kill, cancer causing stuff. Undetectable. Me, well I cant wait till they finally do me in cause I can prove this whole deal and just waiting for the day im in the ground. I will be flipping and turning in the grave. There is a covert group on the sidelines waiting to expose all. They know all about the neighbors, the higher echelon behind it all, etc. The media is run by the elite but this person has a source willing to expose. This is our plant folks, not these reptillian anti christs.
During this time, I must tell you to please keep faith in Jesus. This is a complete destruction of Christianity. Always remember, “Jesus fought the devil and won” and he will again with the second coming. You are not alone. Whereever you go he is right beside you. Pray daily, bring others to Christ. We are his warriors during this time. Keep energy reserves, move out of the city. Go to a rural location, even though no place is safe in a rural area it is harder to give out some slurpee. Which remember is a slow consumption of your life energy. You cant control what is happening, they can simply bring you back out of the matrix, frame you for a crime, institutionalize you, murder you, but they prefer the slow methodical feeding way and silent killing from direct energy weaponry. Get evidence if you can and contact a reliable source. Do it covertly. Remember everything is monitored.
Folks, it is the end of days. DO NOT MISINTERPRET THIS. It is coming soon. The whole 2012 thing in my opinion has something to do with it. This earth and the agenda is a alien hydrid race run by reptillians kings and the enslavement of your children and so forth. Do not fear death. Rasie your faith in Jesus and god and stand firm on your believes. Jesus said in revelations 13:10 “He who has an ear let him hear, if anyone is to go into captivity then captivity he shall go, if anyone is to be put killed by the sword than by the sword he shall be killed”. Sound familiar, (Fema Camps, underground tunnels, etc, etc.)
I played with this ordeal in my head too much. Is this a spiritual tribulation? Is it god punishing me? Is it some test of faith?. I can only conclude it is not. Jesus don’t need slurpees. God don’t need a slurpee and the total onslaught to break a person down is my opinion is nothing more than an act to release negative enery for dimensional entities who feed of this crap. It is the aliens food. No wonder they want to enslave so many. 5.5 billion. Wow, lots of food folks. Stay positive, do not wear down, thrive as long as you can and pray for divine guidance and to Jesus. Read John 3:16 in the bible. “for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish and have eternal life” now is the time to pray, repent and find divine intervention. Jesus is with us all. Do not lose faith. We are his warriors against this sinister evil. God saves all his people. Use this time to get that warrior in you. Have fun with it. If someone is invading your space tell them “free slurpee” haha. Its gross but it is what it is. Wear some T-shirts that say slurpee, I don’t know. Be a good superstar, you are in the movie of the matrix. Just keep in mind every story and series has a finality and unfortunately for us it will end. You must have faith in Jesus. Do good deeds, Go and hand out water to the homeless, do something that makes you feel good to fight the negative harvesters. They don’t like kindness and good deeds. They are hear to feed on you. Don’t feed the beast. Keep positive thoughts, can be tough because your mind can be manipulated into having fearful thoughts, just try your best to fight it. Think Jesus, pray to Jesus and you will be saved. Best part, we get to come back and kick some antichrist butt. Money is the root of all evil and a lot of this agenda is motivated by it. And what does satan want more than to destroy, kill and rob you. If you are not a TI and are approached to participate in a campaingn against someone in exchange for security or some nice paychecks try to resist the temptation. DON’T DO IT. In my opionion that is god poutting those to the ultimate test. Go with god or the anti-christ. Remember, satan tempted jesus on a mountain top by saying, “YOU SEE THAT KINGDOM, I WILL GIVE IT ALL TO YOU” Jesus said. “satan be gone” You will be lied to, you are not offered any security. Iff anything you will be forgotten and unfortunately left behind. Ben Franklin said it best. “those who give up freedom to gain security does not deserve or will have either”
These are the end days, Again, wake up, THESE ARE THE END DAYS, The devils and antichrists are here folks. Do not fear death, Trust in the lord Jesus. He is here with you and to all those who believe will be saved.
This is just my opinion of all of this. May sound a little sci-fi or crazy but when you start getting slurped in the matrix you may understand. There not coming around to get in on your movie folks, they want a little slurp.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:06 AM
when I was about 9 years old my mother took me to an ear specialist because I was haveing ear problems for years...the doctor flushed and vaccumed my ear then all a sudden this thing went PING into the doctors pan he was holding that was catching the water he cleaned the tiny object off lokked at it and says wow its a small metal sphere....dont know what it was but my hearing was much better and the ear problems went away...then when I was 40 years old my tooth was hurting I went to the dentist and he did deep plane cleaning and found a strange white object that looked like a grain of the other doctor all those years ago he examined the object and says he has never seen anything like this before....were these implants???

