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Be gay all you want, just hush up about it!

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:43 PM
The simple fact of the matter is that before we had the "great" debate about gay rights NOBODY wanted to hear about heterosexual wants and needs either! A persons sexual preference should be left behind closed doors.

It's not about weather you like penis or vagina, it's not about weather you prefer your own sex or the opposite, it's about keeping it private and not forcing it on everyone else around you because regardless of your preference it has no place in your every day life when it pertains to things like..... Jobs.

If I liked to put a dog collar on my girlfriend and demand she bark like a dog, I don't think I would feel the need to broadcast that to everyone around me and if anyone else thought it was strange I would point a finger, call them a bigot and demand equality for people who like to dog collar there significant other and then call it persecution.

Nobody cares what you do or what you like until you force it on everyone by deliberately acting different for no other reason than to claim to be martyrs. Shut up and do what you want and do it like the rest of us behind closed doors and guess what..... Problem solved.

Your not Jews, you have haven't struggled for 5 thousand years under endless oppression. You like sex with the same member of your own sex and are narcissistic enough to think that everyone needs to know and acknowledge it when all we want is for you to just keep it in your pants and behind closed doors like everyone else has been expected too do since a civilized society was formed.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:47 PM
Umm, I'm pretty sure 99% of the threads about homosexuality here are from wingnuts screaming about how it's unnatural and "the bible says you're an abomination!" etc.

So how about the heterosexual people hush up about homosexuals since it's none of their business?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by DantesPeak
Umm, I'm pretty sure 99% of the threads about homosexuality here are from wingnuts screaming about how it's unnatural and "the bible says you're an abomination!" etc.

So how about the heterosexual people hush up about homosexuals since it's none of their business?

I could care less about what the Bible says or about what wingnuts say. Im saying very simply that a persons sexual preference should be a non issue because gay or straight those types of things should be solely expressed out of sight and in a private manner.

Don't broadcast your sexual preference, it has no relevance to 99.9 percent of everyone around you. It's not that we persecute you, it's that we don't care and we get upset when you try to make us care.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:54 PM
I concur with this post and its about time someone said something about this topic.I'm sick of the gay community forcing itself on everyone..

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:55 PM
It's hard to discuses the inequality of rights without discussing the reason for it.

If people wanted homosexuals to keep their discussions behind closed doors, then they wouldn't try to keep them from getting married or having benefits, which brings the discussion into public view. This thing goes both ways. If people give them what they want, and what is fair, the discussion ends.

Though I agree that it's unnecessary for a gay person to be in peoples faces for just the fact of them being gay. Though I don't see many of them doing that without asking for equal rights and treatment in the same sentence. There are more people getting wider media attention for declaring homosexuality a sin than there are homosexuals declaring that they are gay just for the sake of it.

This topic in general reminds me of a horse I had as a child, it's been dead for a while though. : (
edit on 3/22/2011 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:58 PM
Well I guess that is true if you aren't a Homo Jew! LOL

Seriously, why did you use the Jew Card on this rant? Personally I agree that being Gay is no big deal and shouldn't even be discussed unless it pertains to the subject matter.

I guess if we could smoke Fags, I mean Gays, then the posts would just get deleted, but then someone would claim Medically Gay approved and then we would have to discuss the legalities of smoking Gays! LOL

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by DantesPeak

I imagine they will be quite about it when its not thrown in their face every other day.

After all nobody has to see a heterosexual parade going down the street when they are trying to go about their buisness.

Unfortuanetly if you tell them to keep their sexual prefrence behind close doors you are accused of being anti gay.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Drezden
It's hard to discuses the inequality of rights without discussing the reason for it.

If people wanted homosexuals to keep their discussions behind closed doors, then they wouldn't try to keep them from getting married or having benefits, which brings the discussion into public view. This thing goes both ways. If people give them what they want, and what is fair, the discussion ends.

Sadly, the issue is that marriage is derived from religion and not the state. Government acting in accordance with the majority of spiritual belief enforces the ethics from the religion it was derived from.

The state has absolutely no say in marriage of the same sex because marriage itself isn't a law derived from the state and law, it is derived from the Christian religion and that religion does not acknowledge same sex marriage.

