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Israel passes law nixing citizenship for treason

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
On the surface it seems like a reasonable thing for a nation to do. Yet when one examines the complex politics of Israel and the Palestinian situation this new law could have ominous implications for members of Jewish religious and charity groups within Israel that have long reached out to Palestinians in private initiatives that are sometimes humanitarian and sometimes religious in nature.

You are right of course. The typical punishment for treason is death, so nixing citizenship is not that big a deal but I see the types of people they have in mind for this. There was a video making the rounds a year or so ago of a woman in the Knesset speaking out against the Israeli treatment of Palestinians and they looked like they were going to beat her to death. I'm not an Israeli-basher by any stretch but I am against new laws being passed - seems like the 50,000 laws that most country's have had for decades is more than enough.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:01 PM
What some maybe missing is what is being built up here. Since the current conflicts were all enjoying viewing from our wide screen plasma's is coming to an end and will be shifting slightly to the right depending on how you view the world map.

So, since everyone is so caught up in Japans tsunami and Libyan conflict, soon to be followed with two or three nations depending on how much is given up by their leaders, we should ever so gently look at whats beyond the horizon and approaching fast.

Israel threatens unilateral steps if UN recognizes Palestinian state

September is expected to be pivotal for several reasons. Last September, U.S. President Barack Obama told the General Assembly that he wished to see a Palestinian state become a member of the UN within a year. In addition, Israel and the Palestinians had agreed that the talks they undertook last September 2 in Washington would last for about a year. Thirdly, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's program of establishing institutions for a future Palestinian state is due to be wrapped up this coming September.

In short, mopping up the floor as so noone slips while walking across surface. But please take the time to read the article. As i mentioned when NATO decides to move it isn't for a period of months but rather decades.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:08 PM
The BBC article discusses how the man who authored this bill Initially pushed for a bill that would have required all non-Jews taking citizenship to swear loyalty to Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state".

I guess this did not fly over to well and so he brought this into legislation instead. Either way Israel is all about the Jews make no mistake about it. They want a country that is controlled by religion in the same way that the Palestinians want a Muslim nation.

Instead of making a nation for all religions they choose to make a Jewish nation based on the belief that they are god's chosen people and that land is given to them by god.

Israel and Palestine certainly deserve each other.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:10 PM
So if i were born in Israel then stripped of my citizenship where would i go and what would that make me? Would i not need a passport and have to be a citizen of a country to even be able to get the process started on becoming a citizen of another country? Would i be kicked out of Israel? Again, where would i go and what would they call me?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I am not disputing the first part but the second part of your statement makes no sense. Why wait for a new messiah to lead them back to israel when they have already established themselves and their country?

Because it's in their scripture. They wrote it down millenia ago that's why and believe it to be a central part of their religion.

We are talking about a group of people who want religious status, religious identity, believe that they deserve it, yet politically abandon the core ellements of their religion for the State of Israel.

So here is the catch 22, if you don't believe in or follow your religion, then why does your religion need a nation of it's own, and why do you want to voluntarily lump yourself in with that religion and nation subsequently?

Now LucidEyes for example once did a thread stating that the people of New Orleans suffered the wrath of Katrina, and the people of Haiti suffered a horrible earthquake because just a few of the people live in those place practice voodoo and offended God.

So she believes this God has power, power over everyone, and that if you defy it's edicts you will pay a horrible price...yet...that its alright for the Israelis to ignore their own Gods own edicts and they should never suffer a price or be questioned or crticized for doing what she gleefully proclaims others are smitten down with hurricanes and earthquakes for doing.

Part of what makes these religions so deadly is the people practicing them don't fully believe them, the one they are practicing and they sure don't believe that the ones that they aren't practicing are valid.

Yet everyone with nary any exception is willing to fight and die for them?


However unbenknownst to the badly fractured laity of these religions there priestly class really is conducting rituals for both spiritual and political purposes and goals that are not fully known, disclosed or understood by their congregants that really do very much factor into the politics of the violent events that surround these religions, all these religions that drive the world and world events.

It's not that there is one pure religion, or one true God, it is that their are organized groups of priests who carry out these rituals and do believe through them they are being given license to extoll their congregants to hate, murder and steal because it either pleases God or this is what God wants them to do, and that they morally enjoy an upper hand because of it.

Now I believe in none of these religions but I know that they are all part of a huge problem that has created an endless cycle of violence that none of them wants to take individual responsibility for because of how they interpret the will and word of God to justify or explain it.

THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE but that is exactly what the vast bulk of the people in the world are caught up in.

So it's very simple if the people of Israel want protections and gaurantees from the International community, lisence to murder and steal and defraud and lie, then the very least they could do is abide by their own teachings and scriptures and not simply make it all up as they go along, demanding every protection and courtesy of a religion while not actually paying any attention to the religion and following it.

Isreal is a problem and the concept of religion that they seem to have manufactured with Rome's help is a problem.

A problem for peace loving intelligent honest people who don't want to live out their limited days as murderous hypocrites on a war torn planet where despite the fact we are all going to die anyway our religions and governments have long sought a path to domination through violently sending any that oppose them to an early grave.

It's all about to come to a head and people's inability to think it through at this critical juncture is going to be the ruin of the planet and humankind at this point.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by idonotcollectstamps

Thanks for the heads-up article. The way I see it they have two choices:

1)become a secular state and allow palestinians israeli citizenship

2)remain non-secular and kick most "trouble-making" arabs out of their country, eventhough a tiny minority create all the problems.

The first makes more sense and the second is racist. I don't believe ANY country should officially mix politics with religion and indeed many countries have fixed that issue. Believe whatever you want..."just don't impose your will on others" comes to mind!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
So if i were born in Israel then stripped of my citizenship where would i go and what would that make me? Would i not need a passport and have to be a citizen of a country to even be able to get the process started on becoming a citizen of another country? Would i be kicked out of Israel? Again, where would i go and what would they call me?

Prisoner number 910688710 in an internment camp where you would labor the rest of your life away under armed gaurd.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
reply to post by idonotcollectstamps

Thanks for the heads-up article. The way I see it they have two choices:

1)become a secular state and allow palestinians israeli citizenship

2)remain non-secular and kick most "trouble-making" arabs out of their country, eventhough a tiny minority create all the problems.

The first makes more sense and the second is racist. I don't believe ANY country should officially mix politics with religion and indeed many countries have fixed that issue. Believe whatever you want..."just don't impose your will on others" comes to mind!

There is a thrid option that Proto will have no choice but to insist upon because a contract is a contract is a contract.

Israel must withdraw to it's pre-1948 borders, Palestinians must be given 52% of the land to form their own autonymous nation free from Israeli intervention and micro-management with all the rights of any other contracted sovereign nation.

This is what the original agreement called for and this is what ultiamtely will have to be abided by.

Why we have entered an exceptionally perilous period of time is the one thing that kept our backward, primitive barbaric planet somewhat ordered was the sanctity of a contract.

Would be dominant players are seeking to no longer honor contracts and this is a huge problem that puts us all increasingly at risk.

Contracts must be fully disclosed, and they must be abided by, it is that simple.

Anything else is cause for war and war is pretty much all the people of this planet now have because contracts are no longer being honored.

This displeases Proto and Proto does not like to be displeased.


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Josephus23
reply to post by nightbringr

It would be suicidal for a country to "play nice" with an entity who is hellbent on your destruction. Recently Hamas has been stepping up rocket attacks on Israel proper, emboldened by an Eqypt who is beginning to open dialogue with Hamas and the Eqyptians are now allowing supplies and weapon making materials to cross the Gaza/Eqypt border.
If things do heat up, the blame can be placed squarely on Hamas' shoulders. Im almost of the opinion Israel should allow the Palestinians to declare sovereignty and a Palestinian state. That way, each and every rocket fired across the border will look to the world as exactly what it is, an act of war.

Have you guys collectively lost it?

Does Hamas' intent to "wipe Israel off the map" really frighten you that much?

Because they will never do it.
They can't do it.
They throw rocks my friend. At Israel's bulldozers.

Talk about David and Goliath.

Using that statement and the reality of that statement as a pretext for fear based reasoning is insane.
For real.

That is like complaining that your sister threatened to beat you up.
Your little sister.

At best, they have suicide bombers, but Israel inflicts much more damage and has counted many more kills than deaths.
Are their any rational people left to discuss this?
edit on 3/29/2011 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

Hamas alone no. But add Hamas, a newly compliant Eqypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iran into the mix, and yes, they could pose an existential threat to Israel.