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by rochelleleesmith

I think the sphere just means you stuck things in your ears like a normal kid, and forgot about it. As for the rice-like object, it would have been anything that got stuck in there prior to cleaning.
Please tell me you kept these objects for scrutiny & study if they are not identifiable?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 03:21 PM
Where are the Targeted Individual Support Groups ? What happened to

PS: there is a claim of an Ex V2k Victim @ ................ is dat true or not?

Originally posted by Skyfloating
If you input the word "targeted individual" (TI) or "gangstalking" in a Search Engine you will find Forums, Discussion Boards, Reports and Sites of Millions of Individuals who claim to be victims of Government harassment, Gang harassment, electronic harassment, psychotronic harassment, remote mind control, group stalking.

If most of this is true it is important because it would mean that there is a lot going on that is outrageous and illegal and we`d have to act on it.

If most of this is untrue it is important because it means that there are millions of mentally ill people running around without getting proper help.

No matter which side of the debate you are on, this is an emergency-issue. This thread asks the question whether the majority of this phenomena is due to...

1. Psychotronic/Remote Mind Control Harassment

2. Paranoid Schizophrenia/Mental Illness

3. Demonic/Entity Possession

4. Overactive Imagination

5. Other Causes

There are a lot of people around who seem unable to view this from any other than their own position. I really do think that all five are possible, even after looking into the subject for some time. Meanwhile I have become somewhat a skeptic because in lengthy conversations with TI's I have found that they fail to produce evidence and fail to desire or act for a resolution of the issue much more preferring to remain a victim of overpowering circumstances. I get impatient with this. I ask "Why dont you go have that checked?" and "Why dont you set up a camera at your window?" and "Why dont you have your brain scanned to see whether it is really true if you have a brain implant?" and "Why dont you get help?" but very little initiative comes from these people. I am willing to be open-minded enough to consider that they are really being targeted by psychotronic devices of the Government or that they are really being gangstalked, but are they willing to consider they may be wrong and that their minds are making it all up?

If there is ever going to be some resolution and learning on these issues, they need to be discussed from all sides. No thanks to the media who pretends the problem does not exist.


edit on 3-4-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2011 by steveguy95 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

The problem with targeting individuals it's a boring job, I don't see how anybody can waste there time watching someone pick there nose and sit down eating popcorn while watching tv, I mean come on? If they do target individuals it's a waste of time and money. I am not disproving the theory, I am just saying the truth.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by TruthDamnTruth
reply to post by Skyfloating

The problem with targeting individuals it's a boring job, I don't see how anybody can waste there time watching someone pick there nose and sit down eating popcorn while watching tv, I mean come on? If they do target individuals it's a waste of time and money. I am not disproving the theory, I am just saying the truth.

It's not really about watching them go through their normal lives. It's about watching their life being destroyed by applying incremental steps that influence their psychological well-being and cognitive process. I can attest that this phenomena is real, but many of the claims can't be taken seriously since most likely people do get paranoid and start grabbing unto the straws trying to explain things happening to them. People do feel unknown threat and they do need explanation so it all depends on the person - how much uncertainty can they handle. Mind hates vacuum so any void has to be filled and questions need to be answered. I think in some cases TI and gangstalking is modern case lynch mobbing by community watch groups where they eliminate imagined or perceived threat.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:26 PM
Let me thank you for making this thread first off and apologize for any of my earlier mistakes in behavior. I used to be P. O. W. and most of my threads here were about gangstalking. I heard voices in my head, other peoples voices and personalities 24/7 non stop talking of 15 to 20 people all with their own distinctive voice that sounded like the real person. This started in 2008 and I was all dishelved feeling like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and slip or stumble or collapse. I assumed the very elaborate sophisticated radio show I listened to every day was real because they told me they were and they seemed believable. Without a moments hesitation they would give me any answer possible. I didn't believe part of my brain could be writing scripts and screenplays all day while I was just trying to get by.

