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The US Soldier who Gets It!!!!!!!! There is Hope!!!!!!!

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posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
First of all, there is no telling if this is an actual soldier. I rather doubt it. He certainly isn't in Iraq or anywhere overseas. Just because he spews a message wearing a floppy hat and military t-shirt doesn't mean a thing.

About his message: The first third of it, he goes on about contractors and how evil they are making a buck, while the soldiers fight the war and risk their lives. Well.. guess what.. you SIGNED UP FOR THAT. I served in the military. MY choice. I signed on the line. This dude if he serves (or ever has.. I doubt it), is a sad soldier. If you for a moment doubt the reasons for fighting in any war you are commanded to fight in, you should have NEVER JOINED. There are political agendas to wars? No... you THINK? If he was too dense to realize this, he should have never joined. He was not drafted.. he VOLUNTEERED. Why would you read and sign the forms that say you will basically be the tool of our politics and military, and then complain about it.

Second, contractors: I work for a company that has many contracts previously in Iraq and Kuwait, and now in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I may have to go to Afghanistan soon as part of my job, at Camp Bastion. Our contractors make 100k EVERY YEAR, no matter WHERE they work. Or more. Because they went to that place called college, and earned degrees in engineering and geology and chemistry, and work to restore military bases and rebuild towns, and survey for further work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, because of the mess war makes.

It's kind of ironic. Yes.. the Iraq and Kuwait peoples are innocent. Except.. we have to rebuilt military bases that were utterly stripped of every wire, screw and tile (literally), so nothing remained by the husk of buildings. Our contractors send us photos constantly. And what do they do? They buy BACK the materials stolen by the locals, and then HIRE THEM to help build the bases back. Yes.. they are complete monsters. Each morning, hundreds of locals camp outside the base, and our contractors each morning try to hire as many locals as they can for the days work. They do this every day. And because of their degrees and work ethic, choosing to live often LONGER in foreign countries than soldiers, they are monsters, greedy and power-hungry. They try to rebuilt military bases, towns, airports and police stations, so they can POLICE THEMSELVES.. trying to get them exactly where this supposed soldier wants them to be.. and they are monsters.

Get some perspective people. It's not as black and white as you think. And youtube is not always the bastion of truth and justice. It's quite often the source of bullcrap and ludicrous lies. That so many of you "intelligent' people buy into this crap without thought is frightening. You obviously don't know all the facts, if you claim this guy is the herald of all that is right and true.

On your first point, well I would agree on a consensus that major liabilities for citizens volunteering for US military service include to "fight the war and risk their lives".

Within your first point, you emphasize "If you for a moment doubt the reasons for fighting in any war you are commanded to fight in, you should have NEVER JOINED"... This is a VERY unrealistic false ideology. Do you REALLY think that every soldier that joined did in-depth and accurate research on the reasons behind their particular war? Do you really expect that every soldier that serves during wartime did so because they had absolutely no doubt about their mission and expectations of service were based on 100% faithful trustworthy leadership? Yeah fucccckkking right. If you expect, as your bold statement says, that every soldier that "SHOULD HAVE JOINED" has no doubts behind the war, then you must admit that you are surrounded by soldiers that "should not have joined." I have several friends that have harbored doubts about our governance and military leadership that served very honorably as overseas US military. So who do you really think "should join"? People with absolutely no doubts about our leadership and military motives? Yeah fffuuccccking rriiight...

Your Second Point, which involves the validity and justification of overseas contractors, states that they "make 100k EVERY YEAR, no matter WHERE they work. Or more. Because they went to that place called college, and earned degrees in engineering and geology and chemistry, and work to restore military bases and rebuild towns, and survey for further work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, because of the mess war makes." So you are so brainwashed that you put forth an argument for non-military civilians to make an order of magnitude more money than you and your fellow soliders, while taking no personal combat risk? AND you give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing their jobs simply because they have "earned degrees" and are working to "restore" and "rebuild" "because of the mess war makes"?? You are ignorant or in disagreement with the reality of the current state of the United States military-industrial complex.

