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Freemasons - I have a few questions.

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posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by needlenight

Well, technically, traditional Masonry was exclusively Christian, so whoever was the driving force in Scandinavian Freemasonry decided not to change.

The heart of the question may have gotten past you as a non-Mason, though. In normal cases, only one Grand Lodge is recognized by other Grand Lodges as legitimate in each country, a rule known as "jurisdictional sovereignty". That rule has exceptions, however; notably, the United Grand Lodge of England has recognized America's Prince Hall Grand Lodges, which are traditionally African-American and were the only method of becoming Freemasons available to black men in segregated America.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by OverMan

Freemasonry is no secret society but rather a private organization.

I do like how you are taking one small line of a much larger speech to defame us. The true intent of his speech was to discuss the balance between a politicians private life and freedom of the press, national security versus freedom of the press. Josh actually did a thread on this in which he shows that JFK even met with them once.

The lies put out by Leo Taxil are known to be hoax, sadly still used by anti-Masons. You can read all about it here:

There is also a thread about the fraudulent Protocols.

The Constitution only hinders the government not the people. I am opposes to national banks.

I'm no member of the Bohemian Grove or Bilderberger, nor have any interest to do so.

For a decentralized and confederate a system that Freemasonry with it's several branches sprouting, but reliant upon the Blue Lodge, it seems impossible for manipulation by "higher ups". Even more with our Democratic processes of election and legislation.

1. I disagree with the websites use of God as it should read supreme being or force. I'll talk to the site admin. I am a Christian and have taken courses on comparative religion.

2. Believing in religious freedom I am also tolerant others beliefs. However the discussion religion is forbidden in the Lodge.

3. We are all stewards of this planet and it is a natural duty to keep it. Freemasonry doesn't perpetuate a class system or slavery.

Symbols have no fixed interpretation and this can be seen how different cultures, religions, and organizations have used symbols throughout history. Since symbols have no fixed definition they rely on the knowledge and interpretation of the viewer.

There are more than followers of Abrahamic faiths in Freemasonry. I know a few Gnostics. 

If you've ever studied military tactic then you'd understand the layout of DC. I can draw several designs in the streets, but you cannot actually draw a star as not all the streets connect. Freemasonry Watch is ran by religious nutjob.

Ones duty to God, country, family, and friends should always take priority over the Craft. Being a British colony of course most Colonial officers were at one time Red Coats that is only logical.

I suggest you back to history and government class as your knowledge seems to be lacking as much as it does in regards to Freemasonry.

I didn't realize we Masons were supposed to stop the creation of the Federal Reserve. Do we all have "S" on our chest?

Our charities are honest and good. Only a paranoid mental case or a list could say otherwise.

You are hereby put on notice, Sir, that I do not take kindly to your little snide remarks and your feeble and dishonest attempts to attack my intelligence and/or my arguments will be used against you in a way that will leave you bewildered, bedraggled, baffled yet Mods need not be concerned as even though your ego will melt like wax near the flame.... your person will remain completely unharmed

Secret society, private organization = same effect.
I do not care if you do not like my tactics and that is your and Josh' opinion only. The words still stand and still hold the same HARD implications.

Lies and "proven hoaxes" you say yet I say "who controls the past controls the present controls the future" and "history is written by the victors" so what do you say to that?

As if this was my PROTOCOLS thread and/or I am incapable of Searching ATS..... Pffft!
An infantile jab at best!

The CONstitution is what has been used to destroy us and if not for it we would not need a Bill of rights!
Again quite elementary yet apparently quite complex to those minds least capable of understanding History.

Just because you are not rich and/or powerful enough to be invited to the bohemian grove or bilderberg club is no proof that your organization/the people in your .org are:
1: not secretive
2: not using their positions to enrich themselves
3: are good for America and/or the world

Yes as we are all aware of how the democratic process of election and legislation cannot be subverted...
You probably believe that we are incapable of keeping secrets as well making a 911 LIHOP scenario Impossible huh?

