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The Matrix may be reality

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 07:03 PM
But "breaking the bonds" of our supposed perceptions - would not that involve the desire to step outside of our "reality", away from everything we know? And by what means - fasting, meditation, drug-induced shamanic hallucinations, & the idea of completely separating oneself from perceived family & society relationships?

It would surely involve some major separation. And man, after all, is a social animal.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:34 PM
So... How do we wake up then? If we truly have the choice to accept this reality, or reject it, how do we do it?

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:50 PM
I have that feeling too sometimes.. Ill just be sitting outside and look around and feel that this isnt real. I cant explain it but when I sit and think about it, it freaks me out. I hope Im not the only one

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 10:58 PM
TheHeggy, that's what I'm asking you! because I got the impression that you had some confidence about this in your last post. But I do feel it would have to involve a major separation of self from society as we know it & possibly some form of what we commonly know as mysticism, for want of a better term. Perhaps something akin to the practices [or so I've heard] of certain Tibetan lamas and other "adepts".

And I've a feeling that the word "adepts" may be the key to it.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:07 PM
dude or dudet do you think honestly that we live in a dream world, well if your right then your dreaming right now, right......?

Next the universe has atoms and particles of air and other extracts right, so then we each see the world as being a great illusion and this portrays us as unreal, which will then come to show us that we each dont have to send people to the heavens and spend trillions of tax payers hard money in order to explore and illusion, instead we can use this money to fuel our real living world and help the real suffering souls who live all ovetr the world.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:09 PM
Let's say one of these adepts did have the ability to enter and exit our Matrix.... Where do they go? I think it'd be cool if someone here knows someone who knows someone who could ask someone who knows about those kind of people...

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:40 PM
I can imagine where some concepts of a matrix and religion could blurr. For example the ability to walk on water. If this were an artificial matrix that we live in, then someone with advanced abilities could walk on water as much as we walk on concrete. Our knowledge of the universe is very limited.

Ever notice that sometimes things happen like you thought of? That's enough to drive someone crazy. I just need to stop thinking of the gulf stream starting to shut down and the climate over North America and Europe and the northern hemisphere getting really cold this winter. I'm enjoying the record cold in August though. I don't want to pay really high gas bills this winter. The above thought is one that could aid my argument. If it's gets much colder than normal and natural gas prices go high I could start wondering if I'm a little bit psychic or if I somehow made it happen in an artificial matrix like world that I live in.

Ever wonder if you might really be in a coma and everyone here is just a figment of your imagination but as real to you as in the matrix?

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 11:50 PM
Maybe an individual can't do these kind of Matrix-bending things yet... But perhaps collectively we can.

What if I posted a picture or something.... Say.... My cat. And then at a predetermined time, as many people as we can get to do this could focus on levitating my cat.....

Sounds silly, but you never know.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
I can imagine where some concepts of a matrix and religion could blurr. For example the ability to walk on water. If this were an artificial matrix that we live in, then someone with advanced abilities could walk on water as much as we walk on concrete. Our knowledge of the universe is very limited.

Ever wonder if you might really be in a coma and everyone here is just a figment of your imagination but as real to you as in the matrix?

These are indeed possibilities, orionthehunter, and we haven't been alone here in wondering about these things.

As for your rather patronising comment, EternalLeaderofTruth

dude or dudet do you think honestly that we live in a dream world, well if your right then your dreaming right now, right......?

A short search of your posts to date sufficiently defines your personality IMO, and I say there's no need for rudeness.

TheHeggy, your idea of, say, levitation induced by concentrated force of will, doesn't sound stupid to me at all. Other such experiments in related fields HAVE been carried out in the past, with varying levels of success that still have been outside the realms of chance/probability theory.

And I still hark back at times to my childhood doubt that the reality in my life actually existed when I wasn't there to witness it - & this is not unusual in young children.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by TheHeggy

What if I posted a picture or something.... Say.... My cat. And then at a predetermined time, as many people as we can get to do this could focus on levitating my cat.....

Sounds silly, but you never know.

sign me up for the cat test!

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 03:23 PM

possible answers

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 03:44 PM

also relative to topic

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 04:53 PM
Ahhh..interesting! I had an out of body + lucid dream earlier. Since that day which is not so long ago i realize that dream and what we call reality is no different. Very strange..
I wonder if there is something 100% true. I hope love is! What do you think?

Reality is according to these scientists and others vibrations in an energy field. Different vibrations creates atoms and molecules. So there are no real particles.

So when we breath we inhale vibrations.

But what happens when we decide we want to move a finger? Where does this process start? In the neurons are not an answer. It seems there is something more than biology. Consciousness?

