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100's of Thousands to march against cuts in London.

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by biggilo

Originally posted by TribeOfManyColours

Originally posted by biggilo
Wouldn't their energies be better employed working a bit harder then maybe we wouldn't have such a massive defecit. It is because of losers like these that our country is on a one way path to ruin.

Do you mean the government etc, or that the protesters are the reason the country is going down?

Unbridled socialism, and they don't get their own way what do they do? Take to the streets and riot/protest at great cost to the tax payer.

Can you imagine the possibility that we can live in a world without. Money/religion and governments?
If we want it or not, nature will just keep the world turning around in perfect harmony.

Those people on the streets are rioting, as pioneers for freedom. What's in life, when you have an masters degree, cant get a job. And can not even make a good living, cause you only run after bill and bill to pay. And now we have to pay more and more. Well what do you think of paying never ever again?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by biggilo

They pay taxes too and have been doing all their lives only to see that tax money bail out a capitalist institution deemed too big to fail. Yet while the bankers walk off with huge bonuses, public sector workers lose their jobs.

Public sector jobs do not stimulate the economy, they do the opposite. All public sector wages come from taxes paid by those in the private sector. Where exactly did you think the money to pay them comes from? Thin air?
This has nothing to do with the bankers either, our problems all stem from a way too big public sector and a flawed benefits system.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by biggilo
Wouldn't their energies be better employed working a bit harder then maybe we wouldn't have such a massive defecit. It is because of losers like these that our country is on a one way path to ruin.

No its looosers like you that our country is on a one way path to ruin..the people are speaking..keep your negative thoughs to yourself..we want change !!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by biggilo
The government are cutting public sector jobs because we cannot afford them, ...

the reason the gov't cannot afford the existing job positions is mainly because the private
Corporations/LTDs are sabotaging the economy by legally (but unethically) circumventing
their proper payments of taxes...

its the unholy alliance between the legislators of law/rules and the Lobbysts for the mega-businesses.

if the house of cards economic structure had kept up the transfer of wealth from the business/bankers/etc then the workers & job positions would still be funded by the revenue income to the gov't.

It was not the average worker that broke the daisy was the corrupt lawmakers acting in concert with the greedy elitist executives & bankers that coveted their outrageous take-home and Bonuses and Perks !
edit on 26-3-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by snapperski

Here here! Keep it up!

V for Victory!


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by biggilo

I'm well aware of the economics my friend, and no where have i denied that we need to modernise our institutions but not by giving more money to rich people from poor people, not by allowing rich business owners not pay their tax in this country. You are quite happy to take from the poor but dont really say anything about making the rich paying their way. Just show you are the one lapping up the spin.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by snapperski

Originally posted by biggilo
Wouldn't their energies be better employed working a bit harder then maybe we wouldn't have such a massive defecit. It is because of losers like these that our country is on a one way path to ruin.

No its looosers like you that our country is on a one way path to ruin..the people are speaking..keep your negative thoughs to yourself..we want change !!

I support your frustration, about these real freedom blockers. He is no looser, he just doesn't get it. He needs to believe. I believe everybody will wake up some time. I also believe that people who just want change like you and me, are on the leading edge. We already believe. Everybody has their own pace.

Like a friend of mine. He has a job over 14years, make's good money and has an own house. He doesn't care, he is good. Other friend of mine is now in same position as me, and share's my feelings. If people do not care enough about the well-being of others yet, that means they are still having it to good in this system.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by biggilo

Public sector jobs do not stimulate the economy, they do the opposite. All public sector wages come from taxes paid by those in the private sector. Where exactly did you think the money to pay them comes from? Thin air?
This has nothing to do with the bankers either, our problems all stem from a way too big public sector and a flawed benefits system.


But then, the organisers know that - and they don't care. They just want to see Britain collapse. They hate us and everything we stand for. They especially hate those of us who still dare think for ourselves and don't insist on the State providing everything. They idolise Kim Il-sung and want nothing more than for Britain to be another North Korea.

