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Humanities open call to ET Help Japan and the world survive

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posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 05:54 PM
Past cultures sacrificed their children to get rid of these 'aliens'...
...why would you invite them in to 'help'... would be like inviting a rabid dog to a five year old fairy party.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Fenix777

I enjoyed your heartfelt post

I just wanted to add that when one is looking at the top of a mountain from the base, they must be willing to move their legs and walk to actually get where they want to go (top of the mountain in this case). In other words, i personally feel that which we ask of others (even if it is aliens or God), we must be willing to do it for ourselves in the first place. Beyond being willing, we must actually start doing it ourselves. I just wanted to add my 2 cents to what you wrote.

In other words, it is valuable to have faith in others help, but just as important to have it in ourselves too. Most beings should not only be willing to help themselves in the ways they can, but that should be the first approach. If help comes, it is a blessing, if it doesnt, we must do our best regardless. "waiting" for others to do that which we are not personally willing to do (for whatever reasons) will continue this same cultural cycle. This is where i do have faith in others because i see many people changing in that regard. For many though, the reasons are unknown and it is causing some fear.

I also see many blame the "elite" for everything, but if the masses were to realize fully the "power of the people," the "elites" would be a thing of the past (as they should be). They are simply humans acting how the majority of humans would if put into the same situation. i do not feel the source of the "problem" is with the elites specifically, but more with the cultural story we tell ourselves and how that influences personal decisions on mass scales. and perhaps equally importantly, what we tell ourselves is impossible as part of that story. The "general public" tend to be painted in the light of being some powerless and victimized group, but everyone has responsibility and power in this..

We shouldnt wait for someone else to help us (even on an individual, personal scale), we should be willing to help ourselves and others to the best of our ability and be humble enough to accept help if it comes along.

If we are not willing to do it ourselves, why should any being do it for us? I think that is simply one of the themes in our cultural story that would be beneficial to overcome. We tend to point the finger elsewhere in everything from enacting change, to blame, to responsibility, to even effort and work itself. It also might be perceived as a waste of time as all of these "great changes" devolve into what they fought against years before.. i feel now is the time approach change on a base personal scale, instead of simply rotating the faces in the positions under the guise of a "revolution."

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by mkkkay

our cage is this
"what can we do"
"we cant do anything"
"we are too week to do anything"

we are trained to limit ourselves
we are trained to attack each other
this is the real cage

to look outside the cage
to realize we all share earth
to realize we are the indangered species
and to act
for the benifit of all and not just a select few
this shows we are worth "stepping into the cage for"


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

We arent an endangered species.............we are one "animal" amongst thousands and possibly millions in the universe.............

Do you ever see someone on national geographic stop the crocodile from eating the gazelle???????

i never said we werent worth saving, but we have to save ourselves.......we have to pull our own weight.

Thinking of us as endangered is a little narcissistic, considering there could be many others exactly like us.......

Again youre looking at this on a small scale...........

edit on 27-3-2011 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by troubleshooter
Gotta make sure they're out there first. Ask 'em to reveal themselves to everyone so all will know. Then ask. First things first. Don't skip the step of certainty. Otherwise asking for help will be a completely empty and fruitless exercise. A waste of time and effort. Is anyone listening to reason here?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Very good point.
Mankind are overly self richeous. We think we are the single most important race to ever grace the universe.
If other intelligent civilizations like us exist throughout the universe, then there would be millions of them.
And if they were like us, then they would have lived and died out a long time ago.
My pont is that we are not as important as we think we are. We could just be one of the millions of failed galactic races.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:15 PM
Maybe they can send one of their pyramid-docking ship models to drop a couple of concrete sarcophagi on FKS.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:26 PM
You are your own savior. END OF STORY

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by annella
OK. I am going to post a video I was sent many months ago, I have read it and to be honest I am taken with the core of the 'message'....regardless of whomever composed it.
Anyways, for the OP.... maybe enough people tuned in can help your cause. However they choose to do it

ETA: I looked at this video a couple of times for a short period of time over a few months, and then the whole.
If you can spare the 10 minutes then read it at least. Some very clued up person is responsible for these words IMO.
edit on 27-3-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

This is impressive!

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by hiflier

this is about getting the humanity of earth together for a unity purpose
everybody in their own language
everybody in their own words
everybody in their own way

single purpose


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

how do you no they ain't causing this and your plea would just tell them to come and finish us of and if we cant sort our selves out the no one can

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Hello Xplorer,

Originally posted by XPLodER
reply to post by hiflier

this is about getting the humanity of earth together for a unity purpose
everybody in their own language
everybody in their own words
everybody in their own way

single purpose


Believe me when I say that I fully respect and understand your intention and motive here. But until a plan for establishing whether or not there even IS an ET then everyone is going down the path blindly. Build the foundation and then the house. Prove ET and then one can ask with the knowledge that ET is there to listen. Assumption goes in the wrong direction no matter how sincere one may be. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone's desire to help anyone in need but we need to be as sure of ET as we are of the Red Cross, Red Crescent etc. Am I just way off base here? You can certainly let me know if I am for I have good intentions too And thank you for responding!!!
edit on 27-3-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:49 PM
Wow, folks! Put down your guns and have a conversation!

What I see here are people, starting with the OP, assuming that others will know what they are talking about and so not really saying enough to fully communicate their concept.

