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Yoga, Dungeons and Dragons, and Video Gamers=Satanists???

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posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:14 PM
[fantasy]Yes, AD&D is completely about Satan worship.[/fantasy]

You are also a Satan worshipper if you:
- drink cola
- eat at McDonalds
- drive a car
- breath
- like the opposite sex
- listen to music (forwards or backwards)
- voting for Bush (well, this ones a given)
- etc, etc...

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 06:10 PM
We shoulden't listen to fundamentalists but we really should not be so hateful against them because in there mind they think what there doing is rightous by trying to save our souls. They don't make profit from by getting rid of yoga or something, all there doing is wasting their own time because they believe it is wrong. So even if it is stupid we should still understand that its right to them. Its not the medival times, so its not like they are trying to control the masses by stopping so called "satanic stuff."

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Faisca
These are the same people who freak out about Harry Potter because it promotes paganism and witchcraft, etc. They forget to mention that more children are reading now because of Harry Potter, and I don't think there's been a surge in children practicing witchcraft, has there?

These would be my parents. They feel that just exposing yourself to those "evils" even when you are fighting against them. I completely disagree with them, i just go around it by not playing D&D (i play werewolf and vampire instead) and i dont read HP(i just watch the movies when i babysit).

as for yoga, even my parents arent that extreme. idk where they got that idea from.


posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 03:15 AM
Ever read that Chick tract "Dark Dungeons?" Hilarious.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 07:23 AM
i hate that whole vidiogames makes psycoes rage swepping across the world, if i go up to a cristian and say "hi im 15 years old, i like to sleep long in the weekends, and oh yeah... i play video games"... they act like i said "i have a gun and i have come to kill you all"... i dont see anything remotly non christian in videogames, except some vampire games an the names in final fantasy VII...

the only way videogames have affected me is that i bought 3 hawaiian shirts after playing GTA Vice City

RPGs makes you smarter... so thats why i have an IQ of 130...

as for the satanism in D&D

i think this movie is as serious as the accusations...

dont belive yoga is evil buy then again i've never tried it...

[edit on 16/1/05 by iceman_dk]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:39 AM
I have never played D&D, but one of my friends does. But, I do play Magic: the Gathering. My family is Catholic, and no one cared at all. I play GTA and Unreal. No one cared. I read the MTG novels. No one cared.

I have met kids in the position where if they did what I do, they would get a 2+ hour religous talking-to.

As for yoga, I say: How is yoga satanic?

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by invader_chris

As for yoga, I say: How is yoga satanic?

There's a lot of Christians that for some silly reason think that to mediate is in-laws for one, they seem to forget that their Jesus used meditation......go figure

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by invader_chris
My family is Catholic, and no one cared at all.

Well there ya go!!! jk lol.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by LadyV

Originally posted by invader_chris

As for yoga, I say: How is yoga satanic?

There's a lot of Christians that for some silly reason think that to mediate is in-laws for one, they seem to forget that their Jesus used meditation......go figure

To meditate is usually simply thinking. Just hard concentrated thought. In my religion class last year the teacher was planning for us take about five minutes for meditation, but we never did it. Praying in private can be thought of as meditation.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Okay so I was having a dicussion with a born again christian awhile back, and we were talking about the string of supposed Murder cults in LA. Well he goes and tells me that his priests and such have been saying that alot of "new age" and "next generation" activities are causing people to turn to satanism and start murding people. He says that Dungeons and Dragons Players, Video Gamers, and people who practice yoga, are satanists.

Dicuss, please, I need insight.

Final Fantasy= Satanist Murder Cults?
Do people go from playing a 5th level Paladin to a Satan worshipping murderer?

I begin to believe that christian that consider themselves true christian doesn't have fun in life at all. I mean, what can they do other than pray? Everything is considered sinful. Watching the TV, playing a video game, meditating, watching a movie.

Each time I read something like this, I feel sad for this guy because he doesn't have fun in life at all, but they will still claim that there is other thing that we can do to have fun.

And about Yoga, a "true christian" will not accept it because it's not from their religion. Hasn't Yoga been there way before christianity?

I think they are affraid of Yoga, because someone who practice hard enough can grow up in energy and in the end, awake his Kundalini. That, can lead to different experiences, painful at the beginning, but amazing at the end. The amazing one are mostly the kind of experience christians would call "occult". and from satan.

