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Originally posted by barrelhead
Okay guys, I normally don't do this, but if I can save lives I will give this info out. Here it is, my heart is racing. The other day I received this info and I didn't know what to make of it, until I saw this post. Below are two links that may explain the rumbling. God I hope I'm wrong!!!
Originally posted by JohnySeagull
I can't help feeling that the OP could be a disinfo agent and opened this thread to make us think the info was being properly analysed.
SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA)
« on: July 01, 2009, 01:45:15 AM »
I've been growing vegetables the last couple of years here in the city & so naturally I've been paying close attention to which parts of the building get the most sun & which parts get the most shade, etc. ...
So I was a little weirded out THIS year to notice that the sun has been setting farther & farther NORTH as we enter into summer -- the north side of my building has been getting full sun, while the south side of my building has been getting more & more shade -- & this is NOT the pattern that I experienced last year in this same building.
I was so disturbed by this that I got a compass & found out that, instead of pointing north, the needle of the compass is now pointing east!
I also checked out a map of the area just to make sure that I had my directions right & I did. The front of my building faces north & yet the needle of my compass points east!
And I just did a search for "pole shift" & the only thing that comes up is all that 2012/Mayan calendar crap.
What in the world is going ON????? Why is no one talking about this?! Is everyone so distracted by the boob tube & Michael Jackson that they haven't even noticed the changes in their own environment?????
OK, I'm no rocket scientist, but I hope I'm not the only one who's noticed the crazy change in the north/south, east/west directions? I know most people in this country don't use compasses any more as a matter of course, but maybe we should start ... !------------------------------------------
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 01:51:01 AM »
Your compass points East? Only at your house or everywhere?------------
SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA)
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 01:56:56 AM »
Ghost in the Machine
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 02:20:31 AM »
you have to remember the earth will complete a full wobble so yes the electromagnetic field is shifting but it is shifting very slowly like the continents drifting very slow. if there is allot of chem trails in your area the metal oxide could be causing static electricity. remember also if you live near power lines or if new power lines are near it creates a magnetic field hope that helps...------------------------
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2009, 07:59:34 AM »
I also notice this, even mentioned it to my husband, I told him that the sun didn't look right in the sky, even the moon didn't look right the other night!!
I always notice this, because my father brought me up to be able to tell the time from the sun. Now I seem to be always a hour behind!!-------------
SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA)
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2009, 01:59:51 PM »
OK, I now have 2 compasses that I am trying out in a rural area that I am quite familiar with (no high power lines, or personal cell phones nearby, etc.) & they are both pointing in the same direction, so I am assuming that they are both working correctly. I also got a map of the area & lined it up with the street that I'm on & drew a line through the map representing true north. Then I placed the compass on the map & it is NOT pointing to true north (or anywhere near it) -- it is pointing NORTHEAST, or 45 DEGREES OFF of where it should be pointing. So, ACCORDING TO THE COMPASS, the sun IS setting in the west, but ACCORDING TO THE MAP the sun is setting in the northwest. I know this area quite well & I have NEVER seen the sun set in the northwest!--------------------------------
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2009, 02:04:01 PM »
The compass will point to magnetic north - which is as far as i know still shifting southwards. This may help you deytermine what north you are observing:
From OS
Calculating Magnetic Variation
Example - Penzance
The Magnetic North to Grid North is given as 3 deg. 30' W in 1991 decreasing by about 30' in three years. Therefore the difference is 3 deg. 00' in 1994.
The difference between True North and Grid North at the sheet corners are given and, by interpolation, the difference at Penzance, (approximately central to the map) is 2 deg. 40' E.
Therefore the difference between Magnetic North and True North is 3 deg. 00' plus 2 deg. 40' equals 5 deg. 40' in 1994.
Example - Lowestoft
Magnetic North to Grid North is given as 6 deg. 30' W in 1994.
The difference between True North and Grid North at the sheet corners are given and, by interpolation, the difference at Lowestoft, which is close the SE corner, is 3 deg. W.
Therefore the difference between Magnetic North and True North is 3 deg. 30'------------------------------
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2009, 02:20:35 PM »
i found some interesting observations going back 6 years -------------------------
SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA)
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2009, 02:51:02 PM »
That was a fascinating thread. Thank you! I find it interesting that people on the west coast (of the U.S.) are noticing the compass swinging east of north & people on the east coast are noticing the compass swinging west of north, not to mention the degrees of change are quite large. Sounds like the magnetic pole is moving down the center of the U.S.? How strange. Can you imagine being an explorer in the old days trying to travel with a compass that is always shifting? Ai caramba.-----------------------
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2009, 06:08:37 PM »
this one is actualy pretty much on target. magnetic north has been on a slow march south for a number of years, it has moved at least 70 some odd miles if I remember, give or take a wobble or two east and west.-------------
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2009, 07:13:43 PM »
someone explain why my compass points to north when I face north and points to south when I face south. But when I face west it points to east and when I face east it points to west. I just tried it with 3 compass' and will test it at work tomorrow. BTW I was able to confirm north using a GPS device. The device correctly said which way I was facing. not the compass'.-----------------------
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2009, 07:52:25 PM »
Here's some good info on magnetic pole shift
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2009, 12:12:11 AM »
read this thread earlier today, figured some messed up compasses or artificial field generators in the area. but by pure coincidence this evening hanging out with my brother in law, he had a compass and we tried. the east was pointing north, clearly, no wobble at all. --------------------------
« Reply #54 on: July 03, 2009, 01:42:50 PM »
Yeah there is something up with the compasses gone awry. Since this thread I have been checking mine. I really am trying to figure this out.
