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Just My Opinion on Believers

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Arrowmancer

Ahhhh yes!! Thanks for that! You stated everything I was going to! Lol...nice pic of the astronaut and shuttle...cause in fact WE ARE aliens as well.
And as for his little: "Certainly The Most Logical Thinker on this site. No Doubt about that! I have yet to be proven wrong!"....Ummmm Arrow just did that! All you did was state your have no proof that they don't exist. Sounds to me your just a little stuck on yourself. Now I don't believe EVERY photo, video or anything like that is 100% legit, but nor do I disbelieve that we are in fact being visited, and have been for thousands of years. What about the ancient cave paintings that show what looks to be modern day 'aliens'...who were referred to as 'star gods'..I mean seriously, I respect everyone's opinions, but people like you who think that THEIR LOGIC and THEIR WAY OF THINKING is the only way (even if that's not what you mean, its what I get from it) I mean you clearly say: "Certainly The Most Logical Thinker on this site. No Doubt about that! I have yet to be proven wrong!"...and your mood.."sexy"...come on really...sounds to me your just self-centered and looking for attention, so you come here and in fact TROLL on here, and bash on people who believe in something you don't. Why don't you try doing what most of us on here have been doing, research, read, put in the years of researching these things as most of us have, do it with an open mind, like most of us have. I mean seriously, there are people who have put a good amount of their lives into this, who have spent YEARS researching....what have you done? Judged everything with your "most logical ways"...dude seriously...get a life. Find another forum to troll on, there are hundreds of people on here JUST like you who think THEIR logical ways are THE ways to believe and you come on here bashing people who think different form YOU...we really don't need anymore of you...
edit on 22-3-2011 by M0bstar because: spelling

edit on 22-3-2011 by M0bstar because: spelling

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:39 PM
And here is another thing I have seen on this site in regards to a certain 'alien video' that some call a 'hoax' person made the comment that "the extraterrestrial in the video cannot be real because it has 'un-human' like movements..."...well I guess extraterrestrials are supposed to have "human like" movements?
Skeptics are some of the biggest oxymoron types I have ever seen!! They sit there and want proof of this proof of that, when in fact they have NO PROOF of ANYTHING they claim....and when someone presents something to them...its automatically a hoax...get your heads out of our a$$es...seriously. Here is a challenge for every skeptic out there....DISPROVE EVERY UFO SIGHTING!!! EVERY ONE!!!....starting with EVERY PHOTO EVER taken of a "UFO"...then move on to EVERY VIDEO EVER taken of a "UFO"...then once you have done that, move on the the ancient evidence....well....I'm waiting....

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Arrowmancer

Epic win, I basically have to agree with every single point you've made. Well said, sir. OP, you have the right to your own opinion, but keep in mind, you are not entitled to judge, make assumptions, and categorize us all simple because you do not agree with what we believe in. Like Arrowmancer said, we're here to try and prove that ETs exist in a respectful and non intrusive manner with probably evidence. Your points certainly do not make you sound open minded. On the contrary, it just makes you look like...a troll.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by AtleeElmont
reply to post by Arrowmancer

Epic win, I basically have to agree with every single point you've made. Well said, sir. OP, you have the right to your own opinion, but keep in mind, you are not entitled to judge, make assumptions, and categorize us all simple because you do not agree with what we believe in. Like Arrowmancer said, we're here to try and prove that ETs exist in a respectful and non intrusive manner with probably evidence. Your points certainly do not make you sound open minded. On the contrary, it just makes you look like...a troll.

Epic win for you as well!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by AtleeElmont

Ah there it is!
Different opinion = troll.

And how old are you.
your logic makes you sound like a child.

Alot of children have replied to this topic, ones who have obviously not read the entire post, yet they still reply.
Eh Oh wells.

Stay gullible.

edit on 23-3-2011 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Trying to understand your post was a bit difficult. Could not figure out if you were saying aliens have never been here or if you are being pro/anti God, but let me take a shot at a response.

I have clearly seen an (IFO) identified flying object. That object was a craft that was 3-4 football fields long. Traveling at a speed of 15-20 mph. It was approximately 300-500 feet in the air. It was triangular in shape with a large circular light in the front with two smaller circular lights in the rear. I could virtually make out every detail of this craft. I had a clear view of it for about 40-50 seconds. There is no doubt in my mind that this craft was not of this world. In the event this was a government back engineered craft or technology that man has developed, then man is much further advanced that anyone could possibly imagine. More likely this was some type of interplanetary vehicle occupied by beings that are much more advanced than mankind.

So in essence there are many of us that read words such as yours and follow mainstream media stories actually feel a bid saddened because you are still attempting to figure out if this stuff is real or not! Many that have had a similar experience to mine have long since moved well beyond that point.