Just a side note about Kundalini, there's a form of Yoga that is called Kundalini Yoga which is meant to awaken it, but IMO, I think that all of them can awaken it, but not as fast as this one. Kundalini is from Hinduism, and since it's another religion from Christianity, then it could be the reason why they don't accept it.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 11:49 AM
My husband not only plays DnD, but he is a DM, or a Dungeon Master... He is also very intelligent.... He is not a satanist at all... He is open to God. There is nothing in the bible that says it is wrong. Society has a funny way of taking away our freedoms through fear and judgement.... Hell, I am into BDSM and Goth, and I model in fetish clothing, etc., but God still loves me and he allows me to express my creativity, which he gave each and every one of us... As long as we remember that we are loved, and that we were created as individuals with our own talents and likes, I don't see anything satanic about it. Perhaps satan is the one behind all of this judgement... I know he is! Just my 2 cents.... Much love and peace...


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 11:58 AM
My husband not only plays DnD, but he is a DM, or a Dungeon Master... He is also very intelligent.... He is not a satanist at all... He is open to God. There is nothing in the bible that says it is wrong. Society has a funny way of taking away our freedoms through fear and judgement.... Hell, I am into BDSM and Goth, and I model in fetish clothing, etc., but God still loves me and he allows me to express my creativity, which he gave each and every one of us... As long as we remember that we are loved, and that we were created as individuals with our own talents and likes, I don't see anything satanic about it. Perhaps satan is the one behind all of this judgement... I know he is! Just my 2 cents.... Much love and peace...


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 11:59 AM
This somehow posted

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:20 PM
Well, Jazz music was satan, tv, radio, car, all satan when first came out. Why D&D still is IDK.

Wait, if you want something really satanic, FOOTBALL! What else is done on sunday that make men skip church so they can sit and drink beer while chering(or booing) who ever is playing?

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Okay so I was having a dicussion with a born again christian awhile back, and we were talking about the string of supposed Murder cults in LA. Well he goes and tells me that his priests and such have been saying that alot of "new age" and "next generation" activities are causing people to turn to satanism and start murding people. He says that Dungeons and Dragons Players, Video Gamers, and people who practice yoga, are satanists.

Dicuss, please, I need insight.

Final Fantasy= Satanist Murder Cults?
Do people go from playing a 5th level Paladin to a Satan worshipping murderer?

This is nothing more than a fearfull lashing out by the ultrconservatist fanatic, which goes by the mantra, anything we do not understand is to be feared, fear leads to hate.

One of my best friends is a Born again, and he himself had studied paganism, and played D&D. He's never even breathed that D&D is evil, he may feel paganism is not his choice of faith, but he's always liked D&D.


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 05:49 PM
Well, there are alot of angry people out there...

I am a Christian. I play role-playing games. I have watched all of the Harry Potter movies.

Now, as for my thoughts on if they are satanic or if they will cause people to go out murdering people - I don't think so, at least not in the way that the Christian in the opening post seemed to mean it. Let me give you an example...

As a teenager, I am sad to say that I experimented with marijuana. In high school, I was fanatical about being against drugs. After high school, I moved out to live on my own and I became friends with some people a couple of apartments down. They were open, with me, about their drug use. I gave them my position and they said that I am entitled to it, but they weren't going to stop. We were still friends, it was just that whenever they started, I left. They were very good to me and even would come over and make sure that I was eating when they didn't see me for a while. After several months, I stopped leaving when they lit up. A while longer and I asked to try it, just to see what it was like. They never offered it to me and never tried to persuade me that there was nothing wrong with it. I became accustomed to it - to the point where I could rationalize trying it. In the months that I knew them, no one died and the cops didn't bust down the door as soon as they lit up.

Now, are drugs wrong. I believe they are now, but from a different standpoint than the one I held in high school.

I have looked back on my long 'career' as a role-player and tried to discover what I have gotten out of it. Am I more creative, yes. Do I problem solve better, I would like to think so. There are benefits. Is there a bad side?


How many things are I less inhibited about? Are they good things or bad? I have seen my language deteriorate in the company of those of my gaming group. I went from not swearing at all to swearing every other word. Now, knowing all of this, I still play. It is something of an addiction for me. I love to role-play so much that I don't want to give it up. That is something that only I can deal with, no one else can do it for me.

As I have watched Harry Potter, or played mages, or read books about them, have they influenced my thinking so that I find it attractive? Maybe. The Bible is clear about witchcraft, it is wrong.

The Bible is also clear about how we, as Christians, are to behave. It tells us to stay away from even the appearance of evil. It also tells us to only think about things that are moral and just and holy. It tells us that what goes in is what will come out. These are the things that most preachers talk about when they say that D&D and Harry Potter is evil.

I believe that only the people who were going to murder anyways are going to go out and murder after playing these games or watching those movies, but it all influences us and the way we think and the way we view others.

I have all kinds of things that I can do to have fun that does not include these kinds of things, but I do not choose to do them, right now. One day...

I am a Christian. I play role-playing games. I have watched all of the Harry Potter movies. I am a sinner.

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