I started a new blog the other day. I'm relatively new here, although I've been lurking for years, so I assume that posting a link to it is a no no.
So, I decided to recreate my first blog post here because I put some time and effort into it and since I have no one actually visting my blog yet I
would love some feedback and to get a little dialogue going. Anyways here we go:
First let’s watch a few videos shall we? I promise I have a point.
Of course, if you’re already familiar with all of the lies, then feel free to skip over them to the rest of the post below.
Obama Lies:
Bush Administration Lies:
Clinton Lies:
Bush Sr. Lies:
Reagan Lies:
Ok, so are we starting to see a pattern here yet?
The point of this isn’t what they lied about or what was the “worst” lie. The point is a lie is a lie is a lie.
In fact, I think you’d have a hard time finding very many presidents in our entire history that haven’t blatantly lied to the American people at
least once. So I guess my question is, why do we put up with it? You might even say, “What are we suppose to do? They all lie. We have to vote for
Well let’s look at another list. This time, our voting habits by party going back…oh let’s say, 100 years. That’s a nice round number right?
Starting with our current Commander-in-Chief.
Barack Obama, 2009- (Democrat)
George W. Bush, 2001- 2009 (Republican)
Bill Clinton, 1993- 2001(Democrat)
George Bush Sr., 1989-1993 (Republican)
Ronald Reagan, 1981-89 (Republican)
Jimmy Carter, 1977-81 (Democrat)
Gerald Ford , 1974-77 (Republican)
Richard Nixon, 1969-74 (Republican)
Lyndon Johnson, 1963-69 (Democrat)
John Kennedy, 1961-63 (Democrat)
Dwight Eisenhower, 1953-61 (Republican)
Harry Truman, 1945-53 (Democrat)
Franklin Roosevelt, 1933-45 (Democrat)
Herbert Hoover, 1929-33 (Republican)
Calvin Coolidge, 1923-29 (Republican)
Warren Harding, 1921-23 (Republican)
Woodrow Wilson, 1913-21 (Democrat)
William Taft, 1909-13 (Republican)
The fact is, we have to go back to our 13th president, Millard Fillmore, elected in 1850 as a member of the Whig party, to find a president that
wasn’t a member of one of the two major parties. With a few exceptions, we follow almost the exact same pattern throughout history. We elect a
Republican, then we realize they didn’t do what they said they would, so we elect a Democrat next, same thing happens with them, so we elect a
Republican the next time around. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, it doesn’t matter who you vote for? Republican or Democrat, they’re just two sides of the
same coin. Raised in the same families and social circles. Educated in the same colleges, fraternities and secret societies. Beholden to the same
corporations and special interests. Have you ever thought for just one moment that all of these professional politicians don’t give a damn about
you at all?
Does it not seem at times that it’s almost scripted the way the two parties go back and forth? Do either of the parties ever really accomplish
anything other than to divide the country and force people to pick a side?
We have all heard the saying, “Together we stand, Divided we fall” and the quote from Mark 3:25 in the Bible “And if a house be divided against
itself, that house cannot stand.” Both of these statements are so true and if you can’t see that BOTH political parties in this country are to
blame for year after year, doing everything in their power to keep this country divided right down the middle, then you my friend, need to take off
the blinders and wake up.
The Illusion of Choice
The primary point I’m trying to make is we have all been conditioned and deceived into believing we have a choice in this country. In reality
though, a vast majority of our “choices” mean absolutely nothing. Democrat or Republican is not a choice. There may have been a time in our
history when there was a difference between the two, but they merged into a two-headed monster a long time ago.
Here’s another video for you. Don’t dismiss the message because it’s a comedian speaking. Remember a lie is a lie and the truth is the truth, no
matter who’s mouth it’s coming out of.
“So, what can we do? Is there anything we can do?”, you might ask.
Well, I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers, I’m writing this to try and get people to think and to start talking about it, not to tell
anyone what to do. But, since you asked…I do think there is one thing we can do.
What if we stopped voting for them? How about we start voting for independents? Encourage people to run as independents even at smaller levels of
government. I’m not saying this would solve everything overnight, but I honestly don’t see how taking offices away from the two major parties on
any level of government can be a bad thing. Can you imagine a congress and senate or maybe even a presidency that wasn’t controlled by either major
party, but instead had a majority of independents not “owned” by anyone? Can you honestly tell me that our government wouldn’t get more done?
I strongly encourage anyone who reads this to give what I’ve said some real thought. Get out of your comfort zone. Stop believing everything
you’re told. Think for yourself. Our access to information in this age is unparalleled to any time in history. Take advantage of it. Read. Research.
Investigate. Stop letting politicians divide us against each other and start seeing who the real enemy is. I can promise you it’s not your Democrat
neighbor or your Republican boss. It’s not “those white people” or “those black people”, or dare I say even “those brown people wearing
The real enemies are the politicians who keep us at odds with each other over things that really don’t matter at the end of the day. The real
enemies are the politicians who look into cameras on a daily basis and lie to us in order to further their own agendas and enlarge the bank accounts
of themselves and their friends.
The bottom line is they only have power because we give it to them. Never forget that.
I have for many years,tried to tell people that the "two parties" are actually different factions of the same party.Thank you for providing the
evidence. When will we ever learn that voting for these schmucks is a losing proposition.I mean liar and politician are synonyms. You are correct that
they all go to the same schools and join the same secret societies. Sadly the independants are mostly the same as the rest.There are a few good ones,
but not many.