Comparative religion? Have you read The Secret Doctrine? If not then I assure you that you were "GUIDED" as you "compared religions"....
Only a true Heretic can see this light...

Discussing religion is forbidden because that is the last thing they want you to discuss so you will never get to the bottom of anything concerning religion.... to keep you in a stasis.... a mental coma of sorts...

Washington was a Mason and washington did everything in his power to keep slavery alive.
Washington was not just any Mason...
Washington married for money...
Masons such as Washington are these good stewards?

Apologies yet you are all religious nutjobs as far as I am concerned so why should I scrutinize one from the other yet rather use all of their nonsense against them regardless of their religious nutjob inclinations...

Your retorts are so dated on this subject as to not warrant anything but this minor reply to such nonsense yet I am surprised that you did not also mention that le enfant was not a mason...

Listen kids!! he is suggesting that the layout of DC streets is for military purposes only... nothing masonic or even satanic about the layout of DC... nope... heck some of those streets dont even connect!!! (spoken with a redneck "twang" for extra emphasis)...

Apologies yet I have also studied symbology and more often then not, minus some great disturbance such as WWII where the Nazi adopted ancient symbology and then used it to create death and thus fear, most symbols and their meanings remain fairly constant across most cultures. This little tidbit is downright fraudulent yet I supected as much...

I had hoped a better reply from someone a bit more educated yet am not surprised that this is what I received.
Telling me to go back to INDOCTRINATION TRAINING??? oh sorry as I believe you call it SCHOOL.

Most Charities give little to anyone but the administrators of the charity and I suspect yours are no different and usually while they are "doing something nice" much like Alcoholics Anonymous, they are also INDOCTRINATING and otherwise promoting the agenda.

There are motorcycle clubs near where I reside who always go on "runs" to collect money for children.
I know these people well

This is what they do to promote a positive public image yet in the back rooms they are pimps, drug dealers and cold blooded killers who will murder you and your entire family for a few dollars more...

Oh and did I mention that most of these "bikers" were ex military? many of them decorated?
None of these examples matter much do they?
I am so misguided, unlearned, uneducated and simply need to return to school where the truth is taught!!!
Aint that right, KSigMason?!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by OverMan

Got it, on notice for pointing out you historical inaccuracies. I have broken no rules. If I had broken a rule, the Mods would have acted like they have in the past.

Actually a secret society and a private organization are two different things. Secret societies hide their meetings times, locations, and members. Freemasonry does nothing of that sort as our buildings are covered with symbols, you can look up our meetings times, and the addresses of our buildings. Some websites even list the Lodge officers (at least Presiding officer and secretary). Our ritual work is plastered all over the web, but yet it's hardly ever cited as evidence of our supposed "sinister" activities. Instead of using our actual degree work, misquoted books penned by Masons and non-, or anti-, Masons are used to damn the Masonic fraternity even though they are not Masonic policy or doctrine. He'll even the Code & Digest (Constitution and By-Laws of the local, state, and, for the appendant bodies, national/international) can be found on their websites. At one point you could go to my Grand Lodge or Grand York Rite's website and find my address, phone number, and email address. Not exactly secret. Too many people just don't realize or are just to lazy to go to the websites and view.

Except his confession that it was a hoax was well documented. By your assertion of historical revisionism, you're trying to minimalist the fact and leaving rational debate behind. You're not here for discussion but rather you've made up your mind.

Guaranteed rights are to destroy us? Without it the monarchy and despots trampled he people and were nothing more than servants, peasants. The Constitution was a radical notion and gave unprecedented power to be their own Master and more importantly a voice. To freely assemble and to practice what faith you wished without fear of retribution was something that early settlers prized. Throughout history there is a stain of blood from the unarmed victims oppressed by their tyrannical government; an armed people is a free people. I could lecture on and on about the Constitution and how basic human rights were preserved in this document.