While I cannot speak for others I can only tell you that the foundation of your life is shaken to its core. You begin to question everything. Why are they here, how many species are actually out there. Something I think a lot about is how large is the universe. I read with great delight people professing to know how big it is when in actual fact not on person on this planet really knows. Other issues that you are challenged on that you have this real and verifiable (at least to yourself) proof..what does this mean to religion. What does it mean to how our society functions. Do these being believe in God, how long have they been coming to earth etc etc, the list just goes on!

I am fully aware that many people want to believe and many others really believe because they have had a leap of faith. Maybe they have never seen a UFO but they have read and studied enough to feel in their hearts that there is validity to the UFO phenomena. Many and I would say most have never seen God but they have had that same leap of faith. (My apologies to the Agnostics and the Atheist.) Still others want to have an open mind but will only believe when the UFOs land on the proverbial "white house lawn".

I could go on and on but I think you get my drift. I only wish that everyone on the planet had a similar experience to mine. We would all be on the same page and also be well past the question of "show me proof otherwise it is all BS"

Good luck with your search for the truth, it is out there and it is real!

I don't get to ATS much but when I see a post such as yours I feel compelled to set the record straight, at least from my view point!

edit on 23-3-2011 by rgray222 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:44 PM
I really dont care about others and what they believe. To be honest I wouldnt mind hoarding any experiences I have had to myself and my close ones, I dont care about other people and what they think to share anything with them, and I am sure there are others like me. I dont like the spot-light, and sharing anything with anyone isnt needed because I dont see why I should.

I believe in only one person, and that is my mom, and she had a weird experience that still makes her feel uneasy when she recalls what happened. My mom is a catholic woman, who doesnt need to lie, I literally had to force her to explain what she saw, something that shes only told my dad. She also doesnt want to tell people, for her own personals reasons not like my own.

I am as much as a sceptic as anyone else. I have a picture of a ufo flying in puerto rico, and even though you can see the saucer shape, I still cant help but think that it can still be a bird swooping in the air so fast that it appears to be a perfect saucer shape (and I obviously dont have the motivation to scan the image, which just shows I dont care about what others think) Its only the conversation with my mom (and my aunt who also saw it) that holds value. So I do tend to take ufo-talk just a little bit more serious than others, but I dont add my 2 cents in, because honestly, I dont care what people think. And secondly, ufo-talk isnt that much of an interesting subject for me to go and persue it anymore than just logging in on this site once every 2 weeks or so.

I have my proof, and I am happy with it. A new world of possibilities have opened for me, where in others, they can die tomorrow believing the world is the small box they choose to believe in. If someone who is hardheaded wants to fight with others who share info on their sighting, and downplay their experiences, then why bother to defend your experience? Just let it be, take it as a personal thing, because its a gift for you and your eyes, onces that many generations of people will never get, and thats fine.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Our Sun's solar system is finite. When our Sun goes Nova, billions of years from now, the orbiting planet's around it will be consumed by it.

Before that time happens, we as well, just as many other's probably have did, on other doomed solar system's, will have to find the means to travel too other habitable solar systems. Hopefully, to not knock on somebody eles's door.

I believe that, beyond the speed of light powered starships is feasible and controllable.

The bible says, that you cannot see God.

I believe, it is the same way with Space Alien's, unless they want you too see them with your naked eyes.

Or, maybe it's because I have tunnel vison sometimes, or that they were hiding too well, behind a boulder?

Maybe, it's because they can project some kind of image, onto a negative photo with some kind of projector?

I'm not disbuting the theory, that these space creatures, and there craft are interdimensional.

Most believer's, and non-believer's alike, want to see a nuts and bolts ET Starship in front of their eyes. But, I say: Don't hold your breath, because their not going to give up a starship without a fight.

Even if we did, manage to capture an Alien Starship, it would have to be immediately destroyed by the supplier of such a craft. That's because, our human race is much to savage and imperialistic too possess such a highly advanced other-worldly craft.

Foofighter's Forever,


edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: ditto

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: ditto

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: added 2 words

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: grammar

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Erno86
Our Sun's solar system is finite. When our Sun goes Nova, billions of years from now, the orbiting planet's around it will be consumed by it.

Before that time happens, we as well, just as many other's probably have did, on other doomed solar system's, will have to find the means to travel too other habitable solar systems. Hopefully, to not knock on somebody eles's door.

I believe that, beyond the speed of light powered starships is feasible and controllable.

The bible says, that you cannot see God.

I believe, it is the same way with Space Alien's, unless they want you too see them with your naked eyes.

Or, maybe it's because I have tunnel vison sometimes, or that they were hiding too well, behind a boulder?

Maybe, it's because they can project some kind of image, onto a negative photo with some kind of projector?

I'm not disbuting the theory, that these space creatures, and there craft are interdimensional.

Most believer's, and non-believer's alike, want to see a nuts and bolts ET Starship in front of their eyes. But, I say: Don't hold your breath, because their not going to give up a starship without a fight.