No where near a car, powerline, speakers nothing. Still getting twitchy readings. I hate this! I am one who always is getting my bearings. I guess it is ocd , I must know which way is North. On a clear night I am ok, I have the north star. --------------------------
SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA)
« Reply #61 on: Today at 12:23:51 AM »
Quote from: luckee1 on July 03, 2009, 04:32:11 PM
I have been utterly wigged out by this.
You & me both. I was not expecting to dig up this whole can of worms when I noticed the sun setting farther north than I ever remembered it setting before & then I checked the compass & ... yikes. I mean, here I am, trying to enjoy a long-needed vacation & now THIS. Never a dull moment, that's for sure.
I'm not into the whole planet X/planet Nibiru thing, but I thought it was interesting to find out that other people have been noticing anomalies with odd compass readings & sun/moon placement, etc. Further, I just listened to Steve Quayle's last show & his guest mentioned how increased volcanic activity can affect magnetic fields & I'm right on the Pacific Rim -- which is going crazy right now -- so that might be at least a partial explanation? Not to mention, it's a well-known fact that magnetic north has been steadily changing location over the last few years. Looking into this has been educational, to say the least.--------------------------
« Reply #62 on: Today at 03:02:25 PM »
I can reasonably speculate about the compass readings, being dependent on magnetics. The position of the sun and its changes, is freaky and there is nothing that comes to mind reasonably. I will just remain bewildered until I get truth about it.-------------------
this is why i have not added all posts
SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA)
« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2009, 04:03:43 PM »
Thanks for clogging my thread with all the useless comments. (You know who you are.)
HEY ALTERED THE NATURAL EM GRID Posted By: WhiteRaven [Send E-Mail] Date: Monday, 6-Sep-2004 16:43:30 In Response To: WHICH WAY DID YOUR NORTH GO? (WhiteRaven) Re: WHICH WAY DID YOUR NORTH GO? Magnetic north (as opposed to true north) is changing due to the Electro-Magnetic (EM) grid changes that naturally surround the entire earth. But artificial EM changes (originating in the ELF range) have manipulated both Charley and Frances, and perhaps will soon be seen manipulating Ivan as well. As a result of these artificial manipulations, they have altered the natural EM grid. Your compass is correctly showing the fluctuating shift in the magnetic north field as a result of these artificially created EM changes. The question that must be asked is, "Are these artificial EM signals in the ELF range just for weather control, or is there a purpose for them beyond just weather control?" ***** Re: WHICH WAY DID YOUR NORTH GO? As a sailor on the big lake erie, I have noticed that north this year has had a variation of about 8 to 10 degrees. This would be a standard deviation, except that this year there seems to be a large amount of variation, as opposed to past years where there was no noticeable changes during the boating season. I know that my compass is working fine, since my GPS can varify what course i am running. ***** Re: WHICH WAY DID YOUR NORTH GO? Dear White Raven: Just after reading your post, I decided to loom around in the web for some scientifical explanation for what you reported. Many sites account for magnetic pole shift, even the nasa, but the most curious for me was in the USGS, and for me, thinking that as a boy I was a Boy Scout, and learnt to use maps and compasses, this is the first notice I have of how one should take in account the magnetic north drift in order to follow a map. Link is (note: Adobe Acrobat format) Anyway, a 10 degreess drift in one day is startling, as I read the one can see normally barely 1 degree per year. Good north hunting! Regards C.U.
Originally posted by ljonesyuk
Originally posted by JohnySeagull
I can't help feeling that the OP could be a disinfo agent and opened this thread to make us think the info was being properly analysed.
brightens up my day this place
On June 8, 2003 a 3rd Magnet appeared. the Earth itself Planet X which is aligned with the Earth but moving gradually past the Earth as it approaches passage the Atlantic Rift, aligned loosely with the Earth, but due to the bulge of the Equator, not strictly aligned. Since then, in order of most recent occurence, the following has been noted.
On May 15, 2010 I checked my compass here in Spain, like every day now, and I don't know if it's possible, but its position has moved more or less twenty degrees to the west. And here it keeps, no returns to previous place. Looks not much normal.
On December 23, 2009 My 2 compasses herein Bethelehem, PA moved from 40 degrees West North and now point to 28 degrees East of North.
On October 15, 2009 another magnetic blast was noted on the Magnetosphere Simulator site. There was again a spate of fireballs preceeding this, such as the Netherlands exploding meteor on October 13, 2009.
Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Originally posted by Under Water
Originally posted by Echtelion
The thread title is wrong. This ain't a "world map", this is a US map.
Any kid with a 4th grade-level in geography would notice that, why do most posters here didn't? I am shocked.
Try clicking on the link to the map, dillhole. The screenshot is of the us, the map is of the world. So sick of pointing out the obvious to people like you.
What are you doing back? I thought you quit. Quitter.
Whats a dillhole?
Originally posted by Under Water
Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Originally posted by Under Water
Originally posted by Echtelion
The thread title is wrong. This ain't a "world map", this is a US map.
Any kid with a 4th grade-level in geography would notice that, why do most posters here didn't? I am shocked.
Try clicking on the link to the map, dillhole. The screenshot is of the us, the map is of the world. So sick of pointing out the obvious to people like you.
What are you doing back? I thought you quit. Quitter.
Whats a dillhole?
Wow, some of you people are so over the top. I liked this place better when i was just a lurker. For the record: I QUIT MAPPING THE EVENTS BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO KEEP UP. I never said I quit ats. Wow.