Well, as I said before, we have websites with a treasure trove of actual, relevant information. If you think our leadership are members of the Bilderbergs or Bohemian Grove maybe you can go to our websites, gather the names of our current leadership, cross reference them with who you think are members of the two, and show us that our leadership. If there are Masons who are also members of the other two, then that is on them, but unless they are an elected officer they don't hold any power. Even several things still require approval of the voting members to be put into legislation.

Only a true Heretic can see this light...

In your opinion only.

No. The discussion is forbidden as we have men of various faiths are meeting and staying in harmony is the goal we Masons strive for. Same for politics. The Lodge is not a place for petty bickering lest we wish for disorder to overcome civility. Freemason holds no religious or political belief another.

Washington was a Mason and washington did everything in his power to keep slavery alive.

How so? As was the time, and being a landowner, he owned slaves. Washington wasn't the only one. All of this is historical fact as well as the fact that Washington was a great general that helped free the colonies from the British monarchy.

Religious nutjob? For simply having faith? 

I am exactly saying there is nothing Masonic or Satanic. He'll, not all of the arms of the claimed pentagram can connect as there is no street there in the first place. If you'd actually do research and look at a map, you'd see this. I'm kind of confused as you called religious nutjobs earlier, but now are making claims of Satanism. Are you religious? Do you have faith?

This little tidbit is downright fraudulent yet I supected as much...

No it's not. Symbols don't have an exclusive meaning. Unless you can read the minds of al and speak for them. Two people can look at anything and come up with different interpretations. To think everything is so singular is a very close minded view. Nothing is always black and white.

Maybe I shouldn't have used "school", but rather you need to be enlightened. For me high school was a joke and little more than a waste of time. I did most of my own research and education.

Well as someone who has ran a Masonic charity I can say most of us don't take a dime for reimbursement or any kind of reward for our work. Some may do, but those are the larger ones, but still give abundantly to charitable causes.

So now you're accusing the Masons of murder and other crimes?
edit on 19-5-2011 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by OverMan

Most Charities give little to anyone but the administrators of the charity and I suspect yours are no different and usually while they are "doing something nice" much like Alcoholics Anonymous, they are also INDOCTRINATING and otherwise promoting the agenda.

There are motorcycle clubs near where I reside who always go on "runs" to collect money for children.
I know these people well
This is what they do to promote a positive public image yet in the back rooms they are pimps, drug dealers and cold blooded killers who will murder you and your entire family for a few dollars more...

You've lost it.

MMRL Masonic Research Lab

That is one example of a charity that Masons support, and a great many of the advancements in the electro-chemistry of heart are are result of that research institute.

If you are unfamiliar with the Shriner's then go check them out. Visit a hospital, ask around and find the families that have been impacted by the ENTIRELY FREE and top notch care their children received at a Shriner's hospital.

For the record, there is a 100% pass-through of any charitable funds raised by the Masons. Sometimes we have events that benefit out Lodges, but we make it clear that those are not charitable events and not tax deductible. Anything done "for charity" has a 100% pass-through. Anything that mentions a Shriner's Hospital has a 100% pass-through. Furthermore it is actually mandated BY LAW! If anyone, even a private individual is caught using those charitable names and keeping any of the money, it is a violation of law.

As for the biker's, I regularly attend "Toys 4 Tots" runs. There is a big military presence, because the entire event is organized and run by the National Guard. Also, a lot of bikers are veterans. On the other hand, not a lot of bikers are murderers, LOL! Have you ever been to Thunderbeach in Panama City, or Bikeweek in Daytona, or Sturgis at Sturgis? It is not a big riot, it is just another money making event. I can speak for Panama City and tell you with certainty that Spring Break is much more dangerous than Thunderbeach.

It seems you just have a naive and immature outlook on these things. Perhaps with a few more years and a little more life-experience your horizons will broaden. I hope so, I hope you will not always be a victim of seeing the world as a B-movie.

edit on 19-5-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by OverMan
Secret society, private organization = same effect.

Okay. Now prove that's an ill effect if you're going to conflate them.

Lies and "proven hoaxes" you say yet I say "who controls the past controls the present controls the future" and "history is written by the victors" so what do you say to that?

