What is "Corium"?
Corium, also called fuel containing material (FCM) or lava-like fuel containing material (LFCM), is a lava-like molten mixture of portions of
nuclear reactor core,
We are talking about ultra-radioactive lava-like substance here in the event of melt-down. That's the official terminology- lava.
Within Corium are various types of potential things.
It consists of nuclear fuel, control rods, structural materials from the affected parts of the reactor, products of their chemical reaction with
air, water and steam, and, in case the reactor vessel is breached, molten concrete from the floor of the reactor room.
It can even melt the concrete floor potentially. (Maybe we should have used stone blocks, even though they may melt as well; eg: Pyramids etc). We are
talking temperatures of like 3500-6000 degrees F (1000-3000 C) rough estimates.
I guess we should look at the bright side. There is an ultimate worst case scenario that doesn't look possible with this particular event (at least
not yet). It could be way way worse actually.
We could have all 4 reactors blazing with a huge inferno. And that could potentially last for a very long time. (Years or longer possibly who knows?)
They typically compare the power of the
Tsar Bomba (50million tons of TNT) with that of
Krakatoa 1883 (roughly 200million tons of TNT) (according to these estimates).
Look at that wiki link on Krakatoa (check out the drawing), now envision it as 4 Krakatoas lined up together. Now picture it being radioactive, and
burning for a very very long time. It could potentially release 100s of times more fallout than the Tsar Bomba.
Just thank God this isn't a quadruple nuclear volcanic event... now of course that's all speculative/theoretical, but it does seem at least half-way
possible given what types of materials and the amount of those materials we are dealing with here. I don't know if it can really get out of hand that
badly, but I assume it could be possible.
We just don't have much knowledge about these types of accidents, or barely any past experiences to really have good methods of dealing with them.
In my hyped-volcano scenario ( Level 10 or 11 meltdown), such an insanity could kill off the whole planet potentially within a few years...
Our Fukushima meltdown (level 6-7) will probably only render vast portions of Honshu totally uninhabitable for 100years, as a comparison to the
severity of both depicted disasters.
I don't mean a volcano spitting out anything though. I just mean a pile of lava that's on fire forever releasing a constant stream of pollution for
very long periods. To clarify my terminology employed.
Sorry to say things like this, maybe I should write fiction Cyber-Punk novels, I don't know. My mind runs wild sometimes when huge disasters happen
and no one seems to have any real solutions to closing Pandora's Box, just band-aids that hardly cover the wound at all...