There are people who don't think we have ETs up there. After all, what evidence do we have for this outside of Billy Meier and thousands of other contactees, channels, and eyewitnesses?

So, assuming they're there, how do you "talk" to them? The most popular method that I have read about seems to be something like prayer. They're telepathic. So the concept is that if you send a communication out with enough intention, they'll get it.

Do they really want to help? This is the BIG question. Billy and many channels say "yes." While many other contactees and witnesses say "no - they just talk a good line."

The stuff about "the only person who can save you is yourself" is for another thread. Fire departments save people all the time. And that's all we're talking about, basically.

I am currently persuaded that there is no one out there that really knows what to do. If they knew what to do they would have done it already. They are hoping we'll figure it out! And we could. There is a persistent rumor that there are some ETs that would intervene if the planet itself were threatened. But they only need about 1/2 billion of us for genetic material. So they are biding their time for now.

Man! I've often really wished they were capable of really helping! But at this point I don't see it in the cards. I think it's up to us.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:15 PM
Text@I_e_cox: The stuff about "the only person who can save you is yourself" is for another thread. Fire departments save people all the time. And that's all we're talking about, basically.

I am currently persuaded that there is no one out there that really knows what to do. If they knew what to do they would have done it already. They are hoping we'll figure it out! And we could. There is a persistent rumor that there are some ETs that would intervene if the planet itself were threatened. But they only need about 1/2 billion of us for genetic material. So they are biding their time for now.

Man! I've often really wished they were capable of really helping! But at this point I don't see it in the cards. I think it's up to us.

TextText 3 this is my first post on this sight mr. i_e_cox your rite I believe it's up to us and something has to be done. If it's communicating with ETs for the sake of them helping us then we need to find a way. But all I know is the human beings that we are (or whatever the hell we are), there is something we all share in common (and I'm not saying race, religion, where your from etc...) but the people in general should come together as one. Then if the so called ETs are on the good side and want to help then we should accept and move on to the future of the universe. Cause for what I could remember and recall this is our earth it has been for countless years let's get together and do something rite for a change as one!

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

The "Do You Wish that We Show Up?" piece has been on the internet at least since November of 2003 (RumorMill News).

It could be much older. Tuella was channeling messages to much the same effect in 1982.

This is an old game. If you include the ancient scriptures of various cultures, this has been going on for a LONG time.

At this point I think it's time to determine what's really going on. If you don't like the answer from someone like George Kavassilas, then you're either going to have to figure out how to exteriorize so you can go up there and check them out for yourself, or pick some other guru.

But the trend seems to be in this direction: The ball is in our court. Posts much later than 2003 have indicated that "they" are fully aware that "we" want "them" to come down here and help out. But "they" haven't yet. Why should we keep hoping? We could solve it ourselves.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by l_e_cox

to try to acociate this thread with this is a clear trolling attempt

The "Do You Wish that We Show Up?" piece has been on the internet at least since November of 2003 (RumorMill News).

It could be much older. Tuella was channeling messages to much the same effect in 1982.

DONT mix the issiues to try to divert the thread
that has nothing to do with what im talking about
you are trying to make this into something its not

this isnt about wishing
this is about everybody doing anything they can to help japan
this is about help with the reactors
in any language in any why

DONT try to connect me to any thing other than
all people send out for good energy or healing thoughts for the people of japan and the world

for me in my position that is ET
for you it may be GOD
all i ask is ask WHOEVER you beleive in for help for japan

edit on 27-3-2011 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2011 by XPLodER because: spelling

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:33 PM
Hello X,

Thank you for your clarification and insights and the call for good will! Consider it DONE.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

I read you loud and clear xploder!

I wasn't trolling, though.

Someone posted a video to your thread with a document on it. I just wanted to let thread readers know that this is old news.

I appreciate that you aren't into all that.

But really, it's time to take a new look. If you're going to call "higher" forces "ET" then you are going to get people who think that's exactly what you mean.

We can all send our prayers, positive energy, whatever else you want to call it, to Japan. That would be very cool.
But we can also sign up with one of the volunteer disaster relief groups and go over there. Or make a donation. Or post things on ATS about what's keeping a country like Japan from turning to less dangerous power technologies.

It all contributes in its way. I agree Japan needs a lot of good thoughts and good deeds right now. Thanks for reminding us.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
if no ET are out there or they dont help or dont exist then its up to us to take our future out of the hands of madmen who put reactors in stupid places.

Then I guess we should start doing something instead of relying in a possible help from someone that may exist.

this moment in history will be judged by our future generations as the period we destroyed the world
OR as the time we all stood together to save it.

I don't see this moment in history as different from any other. We have some problems but nothing as bad as we have already had.

do you have any idea on what we look like destroying ourselfs?
for the benifit of a few

First of all, I don't think we are really destroying ourselves, but even if we aren't we should start by identify the problems.

We can only find solutions when we know what's wrong with something, so we can look for alternatives.

We may be confronted with many different problems, but the first step in problem solving is to break the problem in several smaller problems that are easier to solve and go from there.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by grindhouzer
reply to post by XPLodER

How are we going to tell them??

Collect all the replys on this thread and then.....E-mail them??

Dude....seriously....they will step in if thats what they are here for....and only when they want to..

They are 'listening' and they are aware of calls such of this in it's entirety.

To the OP: Until there is a tipping point of a call greater then the opposite, there will be no help. It must be a mass majority.

Sources - none needed.

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