I say that you should post whatever evidence you have that calls into question the mounds of testimony and analysis that seemingly proves them to be lies and hoaxes, rather than ominous-sounding bloviation.

As if this was my PROTOCOLS thread and/or I am incapable of Searching ATS..... Pffft!
An infantile jab at best!

Well, you're the one who brought it up.

Just because you are not rich and/or powerful enough to be invited to the bohemian grove or bilderberg club is no proof that your organization/the people in your .org are:
1: not secretive
2: not using their positions to enrich themselves
3: are good for America and/or the world

Yes, but the burden of proof is yours.

Comparative religion? Have you read The Secret Doctrine? If not then I assure you that you were "GUIDED" as you "compared religions"....
Only a true Heretic can see this light...

Sure, we're all being manipulated by religion. Only someone who read your book can know all the answers.

Discussing religion is forbidden because that is the last thing they want you to discuss so you will never get to the bottom of anything concerning religion.... to keep you in a stasis.... a mental coma of sorts...

Wrong. Outside the lodge it is highly recommended that a man make a study of world religion. Inside the lodge, however, harmony is prized and divisive subjects discouraged.

Washington was a Mason and washington did everything in his power to keep slavery alive.

John Brown was a Mason, and John Brown did everything in his power to end slavery.
George Thompson was a Mason, and George Thompson did everything in his power to end slavery.
Holding one man out among Freemasons as typical of Masonic religious and political views is, for reasons previously discussed, an exercise in futility.

Masons such as Washington are these good stewards?

I'd say, for all his flaws, he did all right.

Apologies yet you are all religious nutjobs as far as I am concerned so why should I scrutinize one from the other yet rather use all of their nonsense against them regardless of their religious nutjob inclinations...

I can see why you view yourself as a paragon of mature discussion, well above the "snide" and "infantile" remarks of the brethren.

Your retorts are so dated on this subject as to not warrant anything but this minor reply to such nonsense yet I am surprised that you did not also mention that le enfant was not a mason...

Actually, L'enfant did receive the Entered Apprentice degree in New York.

Listen kids!! he is suggesting that the layout of DC streets is for military purposes only... nothing masonic or even satanic about the layout of DC... nope... heck some of those streets dont even connect!!!

well, I suppose you've caught us. Our secret plan all along was to organize disconnected streets via bad geometry into shapes vaguely resembling symbols that are at best tangentially related.

Apologies yet I have also studied symbology and more often then not, minus some great disturbance such as WWII where the Nazi adopted ancient symbology and then used it to create death and thus fear, most symbols and their meanings remain fairly constant across most cultures.

Most researchers in the field would disagree. Then again, they went to indoctrination training.

I had hoped a better reply from someone a bit more educated yet am not surprised that this is what I received.
Telling me to go back to INDOCTRINATION TRAINING??? oh sorry as I believe you call it SCHOOL.

That you're not a fan of school makes this a lot less surprising.

Most Charities give little to anyone but the administrators of the charity and I suspect yours are no different

Why don't you take a look at the 501(c)3 documentation and find out for yourself, then? Funny how everyone complains about secrecy but won't look at publicly available evidence.

and usually while they are "doing something nice" much like Alcoholics Anonymous, they are also INDOCTRINATING and otherwise promoting the agenda.

Cite an example of "indoctrination" by a Masonic charity.

There are motorcycle clubs near where I reside who always go on "runs" to collect money for children.
I know these people well

This is what they do to promote a positive public image yet in the back rooms they are pimps, drug dealers and cold blooded killers who will murder you and your entire family for a few dollars more...

Oh and did I mention that most of these "bikers" were ex military? many of them decorated?
None of these examples matter much do they?

Given that they don't seem to be about Freemasonry, no, they don't.

I am so misguided, unlearned, uneducated and simply need to return to school where the truth is taught!!!
Aint that right, KSigMason?!

You don't seem to care about the truth where it doesn't provide a vehicle for your unpleasantness. The dearth of fact, and the preponderance of vague accusations, seem to back this up.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I gather from your post that you are a Freemason, I also noticed a Ron Paul banner on the bottom of your post.

