posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:52 AM
Ok people let me put it straight for you all.......
My background former Marine 1st MARDIV 3rd AABN.....
Troops train, bond, and hang around with each other in the hopes they will never be called to go to war...
But war comes..and now they are beefed up with patriotic speeches by their superiors, their officers, and other troops who buy into everything they
are told, and because they see no other recourse and the belief that they are actually doing good for the world, they leave to fight....
they knew when they signed up it might come time for them to fight, to harm, to they want to NO!!!!
Yet, they go cause they signed a contract and made an oath.....
they have honor, they uphold their word...
they get to the war zone, (add a country here), and automatically they are shell shocked. They, at first, believe they are doing the right thing. They
are doing what they swore to do. They dont want to be there. they want to be home with their families..yet they cant...they could just desert and face
prosecution if they ever made it out of the foreign country, they could refuse to fire and might get lucky that the threat was not a threat at all,
etc etc etc. but they feel stuck and they just have to get done with their tour alive and make sure their brothers in arms are alive with them....
its an ugly situation, no matter how you look at it....and as you see by this, some, if not many understand and hate the way things are done....
so, i plead, before we stomp on a soldier, a troop, a squid, or an airman.....that we take a look at ourselves and get rid of the people, that we
elected, because its the people we elected that sent our boys, our girls, our loved ones over there. And we have the power to bring them back....
I wish i was the leader that we need to get this organized.....and make it happen
SEMPER FI to the troops, to my fellow countrymen, and to the world....i am sorry