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Yoga, Dungeons and Dragons, and Video Gamers=Satanists???

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posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by dusran
The only discussion that needs to be going on here is a discussion between a psychologist, that christian friend of yours and those priests that are spreading this crap.

The day that D&D, video games, and ??YOGA?? has anything to do with satanism is the day that I crap a golden egg.

Sometimes I think the same crazies that can be influenced enough by video games, music etc. to go ahead and kill people because of it, are some of the same type of people that get so caught up in religion that everything around them seems like a battle between good and evil.

On another note I was flipping through the channels the other day and came across this christian program where they were saying J.R. Rowlings was trying to convert children to Wicca or witchcraft with the harry potter series. I mean WTF? Even if that is what is going on (which I highly doubt) God forbid another religion should be allowed to try and gain more members. Christians have multiple channels on the TV trying to convert/retain people but if another religion tries to do it its the work of Satan?

So basically anything that isn't written in the bible is to these people the work of satan. Welcome to the land of the crazies.

I think this whole world is going nuts because of fanatical
people who can not seperate fact from fiction. They are feeble
minded people who try to drag sane people with them.

AD&D encourages people (young and old ) to explore their
fantasies while tapping into parts of their mind that are
not used everyday. How can that be evil?

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 06:09 PM
Oh man, that was a great show on the christian channel!!! "The Evils of Harry Potter". It was absolutely hilarious! One can not imagine the kind of bs these people came up with to explain how HP was evil! I guess they never read them and don't know it is about HP going out and stopping evil, not being evil. I spent an hour laughing my balls off and the best part of it all? At the end they had a little ad for the show. "Call now to order this program for just $99.99" Wow.

Eldar? Boo! Go Orks! Love my Warboss and Battle Wagon.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 06:17 PM
This reminds me of when some religious people made a big stink about the game DOOM when it first came out, that its was evil and had demons and all bad stuff in it. Yes it was a violent game but if they ever played it instead of condeming it they would realize all violence in the game was directed toward the demons and forces of Hell in the game. You were really a good guy in the game

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by slank
Im curious Sinobyte, may I ask what you mean by Santanist? Do you think there is some anthromoporfic power you align yourself with? Or are you more Pagan where it is more the disembodied natural forces of the Universe? I don't buy into the Christian thing and am also skeptical of Satanism. Please educate me in the matter. Thx.

Sounds to me like Sin is a humanist

I don't worship anything, although I do go by alot of rules by Anton LaVey. That is the guy you'd want to search info for.

As far as people who make claims like that against gamers and spiritual enlightenment, I'd like to take them out in public and slap them with my week old crusty sock! Ya know... just for the humiliation factor, which is still nothing compared to family member lectures about playing D&D, video games, the music you listen to, the way you dress... I could go on, y'all know that

There is a guy that cruises around town in his little pickup that has a camper shell that's completly plastered with stickers about "God Hates Fags!" and crap about Clinton being in alignment with the devil, and scriptures. This guy went to prison for something or other and became a 'reborn' christian... think it was something bad like murder, I dunno. This guy has yelled at me so many times from across the street or while he was driving... especially when I still rode a skate. Reminded me of Peter's dad on The Family Guy!

speaking of God Hates Fags... at least they warn ya on the very first page (visit it, you'll see why I'm laughing

Also found this: ...nice little rant... the comments are horrible! lol...

[edit on 21-7-2004 by Earthscum]

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Okay so I was having a dicussion with a born again christian awhile back, and we were talking about the string of supposed Murder cults in LA. Well he goes and tells me that his priests and such have been saying that alot of "new age" and "next generation" activities are causing people to turn to satanism and start murding people. He says that Dungeons and Dragons Players, Video Gamers, and people who practice yoga, are satanists.

Dicuss, please, I need insight.

Final Fantasy= Satanist Murder Cults?
Do people go from playing a 5th level Paladin to a Satan worshipping murderer?