Here is a blog post about Ron Paul indicating where Mr. Paul and others are making Masonic Hand Signals during his appearance on a television program.

Further reference of similar hand signals being made by public officials:

Do you concur with the analysis that these are Masonic Hand Signals and that Mr. Paul is a Freemason?


posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by FW4ats

no, Ron Paul is not a mason, but I wish he was. I would be proud to claim him. It's not too late. maybe he will join soon. BTW, freemasonrywatch is kind of a biased source of information. If you are looking for truth, bounce the information off of some reputable sites before assuming it's true.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by network dude

1. How do you know Ron Paul is not a Freemason?

2. Are the hand signs and hand shakes Ron Paul and the other guests as well as the host are using Freemason recognition signals or not?

3. Do you feel Freemasons are a candid source of full and truthful information about Freemasonry?

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by FW4ats
reply to post by network dude

1. How do you know Ron Paul is not a Freemason?

I don't "know" I just use logic. There are no records of him being a member of any lodge. Nobody claims to have sat with him in a lodge. Given his popularity, the people who list "famous masons" would be chomping at the bit to get his name on that list. I could be wrong and I would like to be wrong on this.

2. Are the hand signs and hand shakes Ron Paul and the other guests as well as the host are using Freemason recognition signals or not?

it's hard to say from the angle presented, plus If I did see an openly masonic grip, I would not be able to confirm or deny it as I took an obligation not to discuss the secrets with non masons. The "secrets" can be found via google. My confirmation is not necessary.

3. Do you feel Freemasons are a candid source of full and truthful information about Freemasonry?

I have not seen a mason tell a lie about masonry on this site. I have not knowingly told any lies on this site. I would tell you anything I am able to about freemasonry that I am allowed to say and I would tell you that I cannot answer the questions that would violate my oath. You would be surprised at how little is actually involved in the "secrets". If you have any questions please ask. If you feel any have been lies, please ask others for clarification.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by network dude

1. In your first reply to my question of whether Mr. Paul was a Freemason you made a catagorical statement, you said Mr. Paul is not a Freemason. Now you change your answer to a uncatagorical one; 'using logic'. The logic you use is Famous Mason sites. You also say no record exists for Mr. Paul being a Freemason. How do you know THIS? Have you written to the Secretaries of different Grand Lodges? Oh wait you're not supposed to do that are you? Well you must have written to your Lodge Secretary asking him to write your Grand Lodge Secretary to write to different Grand Lodges where Mr. Paul might have been initiated? You did that right? This is how you 'know' Mr. Paul is not a Freemason, right?

2. If Mr. Paul and the other guests as well as the hosts were making masonic handsignals and employing a masonic handshake then they would have to be Freemasons wouldn't they? Why would 4 non-masons, one prominent comedian and televison host, another a famous Hollywood Actor, another a famous writer and journalist and the other a United States Congressman and Candidate for the Republican Party Nomination for President of the United States of America employ secret Masonic handsignals and handshakes on National Televison if they weren't in fact Freemasons?

3. Who said anything about lieing? I merely asked in response to your statement that the referenced website was not an accurate source of information about Freemasonry whether Freemasons were a candid and accurate source of information about Freemasonry?

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by FW4ats
You also say no record exists for Mr. Paul being a Freemason. How do you know THIS? Have you written to the Secretaries of different Grand Lodges? Oh wait you're not supposed to do that are you?

There'd be nothing wrong with it, but it isn't necessary. The only evidence, as will be shown below, is nonsensical.

His logic is based on the idea that Ron Paul would be a famous Mason; as such, he'd be a shoo-in for every credible list of Masons if he were one. You don't think "why aren't we claiming a popular and well-liked politician if he's a Mason?" is a valid line of logical questioning?

Well you must have written to your Lodge Secretary asking him to write your Grand Lodge Secretary to write to different Grand Lodges where Mr. Paul might have been initiated? You did that right? This is how you 'know' Mr. Paul is not a Freemason, right?