One thing i find humorous about the whole "Israel controls the USA" thing is, if Israel really did control the US, i think no one can possibly deny that Iran would have been bombed by now. Israel views a nuclear Iran as an existantial threat and i dont blame them. Please explain to me why they have not been bombed?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

No offense but I don't think that will ever happen. Arabs have too much land as it is, regardless of all this secular and non-secular bs. I wish religion was a thing of the past but I don't think we have reached that point yet and I doubt we will reach it anytime soon.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Part of what makes these religions so deadly is the people practicing them don't fully believe them, the one they are practicing and they sure don't believe that the ones that they aren't practicing are valid. Yet everyone with nary any exception is willing to fight and die for them?

It's true that these people will fight and die for what they believe God has told them or is telling them. Makes you wonder doesn't it? The Bible is interlaced with demands to go up to this land and that land and kill everyone and to not leave one standing. All this does nothing to dampen the zeal of the mentally disturbed to begin with.

Seriously, even when God is speaking in praise of His people He will make mention of a time when they will go to war and God will help them destroy anyone who opposes them. So all you need is for someone or (huge populations) to absorb these messages internally and you've got yourself someone who is eight foot tall and bullet proof.

Never mind anything else that is written down that might impede the religous driven ego, just go forth and smite. Hey, that's what it says. When you read about these references to justifiable killings and wars with being accepted by an all powerful God over and over you will manifest this stuff in your own world. Especially if it was taught to you when you were young and impressionable.

There is something called a Faith Force Multiplier that is used to rally public support for actions that need a different perspective for those who may question the actions legitimacy. It is very real and if you ever heard about good old George Bush walking in the rose garden and hearing God tell him to invade Iraq then you have heard of or seen a facet of the program at work.

It seems as though Israel has now put anyone who may have a different view of its government's actions and policies on notice. The notice being that the government will not tolerate any interference to what it wants to do. How far will they go and how much proof is needed to demonstrate treason or terrorist ties before someone is stripped of their citizenship? I'm afraid the answer isn't in any differing opinion to their government's favor. Scary times. Good find.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by jackflap

The truth is that we are being played for fools and assumed to be so by slick propagandists looking to manipulate us through emotion and peer pressure while doing their level best to gloss over the very sinister and dark things involved at the core of their beliefs and agendas.

At some point like the cattle they in fact do want to believe we are, we will either be stupidly led to slaughter through these lies, ommissions, distortions and proclomations, or we will have to as human beings, divine in our own rights, draw a line in the sand and call them out on it.

Not only are we at perpetual war, but war we have been told will not end in our lifetimes.

What does that mean, that our lives are being stolen for the purpose of a full time military enterprise.

40% of our defense budget is top secret, few outside a very small group know what it is even being spent on. All of our intelligence budget is top secret, and few outside a very small group know what it is being spent on.

We have become a militant society, with tyranny sweeping the land, gone are the protections of Habeus Corpus and the right to not be unreasonably searched or siezed.

The CIA and Pentagon are in essence running a shadow government with the aide of the military industrial complex and a corrupt congress bent on serving it to both the right of the aisle as we have seen, and to the left of the aisle as we have seen.

Israel for all practical purposes is a 51st State being used as a pretext for constant war, constant adherence to these insane notions of religion and God, and as some obscene standard for a very vague morality that shifts as often as the sands with the tide.

Our government is out of control and it's very clear by and through Israeli propaganda that they don't want American citizens, to regain control of it, and to oppose this very violent, very militant grab for vital resources to use as leverage for the continuance of a military empire that we have been made to build and fund, worship and extoll, praise and take pride in that now dominates 154 nations around the globe with US military bases.

A significant portion of them secret military bases with all the CIA's bases being secret plus a network of secret prisons.

This is not the text book version of America, this is not a democracy, and this is not what our founders envisioned.

This is Rome, making all the same mistakes again as it taxes and bankrupts a people through perpetual war in an attempt to dominate the world at any and all costs.

We would be well served to reject the Israeli interlopers, deport anyone with dual citizenship, stripping them of US citizenship, cutting their aide, and above all countering their propoganda and lies about their religion and political intentions.

It really is that simple.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:30 PM
The complexity of Israels political situation is what concerns me about enacting such a law. What gaurantee's would Israeli's have that liberal Israeli's won't, in extreme cases recieve a revoke of citizenship for expressing their disaproval to Israel foreign policy and supporting Palestine? What would happen to liberal Israeli's providing material support to Palestinians who have an extremely thin link to Hamas? If Israel bans Norman Finklestien from entering for 1 years, for saying that Hezbollah provide a glimer of hope to Lebanon, then what gaurantee do we have, that zionist government officials will not abuse these laws?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

You have absolutely no gaurantees at all that the law won't be abused, and the fact that they made the law at all means that they envision a real use for it against liberal Israelis.