On your third point, where you say "Each morning, hundreds of locals camp outside the base, and our contractors each morning try to hire as many locals as they can for the days work. They do this every day." - YES, in a situation of war profiteering, of course the profiteers will seek the cheapest labor to further their objectives. It creates a sense of righteousness that the profiteers are doing good work and the wrecked native citizens are doing good work as well.

Part of your third point involves the intentions of "they", which refers to the "locals" as you describe in previous wording. "They try to rebuilt military bases, towns, airports and police stations, so they can POLICE THEMSELVES." So... you really think these local Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, etc are spending their lives rebuilding infrastructure simply so they can "POLICE THEMSELVES"??? YYeeeahhhh fffooockkking righht!!! They are rebuilding because they HAVE TO so they can police their native land, ESPECIALLY against the invading foreign investors.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by fleabit

So you went in there and destroyed everything and are rebuilding it? Here's a thought: how bout not destroy it in the first place.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:32 AM
FINALLY!!!!! This soldier gets we need MORE like him to WAKE UP and realize all of this war crap is just that....crap!! This war isn't about our "freedom"...seriously...ask yourself this question...does an Iraqi in Iraq threaten your freedom...right now...or any time in your life? NO! It's all about profiting from the war! Seriously, I just wanna slap everyone with a "wake up slap" who sits there and cheers on this "war", and "fight for our freedom!" kind of crap. The guys in this video should be put in charge of out military...that way they will withdraw the troops, bring them home, and watch these banksters and billionaires fall! I could go on and on about this but I'm going to stop...I think everyone here knows this is the truth....

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

like i said i wasnt trying to take credit away from you at all..i get he message...its just something that i have noticed...its not just with you but other members as saying that if this was someone elses thread i doubt very much that it would be as popular as it is..lets say if i were to post this it probably woulda been off the fire hose page by now....i guess its that certain members deserve them more than others...and that should be a compliment to you
edit on 28-3-2011 by gdaub23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:04 AM
I was on the verge of tears while watching this. This is so true. I can't wait for the day when everything changes.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Sashromi
While there is a lot of interesting info provided in this 3 year old video, one must remember that just because a soldier says something, it doesn't make it so. My gripe is with the bearded guy, presumably ex-soldier or Marine, who says that he was given orders to kill everyone in a crowd if even one shot was made. Well quite frankly that's BS. I know its BS because such an order would be a war crime, and in today's climate I can not imagine any officer or NCO giving such an order. And if someone did give such an order, the troops know well enough that to follow such an order would also be a war crime. My guess is the guy is saying that because he wants to embellish his anti-war point of view. Which point of view I am not against.

The ways things really work is that if a US patrol were to encounter fire from someone in a crowd, the first thing we are taught is to return fire, and manuver either towards the ambush or out of the fire-trap. Let us consider here, the worst case scenario, where a US convoy is fired on from a crowded market area. Those soldiers not immediatey identifying the sources of fire, would return fire in the direction of where they thought it had come from, and if that area was in a major civilian crowd, should fire in the air, above the head of the crowd. A person's natural relfex is to either duck or jump to the ground. Anyone not doing exactly that, puts themselves as very risk of being shot, particularly if they had anything that looked like a weapon in their hands. Do innocent persons get killed like this? Sometimes, and that is a tragic loss. However, put the blame on where it properly lay, which is on the cowardly attacker who risks his fellow muslim's lives by hiding in a crowd, and not on the US troops reacting to an attack.

Let us all remember that war is a terrible thing among humans; indeed, it should be the most terrible and horrific. And in this regard, the US has rather shown awesome restraint in its use of military power in pursuing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know that seems hard for some to fathom when we hear of a dozen or two civilian casualties. Yes, that's very sad, but what would be sadder is to read of tens of thousands of civilian casualties on a recurring basis. And that is exactly what the US has the POWER to do, if it wasn't so concerned with avoiding as much harm to civilians as possible. People doubting this need to read their history, where in a war not so long ago, the US would inflict tens of thousands civilian casualties in a day in their bombings of Germany and Japan. Or cause hundreds in their bombings and artillery fires in Vietnam. And compared with other modern wars, the US has not conducted any ethnic cleansing of Iraqi or Afghani villages, even in retribution for heinous ambushes of US soldiers.