We also have Dr. Paul's statement on the subject. That has to count for something, right?

If Mr. Paul and the other guests as well as the hosts were making masonic handsignals and employing a masonic handshake then they would have to be Freemasons wouldn't they?

The due-guards and signs of Freemasonry are for the identification of brother Masons, and as such are used exclusively within the lodge; there are none that can or are meant to be displayed in public. What you're calling a "Masonic hand signal" is a paranoid conspiracy theorist's attempt to connect the dots in a way that defames Freemasonry. If Ron Paul was a Freemason, you'd be even less likely to see it.

Why would 4 non-masons, one prominent comedian and televison host, another a famous Hollywood Actor, another a famous writer and journalist and the other a United States Congressman and Candidate for the Republican Party Nomination for President of the United States of America employ secret Masonic handsignals and handshakes on National Televison if they weren't in fact Freemasons?

The better question is why they would. It would make them subject to expulsion as a clear violation of their obligations.

Who said anything about lieing? I merely asked in response to your statement that the referenced website was not an accurate source of information about Freemasonry whether Freemasons were a candid and accurate source of information about Freemasonry?

Knowing them not to be liars is a testament to their accuracy.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by FW4ats
reply to post by network dude

1. In your first reply to my question of whether Mr. Paul was a Freemason you made a catagorical statement, you said Mr. Paul is not a Freemason. Now you change your answer to a uncatagorical one; 'using logic'. The logic you use is Famous Mason sites. You also say no record exists for Mr. Paul being a Freemason. How do you know THIS? Have you written to the Secretaries of different Grand Lodges? Oh wait you're not supposed to do that are you? Well you must have written to your Lodge Secretary asking him to write your Grand Lodge Secretary to write to different Grand Lodges where Mr. Paul might have been initiated? You did that right? This is how you 'know' Mr. Paul is not a Freemason, right?

You are correct in that I don't know for sure. Being a mason, I have heard this question about 12-14 times a year for the last 4 that I have been active on ATS. Every time, the answer is no. I would actually have to sit and talk to Dr. Paul to be 100% sure he was not. But using "logic" as I suggested, seems to work remarkably well.

2. If Mr. Paul and the other guests as well as the hosts were making masonic handsignals and employing a masonic handshake then they would have to be Freemasons wouldn't they? Why would 4 non-masons, one prominent comedian and televison host, another a famous Hollywood Actor, another a famous writer and journalist and the other a United States Congressman and Candidate for the Republican Party Nomination for President of the United States of America employ secret Masonic handsignals and handshakes on National Televison if they weren't in fact Freemasons?

I have seen pictures of women shaking hands in a way that is close to a masonic grip, I have seen people who were not Freemasons using a grip similar to the masonic grip, and I have actually had people shake my hand using a grip that I recognized as masonic only to find out that the person who shook my hand was not a brother and did it accidentally. Point being, it happens. Usually asking is the best way to find out if a person is a mason or not.

3. Who said anything about lieing? I merely asked in response to your statement that the referenced website was not an accurate source of information about Freemasonry whether Freemasons were a candid and accurate source of information about Freemasonry?

I misunderstood your question. Yes, using common sense, a mason would be the best source of information on masonry, much like a chemist would be the best person to ask how to make a chemical compound, or a carpenter would be the best person to ask how to drive a nail. Sorry for the confusion.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by FW4ats

I am unaware of any "hand signals" that Masons can give in public. We have certain "grips" that we recognize each other by, and there is one universal sign to call for help, but it is not subtle.

Therefore, those supposed hand signals mean nothing to me, and they are not indicative of anything Masonic.

I like Ron Paul for his recent speeches and news show appearances. I feel he is pretty straight-forward and honest, and I think he would make a good Mason, if he were to become one, or if he already is one. I do not know all of the 400,000 or so Masons in the country, but I have never heard that he is one, and I'm sure if he were, then the Tea Partiers / Masons in my area would have been bragging about it. As far as I know he is not a Mason, but it wouldn't make any difference either way.