There is this movie " Stranger than Fiction" and I thought fiction was never mind. There is this line when he is trying to diagnose Will Ferrells problem. " how likely do you think it is that you will be assassinated 1 unlikely 10 around every turn" " I don't know are you the king of anything , local bowling alleys? "

When I first got to this site I was very paranoid I thought the music channels were calling me a terrorist or super villain and organizing the youth in rebellion. Are you the king of anything? I had the mark of the beast and grew up to be a columbiner city executioner terrorist. My behavior was atrocious to other people and to myself . I was hurting myself in words metaphorically punching myself in the face. Going on no information or theories I had or misinformation.

Because there are two moderators on this thread I just wanted to apologize again. People tried to kill me injected me with bleach when I was asleep after I went online about the NWO in 08. There were people messing with me but I don't think at the level of gang stalking I used to write about. I had an implant because I was put into a drug induced coma and a hole was drilled into my skull. The pacemaker stopped the bleeding. Your brain is like a computer and I know all to well that you should protect it from damage. Takes years to get better. Often I would say to myself is this real the NWO or an implant some underground basement has my brain hooked up to a computer to try to push me off the edge, I was just down in it , and flooded or swamped with junk mail or spam if your brain is a computer or viruses.

Stress too, to much stress can cause a bunch of problems. This was my outlet though where I had certain freedoms and could at least have a voice against oppression. And I am sorry for all my dishelved behavior at that time.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:46 AM
Quick tip, if you think you have a 'mind control implant' or the like that's being used to harass you.

This only works when the harassment is particularly bad, like if it's being used to wake you up so you can't sleep. (Because the chip has to be putting out a lot of energy.)

If you do have a chip, the skin area around or near where it's located will go numb when it's putting out lots of volts. That should give you a general idea of where it might be. However, this sucks, because parts of your body will go numb that are nowhere near the chip too. (Look up 'referred pain,' that's more or less why.)

To figure out exactly where it is, your skin has to be moist or sweaty. (Like if you're lying in bed.)

Run your fingers over the numb area, while the chip is running full blast.

Near where the chip actually is you'll feel your fingers start to tingle. They're actually picking up electricity from the chip (that's meant for your nerves).

Put down five fingers, two or three will tingle the most. Now you can map out where the voltage is strongest. That should give you a fairly good idea of where the bugger is.

Be careful, since they can also just 'suggest' your fingers tingle over random patches of your skin

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:10 AM
It depends on the circumstances. For example, my ex was paranoid He was acute, rather than chronic, and it turned out that others in the family had something similar as well, from one of his aunts to one of his sons from a previous marriage. As an example of what it meant, he would bail on his work assignment in tree planting contracts because he believed the crew was poisoning his water supply. In fact it was due to his behavior, that came and went, that we did break up, though I love him as a person, but it was too much on me that he would continually take off, and even believed I was poisoning his food supply. He would be, not well, alot of the time.

There are other indicators of "not well", though it may take long term and in depth knowledge of a person to understand them more. For example he is very private and only close family realized, like his brother who ran the company, he finally got it, but he didn't believe me at first since I was an outsider.

Now to discuss targetting, our family has been targetted due to reporting our sightings, and possibly other writing that I do on behalf of freeing this world and waking people up. But, with regards to the sightings, I didn't even think of possible targetting at first. Those sightings and experiences woke me up more and I was still kind of niave about the surveillance.

My son, late teens at the time, he called me out for several sightings of the craft, that would appear and fly around out back, then directly over our roof soundlessly, and quite low, ie. 100 feet, 150 feet, sometimes a little higher. But I would roughly estimate it by stacking pine trees over our roof, there was a 50 footer outside in the clumps. So roughly. So he would call me out.

Then he called me out for a black chopper chasing the craft. Since the first one appeared we had a TR3B, black triangle, go very low over the roof, less than 100 feet or around that I'd say. They called me out again.

