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Marijuana Causes Mental illness. Use Prescription Drugs instead - Oklahoma Congressman

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:21 PM
It's too bad Japanese power plants don't run on cannabis. Then the government would be rushing to assure us it was completely safe.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:23 PM
marijuana (keep in mind i am referring to organically grown outdoor strains.) causes nothing but enlightenment and has never even killed an animal in a clinical trial.

alcohol on the other hand? now THAT leads to mental illness. and so do the counless opiates and anit depressant drugs they shove down your throat and stuff in your water supply.

true story.
edit on 29-3-2011 by Ivann1217 because: had to be more specific

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:26 PM
This guy is 100% just lobbying for big pharma. Anyone that has looked into fact sheets know that everything he said was false. not only were his statements idiotic but IMO irresponsible.

I could tell by his tone and body language that he didn't even believe the BS he was spewing forth as fact on nat'l tv. he has no choice though, he's a reprehensible politician that has been connected to scandal and probably has been greased by pharma since day one.

The best thing anyone can do for themselves is to never listen to main stream media ever again, they have burnt the public trust bridge and that mofo isn't repairable, its due for demolition.

And by the way i don't want to let the other guy off the hook. Why should it only be available as a prescription for people with terminal illnesses. is that some sick consolation gift since your going to die from their chemo poisoning? i personally suffer(ed) from anxiety and panic attacks throughout my entire youth and teens, the moment i started smoking weed alot of that went away, i felt more comfortable in public, at parties. I made new friends, i have fun when i go out now and my stomach doesn't always feel nausea. chrohns disease runs in my family so my intestines act up sometimes and the weed always settles my stomach and makes it better. What more can you ask of one simple plant?

Also to wrap this up with one more example, a friend of mine suffers from seizures and after months and months maybe even years of prescription drugs basically using him as a guinea pig all the while his seizures were not getting any better and you could make an argument that they occurred more frequently. he asked his DR. about medical marijuana because he said it made it better and teh doctor flipped out and ended the Dr, patient relationship and wont see him anymore.

Which leads me back to the frmr congressman's IRRESPONSIBILITY, when people come out and put a taboo on something it hurts everyone and now a Dr. that could have prescribed a medicine that could work for my friend instead he's attached to the stigma of "drugs" and now my buddy has to self medicate.

LOL one more thing whats wrong with "self medication" if what you do works? marijuana has zero addictive properties, i have started and stopped numerous times and i dont feel a "jones'" or itch to get it. it's just Big Pharma showing her ugly mug is all.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:26 PM
The congressman also needs to understand that it need not be smoked. He's in someone's pocket.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by LS650
I've never understood why pot is illegal, yet the state sanctions alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.

The smartest thing the government could do is legalize marijuana, then charge a tax on it.
Budget problems solved!

They make more money with it being illegal. All that pot they seize, just gets re-sold down the road at street prices. Plus pharma will lose a lot since pot is a better medicine that most of that crap they prescribe.


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:28 PM
I does cause mental illness... Havent you seen Reefer Madness?!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Pha3drus


Im a legal Marijuana Patient & this is my take on this subject:

Tylenol side effects - Constipation; diarrhea; dizziness; drowsiness; excitability; headache; loss of appetite; nausea; nervousness or anxiety; trouble sleeping; upset stomach; vomiting; weakness.

this is one of the weakest drugs over the counter.... not compaired to blood pressure meds,heart meds,diabetes meds....which are much much worse even causing death for some people.....etc

now Marijuana Side effects - Um....................Munchies?

so would u rather have somethin with 100+ unknown forign ingredients being digested by your body? or smoke somethin that was around loooooooooong b4 this congressman with no harm?

hmm this does not take a high IQ

i could type pages for you as to why it's better with proof but you dont wanna read it and i dont wanna type it...but this should be example enough..... b4 these ltl greedy government people try to shut somethin us the pros and cons so everyone knows.... instead its CON all day.....

all boils down to profit margins in the end..... just like Booze funny how that can be legalized killen people everywhere,causin death of livers, gets people into fights everywhere,kicked out of bars/clubs/public/screaming- and much much more. much more chaos

Weed- couple hours in a local jail, possible community service,ltl fine, and thats only if your illegal..... the booze is all legal and that happens... so again does not take an iq -=/

government can make more money off your accidents and hospital visits with the alcohol....what can they gain with the weed other than smoother economy.......they dont want a smooth economy they just wanna take all the loot in one lump sum....... this is what upsets me most...... but it's ok there is a few governments that care about us and are doing there every deed to help this along and is obviously working otherwise ltl homie congress would not be cryin for attention.... PATHETIC.....AND MAKES NO SENSE..... marijuana has been labled in the wrong way.