I am what is called old school I was back in the day's of the old atari and first nintendo system guess that make's me want to go out and KILL!!!!!!
.. .. .. .... .. Nah That's what gta is for
and silent scope
take the edge off run over people hit cops and kill people with baseball bat's whos up for a game of gta vice city

But in regards to the people using this as a arguement that it instills violence only the people that are weak minded are going to go out and simulate what they have seen in a video game same for a movie like what happened when the passion came out and that one guy nailed himself to the cross guess that was just holy

Just my 2 cent


posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 08:28 PM
Fundementalists that say crap like that make me angry because they don't realize that there probably turning away more people from Christianity then converting people. Its funny because when they say bad stuff about Video Games and Dungeons and Dragons they just get more people to buy them because of the hype they create. Remember the anti-semitisim in Passion of the Christ?

And besides D&D never made me want to kill any one except the Dungeon Master who always screws me over
and GTA doesen't make me wan't to join a cult and start eating people, unless Im pissed that I'm losing.

[edit on 21-7-2004 by Brown]

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 09:25 PM
is there anything to the fundies that aren't satanic besides the bible, which i personally disagree with as you can see in this post here. the world has changed alot in the past 2000 years, and they can't accept that.

[edit on 21-7-2004 by mutehalo]

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 09:54 PM
Okay, I have to disagree with everyone on here. These people have a great point. I used to take Yoga classes in the mid-1990s, but then one day I snapped and went on a murderous...wait, no that didn't happen...

Yeah, I will agree with y'all. These people are crazy. Guns don't kill people, people kill people by using guns. Cars don't kill people, well in some cases an empty car can roll down a hill and run over people (like my brother-in-law). Speaking of that, the paramedics told him that he would never walk again...he walked out of the back of the ambulance 5 minutes later...

This sounds like the "Christians" that bull-dozed the records of Cat Stevens when he went to Islam. I am a Christian and I don't have a problem with Muslims or Muslim artists. Remember when all of those "Christians" got on their steamrollers and crushed thousands upon thousands of Nirvana's "Nevermind" CDs because of why? Well, I could not find a single curse word unless you count whatever Kurt Cobain says on the bonus track (which might not be a curse word). Perhaps these CDs were destroyed because of the "horrible image" of a naked baby chasing a dollar bill in a swimming pool on the cover. Oh yeah, like that was SO horrible. Personally, I thought that album cover was one of the most innovative CD covers that I have seen to this day. I says so much about life, but oh well the "Christians" didn't like it.

Please don't let those types ruin your point of view on Christians like myself (that do NOT believe that everything is satanic). By the way, I have really enjoyed all 3 of the Harry Potter movies so far...LOL

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 09:58 PM
Its absurd indeed. I play video games and listen to classic metal, like Ozzy KISS, GNR, and other bands like that but I'm not slicing goats to please Satan.

Its just a ploy by people who will not take the time to understand the object, so they will claim its evil. There is no proof that if you practice yoga, play DD, listen to metal, or play video games that you will take up Satanism.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 01:35 AM
When I was younger and didn't believe in God, I used to play RPGs and many other similar games. I now consider myself a Christian.

So the question was: Are RPGs such as AD&D things of satan?

I think the best way to analyze this it to first ask if it is against the "will of God". That is saying "if it is a sin". God wants us to Love God, and Love our fellow men. So we have sins against God, and sins against man.

Is it a sin against man?
Who could it affect? Only the people playing.

Do you sin against these people with which you are playing by playing these games? I think it is possible that while playing, one may commit sins against these other people. However, I have seen far more things which I consider to be sins at a Basketball game.

So does these games lead to sins against man? I would say not any more than any other competative/cooperative game.

That leaves us with a sin against God.
The 10 commandments outline 3 of these.
God is the only God.
Don't use his name in Vain.
Keep holy the sabbath.

Well lets see, the games do not prevent one from going to church. Matter of fact it is more likely you would miss church going to see a football game.

Using the lords name in vain? This is one of those things which I have seen happen more often at sporting events, and has no relationship to the game itself.

So that leaves us with "God is the only God."

Some of these games do have multiple pantheons of gods. People who play create characters that worship these gods. This is likely the root of "the problem".

