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HARRP causes Japans 9.0 w/Proof???

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by subject x

Thanks for sharing.. it helps to form my opinion...

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:48 PM
There are three main issues with trying to prove that HAARP caused the Japan earthquake (or any earthquake in general):

1. HAARP is spammed constantly in endless threads on ATS on a daily basis, so even if there is any substantial evidence whatsoever, it will be drowned out by the fact that nobody will take it seriously anyway.

2. Popular ATS members will post something like "Oh look, it's THIS thread again", post some counter-evidence that doesn't really debunk the presented theory but will add minor bits and pieces of truth, get lots of stars, and completely overshadow anything else that is said.

3. There are those who believe it is impossible to cause earthquakes and will vehemently voice their opinion about it, resorting to anything from name-calling to emoticon abuse to get their belief across.

I do not believe that HAARP created the earthquake in Japan, but even if it did, there will never be a way to prove it 100%. Akin to how in order to prove that aliens exist, every person on the planet would require a personal interaction with one, HAARP's ability to make earthquakes cannot be proven until it is publicly demonstrated. Everything beyond that is speculation.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by tracehd1

Your welcome. I have HAARP on my research bucket list, I have always been aware of HAARP ,but I am currently doing a lot of research on the sun and moon cycles. With the way things are going down in Japan, I thought I had it pegged to solar activity but there are just way too many aftershocks of high magnitude,couple that with the Tsunami and the nuclear problem, it looks a little funny to me and that was one of my first thoughts HAARP. Now with all the rumblings people are hearing, and my wife heard it as well last week,and the amount of meteors I have been seeing including one on Thursday night that came straight down, perhaps TPTB are knocking it up a notch.
Keep up the great work,sooner or later the truth will come out.I am enclosing a couple of my threads if you care to check them out


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

"And I don't recall any significant quakes on the 14th, except a 6.6 aftershock near Chile."

LOL, are you trying to prove or disprove your assertion with this bit of data?

Actually to get a better idea of what any HAARP based system does we would need to get more data along the lines of:

Does the 2.5 HZ wavelength (or other) really have any plausible or known connecton to earthquakes?

Can we look back at HAARPs output and see any readily recognizable patterns between eathquakes and broadcasts over an extended time frame (in months/years)

Can we really trust the accuracy of HAARPs magnetometer if indeed it is being used as a WMD? (seems they would want to skew the data showing their potential involvement or lack of it)

Aren't there other magnetometers around the world, can one get the data from these and compare?

Did Japan report any anomolies of ELF signals (or other countries) and aren't these able to be picked up by other countries defense capabilities.

A big irony would be the magnetometer at HAARP was said to be from Tokyo....

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by tracehd1

No problemo.

There's lots of info in the thread I linked to, and in many of the other threads concerning HAARP, showing that it can't accomplish any of the more extreme claims made about it. I'm still not a big fan of people messing with the ionosphere when they're not sure of the outcome, but I've learned enough to understand that it's not the superweapon many claim it to be.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by rogerramjett

I definitely take the SuperMoon, or Fullmoon, or sunflares into would be a perfect time to cause a quake if it were man...

"Blame it on the Moon, Blame it on the Alcohol" lol

Gotta ask you a question.. no ones been able to answer... We are seeing an up tic in activity right?
Do you also see an up tic here in Cali??

edit on 26-3-2011 by tracehd1 because: spchk

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:05 PM
In my personal opinion, we shouldn't fall in the "HAARP did it" game. This weapon exist but can't be accountable for every disaster, because that's what "they" want us to believe.

We certainly are facing big changes in our planet and if these changes become officially declared, the elite controlling the world would loose all their sheeple.

For example, (sorry if I go off-topic for a minute) let's talk a little bit about this Elenin thing. First it was a comet, now it's a brown dwarf. The point is that this object is real and will be here real soon. Now, think about you believe NASA and similars don't know what is it.

