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Will the real ET please stand up.

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Hello All,

This is my story. I am not a believer. I've never seen an UFO nor do I know of anyone personally who has. I grew up in the era of Project Blue Book and lived just outside Dayton, Ohio, home of Wright Patterson AFB until my mid teens. Last Fall I kind of got wind of Black Triangles and jioned an UFO Forum to find out more about them. Well, guess what? Yep, you guessed it. Stupid me finds out that no one knows anything concrete about them. Oh, lots of speculation, lots of conjecture, lots of sightings, some photos, lots of accounts and reports on MUFON, NUFORC and other places but essentially ZIP for facts. I've spent 4 years on an astronomy Forum so facts are not only necessary but required for any reasonably civil and intelligent discussion or, like here too, debate and argument.

Now there's a person on my home UFO Forum that has a theory and I asked some questions and dialogued with other members but my focus remained with the BTs. I was (and still am) fairly convinced that they are military. Now here's one of the problems I ran into in the process of gathering information in order to put a set of facts together that would evolve into a picture I could have of them that would allow me to arrive at a logical answer as to their origin. Not their purpose- JUST their origin. I knew it was impossible and a thorough waste of time to try and determine their purpose or search in any other capacity until I could FIRST DETERMINE THEIR EXISTENCE! So I set out to do just that very thing.

I went about collecting everything I could find and came up with an idea: If more people got involved as a group then for a given report one person could look at the geology of the area, another could look at the resources, another the minerals, another the weather conditions, another could research whether or not other sightings of other objects, not just Triangles occured in the surrounding area. There was more criteria to look at as well such as direction of travel which I felt was important to see if an object was coming from or going to a place that the catagories listed might prove to be more revealing as to what they they were about.

And again, guess what? No one wanted to give the method even a cursory looksee. Zero response. It was like I was the only member on the Forum and everyone else left. I kept posting reports from Mufon's map "UFO Stalker" and commenting on the sightings but I couldn't generate enough interest that members wanted to take action. Lots of views but absolutely little or no dialogue for a month or so. Talk about feeling like an outsider.

Now the person that had been doing his own UFO research for over 35 years and I had been kind of discussing his stuff when one day he posted that he had had enough with the closed doors, dead ends, and general lack of response from the UFO community and from the more enlightened groups like MUFON and other organizations who had nothing but a deaf ear to lend. He decided to formulate a plan to circumvent ALL the UFO organisations no matter how well connected, knowledgeable, or large they were. The plan also bypassed government agencies of every kind and power. It bypassed all the Forums, moderators, admins, as well as the various conferences including MUFON's 42-year-old "symposium and a lot of others that had been around for 20 years or so.

Now before I continue I have to say as a non-believer that I can understand that conferences are as much a social thing as they are informative. BUT one would think that after 42 years of selling UFO and especially UFO paraphenalia that the BIZ of UFOs would be so obvious that folks would get angry at the marketing of ET for profit. The books (thousands), the mugs (more thousands), the decals (even more thousands) and the money taken in (billions) have not produced one shred of proof that will stand up under scrutiny. Many "know" aliens exist but they do not truly know aliens exist in the reality sense. The "expert" speakers and and the conference programs in general have exposed and concretely revealed nothing except how to get rich off of someone else's belief and desire for Truth (which should cost no one anything anyway!). But perpetuated ignorance is good for business is it not?

OK, enough of that. The person on my Forum drafted a message outlining the idea and I had a hand in editing some points. After some discussion it was agreed that I would then take the "Notice" and post it on as many UFO Forums as I could. I became a member of 25 Forums and did just that. My own plan was, and is, to take the ball and run with it because I believed the concept to be simple and, at the same time, could possibly be very effective in PROVING ET's existence!!! That is not to say or even assume that anyone can make ET do something ( if ET exists at all). But doing nothing will guarantee the current state that believers find themselves in will remain the same with no progression whatsoever toward Truth. I think most by now are fed up anyway with the status quo and ready to do something- ANYTHING- to change things.