I do not see a problem, as long as the people who play these games realize they are playing a game; they are not their characters; their characters are not them.

People play the role of a character in a game. I see no difference between this and playing a role of a character in a movie or a play. I do not recall anyone saying Jim Caviezel was a satanist because he played Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson's Passion. He played the role of "the son of God", aspiring to be God is a sin. Angels were kicked out of heaven for such things. But Jim Caviezel wasn't aspiring to be God, he was playing a role in a movie. It is the same for these games.

So to summarize, no.

Would I play an RPG these days?
Sure. I doubt I would play an evil character. But that is because it is easier to stay in character when playing the role of something that is not against your nature, and not because I would be "doing evil".

Now, there is the "addictive nature" of some games, that needs to be addressed. And that is not a wholesome thing. No addictions are. But that is not really the game, but rather the nature of man and the desire to "escape" reality. But, if they do have a negative impact on "real life", you do not need to see your priest for an exorcism. However, talking to a "shrink" wouldn't hurt.


[edit on 22-7-2004 by Raphael_UO]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by slank
Im curious Sinobyte, may I ask what you mean by Santanist? Do you think there is some anthromoporfic power you align yourself with? Or are you more Pagan where it is more the disembodied natural forces of the Universe? I don't buy into the Christian thing and am also skeptical of Satanism. Please educate me in the matter. Thx.

I don't worship the Biblical Satan as Christians view him because as most people know...they're incorrect. I believe everybody has a part of Satan within them and only those brave enough to embrace and encourage it are those called, Satanists. Satanism isn't for everybody's choked with posers and wierdos. I dislike stupidity and those that perpetuate it. If you don't buy into Christianity that's up to you...if you're skeptical of Satanism that's fine too. Once again, it's not for everybody. It takes being true to yourself and your baser nature to be a Satanist. Sorry I didn't go into better details on what it's all about but I feel I'd just be wasting words. Head on over to the Church of Satan's homesite to find out more. There is an enrollment fee and after realizing I agreed with most of the C.O.S. and their beliefs I simply had to get over the shock of losing $100 from my wallet. Good luck with whatever you chose or chose not to chose.

Originally posted by Earthscum
Sounds to me like Sin is a humanist

I don't worship anything, although I do go by alot of rules by Anton LaVey. That is the guy you'd want to search info for.

lol...Satanism and Humanism share quite a few similar ideas but make no mistake about it, I'm a card carrying LaVeyan. Selfish and creative, ever the sarcastic outcast. I suggest though that if somebody is willing to look deeper into Lavey they remember that whether you like or dislike what you find in the end, it all comes down to a $100 enrollment fee.

[edit on 7/22/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Do people go from playing a 5th level Paladin to a Satan worshiping murderer?

This is really good... ha ha ha I used to play D&D allot, but not too much since coming to Japan as many are not interested. But, anyway... they obviously do not know about a Paladin.....

A Paladin cannot normally do anything dishonest or even join a thief's guild.
Well, if he cannot be dishonest or become a thief.... hmmm.. Unchristian like???? Maybe pose that question to the person.... h aha

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 07:47 AM
Would Jesus read Harry Potter, book about witchcraft? It says in bible that everything that is not done for the glory of God and for God is not good.
Video games turn people away from God and Yoga along with its eastern philosophies is incompatible with it.
Christians who approve such things are cowards who capitulated before brainwashed masses and Satan to satisfy their comfort, they are not true christians.
Go read bible and see what were first christians like, their minds were turned towards God not foolishness of men, remember that path to salvation is narrow.

Jesus clearly condemned worldly teachings of men and useless things that fill people's minds and turn away from God. You can't serve two masters.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 07:59 AM
Bible readers are Satans best friends in disguise.

People who go to church are the Devils mommy and daddy!

People who believe that D&D is evil are Satans wives and sleep in the same bed as him before marriage!!

And all of that is TRUE, because I said it and believe it oh and just because anyway!

There... how did that affect the paradigm?