-JagSR Have a great day everyone -

and as almost all weed smokers would say -PEACE!!!- -=] catchin on yet ?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by NerdGoddess
reply to post by Pha3drus

the only thing pot is bound to do, is take away your drive to accomplish things. THATS IT. it doesn't give you a mental illness, wtf?

Listen, joe Rogan said it best and i'll paraphrase: pot doesnt make you a lazy loser, chances are you're just a lazy loser no matter what, with or without the pot.

Look at all the people out there that do just fine in life, including myself that smoke. If you have no motivation then smoke a joint and find some.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:31 PM
I'd rather smoke this plant than fill my veins with pain relievers when it comes to my back problems. It's well known that many NSAIDs (like ibuprofen [Advil], naproxen, etc.) can cause internal bleeding, ulcers... even death. I know cause I've experienced some of this first hand.

I've never smoked cannabis, but at this point I'd rather do that than take ONE MORE PILL.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by NerdGoddess
reply to post by Pha3drus

there are many young kids in the UK in rehab clinics who have cannabis related mental issue problems. The problem is that, with there being no regulation , kids can get hold of the strongest weed, when their brains are not yet fully grown and capable of dealing with the strong effects.

what mental issue's? what are you talking about?

are you sure thats not genetic? ya know, passed down for generations mental problems? Or just not having the tools to deal with being a teenager? Bad role model environment?

While it has been known for more than 100 years that cannabis does no discernible damage to brain cells, only in the past ten years have reports demonstrated a direct neurological benefit.

Now, a team at the University of Saskatchewan department of psychiatry in Saskatoon, led by Xia Zhang, may have found evidence the drug promotes new brain cells to form in the hippocampus region of the brain, which reduces anxiety and depression. Zhang and his colleagues wrote in the November issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation that cannabis appears “to be the only illicit drug whose capacity to produce increased ... neurons is positively correlated with its (anti-anxiety) and anti-depressant-like effects.” The paper was posted online at the Journal’s website.


Smoking weed cannot cure stupidity

there are plenty of chemical imbalances in the population...

seems to me using weed as a crutch is just justifying the billions of wasted dollars/euro's spent on the so called war on drugs.. and another pat on the back for job/policy security along with saving face for being hypocritical liars for decades..

edit on 29-3-2011 by reeferman because: large font action for impact lolol

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by JagSR

P.S Most weed documentry are BS find people that really smoke and find out first hand rather than always trusting the ltl glow box in front of your face........thats rediculous to obide by one single 2 hour special... goto a Medical doctor and discuss marijuana with him...youll shortly find out it's not as bad as people say it is.... just like dudes above's all about pharma cr@p.....

and when i say find people i dont mean some 14-15 year ol ltl gangster kid with a blunt in his cuz that is a bad example....although blunts are tasty.....


i dont want kids reading this and goin to find a joint....please dont do that.... because for a younger croud it can cause a bit of memory loss. kids need not smoke unless prescribed accurately.

im simply comparing and putting my 1-2 sense in -=)


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by JagSR

Well said and I agree. When I was suffering from depression I was given Paxil as well as XANAX. The Paxil made me lethargic and apathetic as well as stole my libido. I stopped and had the worst side effects, brain shivers, depersonalization and panic attacks. I stopped the Xanax and had seizures...Yeah thanks doc!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Everything he said is just completely untrue. These people are all on the same page, legalization is a threat to their control of healthcare. If they really cared about OUR health, they would remove the fluoride in water, aspartame in foods, HFCS, the list goes on & on.... so yeah, they don't "care" about our health at all.

you're right, body count is the important game changer, not if something is bad for some peoples health, but still makes a profit. you have to have alot dead bodies due to the toxicity of a drug, before they take it off the market.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:46 PM
I know somebody with bipolar, who was bipolar long before she started smoking weed, and in fact strategically uses weed to keep mania down in large quantities, and alleviate depression in small quantities. It also seems to have the uncanny ability to elongate the periods where she feels "normal". That strategy has allowed her to keep a job longer than a year for the first time in her life, and no longer be a slave to the whims of her defective brain chemicals. The side effects are pretty fun, too. She doesn't have memory problems, either. And she'll never have to worry about the weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and lack of feeling human caused by Big Pharma's solution (read: more problems) to her problems. She hopes nobody is fooled by that elected "representative"'s obvious pandering for Big Pharma's $upport.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Wanted to get my two cents in before the thread goes astray... as these are often wont to do....

This is an example of the mindset of the leadership class.... "I say so, therefore you can take it as gospel"

And many will.