Then, when I was chatting online with 2 different interesting experiencer friends, one with special forces background supposedly retired due to injuries, the other had friends in deep base (so I do now get that when you write in ufology you get tagged and get interesting friends). I was sharing something more than a craft sighting, and for 2 days in a row, scout planes arrived for over an hour in the early evening, flying close together, just around aimlessly out back, where the sightings were, and on the second day, a TR3B joined them, that triangle went very low and straight over our roof, making it clear to us, they were monitoring us. It had multicolored lights surrounding it and later that night in the wee hours, my son noticed a clump evergreens outside newly decorated for christmas, though this was the end of winter and went to investigate, to find the same craft, laying low.

Now, phone taps you can hear, little clicks. Once talkign to mom, I just vibed on them. And spoke up, gave them the lecture of not being heros and working for humanity,and instantly there was a very loud Click Click Click and phone/internet/tv gone for over an hour, which my mother heard.

We also have odd trailers in our new location just parked out front, frequently. Of course I don't know about being medically paranoid, but I do now have a little paranoia about their presence and suspect things. Sometimes I just make little statements for freedom of this earth and how all black ops need to make U-Turns, etc, in my house, out loud, just in case they are monitoring and maybe hey, I can make a difference in their lives. You never know, its worth a try.

Now here is another thing, should I feel concerned?

Late night ie. 8-9 pm. Not the usual time for a knock on your door. I go to the door and 2 very tall, 6 foot 2 and over, dark haired men, wearing black suit jacket type outfits, semi formal kind of, this really looked like a movie version of special agent outfit. They both have British accents and I'm told their mormon missionaries and they sort of want to come in my house. One of them is casing me, ie he has that cop in his very watchful eyes. They are quite attractive. I inform them that alas, I've had very long day, and collapsing with fatigue I am lying down right now, and would have to talk another day.

When I close the door, I go to the back and there is a woman, at the fence, cranign her neck to look at me, in a similiar black jacket. That woman walks from the school yard, around the block, to our front yard, again very slowly past our property.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe its paranoia to discount the missionary story.

edit on 13-6-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 11:04 AM

This thread raises the question, why is that so many people claim to be “targeted” in some way. I would change the question to why is it that so many people claim to be “special” in some way. This is an internet phenomenon that I have noticed on only on ATS but on other web forums however if we take ATS as a example we can look at the scope of this problem.

I say problem because that’s what it is, I do not doubt that some people are in some way “targeted” or “special” but I think that the last place they would go to talk about it the internet. With so many people making claims that they have been targeted it becomes a problem because other people with similar claims feed the delusions. It makes it impossible to identify those who may be actually targeted in some way.

It is apparent form reading the threads on ATS that there is a high number of members who will put themselves into the “special” category. By the “special” category I mean those members who claim to be targeted by the government in some way as the OP has discussed but I also mean the number of members who will claim to be ex special forces or have other sensitive roles with in government. Then we have those who make claims that they have somehow sensitive to the paranormal with the plethora of ATS members how have been visited by angels or other had other such spiritual entity. Don’t even start me on the number of members who claim to have the ability to predict future events or those who claim to have that “smoking gun”. These members are a massive problem on ATS because there are so many of them.

Say for example a member rights a thread about having been targeted by the government because of their actives on ATS. With in such a thread there will be an army of members who will claim that they have had similar experiences and they will post about their own experiences. This leads to members perceiving the validation of their own delusions though other members. As a result it means that anytime somebody enters the thread with a common sense approach is flamed because there is no way that the neighbours next door could require a plumber for a whole week, just after I posted a thread about the dream I had about the asteroid destroying the earth... for example.

The question then presents, why does this happen?

I don’t think its to do with schizophrenia although it may be the case sometimes, I think that if a schizophrenic believed that he was being targeted by the government it would be a genuine believe that would produce genuine fear. This fear i suspect would mean that such a member would not post on ATS.

The reason I thinks so many members claim to be targeted individuals is because they want to believe it, by posting about it on ATS it makes it seem more real and when they then get validation form other members who appear to believe what they have to say they themselves can play out their fantasy of being “targeted” by the government in cyberspace. The validation they get form other members satisfies a desire for attention and to be viewed as “special”. The truth however is that they know this is only a fantasy they are playing out in cyberspace. That is why for example they can never provide any evidence but they will stick strongly to their claims and attack anyone who challenges their claims because they do not like their cyber fantasy to be shattered.

