posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:51 AM
I'm sick of the homosexual communtiy and the people who think homosexuals are "persecuted". Please.
I'm sick of women because they are the main ones always thinking homosexuals are helpless and innocent and crying intolerance and bigotry towards real
men because apparently gays can't fight for themselves. If only they woke up to their deception. Gays are the reason millions of women suffer from
bulimia and anorexia. Had women never allowed effeminate men to enter the hollywood industry and give their advice about weight, hair, clothes, and
other things, then they never would have monopolized it. They are the ones who told women being a size 1 is ideal. They are the ones who told women
being stick thin is the way to be a supermodel. What women didn't know is that the gays tried to make women look more like men. That's why stick thin
women resemble little boys. Now millions of little girls all over the world have self esteem and self hate issues because they don't look like the
"girl in the magazines".
I'm sick of liberal or atheist men defending gays tooth and nail when they are nothing but fraudulent males. How can you call yourself a straight
male, a grown man, and tolerate the kissing and touching of two men in front of you or your wife or your children? I will never understand that. Its
one thing to defend someone for their rights. I understand that. But its another to be a hypocrite even if you know that the situation would be
different in real life. Most straights I guy would be revolted at the thought of 2 men kissing each other in front of them. So how is it that a
"straight" liberal man can stand it? The truth is he can't. They are just riding on the gay bandwagon because they want to spite Christians. But in
real life, if they saw that, they couldn't stomach it!! Major hypocrites and wusses. This type of man makes me sick because they will lie to uphold
their biases against christians and forsake their true natures as most hetereosexual men have.
And most of all I'm sick of gays because their crying "intolerance" and "bigotry" at every chance. If you weren't advertising your homosexuality, I
would have nothing to say. But since you want to cause an uproar, I have the legal right to say what I feel about your lifestyle and what I feel is
that its an abomination and perversion. I will not tolerate that kind of deviant behavior in front of my kids or my family. I'm sick of everyone
thinking your opressed members of society. There are poor people with no homes and no family who are starving out on the street. There are children
and families in many countries that have no food to eat tonight or water and search DESPERATELY for what you have in your sink and refridgerator!! If
you expect me to feel sorry for you, you must be crazy. There are people dying in wars and famines everyday in other parts of the world. Your not
people to feel sorry for!! You want us to feel sorry for you so that we accept your lifestyle as normal. It will never be normal. We can accept your
lifestyle choices but it will never be norml. Ever. That is natural law. This is how the world works and continues. Through a man and a woman just
like God intended. The reason you are here today and everyone else. A male and female is the reason for every animal that is alive as well. If you
deny this, you deny all scientific principle and biology of life. This means you are extremely ignorant. Think about your behavior and your attitudes
and consider other people across the world who are way less fortunate than you. They are the ones who are truly oppressed.
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