Im all for having the same union for gay people but you MUST call it something else because marriage sadly DOES NOT apply to gay people because the religion on which that word applies leaves no option for it for same sex related unions. Period.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Anne Nicole Smith marries a 92 year old man...
Christina Aguleria gets a divorce after a few months..
Bill Clinton commits adultery basically in front of the world...
Tiger Woods sleeps with 10+ mistresses...

Gay marriage in Canadian cities and towns doesn't bother me a bit.
When they parade, I stay indoors.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:01 AM
From what I know homosexuals are actually the norm. Through history, those who chose to have same sex relationships, either gave it a good enough reason to do so whether it be procreation determent or other, or it was a part of pleasure. Those who express their feelings about their sexual preference I am sure is not to upset anyone, but to share, and give those that are confused on the subject a better understanding to what they have to live with.

You, unlike those that are discriminated against have the choice to either ignore the discussion all together, or choose not to listen to someone who has something interesting to say. I, myself am interested in all subjects. As far as the threads on ATS, as long as they dont break the T&C then there shouldn't be an issue.

You dont like the thread. Ignore it. You want to bring more attention. Then start "another" thread about it, and see where it goes. There are no photos, or stories and lessons on how to be gay, but lessons about the horrendous way that we still treat one another, about something as personal as a sexual preference.

You can either complain, or move on.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
From what I know homosexuals are actually the norm. Through history, those who chose to have same sex relationships, either gave it a good enough reason to do so whether it be procreation determent or other, or it was a part of pleasure. Those who express their feelings about their sexual preference I am sure is not to upset anyone, but to share, and give those that are confused on the subject a better understanding to what they have to live with.

You, unlike those that are discriminated against have the choice to either ignore the discussion all together, or choose not to listen to someone who has something interesting to say. I, myself am interested in all subjects. As far as the threads on ATS, as long as they dont break the T&C then there shouldn't be an issue.

You dont like the thread. Ignore it. You want to bring more attention. Then start "another" thread about it, and see where it goes. There are no photos, or stories and lessons on how to be gay, but lessons about the horrendous way that we still treat one another, about something as personal as a sexual preference.

You can either complain, or move on.

Peace, NRE.

You are correct, I agree with almost all of what you said, I long for this to be a non issue but it never will be until people learn that being gay is a sexual orientation and anything to do with sex or exactly what you actually like to put in your mouth is a choice best left to the privacy of ones own doors, no reason to demand equality for something that one should not be sharing with everyone around them anyway..... Am I right?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Helious

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
From what I know homosexuals are actually the norm. Through history, those who chose to have same sex relationships, either gave it a good enough reason to do so whether it be procreation determent or other, or it was a part of pleasure. Those who express their feelings about their sexual preference I am sure is not to upset anyone, but to share, and give those that are confused on the subject a better understanding to what they have to live with.

You, unlike those that are discriminated against have the choice to either ignore the discussion all together, or choose not to listen to someone who has something interesting to say. I, myself am interested in all subjects. As far as the threads on ATS, as long as they dont break the T&C then there shouldn't be an issue.

You dont like the thread. Ignore it. You want to bring more attention. Then start "another" thread about it, and see where it goes. There are no photos, or stories and lessons on how to be gay, but lessons about the horrendous way that we still treat one another, about something as personal as a sexual preference.

You can either complain, or move on.

Peace, NRE.

You are correct, I agree with almost all of what you said, I long for this to be a non issue but it never will be until people learn that being gay is a sexual orientation and anything to do with sex or exactly what you actually like to put in your mouth is a choice best left to the privacy of ones own doors, no reason to demand equality for something that one should not be sharing with everyone around them anyway..... Am I right?

But isn't that the point? To address an issue that needs correction. Who else is supposed to do it? Straight people. When you want to find out the truth, do you not go to the source?

Peace, NRE.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Drezden
It's hard to discuses the inequality of rights without discussing the reason for it.

If people wanted homosexuals to keep their discussions behind closed doors, then they wouldn't try to keep them from getting married or having benefits, which brings the discussion into public view. This thing goes both ways. If people give them what they want, and what is fair, the discussion ends.

Though I agree that it's unnecessary for a gay person to be in peoples faces for just the fact of them being gay. Though I don't see many of them doing that without asking for equal rights in the same sentence.
edit on 3/22/2011 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

There is no such thing as an "inequality of rights". All people have the same rights. If it is a right, it is universally so, and is inherently so, not some legal fabrication, but a natural phenomenon.