I don't agree with the political decisions to either invade Iraq or continue the war in Afghanistan, but having been a soldier myself, I have great sympathy for those over there then and now. And despite what a few pissed-off ex soldiers say, or some bad behaving persons that happen to be soldiers have done, the story from Iraq and Afghanistan is one of remarkable HONOR in the behavior of the vast majority of US (and its allied) military has behaved in these wars. The fact that we can discuss this on this forum - despite the great flaws in our political and social systems - is a celebtration in the continued freedoms we all enjoy. There is much broken in the western democracies right now, however there is also much that works right. So let's acknowledge that while we may not be doing well of late, that the basic model is correct, and that we as its moving parts simply need to keep pressing for change.

This is a perfect example of how our soldiers continue to have faith in the "military code of conduct". While, no doubt, that is the way things should probably go, there have been countless reports, video documentations, pictures, stories and personal accounts of many soldiers and superior officers simply do not stick to the rule of conduct and have littered battlefield with countless war crimes since the beginning of time. This age is no different. This is one of the primary reasons control of any kind has ultimately failed. Because it only takes ONE, one person, to break the code and eventually it corrupts itself from within.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:09 AM
The man. If you can call him that I suspect is a fraud. I HIGHLY doubt he is or ever was a US Soldier. He's certainly not in Iraq and he's wearing no dog tags obviously. Even If he WAS a soldier. He would be an utter disgrace to the uniform he is wearing. Your thinking he has a right to speak his mind. If he was a US soldier he would have a contract he signed giving up his rights to being involved in politics (IE making such a video) and almost all his other rights he had as a civilian. The day our military starts having political debates is the end of our military and the end of your freedoms. Oh and another point. There is no draft. He volunteered. That man doesn't even know what honor is. Because he has none. I personally have had friends lose their life. That man is peeing on everyone of our casualties. Most soldiers that served there actually believe they gave the Iraqi's the freedoms that they have today.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

WOW! WOW! I'm speechless. WOW!

I'm going to cpoy this link and post it to my wall

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:38 AM
I find it very interesting that there are at least 100 videos out there just like this one and society in the U.S. still believes that we are fighting for peace and freedom. I admire these soldiers for their courage and hope that one-day U.S. citizens will fire the politicians and burn the false ideals that corporate America instills in the moral fabric of this nation.
In my opinion I think we should blast this all over mainstream media just to give others the viewpoint of the soldier who is actually experiencing the terror that has afflicted the Middle East. I understand his anger and rage because while corporate fat cats are benefiting from the weapons contract deals and pipeline installations under Afghanistan our sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters are all dying for the weight of their wallets.
Lets just hope that what goes around comes around is a true saying…

edit on 28-3-2011 by VerityPhantom because: Wanted to add a mad face at the end

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by sincerelyme

Originally posted by fleabit
First of all, there is no telling if this is an actual soldier. I rather doubt it. He certainly isn't in Iraq or anywhere overseas. Just because he spews a message wearing a floppy hat and military t-shirt doesn't mean a thing.

About his message: The first third of it, he goes on about contractors and how evil they are making a buck, while the soldiers fight the war and risk their lives. Well.. guess what.. you SIGNED UP FOR THAT. I served in the military. MY choice. I signed on the line. This dude if he serves (or ever has.. I doubt it), is a sad soldier. If you for a moment doubt the reasons for fighting in any war you are commanded to fight in, you should have NEVER JOINED. There are political agendas to wars? No... you THINK? If he was too dense to realize this, he should have never joined. He was not drafted.. he VOLUNTEERED. Why would you read and sign the forms that say you will basically be the tool of our politics and military, and then complain about it.

Second, contractors: I work for a company that has many contracts previously in Iraq and Kuwait, and now in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I may have to go to Afghanistan soon as part of my job, at Camp Bastion. Our contractors make 100k EVERY YEAR, no matter WHERE they work. Or more. Because they went to that place called college, and earned degrees in engineering and geology and chemistry, and work to restore military bases and rebuild towns, and survey for further work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, because of the mess war makes.

