I have compiled a list showing the 30 most powerful earth directed solar flares recorded since 1976.
I then went through these dates to find out if any earthquakes occurred after these significant solar flares, a typical flare will reach earth within
2-3 days, with the largest known (1859) reaching earth in 18 hours, so my criteria was two days after the flare and the following two days after that
to find my data.
Here are the results:
1 04/11/03 X28+ Nothing of significance
2 02/04/01 X20.0 Nothing of significance
2 16/08/89 X20.0
6.1 Etheopia Aug 20
3 28/10/03 X17.2
7.0 Japan Oct 31
4 07/09/05 X17.0 Nothing of significance
5 06/03/89 X15.0
6.6 Malawi Apr 10
5 11/07/78 X15.0 Nothing of significance
6 15/04/01 X14.4
6.7 Solomon Islands Apr 19
7 24/04/84 X13.0 Nothing of significance
7 19/10/89 X13.0 Nothing of significance
8 15/12/82 X12.9
7.4 Tonga Islands Dec 19
9 06/06/82 X12.0 Nothing of significance
9 01/06/91 X12.0 Nothing of significance
9 04/06/91 X12.0 Nothing of significance
9 06/06/91 X12.0
6.5 North Atlantic Ridge Jun 10
9 11/06/91 X12.0
6.5 South Sandwich Islands Jun 15
9 15/06/91 X12.0 Nothing of significance
10 17/12/82 X10.1 Nothing of significance
10 20/05/84 X10.1 Nothing of significance
11 29/10/03 X10.0 Nothing of significance
11 25/01/91 X10.0 Nothing of significance
11 09/06/91 X10.0 Nothing of significance
12 09/07/82 X 9.8 Nothing of significance
12 29/09/89 X 9.8 Nothing of significance
13 22/03/91 X 9.4
5.5 Northeast China Mar 25
13 06/11/97 X 9.4 Nothing of significance
14 24/05/90 X 9.3 Nothing of significance
15 05/12/06 X 9.0 Nothing of significance
15 06/11/80 X 9.0 Nothing of significance
15 02/11/92 X 9.0 Nothing of significance
Only 8 out of the 30 fitted the criteria (
To add to this further the largest magnitude earthquake from this list was a
On average (since 1900) we will get a 7.0 - 7.9 magnitude earthquake 15 times a year.
So, despite the various theories connecting solar flares and earthquakes being thrown about, the cold hard facts and numbers makes me think it's all a
load of doo doo
Less than 30% is way too low for any correlation IMHO
edit on 30/3/11 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)