The "Notice" is on this Forum as well. It was posted a month ago. I came here last week to issue a monthly reminder on the 20th of each month until July 20th of this year. Before I post the link though I wish to clarify something I think is important first and foremost. I came into the UFO world as a complete and utter novice. I knew nothing and still know very little but I have to say this: A novice of only a week knows as much about the reality of ET as someone who has been at it for a decade. And it's true. Longevity in a debate concerniing the existence of anything like UFOs, Bigfoot, and all the other paranormal subjects means nothing if a solution cannot be arrived at.

I have seen the ET subject go around and around, not just this Forum or my own home Forum, but on all the other 20+ Forums I've joined. It doesn't matter if the Forum has thousands of members or not. A small Forum of only a couple of hundred knows as much (and as little) as the large ones. I found out that WRT my "precious" Black Triangles folks all pretty much knew the same things, and DIDN'T know the same things. So I was myself frustrated enough to post the so-called "Notice". The gist of the message is this: a lot of reports state that ET communicates by telepathy. Well enough. The idea is that the entire world of believers TOGETHER AND AT THE SAME MOMENT make a telepathic request to ET to show itself in the skies all over the world.

That's the whole idea in a nutshell. The concept is so simple................but no one gets it. I did not author the "Notice" but I have been attacked for being a spammer, a fake, accused of trying to steal members over to my Forum, promoting a cause, and ridiculed for things you wouldn't believe and for reasons that you also wouldn't believe. I've had mods tell me they can't be bothered because they already know ET exists. Their Forums are large and, believe me, no one knows or has proof of anything. I find it quite atonishing that the members of Forums do not insist on proof in exchange for their support of the Forums and their advertisers! It is a sad state of affairs if you ask me that so much is believed and trusted with so little if any evidence. It makes the whole thing look like such a con game even though I know that the Forums are full of well meaning individuals who are very sincere in their purpose for being there.

Anyway this idea is really an event of sorts that anyone can participate in. It's not a "cause" nor is it a "movement". There's no one in charge so there is no one to look to or look up to. The only "boss" is you, the individual. Whether anyone else on the entire planet joins in this event or not will not be known be anyone else. It's a private matter for pretty much everyone, for one's own reasons alone and has nothing to do with anyone else or their reasons. The environment one chooses may be one of peace and quiet or could be in a noisy crowded thoroughfare, at work, at home, in a bar or pub, in a car, on a bus, on a train, in a taxi, in a field, in a parking lot, with friends, with other believers, in a group on your favorite forum, at a rock concert, ANYWHERE AT ALL. The place or situation is not at all the issue. It's all about one's timing coinciding with everyone else's and nothing else.

As a non-believer tired of seeing believers hash it out over ET, their individual theories, what they think is really going on all the way to government cover up, and things like Roswell, my chosen roll ifor this whole thing is to issue reminders of this event once a month, answer questions and, basically, little else. At the end of July, when the whole thing is over, I'll quit UFOs all together and get on with my life. Unless ET actually shows up!! In which case then, AND ONLY THEN, the next question can be tackled: Why are they here? But not until then because answering THAT question at this time is impossible and any attempts to do so just lead to a quagmire of
"known" ideas.

And that's my story.

Regards, hiflier.

edit on 25-3-2011 by hiflier because: addition

edit on 25-3-2011 by hiflier because: spelling and some changes in wording

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:20 PM
so what exactly are you saying?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:30 PM

This is my story. I am not a believer. I've never seen an UFO nor do I know of anyone personally who has. I grew up in the era of Project Blue Book and lived just outside Dayton, Ohio, home of Wright Patterson AFB until my mid teens. Last Fall I kind of got wind of Black Triangles and jioned an UFO Forum to find out more about them. Well, guess what? Yep, you guessed it. Stupid me finds out that no one knows anything concrete about them. Oh, lots of speculation, lots of conjecture, lots of sightings, some photos, lots of accounts and rports on MUFON, NUFORC and other places but essentially ZIP for facts. I've spent 4 years on an astronomy Forum so facts are not only necessary but required for any reasonably civil and intelligent discussion or, like here too, debate and argument.
reply to post by hiflier

so basically... your not gonna believe until they land on the white house lawn. I for one am a believer and I've never seen a UFO or known anyone that has. ALL OF THE SPECULATION ARE THE FACTS. Who's gonna confirm it? E.T. himself?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:34 PM

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:35 PM
Satan is an extra-dimensional energy being, composed only of "mind," having no body or material
Satan, and those energy beings who rebelled against God, fled to this world. They were the first "E.T.'s."
Satan has always tried to counterfeit God's miracles by producing His own supernatural
feats (Matt. 24:24; II Thess. 2:9; Rev. l3:ll-l7).

