We all know the power elites have co-opted the mainstream press, TV and Radio. They have not been so successful at stopping the spread of information
and discussion on the internet. They do not like this. They have become powerless to control and stifle the spread of truth. To them, and to the
political ellite, this is untenable. Don't be surprised if in the not-so-distant future
terrorists use the internet to launch a massive
assault on the US. That would give the government the "right" or "need" to shut the internet down for good. They would then make using the net by
US citizens illegal. Of course, the powers that be (government) would still have it. There's a thing called Internet 2. Only people with security
clearances would be allowed to access it.
Here's an article explaining the possibilities:
By Servando Gonz�lez
April 6, 2003
In a short, but forceful article, Peter Sparacino pointed out that constitutional tools are no longer valid in our losing battle against a government
out of control, rapidly becoming a totalitarian dictatorship. According to Sparacino, neither the ballot box, nor the jury box can be used to stop its
advances -- not even the cartridge box. The only thing left to fight back, he states, is freedom of the press.
But, as media critic A.J. Liebling rightly expressed, freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. Though in theory the opportunity
to own his own printing press was open to every American citizen, in practice just a few, and lately only the very rich and powerful, were able to own
Granted, the media monopoly was never total, and many small presses proliferated, but the big ones, later joined by the network TV channels, just
played the game, giving the false image of independent thinking. But suddenly, less than ten years ago, a technological breakthrough changed the rules
of the game in a radical way, bringing about what media guru Marshal McLuhan envisioned more than thirty years ago: the global village. This
revolutionary new medium is the Internet.
What do you think would happen if the internet was suddenly banned?