Fantastic post...you did a great job in which I have tried to convey a dozen times..I wouldn't even say that they are two necessary factions but
basically actors in a sense that they all want the same thing which is wealth and power they just figured out a way to split the public to give the
illusion of choice..they really don't give a crap about us..it would be great if we could elect the blue color workers for president but we somehow
allowed money to dictate who becomes president. You can basically buy your campaing but I don't even buy that excuse I think it has been adopted and
understood that the more money you have the more of a chance someone has to get in? Can that be used for a diversion to justify people winning votes?
People now a day just assume that if you get the most contributions you win the election...just a thought and a great post OP...
So, basically, what you are saying is that no one has a mind of their own and that we should all just do things your way because we have no personal
Why are people trying to convince people that they have absolutely no individual political leanings? I don't believe in the same things you all do, I
don't expect you all to believe in the same things I do.
Originally posted by whatukno
Oh here we go again.
So, basically, what you are saying is that no one has a mind of their own and that we should all just do things your way because we have no personal
Why are people trying to convince people that they have absolutely no individual political leanings? I don't believe in the same things you all do, I
don't expect you all to believe in the same things I do.
And it's the same anti government propaganda campaign that I have seen time and time again.
The purpose of which is to try and cow the American public into voting a certain way or abstain from voting altogether in order to push through a
fascist ideology.
Awsome post! Carlin does in fact "hit the nail on the head" again and again! He carries a mind like ours, focused towards the greater good and the
The problem with the voting issue you speak of in your blog is common. There are so many people.....SO MANY..... that are either too stupid to realize
that a government who says that they care is actually saying so using mass manipulation techniques, or they are afraid to stand for the real truth...
and that is the truth we feel resonating from within, knowing what is in fact right.
The real truth is that we do in fact need a change.... a big one!
I'll tell you what though.... if in fact a regime of sorts does start rolling against the wall of facism that we call a government in our country, I
will be right there in front..... hell I'd rather devise a plan to get it started but like I said... the brainwashed masses have me stumped as to how
to go about sparking such a truly patriotic fire.
S&F my man.... great post, and let's hope we get to be a part of the change in our lifetime!
edit on 4/1/2011 by forall2see because: itchy balls
And it's the same anti government propaganda campaign that I have seen time and time again.
The purpose of which is to try and cow the American public into voting a certain way or abstain from voting altogether in order to push through a
fascist ideology.
What the hell are you talking about?
From www.merriam-webster.com:
noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
Definition of FASCISM
1: often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and
that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression
of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Why don't you try knowing what a word means before you throw it around so losely.
The point of my post was prettty much the complete opposite of everything you just said. Why do poeple like you get so personally offended when
someone criticizes the government? Somehow, at some point in our history , people started thinking that the American Government = America. Therefore
if you criticize the government you hate America. Nothing could be further than the truth.
Having said all that, you are entitled to your opinion and you are entiltled to attack me personally if it makes you feel better. It's those freedoms
that make this country great.
I'm not attacking you personally, I am attacking your idea. Please, don't take it personally.
You asked:
Why do poeple like you get so personally offended when someone criticizes the government? Somehow, at some point in our history , people
started thinking that the American Government = America. Therefore if you criticize the government you hate America.
Well, they made that assumption in the United States Constitution
The first three words: We the People
It's supposed to be a government as Abraham Lincoln said: "government of the people, by the people, for the people" we are the government, the
government is us.
I wouldn't vote for a Republi'con if you held a gun to my head. But if an acceptable ALTERNATIVE candidate to that neocon war hawk Obama doesn't
come along by 2012, I'm staying home and sitting on my hands.
Thanks for posting this, maybe some people will get it. Democrats lie, and screw us, and rally the poor folk into frenzies of zombidome. Republicans
lie, and screw us and rally the richer folk into zombiedome. All the while both do things that rip apart, and shrink the middle class, the backbone of
the country. Sad, people don't seem to get it, they just look at the world through their own particular one eyed glasses, that only focuses on the
bad of "the enemy party".
I'm not attacking you personally, I am attacking your idea. Please, don't take it personally.
You asked:
Why do poeple like you get so personally offended when someone criticizes the government? Somehow, at some point in our history , people
started thinking that the American Government = America. Therefore if you criticize the government you hate America.
Well, they made that assumption in the United States Constitution
The first three words: We the People
It's supposed to be a government as Abraham Lincoln said: "government of the people, by the people, for the people" we are the government, the
government is us.
Ok, fair enough, but that's my point. The government is no longer "of the people, by the people or for the people"
And no offense, but looking over your post history, if anyone is pushing an agenda it's you, not me. Your posts are heavily anti republican.
Therefore proving my original point that all this government really does is get people to choose sides and fight with each other, while neither party
gives a damn about you one bit. Even the one you so strongly seem to support.
The only solution I can come up with is half cocked. We need to find some anti-politicians. Politicians sweet talk and lie to the public, while taking
lots of money for their campaign from lobbiests, then doing their bidding while in office. We need to find people that will sweet talk and lie to
lobbyists, take their money so they can win the election, then tell lobbyists to go blank themselves, and do the people's bidding. I would do it, but
I am not a good public personality, I would scare most people away I fear.
"this government really does is get people to choose sides and fight with each other, while neither party gives a damn about you one bit."
I must concede, You are totally correct there. What do we do about it though? I feel powerless and ignored.
I wish I had a great answer to that, but I don't other than what I said in the original post. Maybe if we started trying to elect more independents
into offices nationwide, we could start to losen this stranglehold that the two major parties have on this country.