The Western Governments which Israel is technically one of are becoming increasing police states and increasingly dictatorial and tyranical.

Freedom means you are free to support the government in it's every decree and whim.

Or else!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Israeli's have long been the only ones who could stop their own nation from rapidly increasing effort of creating a greater Israel. If the voices of the voiceless(Palestinians) are no longer heard within Israel, could this mean the end of Palestine? Could this be the true purpose of the law?

This re-affirms my contention. Israel is a terror state. No longer does Israel terrorize states neighbouring tem, who have no hope in defending themselves or causing any damage to the great Nation-State of Israel, but now it could possibly terrorizing its own citizens with such a tryranical law. If you had your American citizenship revoked, how would you feel? What would you do? This seems to me, to be nothing more then an anti-semetic law(yes I did say that). Of course, at this current moment I am only speculating on the ilogicality of such a law.
edit on 29-3-2011 by SpeachM1litant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

Actually no Israelis have never been able to stop it, even as early as the late 30's and throughout the 40's Jewish Terrorist Groups were murdering Jews for hiring Arab labor or doing business with Arab business.

It's been a slow genocide through apartheid to basically profit off the slow extermination of the Palestinians by treating them purposefully in a way that would make them a 'security' threat, for sympthaty and aide, military weapons, and to justify their extermination.

They have been getting away with it and no one has been able to stop them. Former Prime Minister Shamir when leader of the Stern Gang killed the UN Special Envoy himself signifying that no one can stop it except through military action against Israel.

A military action that was made politically unacceptable because of the Holocaust as a blank check sympathy card, and the fact that the Western Oil Companies have used Israel as the prextext to turn what was a cheap and plentiful resource selling for pennies a gallon into several dollars a gallon making them the most profitible legtimate business in the world, and allowing them to acquire and control the Middle Easts oil through a violent and militant process that nations like China need, in order to control and curb their growth and ambitions.

No one can really stop what's happening to the Palestinians and honestly no one has ever even tried, and every time the Palestinians themselves do it just invites another round of violence through overwhelming military power as Israel is given every weapon and ample funding to keep them imprisoned and enslaved to the process, while the Palestinians aren't allowed to have any significant weapons or funding to fight back.

It is what it is and what it is is disgusting and murderous and not a thing in the world will make it right or pretty.

The great news is the bad news and that's history's debts always will be eventually repaid.

Its sad that the decent people who didn't play an active part and wouldn't stand up to stop it at any and all cost will have to pay that debt, but we very much live in a world where you can pay now or you can pay later, but just because you chose later doesn't mean the bill isn't going to be a whopper when it arrives.

Israel's short term gains will be the cause of it's long term destruction and it didn't exist too long the first time around to be honest with you.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Israel's short term gains will be the cause of it's long term destruction and it didn't exist too long the first time around to be honest with you.

Oh how true do your words ring Proto.

When the world finally awakens from the spell that has been collectively cast against humanity, in the name of Israel, then there will be hell to pay.
Belief in karma aside, if the behaviors of a collective create a situation of isolation rather than integration, then the collective will soon be alone and defenseless.
And soon after that, but a fading memory.

The suffering of the Palestinians, which is occurring in the name of the state of Israel, is atrocious, and no amount of historical manipulation can hide what is happening today.
People do know and more people will know the truth; however...

I honestly do not know who will have it worse in the end.
The Arabs that are suffering today, or the many Jews who have yet to be born that will suffer because of the actions of their ancestors, actions happening today.

I would liken the behavior of Israel, as a state, to a serial killer or a psychopath, but they are becoming so brazen at their disregard for human life that they seem to be bordering on lunatic fringe.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:49 PM
now do you get the picture?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Josephus23
[When the world finally awakens from the spell that has been collectively cast against humanity, in the name of Israel, then there will be hell to pay.

Instead of people like you focusing 90% of your hate&anger on Israel, I would be focusing maybe 5% there and 95% on the pentagon, cia and nsa. The nsa, national "security" agency is by far the worst agency in the world. They are the ones who enable project echelon(international spy ring) and allegedly the ones that keep the alien secret to THEMSELVES!

The suffering of the Palestinians, which is occurring in the name of the state of Israel, is atrocious, and no amount of historical manipulation can hide what is happening today.
People do know and more people will know the truth; however...

