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How many Freemasons are there on ATS?

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posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 02:39 AM
Yes, I'm a brother under the UGLE, and I greet you all very, very well.....!



posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:18 PM
i'm one, out of bainbridge ohio

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
There are a number of Internet Lodges (with puzzling expensive dues) functioning primarily for research but meeting all requirements to be lawfully constituted.

Greetings Brethren and Fellows,

I am of the Brethren at St. Andrew's Lodge #198, under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales.

MaskedAvatar, I am also a member of a constituted internet Lodge known as Lodge Journeyman #2002 under UGLNSW. There are no dues whatsoever - but it is primarily dedicated to research.

Bro. Daniel Brown

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Decretal
MaskedAvatar, I am also a member of a constituted internet Lodge known as Lodge Journeyman #2002 under UGLNSW. There are no dues whatsoever - but it is primarily dedicated to research.

"Freemason: Could you describe your fees structure for members?
JCA: Sure! We have two types of membership. Full Members and Correspondent Members. The Full Member pays $60 per annum for administration fees. Grand Lodge dues are additional unless paid by another Lodge. We try to encourage a member to be a member of a traditional Lodge as degree work is one of the most important facets of the teachings of Freemasonry. The Festive Board is organised on the basis of Users Pay. Full Members also benefit by an Annual Pro Rata Rebate of the Lodge Profits. Correspondent Membership is normally allocated to members of Lodges of another Jurisdiction who may find impossible to attend our meetings. They pay only $10 US or $20 Aust per annum. All members would be able to download the presentation from our web site and participate in the Annual Grand Master's Essay. Non-Members could purchase the CD ROM of the Presentation for $10."

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Leveller

"Freemason: Could you describe your fees structure for members?
JCA: Sure! We have two types of membership. Full Members and Correspondent Members. The Full Member pays $60 per annum for administration fees. Grand Lodge dues are additional unless paid by another Lodge. We try to encourage a member to be a member of a traditional Lodge as degree work is one of the most important facets of the teachings of Freemasonry. The Festive Board is organised on the basis of Users Pay. Full Members also benefit by an Annual Pro Rata Rebate of the Lodge Profits. Correspondent Membership is normally allocated to members of Lodges of another Jurisdiction who may find impossible to attend our meetings. They pay only $10 US or $20 Aust per annum. All members would be able to download the presentation from our web site and participate in the Annual Grand Master's Essay. Non-Members could purchase the CD ROM of the Presentation for $10."

Greetings Leveller,

The internet Lodge itself has no dues.

Bro. Daniel Brown

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:23 PM
present and accounted for, well, for at least now......

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:26 PM
�ok now so may i ask... is masonic related to satanism?

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by DEEVAH
ok now so may i ask... is masonic related to satanism?

It is the very opposite of satanism, in that masonry requires its members to be men of high moral caliber, intergrity and honesty, and men with a professed faith in god.

This is a typical lie told by folks with small minds and even smaller faith. I am glad you asked, to give us an opportunity to dispell that terrible lie.

[edit on 27/7/04 by theron dunn]

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 03:44 PM
Lodge 24
Belleville Illinois

Ainad Shrine
East St. Louis, Illinois

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by theron dunn

Originally posted by DEEVAH
ok now so may i ask... is masonic related to satanism?

It is the very opposite of satanism, in that masonry requires its members to be men of high moral caliber, intergrity and honesty, and men with a professed faith in god.

This is a typical lie told by folks with small minds and even smaller faith. I am glad you asked, to give us an opportunity to dispell that terrible lie.

[edit on 27/7/04 by theron dunn]

SO, what is the whole purpose of being a mason? Whymasonics are always linked to satanism if they have nothing to do with it?satanism believed in God too by the way...

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 04:21 PM
can a woman be a freemason?

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Im surprised the tai chi prozac pill didnt post. Outstanding control! I found a lodge in GTA Vice City near Little Havannah so I guess you could call me an X Box Freemason. Im also a X Box Sp Forces Ranger and damn good Apache helicopter pilot

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by project_pisces
Im surprised the tai chi prozac pill didnt post. Outstanding control! I found a lodge in GTA Vice City near Little Havannah so I guess you could call me an X Box Freemason. Im also a X Box Sp Forces Ranger and damn good Apache helicopter pilot

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 04:42 PM

These are just a few that I just grabbed that looked relevant.
There is a wealth of information on this topic here.

If your questions still aren't answered by the
time you read these I'm sure one of the fine gentlemen
here would be more than happy to answer them.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by project_pisces
Im surprised the tai chi prozac pill didnt post. Outstanding control! I found a lodge in GTA Vice City near Little Havannah so I guess you could call me an X Box Freemason. Im also a X Box Sp Forces Ranger and damn good Apache helicopter pilot

I don't think he has been on ATS of late.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 06:09 PM
Axeman posted some real good threads, but I will try in short order to answer your questions.

1> Whay are freemasons linked to demonism and satanism?

Small minds and small hearts need something to hate so they can feel worth the breath they take and the food they eat, otherwise, I suspect, they would simply have to kill themselves... no, seriously, since masonry seeks good men, with the intention of making them better men through moral lessons, but does not allow just anyone to see our rituals and methods, they suspect. Fear is natural, especially of the unknown.

Another reason is that masonry refuses to take a stance on any religion. Masonry only requires that its members profess a faith in god, however they know him, so muslims, jews, christians, buddhists and other ists can sit together side by side in harmony and friendship. There are two subjects not allowed in lodge, religion and politics.

2. CAn a woman be a mason?

Well, that is an interesting question. The answer is no... and yes. Masonry is a fraternity, but there are some women that have a charter from a grand lodge in France that is considered irregular and clandestinge by most masons, that is, it is not REAL masonry and does not observe the landmarks of masonry. Part of the reason it is irregular and clandestine is that is chartered a women's lodge, and the other because it allows atheists to join.

Neither that grand lodge, nor women's lodges, nor lodges of men and women are considered real masonry by most masons. One of the landmarks of masonry is that it is a fraternity, and to be a mason you must be a man, freeborn, under the tongue of good report and coming well recommended.

3. What is the purpose of masonry?

Well, part of the purpose of masonry is to provide a place where good men can meet and associate with other good men. We strive to be better men, in service to god, our country, our neighbors and our families, with principle tenets of brotherly love, relief, truth, faith, hope, charity, predunce, temperance, fortitude, justice and temperence.

Masonry teaches us to circumscribe our desires and to keep our passions within due bounds. Masonry is also about mutual support. No matter where in the world a mason goes, there he will find masons, and help and assistance if he needs it.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask, the only real secrets we have are the means and modes of recognition.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by SIRR1
Lodge 24
Belleville Illinois

Ainad Shrine
East St. Louis, Illinois


You're not too far away from me. I'm in Cape Girardeau, MO!


posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by theron dunn
2. Can a woman be a mason?

Well, that is an interesting question. The answer is no... and yes.

I disagree mildly with this answer to DEEVAH's question.

In my view the answer is yes... and no.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 07:35 PM
May I ask why the requirement to be "freeborn"? It sounds sort of elitist & on the cruel side, so there must be a good reason.

posted on Jul, 27 2004 @ 07:43 PM
Where I travel mostly it is important to be free and not freeborn. The difference is not exactly subtle is it?

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