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Barak Obama: The Strongest President In History

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+43 more 
posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:02 PM
1) Doesn't feel the need to go into a new war - even when he can.

2) Took on huge challenges coming into office and has remained calm nose to the grindstone "No Drama Obama" ever since. No Shock Doctrines - just handling one problem at a time and using diplomacy.

3) Knows that $ runs the world (or at least learned fast) and isn't afraid to piss off both parties while looking at the world stage with other leaders and growing the markets 50%

4) Releases real # (or at least more realistic than Bush or Reagan) on unemployment with regards to semi employed and those who've given up

5) Pushes a health plan (in the face of criticism) knowing it's flawed but a start in a country that has talked about it but done nothing for way too long.

6) Sees the Natural Gas vs. Nuclear Power power struggle playing out during Japan and doesn't cave to the petroleum leaders without providing balance to both

7) Sees the Yen / Dollar / Euro power struggle and doesn't pull a Bush crash and grab

8) Realizes that the US looks ridiculous on the world stage grandstanding with our economy - so approaches large scale growing mid east revolutions and Acts of God with calm, compassion, humility, diplomacy, realism and intelligence.

I'm not saying he's not a figurehead. I'm sure that what we see is a team effort.

I'm not saying he's perfect. But so far the US is still here and in October 2008 I honestly was not so sure we'd make it this far this well. We don't know, when things are bad, if they could have been much worse. It's not impossible. When you look at Egypt, Lybia, even Japan, you have to just LOVE the US.

If there is anyone on ATS that thinks they could do a better job...

Run for office.

+34 more 
posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:09 PM
I strongly disagree.. In my option Clinton was a far better president.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:11 PM
I think George Washington was the strongest president. But Obama might be the strongest modern day president.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by TechVampyre
I strongly disagree.. In my option Clinton was a far better president.

Clinton was a luckier president re world problems. And more experienced entering office. It would be wonderful to run a scenario with Clinton entering office where Obama did and see what they would do differently.

Roosevelt was also a favorite of mine.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by trusername

Originally posted by TechVampyre
I strongly disagree.. In my option Clinton was a far better president.

Clinton was a luckier president re world problems. And more experienced entering office. It would be wonderful to run a scenario with Clinton entering office where Obama did and see what they would do differently.

Roosevelt was also a favorite of mine.

Interesting point..

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by brianjordan
I think George Washington was the strongest president. But Obama might be the strongest modern day president.

Good point!

I think if/as environmental disasters become more and more intense over the next 2 years this will bring in the level of physical stress of the wild unknown and general discomfort to the population on US soil that the revolutionists had.

Then it may be comparable to see how the men react.

+14 more 
posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:23 PM
I suggest a do-over.

Go back in time, meet up with George Washington, tell him what is going to happen in the future and smack him around a little.

Then re-write the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights....with no possible loopholes and no room for misinterpretation. Don't change it, just make it so that people treasure it more and not allow TPTB to dismantle it so easily.

Then travel back to the inception of Wal-Mart and STOP it in its tracks.

Then it should look a bit different....Maybe.

Oh yeah, let's not forget the Fed Reserve....Take that out altogether.
edit on 19-3-2011 by jude11 because: edit

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:25 PM
the problem with your logic is that you believe democracy is the way to run the world ... it's not

if we want to solve the worlds problems we need to change the way people think

obama is just another stooge perpetuating the same failed doctrines of the last 2000 years of tyrannical oligarchy

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by jude11

you can rewrite the constitution 1000 times and it will still fail if people have no morals

+17 more 
posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Barak Obama: The Strongest President In History. Hmmmmmmm?

Richard Milhaus Nixon or Lyndon Baines Johnson would have eaten this guy for lunch and passed no gas!!!

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by jude11
I suggest a do-over.

Go back in time, meet up with George Washington, tell him what is going to happen in the future and smack him around a little.

Then re-write the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights....with no possible loopholes and no room for misinterpretation. Don't change it, just make it so that people treasure it more and not allow TPTB to dismantle it so easily.

Then travel back to the inception of Wal-Mart and STOP it in its tracks.

Then it should look a bit different....Maybe.

Brilliant - I'm in!