Sooner the revolution comes and we get rid of 'em the better!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:52 AM
and lets not even start on the "reform" of the NHS, since the condem government came to power I have maintained that they will try to privatise it, look whats happening. It may come under the guise of reform, but privatisation is their long term goal. Glad I live in Scotland.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Cuts need to be made, much more so than are being made, but as I said, first hint of them and the Trade Unionist gangsters take to the streets.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:55 AM
Cuts probably do need to be made, conceded - but not so much from the public sector. How about weapon research and stop going to war at any available opportunity.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:58 AM
On a slightly unrelated note, does anyone else find it laughable that the government are scratching their heads about unemployment being on the rise when they themselves are making people unemployed with their cuts

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:59 AM
What about cutting the use of money, and just share if someone request something. Resources are there??

I hope that the march has this outcome in the end, cause money is just bad. People will fall out of the system always, we cant do that to our own kind any more. Erase money

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:59 AM

No its looosers like you that our country is on a one way path to ruin..the people are speaking..keep your negative thoughs to yourself..we want change !!

Snapperski -

Remember you have two ears and one mouth - try and use them in that order and also while you are at it try ''opening your eyes'' to the bigger picture......... Looosers ??? I can only see one here and it isn't the one you were suggesting !!!



posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by biggilo
Cuts need to be made, much more so than are being made, but as I said, first hint of them and the Trade Unionist gangsters take to the streets.

If it was not for the work of trade unions, workers rights in the uk would be worse than they are now, but you can ignore that fact, lick the boots of your tory masters and prepare for your working conditions to suffer

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Ohboyohboy
Cuts probably do need to be made, conceded - but not so much from the public sector.

We need a lot more public sector cuts. Ideally, we want a few people as possible working in the public sector and everyone generating trade and income instead of wasting it.

And for people to take responsibility for themselves rather than sitting on their fat arses complaining that the Govt have cut their benefits.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

If it wasn't for the work of the Unions, a lot more people would have jobs in the UK and we'd have a stronger economy.

Come the revolution they'll be the first to hang.

Well, after the politicians and the media

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:09 AM
People wouldnt be sitting on their "fat arses" if they had jobs to go to. I'll grant you that a percentage of those unemployed do not want to work, but what about all the graduates that CANT work because there are no jobs for them to go to. Are the graduates sitting on their fat arses because they want to? did they go through years of education and accumulate large amounts of debt so they could go "you know what, I cant be assed"

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Essan

Come the revolution they'll be the first to hang.

wow you sound like a Nazi mate (Hitler wanted to kill trade Unionists and Communists), what type of revolution are you advocating here?

edit on 26-3-2011 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:22 AM
Just for all you whiners and whingers who continually complain and moan and gloat at the current poor situation the current Coalition lot fin themselves in.. then remember.....

The previous Government (Labour to those of you with goldfish memories)

left the country with a Deficit of approx £840 BILLION ...... (think about that for a second, if you can ...))

We currently NEED to borrow £140 BILLION approx each year to Service that debt....and carry on paying for what we have.....

The Current Governments target is that by 2013/14 we will not have to borrow so much each year BUT that still leaves the country with a Structural debt of £840 Billion PLUS whatever else is added in the meantime.....

The figures are mind boggling and suggest to me that people today, in this country have got too used to expecting stuff that we can simply Not Afford !!!!!

I think that SOCEITY ( yes you, me and everyone else) has to get off the band wagon of 'me me me me ' all the time and become more Philanthropic.........

I do not like the fact that some earn Multi Millions in bonuses and the huge salaries that 'Footballers '? earn, or celebrities etc etc et al BUT that will NOT change UNLESS we change OUR ways as a Society.....

We all know the protests will be hijacked by politically motivated activists from the LEFT........ These sort of mass protests only cause trouble and fear.......... the silly little comments by some on this posting , trying to score points are COMPLETELY irrelevant and pointless..........

To change society requires more thinking and more action by the OVERWHELMING majority of 'decent' thinking people......... my question to you is how do you communicate to these people when they are already so wrapped up in the Me me me culture !!!????


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