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UK Man Has Photographed Something Strange...

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Frater210

It was only a couple of days ago when I was going through the photos that I spotted on the photo in question what appears to be a small, strange figure moving across the bottom of the garden brick wall. I did not see anything at the time of taking the photograph, and nothing unusual showed up on any of the other photos which might explain the figure.

LMAO, what a load of Cow pie.
This picture is visible spectrum, that means the "leprechaun" showed up on the viewfinder and to the naked eye.

Obviously it's just a small statue.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Frater210

just thought i would put my opinion forward on the footprints, they seem to be all over the grass which could indicate a few people walking on the grass before hand but does not mean it was to place a "statue"

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Frater210

It's fairly obvious now that your on the wind up.

I'm also not sure what you find so magical about Preston

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:23 PM
Come on people,you can see the guys footprints leading up to the statue.

Its a Aprils fool's joke.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:23 PM
Hmm... 6 courses of brick work...

If this thing is real and not some hoax then its about 45cm's in height.

Also, in regards to the footprints... anyone consider that the tenant may have kids, hence the disturbed look on the grass?

edit on 3/4/11 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire because: To add more of my thoughts.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:26 PM
looks a bit like this thing, sorry I couldn't find original photo.

There is also one where a mounted policeman passes right by a similar creature. I will try to dig it up too. All of these are from the UK.
edit on 3-4-2011 by woghd because: CLASSIFIED

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

What does that mean, 'On the windup'? I would like to know just because I am a big fan of colloquialisms. I totally mean you no harm, DK, and I really appreciate you being here.That being said:
I really get that. I live in L.A. and have travelled in Europe and never understood people's fascination with this place. I will be honest. I am fascinated by Britain for all sorts of reasons. The Cunning Folk of East Anglia for one. The Megaliths for another. The literature and music that comes from your country is simply the best. Period. Science Fiction would be dead right now if not for the Brits. I just think there is a lot of cool stuff there. But the grass is always greener, right?

Reasons I like Britain (very short off the cuff list):
Aleister Crowley.
King Arthur.
Ley Lines.
China Meiville.
Steph Swainston.
Charles Stross.
Bangers and mash.
Fresh and Easy (Bangers and Mash)
Julian Cope.
The Beatles.
How to behave in public.
Great template for what is gonna happen in the U.S.
Dr. Who
David Tenant.
English Toffee.

edit on 3-4-2011 by Frater210 because: Meritocracy

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by woghd

Here is the image WogHd. Thank you.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:36 PM
Strange picture! The thing, if real, seems to have a hat of some sorts, like the screwing part of a light bulb. Its upper back seems to be like that of a hunchback. Maybe a backpack?... ( looong stretch here!!! )

But also, its right leg seems to be hidden in the wall, at least partly. It doesn't go all the way down to the flowers at the bottom of the wall. And to be walking there, unless being paper thin, it must be partly in the wall.

It would explain why it is going to the wall as if it wasn't there. Maybe it doesn't perceive our world?

I'm on the fence with this one...

PS: Did the author of the picture also send other pictures of the wall for comparisons to allow for a better evaluation?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:37 PM
There is also this:

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by woghd

Here you are, WogHd. Thanks again for the help

WogHd's photo contribution:

WogHd, would you please go find out where these came from? It is looking like England is infested with these things. Although I think the latter photo may be from Latin America. Or maybe not. Is that a Bobby on horseback? Does England have horseback Bobbies? Let's find out where they are from.

edit on 3-4-2011 by Frater210 because: Request

edit on 3-4-2011 by Frater210 because: ?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:52 PM
That pic is from Russia. I also cant believe your taking the garden pic seriously.....

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by shagula


I don't see a problem with the photo or the story except the numbers of scared people who don't want to believe in anything other than their next game title, pop song or junk food fix. Imagining they know poo from Shinola.

I just started reading he thread and agree with your assessment. Mostly young nubbers here I think. They are pretty fake themselves in the intelligence area, and display a new type of senility that happens when you grow up without any education but a TV and internet porn and still think they are an expert just because they can turn on an XBox.

What is so disturbing is how widely indoctrinated young and many old people are into the hatred and distrust of each other they display. The big machine that has taken over civilization in the last 200 years was once people driven. But currently this system of policies and laws, lobbied and controlled by profit juggernauts controlling governments, media and now all aspects our lives, AND, has effectively de-educated most through media and lack of education to distrust, hate, be reactive, self absorbed, egocentric but actually clueless goo bags who hate and kill each other. Bad food, drugs and water helps that happen too.

The system of un-human control has made people turn against each other and do the machines work of depopulation for them/it. They (angry scared people) know not what they do. While we must love them, and have compassion, we still need to be witness to such ignorance and call them on such low-intelligent reactive attitudes. ATS is a safe anonymous place for their fears and acting out fantasies of being smart. So are drawn and enabled.

I feel so sorry for ATS having such a crop of non-critical thinkers. ATS would be a great place to delve into the real news and greater universe, were it not for the great numbers of lowest common denominators who muck up any intelligent discussion with the throwing of stones of "FAKE", "HOAX" etc. Just being distrusting haters unfortunately.

Same thing happened with major stories here that turned out to be proven more likely real events after all, but the nubbers whined and got great stories put into the Hoax box like it was a point for their team or some such toddler-minded victory.