It's kind of ironic. Yes.. the Iraq and Kuwait peoples are innocent. Except.. we have to rebuilt military bases that were utterly stripped of every wire, screw and tile (literally), so nothing remained by the husk of buildings. Our contractors send us photos constantly. And what do they do? They buy BACK the materials stolen by the locals, and then HIRE THEM to help build the bases back. Yes.. they are complete monsters. Each morning, hundreds of locals camp outside the base, and our contractors each morning try to hire as many locals as they can for the days work. They do this every day. And because of their degrees and work ethic, choosing to live often LONGER in foreign countries than soldiers, they are monsters, greedy and power-hungry. They try to rebuilt military bases, towns, airports and police stations, so they can POLICE THEMSELVES.. trying to get them exactly where this supposed soldier wants them to be.. and they are monsters.

Get some perspective people. It's not as black and white as you think. And youtube is not always the bastion of truth and justice. It's quite often the source of bullcrap and ludicrous lies. That so many of you "intelligent' people buy into this crap without thought is frightening. You obviously don't know all the facts, if you claim this guy is the herald of all that is right and true.

On your first point, well I would agree on a consensus that major liabilities for citizens volunteering for US military service include to "fight the war and risk their lives".

Within your first point, you emphasize "If you for a moment doubt the reasons for fighting in any war you are commanded to fight in, you should have NEVER JOINED"... This is a VERY unrealistic false ideology. Do you REALLY think that every soldier that joined did in-depth and accurate research on the reasons behind their particular war? Do you really expect that every soldier that serves during wartime did so because they had absolutely no doubt about their mission and expectations of service were based on 100% faithful trustworthy leadership? Yeah fucccckkking right. If you expect, as your bold statement says, that every soldier that "SHOULD HAVE JOINED" has no doubts behind the war, then you must admit that you are surrounded by soldiers that "should not have joined." I have several friends that have harbored doubts about our governance and military leadership that served very honorably as overseas US military. So who do you really think "should join"? People with absolutely no doubts about our leadership and military motives? Yeah fffuuccccking rriiight...

Your Second Point, which involves the validity and justification of overseas contractors, states that they "make 100k EVERY YEAR, no matter WHERE they work. Or more. Because they went to that place called college, and earned degrees in engineering and geology and chemistry, and work to restore military bases and rebuild towns, and survey for further work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, because of the mess war makes." So you are so brainwashed that you put forth an argument for non-military civilians to make an order of magnitude more money than you and your fellow soliders, while taking no personal combat risk? AND you give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing their jobs simply because they have "earned degrees" and are working to "restore" and "rebuild" "because of the mess war makes"?? You are ignorant or in disagreement with the reality of the current state of the United States military-industrial complex.

On your third point, where you say "Each morning, hundreds of locals camp outside the base, and our contractors each morning try to hire as many locals as they can for the days work. They do this every day." - YES, in a situation of war profiteering, of course the profiteers will seek the cheapest labor to further their objectives. It creates a sense of righteousness that the profiteers are doing good work and the wrecked native citizens are doing good work as well.

Part of your third point involves the intentions of "they", which refers to the "locals" as you describe in previous wording. "They try to rebuilt military bases, towns, airports and police stations, so they can POLICE THEMSELVES." So... you really think these local Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, etc are spending their lives rebuilding infrastructure simply so they can "POLICE THEMSELVES"??? YYeeeahhhh fffooockkking righht!!! They are rebuilding because they HAVE TO so they can police their native land, ESPECIALLY against the invading foreign investors.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:41 AM
The number of views, makes me sad. But yet I am glad more people are talking.

Right now, they are whispers. It's not enough. They need to shout louder!

Spread these around guys.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by JerryB08

good for you being one of the only ones not praisng this thread and going oh my god."im gonna post this to wall" people dont know what sh##s really they need some poor excuse for a soldier telling them how it is. so everyone feels bad for him...well at least you still have your life soldier boy...cant be sooo bad...

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by vonhelton
reply to post by truthseeker1984

oh i see this is a liberal feel good thread, sorry i came into the wrong room i was looking for the proud american room.

not that age should matter but i would bet i have a few years on you , kind of funny how if someone disagrees you have to sink to insultingtypical liberal trash .

