posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:03 PM
Hi, well this is new to me, the site appears very interesting.
Drug testing, I am guessing that the money makers/ power brokers are some how seeking greater revenue/ power for themselves, or for their various
empires, clubs or gangs which they belong to.
I get the idea a lot of money is made under the guise of protecting public interests, after all, in this instance doing such a thing will, make some
people stay away from welfare, which is not a good thing, there is enough money to support the hard done by, for what ever reason. Just chop some of
the bull# salaries your officials and company men make. After all its all public money and many of them are naught but bullies and cleaver sales men /
women with silver tongues and not much gray matter or with knowledge in a very limited field.
I figure that the flow on affect of such laws, will be to increase your crime rate, thus create income for lawyers, Judges and the general crime
empire they run. Much money is made from many so called laws. An increase in crime rate also often justifies greater police, every empire needs to
grow or it will die, your crime empires are the same, one cannot build big houses, and own flash items without considerable money. The educational
empire also needs such growth, after all they bread the lawyers ask your self who become the Judges and other such officials, largely not the real
people. To keep their money makers running they need to constantly introduce new laws and work out new ways to scam the public. Real laws reduce crime
and benefit people. Most laws appear to protect the rich and doom / enslave the already poor.
Even dogs learn to salivate, at the bell. For example the instance of drink driving has been considerably reduced over the years we have learn t not
to do this of course a good thing, however some just don't care but the masses have learned not to, so new ways to create revenue were required.
Creating such laws will, clearly increase somebodies profit, wither it be the drug companies who sell the test kits, bought with your public money.
These often have share holders, ask yourself who owns the shares, I'd like some if such laws are passed, but owning them prior would be the way to
go. Has La Bruzzo got vested interests?
I hope it does not work out for La Bruzzo, as clearly he has his own agenda, and heck its a shame that most of the drugs tested are not noticeable
soon after use. Most of the pot smokers in our country now use meth, acid or speed as there work tests do not pick this up after several days. However
the poor pot smoker is screwed being six or so weeks to be clean. The irony is that one can buy flush kits to screw the test up is not this absurd,
and at a guess from the same companies who make the tests to start with.
Clearly we are not using hair samples in our testing, as these can tell all your sins. Who is testing the testers, do all your police, teachers,
lawyers and officials get tested at random, I do not think so. One can only the whole drug testing thing, I have no problem with saliva tests
with some tolerance much like alcohol tests when driving or operating machinery. But do not punish when there is no equality from the outset. Do not
make life harder for the ones who are living it.
I am not promoting drug use however I do believe each to their own, as long as they are responsible and after all an idiot will always be an idiot,
regardless of what poison they are into, at least until they return to the maker that is.
Apologies if I was a tad of topic, have a good one..