Some people listen to actors, talking heads, and other celebrities because the media tell's them to. They tell them to by the roles they are playing, the music and introduction in the background, the manner in which they posture themselves... yet... this congressman... is he a scientist, a doctor, a researcher.... no.

He has been given selected information to spread and wound up.... then off he goes to tell the world of the horrors of Satan's plant life. Later, people like him throw back 18 martini's..... like they do every night.... then they drive home.
edit on 29-3-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:48 PM
I believe it can and does cause mental illness and this is from experience. I am not saying it happens to everyone that uses the substance nor do I believe it happens from short term use. I also think it depends the age at which point a person begins using the substance. I think for medicinal purposes it is beneficial and necessary for terminal, aids, cancer, glaucoma, and old age peoples. I disagree that it should be used by anyone for medicinal purposes like snoop dogg who says it helps migraines and it is the reason in California that almost 90%+ of the population that have a med card use it non medicinally and yes a lot of people have a legit med card without a legit med condition.

I disagree it is nonaddictive (mentally for sure it is addictive just like how anything can be addictive) but I also think it is physically influential and I do mean physically addictive but once again this is not universal, but rather depends on a person's extended usage of the substance itself, meaning those who use it very sparingly are unlikely to have physical effects. For those of you who might say it's not addictive at all I recommend that you try to smoke it for 5 years straight almost every weekend and then try to quit
of course it depends on if you enjoy it or if you do it just cause others do, if it's the first gl it took me 5 months but I did end up quitting though it was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

For those of you who say it doesn't cause problems omfg trust me it does, look through google on search especially with developing brains regarding ADHD, depression and other mental illness, there simply isn't enough research done to point to either conclusion but there is no way you can say it has no effect with lowngterm especially young long term use. I don't want to start a flame war or anything. I am just speaking from personal experience but am curious to see if anyone else experienced it, got hooked, but then ended up quitting for good lol.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Interesting... I've been conducting a "personal study" for 18 consecutive years.

I still score around 140 on IQ tests.

Don't believe the hype!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:00 PM
Wow, this guy is a complete moron, truly. I am so offended that he will be paid via tax dollars for the rest of his life that I can't hardly stand it.

First- He keeps referring to the ONDCP. WHAT A JOKE!!! The ONDCP is the propaganda arm of the pharmacuetical industry; paid for with OUR tax dollars. Do you know that it is illegal for the US government to use tax dollars for propaganda purposes? The ONDCP is an overtly illegal organization. Not only that, but virtually everything on their "fact sheet" is either a blatant lie, or a spin on the truth. There is NOT ONE truly factual statement in the whole thing.

Second- He refers to the "government scientific studies". Oh, really? And which studies would that be? Because to the best of my knowledge the last objective study that the US governemt commissioned was in 1972. The results were so positive that the summary and recommendation were for the government to immediately legalize marijuana. Nixon quashed the study and it never even surfaced until the 1980's. Now it's in the public domain, but most people don't know wanything about it.

The funny thing is, after reading the study, I tend to fall into the same category as the people they described so I can state uneqivocally that they were right and the government lies.

Want to read it? Here ya go The ONLY unbiased, objective marijuana study ever done by the US gov't.

Edit- And, before one of you government leghumpers starts throwing out stats from more recent studies that contradict the finding from that first study, I will remind you that literally every pseudo-scientist who publishes that garbage is working under a government grant and if you don't think they manipulate results in order to please their masters, then you are living in a different dimension than me, becasue where I live money is king and truth doesn't even come into play where money is involved.
edit on 29-3-2011 by DragonTattooz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy

Interesting... I've been conducting a "personal study" for 18 consecutive years.

I still score around 140 on IQ tests.

Don't believe the hype!

That to me speaks multitudes. I think only WEAK-MINDED PEOPLE succumb to mental-illness thru using "drugs" with psychoactive chemicals. THC is , essentially, a milder form of '___' & it is well advised & also well known that people with a history of mental illness or be they genetic factors, should refrain from partaking in the use of said drugs. Like you, a high IQ can equal high protection from little demonic voices.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by AnitaCigarette
If mary causes mental illness, then I'm f*ing retarded & my pill addicted aunt is totally sane, even when she chugs a bottle of vodka with her Xanax.

Funny logic, isn't it?

Originally posted by AnitaCigarette

& I quote her genius when she is on meds, "hunegbssss weugdasjkbd cxshjb duuuuuuuuh"

That gave me a much needed laugh!

I don't know anyone who has "gone mad" from marijuana, and I know a lot of candidates for that diagnosis.

On the other hand, my best friend (and drummer) is currently in deep #e due to an addiction to prescription medications. You do the math.

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