Shouldn't a proud American be, an american who defends the constitution and the freedoms and liberties America was founded upon. Shouldn't a proud American be an American who defends their country from enemies, foreign and domestic. So if an entity or multiple corporations, individuals and the military complex were violating these, if they were destroying the state, then wouldn't a man who opposes them, be a proud American. This isn't just liberal rhetoric, conservatives believe it too.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by sincerelyme

Originally posted by fleabit
First of all, there is no telling if this is an actual soldier. I rather doubt it. He certainly isn't in Iraq or anywhere overseas. Just because he spews a message wearing a floppy hat and military t-shirt doesn't mean a thing.

About his message: The first third of it, he goes on about contractors and how evil they are making a buck, while the soldiers fight the war and risk their lives. Well.. guess what.. you SIGNED UP FOR THAT. I served in the military. MY choice. I signed on the line. This dude if he serves (or ever has.. I doubt it), is a sad soldier. If you for a moment doubt the reasons for fighting in any war you are commanded to fight in, you should have NEVER JOINED. There are political agendas to wars? No... you THINK? If he was too dense to realize this, he should have never joined. He was not drafted.. he VOLUNTEERED. Why would you read and sign the forms that say you will basically be the tool of our politics and military, and then complain about it.

Second, contractors: I work for a company that has many contracts previously in Iraq and Kuwait, and now in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I may have to go to Afghanistan soon as part of my job, at Camp Bastion. Our contractors make 100k EVERY YEAR, no matter WHERE they work. Or more. Because they went to that place called college, and earned degrees in engineering and geology and chemistry, and work to restore military bases and rebuild towns, and survey for further work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, because of the mess war makes.

It's kind of ironic. Yes.. the Iraq and Kuwait peoples are innocent. Except.. we have to rebuilt military bases that were utterly stripped of every wire, screw and tile (literally), so nothing remained by the husk of buildings. Our contractors send us photos constantly. And what do they do? They buy BACK the materials stolen by the locals, and then HIRE THEM to help build the bases back. Yes.. they are complete monsters. Each morning, hundreds of locals camp outside the base, and our contractors each morning try to hire as many locals as they can for the days work. They do this every day. And because of their degrees and work ethic, choosing to live often LONGER in foreign countries than soldiers, they are monsters, greedy and power-hungry. They try to rebuilt military bases, towns, airports and police stations, so they can POLICE THEMSELVES.. trying to get them exactly where this supposed soldier wants them to be.. and they are monsters.

Get some perspective people. It's not as black and white as you think. And youtube is not always the bastion of truth and justice. It's quite often the source of bullcrap and ludicrous lies. That so many of you "intelligent' people buy into this crap without thought is frightening. You obviously don't know all the facts, if you claim this guy is the herald of all that is right and true.

On your first point, well I would agree on a consensus that major liabilities for citizens volunteering for US military service include to "fight the war and risk their lives".

Within your first point, you emphasize "If you for a moment doubt the reasons for fighting in any war you are commanded to fight in, you should have NEVER JOINED"... This is a VERY unrealistic false ideology. Do you REALLY think that every soldier that joined did in-depth and accurate research on the reasons behind their particular war? Do you really expect that every soldier that serves during wartime did so because they had absolutely no doubt about their mission and expectations of service were based on 100% faithful trustworthy leadership? Yeah fucccckkking right. If you expect, as your bold statement says, that every soldier that "SHOULD HAVE JOINED" has no doubts behind the war, then you must admit that you are surrounded by soldiers that "should not have joined." I have several friends that have harbored doubts about our governance and military leadership that served very honorably as overseas US military. So who do you really think "should join"? People with absolutely no doubts about our leadership and military motives? Yeah fffuuccccking rriiight...

Your Second Point, which involves the validity and justification of overseas contractors, states that they "make 100k EVERY YEAR, no matter WHERE they work. Or more. Because they went to that place called college, and earned degrees in engineering and geology and chemistry, and work to restore military bases and rebuild towns, and survey for further work in Pakistan and Afghanistan, because of the mess war makes." So you are so brainwashed that you put forth an argument for non-military civilians to make an order of magnitude more money than you and your fellow soliders, while taking no personal combat risk? AND you give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing their jobs simply because they have "earned degrees" and are working to "restore" and "rebuild" "because of the mess war makes"?? You are ignorant or in disagreement with the reality of the current state of the United States military-industrial complex.