The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Gen. 3:1 is Nachash (from the root Nachash, to shine), and means a shining one. Hence, in Chaldee it means brass or copper, because of its shining. Hence also, the word Nehushtan, a piece of brass, in 2Kings 18:4.

In the same way Saraph, in Isa. 6:2, 6, means a burning one, and, because the serpents mentioned in Num. 21 were burning, in the poison of their bite, they were called Saraphim, or Saraphs.

But when the LORD said unto Moses, "Make thee a fiery serpent" (Num. 21:8), He said, "Make thee a Saraph", and , in obeying this command, we read in v. 9, "Moses made a Nachash of brass". Nachash is thus used as being interchangeable with Saraph.

Now, if Saraph is used of a serpent because its bite was burning, and is also used of a celestial or spirit-being (a burning one), why should not Nachash be used of a serpent because its appearance was shining, and be also used of a celestial or spirit-being (a shining one)?
edit on 25-3-2011 by Faith2011 because: spelling

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:38 PM
we are here cos earth girls are easy,free food as well and no tax on it
and we love it when you fight each other it better than tv lololol

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:39 PM
I've seen them up close, they are real. I don't think 99% of them are other worldly though, I think they are Kellog, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Windsor funded electro-magnetic vehicles.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Mathoryn
I'm saying what I said

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by mrjones7885
Sorry, irrelavent

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by JakeLeMaster
Thank you very much!

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Faith2011
You've got the wrong thread

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by audio assasin

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi
Don't forget the Warburgs

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:50 PM
I can see you like to play tennis with everyone posts. Just batting them away without any good conversation. Why did you make this post if you didn't plan to have some healthy disagreement?

Let me guess, mines off subject.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive
No, as a matter of fact you are on point. Keyword- Healthy.

edit on 25-3-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by hiflier

Sounds as if you are a "Skeptic" from the get go.If you are inquiring to better suit your "Personal Beliefs" of there being nothing more than military and explainable sightings and occurrences, then there is something wrong with your research and analogy.
Even though you have never had a personal experience of such a nature, you are quick to want proof of such thing's existences and some sort of tangible proof, is this correct?
Every encounter must be taken with a grain of salt and every situation, though some do seem to be similar in experiences and effects, such as same kind of craft (UFO) or reoccurring sighting's in same areas with multiple witnesses, or possible photos that relate incredibly close to one another half a globe away, these are some remarkable situation's for these events to be happening in all different kinds of cultures and ethnicity throughout the world.
With you being so close to Wright Patterson doesn't necessarily make you a local scholar of the subject. I have personally had sighting's and have shared with life long friends these stories, though they don't or haven't encounter such thing's themselves, they give me the credit of the doubt, for they know who I am and that I am not one to venture on such tales as to get attention or the "AWE" effect for such topics of conversations.
With you having joined with so many UFO websites and forums, you would seem to be some sort of Skeptical troll that hasn't had an experience that would validate such thing's as UFO sighting's or alien abduction's just to be in the realm of "Spite" for conclusive conversation of something that has yet to be proven but has been documented throughout the history of mankind. This is disturbing, because you truly haven't researched as deeply as you think you have, or you are just blocking out these age old incidents as if they had something to prove or put monetary value on in such a dire ancient era of mankind.
Astronomy is followed by the millions because of the fascination, even though I do know of astronomer's that have seen UFO's through the eyes of a telescopic lenses, Most astronomer's don't intentionally view the stars for to find UFO proof, this is a needle in the hay stack kind of research, but like I have said before, when one least expects viewing such thing's in our immediate celestial back yard, they are usually not ready for the the sighting itself and usually do a double take that actually either reveals nothing, or something they cannot explain and are in fear of being ridiculed for if they attempt to share such stories of such encounter's.
With the posting of this thread, your are digging for an argument that can't be swayed by either the skeptic or the the witnesses of such events. It is moot to discuss thing's of this nature, even though you are desperately trying to cover up your intentions by way of "And with a communal effort" kind of deductive reasoning for proof of alien existence, you remain adamant that you are not a believer of such thing's so why discuss them with some one like you?
Tell you what, I'll one up you, why don't you do some research that proves they don't exist, save a lot of other people a lot of precious time, opposed to your way of doing thing's of this nature of topical discussion? There's a lot more than just the Roswell incident out there for discussion of these matter's, and the curious thing about these stories is that they are all dated much earlier than the Roswell incident.
So, share with me your knowledge of the UFO phenomenon, and lets see how deep you have climb into the rabbit whole you so quickly write off as nothing more than mass hallucinations or dribble?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:05 PM
What I am about to say really happened and has been reported and documented with MUFON. Not to go into a long autobiography......