I find more easy to believe they don't want us to survive. They probably knew about Japan before it happended and no warning was made because it was perfect for their NWO depopulation schedule. Otherwise....explain to me how the hell is possible that the good people of Japan right now (and I'm not talking about a third-world country), not even have water to drink....come on !!!

You must remember Katrina.....they did the same crap there too. Let the people die.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Tecumte

LOL, are you trying to prove or disprove your assertion with this bit of data?

Just pointing it out, if I didn't someone would jump all over it.

Darned if I do, darned if I don't!

Does the 2.5 HZ wavelength (or other) really have any plausible or known connecton to earthquakes?

There are theories that 2.5Hz precedes earthquakes, nothing concrete though

Can we look back at HAARPs output and see any readily recognizable patterns between eathquakes and broadcasts over an extended time frame (in months/years)

We can, they have a full database going back several years.

Can we really trust the accuracy of HAARPs magnetometer if indeed it is being used as a WMD? (seems they would want to skew the data showing their potential involvement or lack of it)

the magnetometer shows fluctuations in the ionosphere, it doesn't indicate if HAARP was operating or not, this fact continually falls on deaf ears though.

Aren't there other magnetometers around the world, can one get the data from these and compare?

Probably, can't say I've looked.

id Japan report any anomolies of ELF signals (or other countries) and aren't these able to be picked up by other countries defense capabilities.

No idea.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Trueman

so therefore... If someone tells you you're dog bites...but you *kinda* don't believe it... do you then not keep a closer eye on him..just in case??

I would think you would keep a closer eye on your *dog* just in case he is doing what people suspect...

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

We dont' know if HARRP was running or not??? huh?

Please go and re-read the info... go to HARRPS website.. it was geeshh what am I missing!

you did what you were trying to point out?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by tracehd1

Why don't YOU go and learn what the Induction magnetometer actually does.

From HAARP themselves.

It's like talking to a bloody brick wall.

HAARP was not on, the magnetometer does not tell you if HAARP is on or not, why the hell would HAARP have a device to detect when HAARP is turned on??

Do you realise how stupid that is?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by subject x

On simply your first point regarding ELF:

Someone in Congress realized the public safety implications of ELF waves-- even if they were to be generated by HAARP. The funding for HAARP was delayed while the Pentagon quickly assured the congressional committees that the ELF programs would be scuttled and replaced by HAARP's "high frequencies" which were, after all, "harmless." Congress thereby appropriated 16 million dollars for HAARP's initial expansion. But was the HAARP really doing away with ELF radiation? Not at all.(see 104th Congress, 1st session, Report 104-24 at 190, July 28, 1995)

The military's own Executive Summary of the HAARP program clearly states their reliance on ELF waves. Instead of transmitting these waves from ground based transmitters, HAARP created these waves through the use of "pulse" transmissions of their HF energy beams. Or, to put it another way, HAARP duplicated the ELF signals by turning their signal on and off at rates (30 to 3000 cycles per second) within the ELF range. The result was that ELF radiation could be directed to a specific area on the surface of the planet, at will.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

wow... it was running... u got your facts.. I got mine..

besides..aren't u sick of my Thread? rme

edit on 26-3-2011 by tracehd1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by subject x

By the time the HAARP signal bounces back to ground, the signal is less than 5watts, which won't even power a decent lightbulb. ley alone cause an earthquake.

this thread

In response to that assertion, also from the same aforemetioned link I posted above:

"At these higher power levels, the heated ionosphere acted like a powerful battery, storing, amplifying and discharging destructive beams of energy that could devastate a distant target on demand, in seconds"

If this is true then this radically changes the potential capabilities of systems like HAARP. IF the energy transmitted can be stored and amplified and released on command (a change in frequencies?) then I have a feeling you're going to be doing a heck of alot more than providing a multi-milliondollar 5 watt lighbulb power source.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Tecumte

I like you... you back up your spunk with facts...

I have found story after story of weird looking Auroa lights just before or during a quake... Does this have to do with HARRP possible?? just curious what your thoughts were... Chile has a vid...I think Iceland and Austr...