On your third point, where you say "Each morning, hundreds of locals camp outside the base, and our contractors each morning try to hire as many locals as they can for the days work. They do this every day." - YES, in a situation of war profiteering, of course the profiteers will seek the cheapest labor to further their objectives. It creates a sense of righteousness that the profiteers are doing good work and the wrecked native citizens are doing good work as well.

Part of your third point involves the intentions of "they", which refers to the "locals" as you describe in previous wording. "They try to rebuilt military bases, towns, airports and police stations, so they can POLICE THEMSELVES." So... you really think these local Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, etc are spending their lives rebuilding infrastructure simply so they can "POLICE THEMSELVES"??? YYeeeahhhh fffooockkking righht!!! They are rebuilding because they HAVE TO so they can police their native land, ESPECIALLY against the invading foreign investors.

FANTASTIC. Two very well written statements of what these two authors believe. I commend you both HOWEVER to the author "sincerelyme" I have to hand it to you, you hit the nail on the head and I agree with you 100%.
As a side note:
My heart goes out to every service man in each nation who is in the field, giving every thing they have to include their life. I will say, God bless the people of America, but will not say God bless America. It is my opinion that our Government is off track and we the people need to get back to the simple things in life such as enjoying the notion of freedom given to us by the sacrifice and the blood of our fathers. We as a people need to exercise the contents of our Constitution.

Peace to all

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:31 AM
i wonder if 'they' will take him out....or his family, or set him up for murder, or maybe killed in a robbery, same old tactic, same old dogs.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:45 AM


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:48 AM
wow! great about time.
what I wont to see is every solder who has a uniform.
to put it on and stand or sit (wheel chair)
for 1 hour at there city centre.
Ever one would see that/
and it would scear the hell out of THEM.
and the police would not touch them.
no fighting just siolence.
( we the people...)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:08 AM
i'm against war and i always been since i remember, this is the ugliest the most darker face of humanity...and we are all gulity no matter what we think, no matter what we do we have to pay for that.

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,george walker bush was looking for weapon of mass destruction, but we all know that the only weapon of mass destruction was him. I look foward and and i try to understand,looking for the roots of all this abomination, the american governement was never clear, like all powerful governement who had rules this world, when you are at the top of the ladder you will stay no matter what it will cost, you will cause damage and spread desolation around you because you have the power to do it , this what the american governement have done since this years, he just cover it with words like freedome, honor and democartie.

I share my life with an american, he is proud of his country, he always give a good picture of america , even though he knows he's wrong, it will continue to say it's for good reasons, amercian people like all the people in the world are proud, and this what make us so stupid.

I thinks it's too late, the damage is done, and now George walker bush has spawned a new generation of kids full of hate and anger, proud and determined to make pay those who destroyed his life and his country, He has to face widow who no longer understand why their husbands went to war and why he came back in a coffin.

My question is what are we going to do for that today...spread a video... we all know this video could have a billion view but the situation will stay the same... what are we going to do today to stop that ?


ugly and proud this what we are...monsters.
edit on 28-3-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:09 AM
As a Puerto Rican, a country invaded by the US in the Spanish American War (Creation of yellow journalism, propaganda, these things are not new, the island was probably gonna be re named William Randolph Hearst Land but it wasn't catchy enough for tourism market) i respect a soldier who thinks independently and is not part of the mass, no matter what his/her new opinion is. That's how new ideas are created by asking questions and suggesting solutions even if they suck. Also this:


Guys I am creating a new thread because I have a revolutionary idea that might change the game. Help me get some attention. It has to do with the truth. THE REAL TRUTH. Thank you. It is concerning the need to end laws on marriage to end all social conflict by eliminating the need for marriage among other interesting finds. I have proof of "god". Lets see if it stands up to all the ATS skeptics like me because I too was in serious denial

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:14 AM
Great Thread and vid.TrueAmerican! S&F
It's good to see that many members of the military have learned that they have been lied to about the exact reasons of why we are in the ME and in other places in Eurasia.The Oligarchs are after the few remaining natural resources in the world.All this talk about liberal and conservative is really window dressing it keeps the idealists and the willfully ignorant busy.

PS: All this crying and whining about flags and stars and posters popularity is something I would expect from a forum full of teenagers.

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