Few here have looked at this critically. Face value reactions only. That is proof of fake intelligence.

I for one have no reason to disbelieve the man or the photo yet. This is exactly how such phenomena happen. These creatures skip through our reality (narrow human bandwidth of perception) and can be caught by non-conscious mechanisms like cameras and video surveillance systems. While our perceptions are controlled by psycotronics they incorporate into their biology enhancing telepathic controls, they cannot easily see what we are not thinking about.

But I'm listening. Someone give us good reason to disbelieve the mans story. We need evidence he is not telling us the truth. No one cares about your opinion. We need critical assessments. Or just keep gurgling out your thoughts around from nipple of your formula bottle of ignorance.

I'm sorry I'm so disappointed. I just know people are better than this and expect much better.

Folks, a new much larger reality is on the way and happening here and now. Get ready for it, or plan to re-incarnate to try and get it right again.

edit on 4/3/2011 by ZeroGhost because: Addition for clarity.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Cynicaleye

Debunking as to be a serious process, no?
I repeat for 2nd line, a serious process.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:02 PM
Interesting pics, not just in the OP but posted above.

I'd like to say it's real but if we had anyone skilled in digital photo rendering/manipulation or whatever it's called to analyse based solely on the image we have in the thread then that may help rather than coming out with "hoax" or "fake" right away.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
reply to post by shagula


I don't see a problem with the photo or the story except the numbers of scared people who don't want to believe in anything other than their next game title, pop song or junk food fix. Imagining they know poo from Shinola.

I just started reading he thread and agree with your assessment. Mostly young nubbers here I think. They are pretty fake themselves in the intelligence area, and display a new type of senility that happens when you grow up without any education but a TV and internet porn and still think they are an expert just because they can turn on an XBox.

What is so disturbing is how widely indoctrinated young and many old people are into the hatred and distrust of each other they display. The big machine that has taken over civilization in the last 200 years was once people driven. But currently this system of policies and laws, lobbied and controlled by profit juggernauts controlling governments, media and now all aspects our lives, AND, has effectively de-educated most through media and lack of education to distrust, hate, be reactive, self absorbed, egocentric but actually clueless goo bags who hate and kill each other. Bad food, drugs and water helps that happen too.

The system of un-human control has made people turn against each other and do the machines work of depopulation for them/it. They (angry scared people) know not what they do. While we must love them, and have compassion, we still need to be witness to such ignorance and call them on such low-intelligent reactive attitudes. ATS is a safe anonymous place for their fears and acting out fantasies of being smart. So are drawn and enabled.

I feel so sorry for ATS having such a crop of non-critical thinkers. ATS would be a great place to delve into the real news and greater universe, were it not for the great numbers of lowest common denominators who muck up any intelligent discussion with the throwing of stones of "FAKE", "HOAX" etc. Just being distrusting haters unfortunately.

Same thing happened with major stories here that turned out to be proven more likely real events after all, but the nubbers whined and got great stories put into the Hoax box like it was a point for their team or some such toddler-minded victory.

Few here have looked at this critically. Face value reactions only. That is proof of fake intelligence.

I for one have no reason to disbelieve the man or the photo yet. This is exactly how such phenomena happen. These creatures skip through our reality (narrow human bandwidth of perception) and can be caught by non-conscious mechanisms like cameras and video surveillance systems. While our perceptions are controlled by psycotronics they incorporate into their biology enhancing telepathic controls, they cannot easily see what we are not thinking about.

But I'm listening. Someone give us good reason to disbelieve the mans story. We need evidence he is not telling us the truth. No one cares about your opinion. We need critical assessments. Or just keep gurgling out your thoughts around from nipple of your formula bottle of ignorance.

I'm sorry I'm so disappointed. I just know people are better than this and expect much better.

Folks, a new much larger reality is on the way and happening here and now. Get ready for it, or plan to re-incarnate to try and get it right again.

edit on 4/3/2011 by ZeroGhost because: Addition for clarity.

The grass has footsteps leading right up to the "alien", suggesting he placed the statue there. The pic was also posted on april fools day. The figure is also "walking" into a wall. If you seriously believe this story then your deluded.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Frater210
That creature or whatever it is, gives me the impression that it's in a hurry to get somewhere. If the photo is a hoax, then whoever set the "doll" in position seems to have done so with a certain amount of skill by giving the appearance of life to it with his/her natural positioning of the limbs, and not going overboard with exaggerated movement. Someone who is experienced at setting up shots for the camera, perhaps?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:06 PM
This looks fake.

I hate how people waste their time, and that of others with hoaxes like these...

It does kind of look like it was made by a 12 year old, instead of an adult... He should be ashamed of himself...

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:12 PM
Doesnt look photo-shoped. Could easily be some kind of alien knome though lol. Could easily be real aswell...

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:13 PM
Thanks, everyone. Yeah, It looks like we will be taking this garden photograph seriously. I also think that it would be really tough to set this up so that the 'thing' appears to be in motion. There are asymmetries that I cannot explain away by thinking that it is a statue.
In the meantime I would like to plug a previous thread that I set up for people like myself who would like to be able to use software to discover the veracity of photos such as this. It is called, The Complete Digital Debunker. There you will find links to free and Open Source software for video, photo and audio analysis. And if it takes off maybe we can get some input from the pros in our community. Some have already posted.
There is a link to free EXIF software

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