Especially the interuptus of Wal-Mart

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by berilium
the problem with your logic is that you believe democracy is the way to run the world ... it's not

if we want to solve the worlds problems we need to change the way people think

obama is just another stooge perpetuating the same failed doctrines of the last 2000 years of tyrannical oligarchy

last 2000 years?
i think we've come a long way from 2000 years ago, even 200 years ago... the constitution, no more slavery, civil rights, etc. you're just saying stuff. at least give an example.

Originally posted by berilium
reply to post by jude11

you can rewrite the constitution 1000 times and it will still fail if people have no morals

what do you mean no morals, as in religious morals? explain
edit on 19-3-2011 by vjr1113 because: (no reason given)

+21 more 
posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by trusername
1) Doesn't feel the need to go into a new war - even when he can.

Tripped up as soon as you left the gate.

I guess continuing the Iraq and Afghanistan campaign doesn't count? How about bombing Pakistan? No.. ?

How about the fact we may be bombing Libya within the week?

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Oldnslo
Barak Obama: The Strongest President In History. Hmmmmmmm?

Richard Milhaus Nixon or Lyndon Baines Johnson would have eaten this guy for lunch and passed no gas!!!

Nixon and Johnson didn't last very long so I don't know how strong their stomachs were in the face of adversity.

What impresses me about Obama is his ability to stand up to his friends as well as his foes. That shows strength.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX

Originally posted by trusername
1) Doesn't feel the need to go into a new war - even when he can.

Tripped up as soon as you left the gate.

I guess continuing the Iraq and Afghanistan campaign doesn't count? How about bombing Pakistan? No.. ?

How about the fact we may be bombing Libya within the week?

Key words "going into" - Iraq and Afghanistan (and even Pakistan) were Bush's "trip up"

As for Libya - sigh - Let's wait and see and pray that he holds firm. God knows we don't have the $ to go near this.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:35 PM
Edit: Misread.
edit on 19-3-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Oldnslo
Barak Obama: The Strongest President In History. Hmmmmmmm?

Richard Milhaus Nixon or Lyndon Baines Johnson would have eaten this guy for lunch and passed no gas!!!

Yeah, they would already have escalated the current wars, occupied Lybia, and bombed Iran...

That said, Obama is garbage and will never implement any real solutions. It would be against the grain to allow America to thrive as a truly free people. In their eyes, we need constant war.
edit on 19-3-2011 by SmokeandShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by berilium
the problem with your logic is that you believe democracy is the way to run the world ... it's not

if we want to solve the worlds problems we need to change the way people think

obama is just another stooge perpetuating the same failed doctrines of the last 2000 years of tyrannical oligarchy

I don't actually believe that democracy is the way. I think most people don't have the time or inclination to run the world and that even a republic invites too many hot air bags to be productive.

But Winston was right -still better than all the others. Dictatorships don't look comfortable. Monarchies lead to disturbing inbreeding. Communism leads to lethargy.

I'm up for suggestions of alternatives.

+10 more 
posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Anyone who thinks B.O> is a strong president must be 35 years or younger.

The ONLY WEAKER president was spineless old Jimmy, but by your logic Jimmy Carter was the toughest cause he took on hard things with no avail as well.

edit on 19-3-2011 by Kargun because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by vjr1113

Originally posted by berilium
the problem with your logic is that you believe democracy is the way to run the world ... it's not

if we want to solve the worlds problems we need to change the way people think

obama is just another stooge perpetuating the same failed doctrines of the last 2000 years of tyrannical oligarchy

last 2000 years?
i think we've come a long way from 2000 years ago, even 200 years ago... the constitution, no more slavery, civil rights, etc. you're just saying stuff. at least give an example.

Originally posted by berilium
reply to post by jude11

you can rewrite the constitution 1000 times and it will still fail if people have no morals

what do you mean no morals, as in religious morals? explain
edit on 19-3-2011 by vjr1113 because: (no reason given)

I think we've come a long way too. I don't know how long there is to go or if there's even a useful direction but there do seem to be billions of people who are clothed, fed, reading, mobil, tolerant-ish, free-ish, happy-ish... of course there are billions who aren't.

But I don't know if % wise it wasn't the same 2000 years ago. None of us do.

As for morals - I'd be willing to bet that people are - from afar and up to a point - as compassionate and, in a pinch, as out for own own as we've always been.

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