In February 1992 in Southern California, while at work at a state run mental/developmental hospital, a co-worker and I saw a "UFO" meaning it was an unidentified flying object. It left, came back, left came back over and over. By early morning we thought we were going crazy! While outside on a break just at dawn, the light reappeared. We decided to talk to it mentally. What I said in my head was, I do not believe you exist! If you are real you need to come closer so that I can see you better!!"

Well, within 2 seconds after my thought, the light shot down from the sky and hovered above our heads approximately 100 feet above us!!!!!!!! It was a TRIANGLE shaped craft with 3 lights at each corner and another red one in the center. It hovered silently for what appeared to be a full minute. My co-worker and I were clutching each other and shaking in disbelief. In an instant is took off.......faster than light is what I thought.....anyway, we ran back inside the building to find.......our patients awake and exhibiting behaviors such as banging their heads on the walls etc....we took notice of the clock and it was 45 minutes later and we realized the sun was officially UP!

I HAVE BEEN A TRUE BELIEVER EVER SINCE!!!! Just because YOU have NO PROOF does NOT MEAN it is not real!


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:11 PM
Geez... The responses to the OP are frankly depressing so far...
I mean, if you're not interested or think its bollocks, then by all means, go on with your life...

He's not debating whether the green fellows are here or not, that's not the point, it doesn't matter what he BELIEVES because THERE IS NO PROOF,yet. (and I'm saying this being myself someone PRETTY fond of the E.T stuff, and having had a sighting myself. So i'm not an "denialer"
What he IS saying is that maybe a cooperative mental wink could make them pop-up and that would end the endless and pointless pseudo-debate (ie: "I'm right" "No, I'm right"...)
It's a suggestion that is, clearly, "Pro-Believer" so I don't get why you people get so agitated...

I have NO idea if something like this could work (basically because a) we don't know if telepathy exists and b) we don't know if someone is listening) but, hey, it's not like we have much else to do...

Maybe an Iphone/Smartphone App could be developed that would set an automatic alarm for the designated dates and times of the "Mind Ping" so it'd be easier to do, when your phone tells you, you just think green...

Cheers and Bongs.

edit on 25/3/2011 by drakus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Starwise

A friend and myself were driving down an interstate that went by a regional airport. We just happened to look up at a passenger plane because it caught our attention as it was lifting off. We both watched a glowing orb slightly smaller than a Volkswagon Beetle seem to follow this plane as it took off and then just vanished as the plane continued upward. I don't think it took off but was more like it went invisible. I know crazy isn't? This event made me second guess the military was involved because why would they risk exposing a secret aircraft over a public airport in the middle of the day. It was 11ish A.M. right before lunch.

I too am a believer.
edit on 25-3-2011 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:27 PM
The point I am trying to make is that the *TELEPATHY WORKED*. I think a CONTACT ET day would be a great experiment. However if the military/govt and ETs are working together, they might not show up...Who knows....

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