The internet provides fantastic anonymity and for many the opportunity to act out fantasies, that happens a lot on ATS. Say you have always fantasised about being a Special Forces operative, well you can claim to be one via the internet, tell people about your classified operations and live out your fantasy in cyberspace.

It’s sad but fundamentally I believe these people are all liars.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

In reality, you sort of know when its happening As for special, everyone is, but there are things that some see and experience that either puts you on investigation lists OR, and this appeared to be the case in the beginning, was picked up on radar, so they sent something out frequently, possibly even lay in wait, because of another experience that showed they were prepared, which I'm not going into here.

The facts are the facts regardless of the typical discounting of facts by trying to play on the average person who hasn't witnessed, (yet, though they could by skywatching, meditation, with a pure heart and good intent), sense of anyone who isn't experiencing the ordinary just wants attention or thinks they're special. So they're playing on other people's feeling of beign left out, when other people need to do more work. Some people think deeply about the issues of this planet from childhood, care about the poor and feel their pain nonstop, from childhood, watch and notice what is around them, pray and meditate for everyone on this planet. Some people don't. There tends to be a difference in what the average person does That can change, hopefully more will wake up.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by InnerTruths

I believe that targeted individuals exists. There would in no way be Millions of people on the internet saying so if it was not true. I know the moment I awakened to a type of secret group activity or political injustice that for that entire period I was targeted. It is not a crazy condition. This thing is beyond real and I feel sad for all those who have suffered. They need to learn to not react...I'm sure people who have had no problem in their entire lives and then within a few years, the internet went from having no testimonies of targeted individuals to having millions of testimonies in 2-3 years is not a coincidence. The very presence of this forum would have many people think of those on here as all being paranoid if they did not have an open mind and witness things for themselves. Sometimes people can't believe it until they are put through it and then they it's already too late.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:51 AM
I have no clue if I'm a "targeted individual" or simply am connecting things that aren't so abnormal. Here's what I'll say.

I was getting this weird tinnitus like noise in my ears at the exact same time for a couple of weeks last year. I recall noting the time, and it was always at 9pm on the button. That spooked me, but I did my best to brush it off. This period of time coincided with a psychotic break. It was slight, but good enough to estrange some of my friends.

Now what is going on is waking up at 4am on the button. I've had this happen like clockwork for the last two weeks. It seems that everytime I start to "level out", and get things going well in my life, something strange like this starts up. I'm fully aware that this could be a delusional scapegoat, and feel ashamed at the thought that this is all in my head.

The truth is that these experiences happen, and they are at precise times. Is my subconscious so powerful that it could trigger these experiences without any outside influences? Yes, I must admit this. Still thought to share it with you all.

There are other things which have happened, but I'm too embarrassed to mention much of them. Weird looks, staring, evil eyes... stuff like that, but I tend to think that my eccentricities are reason enough for understanding where they may originate.

I hold it as a possibility that I'm targeted so as to keep me from having the social status necessary to transmit some of my bizarre beliefs in public to a large audience. I think something of this sort has certainly been done to many people in the past. It's not out of the realm of possibility that an intelligence agency, or powerful group of individuals, has decided I'm worth the effort.

I'd love that it was all in my head, though, and do try to simply deal with the bizarreness of this all, and live my life as I see fit without being "paranoid". If they're messing with me, they're not doing that good of a job. I'm still keeping on, and doing whatever I feel is best.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 02:44 PM
Sorry to necro a thread, but this came up in google and as a new member I can't start threads.

I've written on this topic somewhat extensively on my blog. I could add to what I've already written there that to explain a lot of these mind control phenomena, you'd probably have to assume that the EM fields that the human brain creates when thought and emotions occur would all have to be at least a mile wide, because otherwise I don't think there would be any way for anyone to read the minds of all these supposed TI's unless they somehow had the equipment very close by in each case. Yet we know that the EM fields are very small, so there's simply no signal that could be received by any government tech, assuming they don't have something really strange that works unlike any other known receiver equipment. I guess some sort of sonar type system could be used if it were at all possible in the context of EMF. (I don't think it is, but then I'm not an expert.)