OMG what bs! The palestinians could have left isreal a long time ago or simply asked to be integrated into Israel just like the christians. They want NEITHER because they are hoping the rest of the arab nations will once AGAIN help them in DESTROYING israel so they can have the ENTIRE middle east for THEMSELVES. Afterall they are BY FAR the second most popular religion in the world and it would be wise to assume the holy crusades are only officially over, when in actuality the muslims have never given up their dream. That is also the reason why many christians FEAR them. Many "holy" wars have been fought in jerusalem between christians, jews and muslims; after all it IS the center of religious DECEPTION! Don't get me wrong I believe in Jesus Christ as our savior but our religious forefathers have corrupted the bible to a severe extent so its barely even worth reading it.

I honestly do not know who will have it worse in the end.
The Arabs that are suffering today, or the many Jews who have yet to be born that will suffer because of the actions of their ancestors, actions happening today.

I don't blame jews for anything but I do blame the Israeli governemnt for cowardness for not attempting to resolve the issue decades ago when they had the best chance to do so. The UN and america actually forced them to give back the golan heights and the sinai peninsula to syria and egypt respectively.

I would liken the behavior of Israel, as a state, to a serial killer or a psychopath, but they are becoming so brazen at their disregard for human life that they seem to be bordering on lunatic fringe.

And I liken their behavior to GAYness..........

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I reserve the right not to respond to the majority of your post.
(Please keep reading. That was not meant as an ad hominem attack. If it came across that way, then I do very much apologize, but after reading the rest of my comment you will hopefully understand what instigated my just previous comment)

Sorry mate, but the first half of your post contains some half truths and some lies, but mostly nonsense.

I would rather the readers who are either perplexed or do not understand why I stated that toward you do the research for themselves in order to realize exactly how wrong the first half of your post is.
I am kind of tired of continually posting links and pointing out the truth of the matter at hand only to have the links ignored and any naysayers fall back into posting logical fallacy after logical fallacy in order to refute truth with their misinformed perverse lies.

Please do not take offense at this, because I am not trying to flame you, but I would suggest a primer on the Abrahamic faiths and their place in world history.
You seem like someone who has a good heart and your defense of the Israelis seems genuine, but you need to know that you are caught in a rigid fundamentalist mindset that is in no way, shape, or form grounded in reason, proof and validity.
We need more people with your passion about this situation to wake up to the truth.

At least a better understanding of your own faith would be in order.
Because, ultimately, as a Christian... if you want to stay a Christian, you will be drawn in this battle.
Whether you like it or not.
Just a heads up... Read the Talmud and what it says about your Jesus, Mary and fellow Christians.
The Talmudic Jews who have abandoned the Torah and Mosaic Law are not your friend my brother.
They are friend to no one, and enemy to all.
They are the O.G.'s when it comes to "you are with us or you are against us".

I am NOT a Christian. I am not saying that someone didn't exist who would fit the profile of that Jesus guy, but the guy in the Bible is nothing but a fantasy. (or perhaps it is a fantasy based upon the life of Julius Caesar...)
The Jesus from your book might as well have been a con man who used shills to make him seem like a true prophet.
As much evidence exists to prove him a "messiah" as to prove him to be a con man.

Your Bible, along with the Talmud, and the Qur'an were all created by the aristocrats of the Roman Empire.
If you want to delve into this subject in exhausting detail, then click on the link in my signature.
If you choose to take a leap of faith and look beyond your own dogma by joining in the Rome thread, then grab some coffee and hunker down, because the thread is 200 pages, but with enough hyperlinks to feel as if reading it is like readinciphering Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce.

(Readincipher is a made up word that is a combination of reading and decipher. It is also my way of giving much praise to both Finnegan's Wake and James Joyce. If you have just tried to make sense of that book, then you totally get my fantasy word. And hell, you understand my praise in general. Oh...And the Rome thread is a bit easier to understand than Finnegan's Wake.

Most dogmatic religious fundamentalists can't be a part of that thread because it makes their head hurt.
The truths contained within cause the majority of said fundamentalists to experience extreme discomfort at the sheer cognitive dissonance that it causes.
Some turn away in disgust, but it is unfortunately disgust resulting from coming face to face with many truths.

If, however, you were to approach the thread with an open mind, then I think that you would either change your perspective or you would be in for some serious cognitive dissonance because, from what I can gather from your posts, your perspectives about the issues in this thread seem as though they could either be a flight of fantasy resulting from faulty fundamentalist Christian programming, or an act of unwitting Israeli public relations.
I can't decide which one I believe, but I do see something to which I would like to respond...