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Megaquad
Would Jesus read Harry Potter, book about witchcraft? It says in bible that everything that is not done for the glory of God and for God is not good.
Video games turn people away from God and Yoga along with its eastern philosophies is incompatible with it.
Christians who approve such things are cowards who capitulated before brainwashed masses and Satan to satisfy their comfort, they are not true christians.
Go read bible and see what were first christians like, their minds were turned towards God not foolishness of men, remember that path to salvation is narrow.

Jesus clearly condemned worldly teachings of men and useless things that fill people's minds and turn away from God. You can't serve two masters.

Wow... That's um... Just wrong. I dunno any other way to put it. I'm a Christian, yet I play video games and enjoy RPGs. Like I said before, last I checked I'm not a Satan worshipper. I still love my God, and worship him. But what's the point of life if not to enjoy it? Why should we devote our life only to God, when that is what the angels were created for? You called me a coward for enjoying video games, but you're no better. Unless you're a monk in a monestary devoting your ENTIRE life to God, you're no better.

By saying you shouldn't study any other thing, is basically supporting fundamentalist Islamic philosophy, and we all know where that can get you. A true Christian should embrace all walks of life, and all different cultures. Not rule out everything else that doesn't have something to do with God.

I have a question for you. Do you eat the plainest possible food? Do you take any enjoyment from your food? Because you shouldn't, by your reasoning. You should eat dog food, so it tastes horrible, because you can't take enjoyment in anything except for praying to God. And I certainly hope you have no vices like drinking or smoking, because that's clearly only for pleasure and hence shouldn't be done. Oh yeah, while we're on the topic, do you listen to music? Well music other than Christian music? Because if you do, you're as bad as everyone else because you're taking pleasure in something other than God. Do you read books? Do you read any other books than the Bible? Because if you do that's clearly not devoting your life to God, because you're reading something that someone other than God created.

Oh and I noticed that you're part of Starfleet Intelligence, and you have a picture of the Enterprise as your avatar. Obviously you take enjoyment in watching Star Trek. That's not from God or for God. That's talking about all this scientific stuff that goes against what God teaches. Oh no! Blasphemer! You Satanist!

So yeah, you see where I'm going with this. Don't be a damned fool and accuse us of being bad Christians or cowards because we enjoy video games and Harry Potter. Because like the Lord said, "just not, lest ye be judged." And with that, I'm out.

[edit on 22-7-2004 by Faisca]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 01:03 PM
I even remeber killing Satan out of my D&D's "Demons & Deities" monster manuel and then closing the gates of Hell by slaying a Bronze Dragon.

Now how is killing Satan Satanism?????

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 01:19 PM
Seems perfectly normal for religion. Throughout history the "church" has used fear and ignorance to get their way. You see, IMO, the more educated and well rounded a person is, the less they follow the church blindly. Remember Gallio was a evil satinist for saying the Earth revolves around the sun, not the otherr way around. Religion always does best when people are dumb and scared.
nice post, says it all

[edit on 22-7-2004 by mrmonsoon]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 02:55 PM
I find this insulting. I am deeply into video games and I'm definatly not a Satanist, the oposite to be exact. Yoga is an exercise that helps you become more flexible. And D&D despite being a geeks game still has nothing to do with Satanism. The often promote the opposite. Notice how your always stuck being the good guy. Notice how the bad guys are always frail and weak.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:01 PM
Im sorry, but I have to laugh at this. Just for the simple fact that the author puts in Yoga with these other activities....

...I haven't had a laugh like that for awhile now. Yoga.......Im sorry again, but that is hilarious!

On a more serious note, there is nothing that annoys me more than some of these so called "born again Christians". Some of them are worse than the ultra conservative.

Yoga........thats just too funny!!

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:11 PM
Ok, yoga is satanism according to these goofballs, what about Tae bo? or thinking for yourself? Or not following blindly like a sheep to the slaughter house? Are all those things satanic?

These people need to have some fun, especially the catholic ones. Go on a two week bender and wake up to a different priest every morning, that might give them something to do besides tell everyone they are going to hell.

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