Well, I have better stuff at my blog, here's a link to it..

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by ManInWonderland

I read your blog. You seem to be filled with a terrible list of assumptions filed under the label of "logic". I don't follow a good chunk of what you write in the blog, for this reason specifically.

Why do you assume that the EM fields would have to be a mile long
Not following you there.

My guess is that you match the MBTI ( I assume since you mention Jung's singularities that you're aware of this model) INFJ, and are in your early 20's. Not so well developed Ti, with Ni making a wide range of assumptions not evidenced.

Interesting string of thoughts, though. Starred you.

I would suggest that "synchronicities" are well within the realm of chance. Can you come up with a figure for the amount of thoughts you have floating around through your years? Most of mine are not remembered until a reference is required, which means a similar or applicable experience comes about. That is all which is needed to explain the phenomena. We choose to create significance where there is none, outside of our inner beliefs and yearnings for more of this arbitrary, and mundane existence.


edit on 21-2-2013 by nomnom because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I think you would be shocked to find out that it is mostly a lower number of schizophrenic people or people with other mental illnesses that can crank out an amazing amount of articles/comments/videos under different online personas.

There are always exceptions, but in most instances you are seeing the mentally ill I think.
edit on 21-2-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by nomnom

If your brain doesn't send "signals" that can be received, then there's no way (that I know of) for anyone to read your mind, period. What would they be reading? There's nothing there to read until you get the scanner close enough to the brain. A signal is typically simply an electromagnetic field. If the EM fields the brain creates are only a few feet in diameter, then the scanner would have to be within a few feet of the person whose mind is being read to accomplish any such reading. How did you think it would work?

If you have time, could you also elaborate on what you find hard to follow on my blog and why? I guess my brief argument about why not all synchronicity can be explained by chance is a bit hard to swallow for a lot of people. And in some cases I've acknowledged that I need to study something more or write a proper section in the future. But other than that?

Regarding synchronicity, did you read the quotation from Philip K. Dick? He didn't say it happened only with one character, but with many. Don't you think that that kind of thing is so unlikely that paranormal explanations seem more acceptable than pure chance explanations? I have some stunning pseudo divination experiences I could share with you, but if that PKD quotation strikes you as normal, you wouldn't have much difficulty ignoring my stuff either. Let me ask you a question though. Consider this scenario: you have a book that has 140,000 words. You want to think of a question, to open the book at random, and to find an apt response to that question where ever your eyes first glance at the pages. The response would usually be within 10 to 30 words, so that if the book included five apt responses to your question, you would have a 0.07% chance of glancing at one of the words contained in the response (which you would then read from the beginning). That's one in 1,500. You would choose a question that you'd imagine the book would be able to respond to no more than five times in any circumstances (it's a book you haven't read before), and more likely only once or twice at most if at all. But let's say there would be five responses to it in the book.

What would you say if you tried it once, and succeeded once? Would the success seem likely or unlikely to you? What if you succeeded twice, after trying it twice with different questions and maybe different books of the same size? Do you know what the odds of those two attempts succeeding in a row with no extra attempts would be? It wouldn't be 0.035%. It would be 0.000049%, that is, one in two million. How's that for an unlikely set of events?

My estimate for the probability of my own actual real-life pseudo-divination results taken as a whole (as they should), using basic probability calculation and the above type of rather conservative estimation procedure, is one in one hundred billion (100,000,000,000:1). Read that again. If all six billion humans tried it in their lives, there would be a mere 6% chance of success. In all likelihood, none of them would be able to repeat what I did in any way or form, assuming a purely mechanistic universe, as you do.

The odds for winning the jackpot in the lottery of my country, a sum of a few million euros, in a month of typical, restrained but weekly playing by one person would be one in a million. The odds of winning it twice in a single year of playing would be roughly one in ten billion.

Thing is, such amazing feats of lottery success are extremely rare when no precognitive dreams or divination is involved. But even more amazing successes involving synchronicity, such as my pseudo divination successes, are somewhat common. When you start reading on this topic and keep your eyes open, you quickly lose faith in pure chance explanations if you have any ability in grasping probabilities at all. Unless, of course, you simply refuse to believe supernatural explanations.