I don't blame jews for anything but I do blame the Israeli governemnt for cowardness for not attempting to resolve the issue decades ago when they had the best chance to do so.

+1 for you because here we totally agree. I do not blame Jews. I blame a small group of people who run the state of Israel and masquerade as Jews, but in reality they are completely clueless as to their own Holy Book, the Torah, and its prophecies.
Or perhaps, they are blatantly ignoring what does not suit them in TRUE Judaism in favor of what suits them best.
And that makes their leaders no different than ours, you are correct about that.

But I place equal blame upon them as the US.

If you had read my comments, then you would see that I stated something to the effect that no other country in the world community besides Israel continually lies and deceives on such a grand scale, unless of course you are talking about the sacrificial lamb of the bankers, the US.
(Something tells me that Israel is as much as a sacrificial lamb as the US)

These leaders, from both countries, are sociopaths with no remorse and no regard for human life.
If the leaders of Israel and their blind followers were true Torah Jews, then they would not want a homeland in the holyland.

They would be waiting for their messiah.

By creating the "New Israel" before the return of their messiah and his gathering of the original twelve tribes, (the current sect of "Jews" in Israel is just one of the original twelve, remember that...)
these socially and mentally dysfunctional leaders of Israel find themselves to be currently in extreme violation of Mosaic Law.

I would go beyond "cowardness" however as you have described them, although calling them cowards would probably anger them more than my belief...
My personal belief is that the leaders in both the US and Israel AND their blind fundamentalist followers are all arrogant, self-righteous, narcissistic sociopaths with a flippant attitude toward life and death.
(They might actually be proud to embrace those adjectives, and THAT is not only truly insane, but bordering on lunatic fringe (not GAYness unfortunately. Gay means happy. DICTIONARY my friend)

Any group that is considered a monetary, political and military force who feels chosen and uses that belief to elevate themselves above the rest of humanity will, in the end, have no friends and all enemies.
Look at the US... It shore does seem like we have a hella lot more enemies or frenemies, than allies internationally. And I used the word allies in particular because something tells me that friends implies truly amicable relationships.
None of these people trust one another. They are all trying to play the game in order to please their handlers.
Success and promotion is all that matters to these fundamentalist capitalist followers of ultimate selfishness.
They are are the poster children for the Novus Ordo Seclorum (meaning new secular order. secular meaning "without God").
Only a very few people trust one another, but that is a trust born from mutually desire, want and need.
And in the end even that will prove to be a mistake.

Only those men and women who can be true to their word.
Who are congruent with their beliefs and not use them as deceptive Venus Fly Traps.
Who are impeccable with their word.
Who do not take things personally.
Who make no assumptions.
And who ALWAYS strive to do their best with make it through this current tribulation, and I hate to use words from scripture, but I am not dogmatic enough in my skepticism to discount things of worth. Especially in communication.
Have you not figured out that this thread most likely sums up the will of the Universe and its effect on your point to life.

This is why you are here. This topic and the time is running short.

This is why you are here my friend. Now that you know the choice is yours.

There are two types of people in the world.
Those who get and those who don't.
And if you immediately do not know which one you are then consider yourself one of the latter.

Find your TRUE will and find it fast, and hell, if you want a crash course become a heroin addict.
That will teach you the meaning of TRUE will, but more importantly, who owns your will.
Your will devolves into a set of beliefs, or coping mechanisms, that do nothing but create PTSD in its believers and according to Nietzche, created an incredibly servile religion.
Then who would be the master?

Those who wrote the rules for you to follow, but feel above the same rules and use them to their advantage.
Manifest Destiny. Nation Building. Spreading Democracy....
Which begs the question, "Why are all communist countries called Democratic?"

It is impossible for any country to feel better than all others, but still maintain positive foreign relations.
You can not have it any other way. That is a part of game theory.

The UN and america actually forced them to give back the golan heights and the sinai peninsula to syria and egypt respectively.

That is because it was not theirs to begin with my friend.
That doesn't sound like an act of selflessness, but a very effective PR stunt.
If someone takes something that is not theirs, then they usually have to give it back.
Israel took an entire land that did not belong to them and filled it with diaspora Jews, who generally were pretty happy where they originally were.
This dogmatic, militant aspect to Judaism is not scripture based and is completely a product of Zionist/Imperial teachings.

edit on 3/30/2011 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

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