Chad.. I'm done with you... ok..

We're here to exchange ideas..not to put ME down for producing something I thought was relevant data...and not to put down my own opinions and facts and data that I collect!!!!'re sick of HARRP threads..
edit on 26-3-2011 by tracehd1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by tracehd1

No, you got BS.

And are refusing to see logic.

HAARP wasn't on and for the millionth time the magnetometer doesn't indicate that HAARP was on.

FWIW from the thread subject x linked to earlier:

Originally posted by subject x
Well, I have to say I'm suprised. Dr. Papadopoulos actually responded to my email.
You know, the guy who essentially invented HAARP?

His response was short and to the point.

From: Konstantinos Dennis Papadopoulos
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: HAARP question
Date: Mar 13, 2011 4:33 PM
HAARP cannot do anything like that. Its power is electromagnetic like a radio station. Radio stations put out more than 1000000 time more power than HAARP and do not create earthquakes. In any way HAARP has not operated during the last month

So there we have it, straight from the horse's mouth as it were.
Not only can HAARP not cause an earthquake, it hasn't been used in the last month.
Just goes to show how easy it is for some clown on the internet to make crap up and have people believe it.
I'm sure the paranoid will claim this is lies/disinfo, and in that case I obviously can't make you recognize reality when you see it, but there it is.

Believe what you will...

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

I can't help but post this reply to you... if I go to HARRPS website and read what they say? lmao
So... when Bush and Cheney produced false info to go to WAR with innocent lives in Iraq... I should have taken that data as fact instead of researching? lmaoo comeON now man.. your starting to show your true boxers here..USG.. js

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by tracehd1
reply to post by rogerramjett

tysm....I understand about your *UFO Blogger* comment...I thought the same thing.. however: Isn't the graph proof? Black & White? Non-heaaaaarsay... lol Yea..anyone can fake a graph.. I get that.. but.. are they?


Besides.. the Blogger doesn't just say it..they have links to the info that proves what they're saying..:

"If you go to HAARP’s official website you can see for yourself that the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency wasn’t only being broadcated for 10 hours, it was constantly being broadcasted for 2 days prior to the earthquake. Broadcasting began on March 8, 2011, just before midnight as you can see on HAARP’s website page – here.
edit on 26-3-2011 by tracehd1 because: add

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Tecumte
If this is true...

That's a pretty big "if" there. I would have to say it's not true at all. You source is long on speculation, short on science. If you could show me some actual, scientific evidence that it can do any of this, I'd be happy to look at it. Until such time, I have to go with BS.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by tracehd1
reply to post by Tecumte

I like you... you back up your spunk with facts...

I have found story after story of weird looking Auroa lights just before or during a quake... Does this have to do with HARRP possible?? just curious what your thoughts were... Chile has a vid...I think Iceland and Austr...

Chad.. I'm done with you... ok..

We're here to exchange ideas..not to put ME down for producing something I thought was relevant data...and not to put down my own opinions and facts and data that I collect!!!!'re sick of HARRP threads..
edit on 26-3-2011 by tracehd1 because: (no reason given)

thanks, just trying to find my way like I guess many others here, so much smoke and so many mirrors out there, hard to see through it all at times...

As for the Auroa lights or 'rainbow clouds', I have little idea other than they seem to have been reported right before? several quakes such as a big one not long ago in China. I do see alot of potential connectedness between the quakes, tsunamis, devastating storms, disease outbreaks, economic problems, so called 'global warming', what people refer to as *chemtrails* (atmospheric engineering), food shortages, loss of pollinators, other mass animal deaths, economic 'meltdowns' and tying it all together (IMO) what some claim (in their mind) is 'overpopulation' and the eugenics/totalitarian mindset of those with way to much money,time, and resources at their disposal, but this obviously is just my personal observation and conclusion based upon how the data presents itself to me, others will obviously see it all a bit differently.

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