This is part of the problem with the whole "gay" issue. "Gay rights", much like "minority rights" is about civil rights, not natural unalienable rights, and more and more people are waking up to the difference and are getting a little tired of having civil rights shoved down their throats as if it some sacred cow. Beyond the inappropriate locker room talk that tends to come with "gay pride" - which seems to be the point the O.P. is making, there is the nonsense of "inequality of rights", but more to the point, you in your assertions pretty much lay out the contradiction of the whole gay marriage issue, and how that only serves to distract from the real question.

The real question is not why can't gays get married - they can and just simply have to hold their own sacred ceremony to do so and need no permission from the state to do so - the real question is why does any person, gay or straight need a license to get married? The legal definition of license is the grant of permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal to do. Is getting married illegal, and is this why people are expected to obtain a license in order to do so?

The gay marriage issue is not about gays getting married, it is about filing on tax returns, and "benefits", nothing more. To equate filing on tax returns with equal rights is so odious it stinks to high heaven, and every person has the right to contract. Every person should exert their unalienable right to contract to secure the best possible deal they can get, and none of this has anything to do with sexual proclivities. It has everything to do with victimology.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Helious

The United States is supposed to have a separation of church and state. There are Christian churches willing to do gay marriages, but federal and state laws are refusing to recognize those marriages, and therefore refusing to apply the same benefits to gay couples.

Marriage affects hospital visits, employment benefits, military benefits, and as long as the federal government and states can decide which marriages are worth recognizing and which are not there is an inequality

Why is the government allowed to legally define marriage (a religious union) as only between a man and a woman?
edit on 3/23/2011 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Wow..... That was a truly great post and one I will have to read a couple times to truly take all in. Excellent.
edit on 23/3/11 by masqua because: Replaced Big quote with a 'Reply To'

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:12 AM
Is it me, or has the OP never met a gay person?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I don't think he has a problem with the acutual discussion over equal rights. I believe his problem is the way some of them act in public. Alot of times it seems they are doing it for the shock value. Like the time a few gay people stormed inside the church during a service and a couple of women proceeded to give each other a nice big kiss on the altar.

I know most homosexuals are not like that, but like every group of people. Its the bad ones that makes the front pages.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by chancemusky
Is it me, or has the OP never met a gay person?

I have been a bartender for 14 years, I have met hundreds, some that you would NEVER know were gay and others that pitch there voice 10 decibels below there natural voice and skip from one table to the next.

Ive met all kinds and I'm even friends with those I have found to be to my liking and posts like this just make them laugh. I guess because the ones that I call friends couldn't care less about the majority I'm talking about because it has never been there "agenda" to gain rights that a sexual preferences should not grant.

Sexual preference is just that and should not equate to an imagined persecution because there is no such thing when it comes to sex. It has always been meant to be private, for the same reason when you watch reruns of I love Lucy and see 2 beds in the bedroom. Straight or gay, our society will try to leave sexual preference where it belongs, outside of everyday conversation which is why prostitution is still not legal.
edit on 23-3-2011 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Helious

Your not Jews, you have haven't struggled for 5 thousand years under endless oppression.

So would you like to point out a society or time where homosexuals have had equal rights as heterosexual partners? I would suggest that the fact it is so difficult to do so is pretty good evidence that they indeed HAVE been oppressed for endless numbers of years, unless of course you think that gay people have just decided to be treated worse then their straight counter parts throughout history.

Jewish people weren't the only ones put into camps in the 1940's you know

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Helious

Originally posted by chancemusky
Is it me, or has the OP never met a gay person?

I have been a bartender for 14 years, I have met hundreds, some that you would NEVER know where gay and others that pitch there voice 10 decibels below there natural voice and skip from one table to the next.

Ive met all kinds and I'm even friends with those I have found to be to my liking and posts like this just make them laugh. I guess because the ones that I call friends couldn't care less about the majority I'm talking about because it has never been there "agenda" to gain rights that a sexual preferences should not grant.

Im sorry maybe I misunderstood, are you claiming that the "majority" of gay people are not seeking rights, and are looking for attention?

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