If this is the case we can do anything. We just have to get the right vibrations.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 03:38 AM
This is a great question, I can say things to show it may be a (as far as we know) reality, or someones great mind at work making just a movie.

I would say that there will never be a perfect computer or machine, thus the case that they must all be shut down and parts repaired. This would be a noticable occurence in our lives when a part in the computer/machine would have a problem. Though then again, maybe ufo's could be a part of that problem, maybe its a problem with the program and instead of the ufo being on what we would know as a movie screen, it gets misplaced in what we think is the sky.

People lose things all the time though are very sure that they had it in a certian spot, could it be a mistake in the program were 'they' need to place it somewhere kind of hidden to make the person think they might have left it there?

Could the idea of Deja Vu be exactly as the way the movie put it? or just a mind trick from something of like behavior happening in the past?

I think there would have been something missed over time if there were mistakes in the system.

If there were robots running everything, I would think that they would have the AI to stop producing robots when needed. Then only make more when they would go defective. This doesn't go along with the population increases over the years.

The Matrix brings of many "what if" questions but so does the movie "the 13th floor" that could also be true. If you havn't seen the 13th floor, I highly reccomend it!!

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by DrpKeeGTZ


People lose things all the time though are very sure that they had it in a certian spot, could it be a mistake in the program were 'they' need to place it somewhere kind of hidden to make the person think they might have left it there?

Could the idea of Deja Vu be exactly as the way the movie put it? or just a mind trick from something of like behavior happening in the past?

I think there would have been something missed over time if there were mistakes in the system.


The Matrix brings of many "what if" questions but so does the movie "the 13th floor" that could also be true. If you havn't seen the 13th floor, I highly reccomend it!!

Some of the possibilities mentioned in this thread are mind-blowing, & many of the links [mags, I'm still sussing yours out, they look interesting, I just need more time].

What you just said here, DrpKeeGTZ, has really blown me out, cos the situation you mention has happened to me many times - to my utmost frustration - that of "losing" something in plain sight, & then it "re-appearing" where it was in the first place. And when I was totally sober & straight.

In the end, I made it a practice to always keep things in the same place - y'know, a place for everything & everything in its place. But still it would happen. The most frustrating recent example of this is still fresh in my mind. When at home, I ALWAYS kept my black cellphone in full view, the only object on a white marble coffee-table in the centre of the main room, this way I could find it readily at once. Yet I "lost" it [twice actually] - & searched the place high & low, always returning to the white coffee-table in the centre of the sparsely-furnished main room.

No-one else was in the house, the doors weren't open, no-one could have got in, I searched & searched for half-an-hour at least, & then suddenly, the cellphone was there again, just where it was in the 1st place. Go figure - I can't

Several mentions have been made of "The 13th Floor" - I can see I'll have to watch that movie myself - as well as check out mags's links.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 08:21 AM
I imagine if we were ever able to prove this is an artifical reality it'd be through advances in science. Physics for example is quite possibly our brightest hope, same with mathematics. Since we are governed by all these natural laws anyways im sure we could manipulate them, which we already have done in many circumstances.

Otherwise you could use mind altering drugs (which was already mentioned) and other mind techniques. It's an amazing concept but im yet to see full fledged proof and when I do, best believe ill be the first in line to escape.

NOTE: It's not like our dull headed governments would ever allow that knowledge to get out anyways, so I guess we can rule out science.

[edit on 2-9-2004 by Linux]

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 09:12 AM
Oh but that's such a depressing thought to a maths/physics dimwit like me! You could have all the proofs & equations to prove anything that proved the concept & it'd mean zilch to folk like me, so how could you explain it to us?

I dunno about the mind-altering drugs stuff, I've thought about it [only because it was mentioned here - of course!
] and as Aldous Huxley noted, certain psychedelics do open some "Doors of Perception", but whether these altered states of consciousness can actually be shown to actually prove anything concrete, is a moot point.

Going back to the maths/physics bit, you should be able to help me out with a concept I couldn't grasp, it was a few pages ago I think - about Einstein's relativity equation being generally misunderstood - the E=mc squared - in that matter was not the same as mas,s

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 08:59 PM
i doubt you would be able to prove it via math or physics, because if it were true, those would part of the rules of the simulation. i reality 1+1 could be 5 but we would have no way to know.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 04:16 AM
If you look at it in an even bigger scale as say planets for example in the universe, wouldn't it seem possible these planets are like giant atoms making up something bigger that we are too small to see?

That's what I believe anyway.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 08:53 AM
Thao, is that something similar to my [admittedly simplistic] view? Something maybe akin to the idea that we are minute parasites that are living off a giant organism, one that to us if the universe, or even a deity - in similar fashion to the minute organisms that feed off our skin that are only visible under a microscope, & of which we otherwise have no knowledge?

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