I had a chance to vote for a fellow Mason and Shriner for a County Commissioner seat in 2008, and I voted for his opponent, because I did not like or trust the guy. I still don't, and I might run for that seat in 2012! I like the majority of Masons, but I am under no obligation to like them all or vote for any of them. I vote my conscious, nothing else.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by FW4ats

Ron Paul is not a Freemason, but his father was.

reply to post by FW4ats

1. Many of us have researched it and found nothing supporting the claim. There is evidence out there that his father was one. Many make all sorts of outlandish claims, but usually fall short of giving what Lodge they joined and when they went through.

2. What Network Dude said.

3. Being human even Masons are still capable of lying, but I would hope that 99% of us are very truthful, and being members and having firsthand knowledge of Freemasonry we are fairly descent sources of information for Freemasonry. There is a pretty diverse crowd of Masons and the appendant bodies.

reply to post by FW4ats

1. There are many Masonic researchers and archvers, who have researched this and some post the information on their website such as this Brother did on Masonic Info. It's also pretty well known which politician is a Freemason. If a Mason wanted to I'm sure if he was doing research he could ask the Grand Lodge of Texas.

2. Anyone sees a weird handshake as a Masonic one.

3. The way it reads it does sound if you are asking if all Masons are honest or not. We're not taking offense to it, well, I'm not, I won't speak for ND.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
...I won't speak for ND.

If you were going to speak for him I would suggest using monosylabic words and grunts.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

you have no idea how close you really are to the truth.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 02:10 AM
Answering the OP's questions,

I heard strange things about Freemasonry being a powerful and mysterious institution. As a young man, that was undeniably a drawing force. The popularization of Masonry (think of the movie "National Treasure") further impressed the idea of Masonry upon my mind. At some point, I was interested enough to start reading about Masonic ideals online and, being impressed by what I read, adopted informally many of those ideals in my mind. It was some time after that point that I met a Mason unexpectedly, and being drawn into conversation by a piece of Masonic jewelry which he wore, made manifest my interest in the craft and was shortly thereafter initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason.

My Masonic experience grew slowly. It was not until a couple years after being raised to the degree of Master Mason that the true nature and value of Freemasonry begin to really sink in. The Mason's true lodge is the world. The Mason's true secrets are the secrets of other Masons when communicated to him as such. Thus, the assembly of Masonic meetings and the keeping of official "secrets" are really only allusions to the greater design and purpose of the Masonic experience, which is to act as an anchor for society. Masonry is firstly devoted to morality and the belief that men should be builders of a better World Order
as opposed to mere occupants in it.

Masonic secrets are a mixture of certain things which no non-mason would care about and certain other things which no non-mason would understand. As for the official secrets, they are an ever-present reminder of the value of secrecy. The Mason's devotion to the keeping of secrets - however seemingly benign - is more about his individual fidelity and trustworthiness overall than it is about the actual secret in question.

In answer to the final question, I am convinced that more damage by far has been done by gossip and loose lips than by secrecy or fidelity. Thus, my answer to that is no.

The unfinished work continues. Those who do not build may not understand the design.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by JHoward88


I have never heard it said better, and I think your post should be a speech shared at every EA degree.

With your permission, I would like to print that and read it to my Lodge.

The man that raised me up is a 33rd Degree, and a PDDGM, and he gives his "key speech" at every degree. He tells all the brothers to not forget one last "working tool" and that is their car keys. Get out and visit the other brothers, the other Lodges, the sick and distressed, etc., etc. All of the most important secrets in Freemasonry can best be discovered by using those car keys!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You don't need my permission, but I'll happily give it to you anyway.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:36 PM
One thing that a true Mason knows is that those "secret handskaes" or brotherly grips,can also accidently happen anywhere two people grip hands,most especially when in a hurry or crowded hand shaking going on....just because some "watchdog" orgainization,with a clearly stated agenda BTW,says "Oh,look,Freddie there is giving a handshake" just doenst make it so....

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