It's funny. When was the last time you ignored statistical evidence that was as compelling as mine — in medicine, nutrition, social sciences, physics — when it didn't challenge the very foundations of your worldview? Never, of course. People habitually consider very modest statistical evidence to be compelling when it doesn't involve phenomena that take place beyond the imaginary limits of their universe. The results of a study are typically considered statistically significant if the likelihood of their being explained by chance is 5% or less. There's your science. Biased, much?

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:11 AM
I have NOT read any replies yet but wanted to post my own opinion on this so if it's been touched on (and I bet it has), just add mine to the 2 cents pile.

I wonder as I've seen vids on people who feel they are TI's that.... what if it WAS true? And those of us who believe they are crazy are actually doing what the bullies are wanting the TI's to feel. It's like the TI's say that the bullies want them to have people thinking they are crazy so no one believes them to get them any help against it, right? So if we think they are crazy and they're not, then it's working. The bullying is working.

Yet what if they ARE crazy? There really IS no way to tell 100% either way.

What a sticky evil hard situation to be in, you know?

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by ManInWonderland
reply to post by nomnom

If your brain doesn't send "signals" that can be received, then there's no way (that I know of) for anyone to read your mind, period. What would they be reading? There's nothing there to read until you get the scanner close enough to the brain. A signal is typically simply an electromagnetic field. If the EM fields the brain creates are only a few feet in diameter, then the scanner would have to be within a few feet of the person whose mind is being read to accomplish any such reading. How did you think it would work?

Easy answer. Smartphone. Another possibility is carrier waves acting as if a virtual repeater.

If you have time, could you also elaborate on what you find hard to follow on my blog and why? I guess my brief argument about why not all synchronicity can be explained by chance is a bit hard to swallow for a lot of people. And in some cases I've acknowledged that I need to study something more or write a proper section in the future. But other than that?

It simply makes no sense. I've entertained the notion, and realize people who talk of it don't think all too well.

Regarding synchronicity, did you read the quotation from Philip K. Dick? He didn't say it happened only with one character, but with many. Don't you think that that kind of thing is so unlikely that paranormal explanations seem more acceptable than pure chance explanations?

No. Over 100 billion people have come and gone from this earth. At least a few are bound to have these experiences by chance.

I have some stunning pseudo divination experiences I could share with you, but if that PKD quotation strikes you as normal, you wouldn't have much difficulty ignoring my stuff either. Let me ask you a question though. Consider this scenario: you have a book that has 140,000 words. You want to think of a question, to open the book at random, and to find an apt response to that question where ever your eyes first glance at the pages. The response would usually be within 10 to 30 words, so that if the book included five apt responses to your question, you would have a 0.07% chance of glancing at one of the words contained in the response (which you would then read from the beginning). That's one in 1,500. You would choose a question that you'd imagine the book would be able to respond to no more than five times in any circumstances (it's a book you haven't read before), and more likely only once or twice at most if at all. But let's say there would be five responses to it in the book.

You show just how weak your reasoning is here. First off, you assume only five answers is contained within the pages. Second, you don't mention the question, or the answer. Third, you don't include the fact that we subconsciously process oh so much more than we realize. Last, you don't include the fact that bias exists. You are shaping the context to match a preconceived notion. This shows up in how you choose to pick the factors for these "statistics", at the very least.

To further explain how these "statistics" are complete rubbish, you assume that the equation is a simply words divided by blocks of words for a possible answer. You fail to include the potential blocks containing the same words, shaped subconsciously by an individual with exceptional working memory. For instance, we can read garbled words with ease, because our mind processes the whole word subconsciously at once. I posit that individuals with exceptional working memory process chunks of words at once, subconsciously. Imagine a square with a cross in it. How many squares exist? See what I'm getting at? It's not simply 14,000 divided by how many words can make a response, for the words can be used many times over to make different "squares".

I'm watching a documentary on PKD right now. You realize that many of his "prophesies" didn't pan out, right? He was a drug addict, eccentric, and brilliant mind who burned out and died early. Not sure if you've hung out with speed heads before, but they can come up with some pretty bizarre things. If it rots your teeth so easily, WTH is it doing to your brain after years of abuse? The guy was deeply disturbed.
edit on 22-2-2013 by nomnom because: (no reason given)

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