Even if we did, manage to capture an Alien Starship, it would have to be immediately destroyed by the supplier of such a craft. That's because, our human race is much to savage and imperialistic too possess such a highly advanced other-worldly craft.

Foofighter's Forever,


edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: ditto

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: ditto

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: added 2 words

edit on 23-3-2011 by Erno86 because: grammar

Sorry dude your explanation is too convenient and whimsical

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by CrazyMonkey

Next time, that I reply to you, is when monkey's are flying out of my butthole.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Many that have had a similar experience to mine have long since moved well beyond that point.

This is why I am here myself. I had long had ideas, or notions, about what may be going on that I was unaware of; as well as my own thoughts on UFO reports and videos. After seeing something I cannot place in my familiar world however, certain ideas and theories have definitely gained more weight in my mind. Saying someone is wrong for something that they believe is a truly subjective call. In my mind it is equivalent to the "I'm right, and you're wrong" argument that never really resolves anything.

Just my .02
edit on 23-3-2011 by Simteks because: tried to fix my quotation error...unsuccessfully

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Ok, I never believed in Aliens before I saw a silent yellow triangle UFO fly over me and a group of friends in a remote location 8 months ago.

I don't know if that was an alien craft, don't claim to know what it is.

I just see that as the best answer becuase it relates to other stories of abductions, close encounters and other activities frequently blamed on aliens by believers.

To people like you ( I've seen this same thread/post many times)
I just say, give me a better answer to what these UFOs are. Don't just say "THEIR IS NO PROOF!!!"
with all the crappy videos...... and all the crazy sounding testimonies of witnesses like myself who have nothing to gain and everything to lose by saying these things... at least some of them must be credible.

I realize some of these videos are military craft and man-made hoax's and things..... But I strongly believe not all.. and in any case the government is sooo secretive about UFO files and their special bases that it is only natural for people with expierences of flying craft to think that something big is going on.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:55 PM
This is another one of those posts that suck.

Anyway UFO's exist, aliens exist 99.9% and i give earth bound aliens 20-40% IMO.

Before anyone asks for proof let me say this, I don't need proof just faith.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Erno86
reply to post by CrazyMonkey

Next time, that I reply to you, is when monkey's are flying out of my butthole.

You have made a lot of assumptions in the post I replied too, its not like I insulted your mum so I dont know why you have got your panties in a twist lol
edit on 24-3-2011 by CrazyMonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Simteks

Many that have had a similar experience to mine have long since moved well beyond that point.

This is why I am here myself. I had long had ideas, or notions, about what may be going on that I was unaware of; as well as my own thoughts on UFO reports and videos. After seeing something I cannot place in my familiar world however, certain ideas and theories have definitely gained more weight in my mind. Saying someone is wrong for something that they believe is a truly subjective call. In my mind it is equivalent to the "I'm right, and you're wrong" argument that never really resolves anything.

Just my .02
edit on 23-3-2011 by Simteks because: tried to fix my quotation error...unsuccessfully

Ok there is one big problem in ufology, its not a case off whethere somebody saw something or not
It is people making assumptions and filling in the gaps with their own pseudo science

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by AtruthGuy

I'm a newbie here - be gentle...
I think the 'believers' camp can be divided into a few subsets; instead of the, 'they all believe the same thing', bizzo.
Science prides itself on the observation issue (and the repeatable issue, if you want to keep going); the word experience is best summed up as that which is experienced and absorbed by the individual...I think western has science has something to say about this!
If you have not experienced an 'event', it is anathema to your understanding of what is going on, and therefore can be pilloried till the cows come home. If you have experienced an event, depending on the way you have understood the experience, you will acquire the differing levels commensurate with that understanding. The argument of eyewitness accounts applies both ways! Individuals see different things, notice different points, place importance on relevant (to them) items to themselves.

You cannot place 'air' in my hand!...and tell me it exists...prove it.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by AtruthGuy
Before I post the following I am open minded that aliens MAY exist some where in the universe. I do not believe they are visiting earth.

The size of the universe and the number of earth like worlds in our galaxy alone make the probability of intelligent life on other planets a certainty.

Ah so you're one of those believers huh ? I'm not a believer. I'm a rationalist. Aliens are the best explanation for the UFO phenomenon.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by AtruthGuy

troll. kidding, but I don't believe in god and I'm not Athiest, I don't follow ANY religion (see my signature) don't u call me some goth kid cause I don't believe in god.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by misterbananas

and I don't believe in god because he said that he can't prove he exists because he doesn't exist without faith and faith can only be there if he isn't proven to exist, and there's the bible, which is sort of proof that he exists, so he said he himself does not exist. and also the loopholes there are
edit on 2011/26/3 by misterbananas because: (no reason given)
and because it's noot likely
edit on 2011/26/3 by misterbananas because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by AtruthGuy

ahhh, but you fail to address the Starchild Skull, proof that aliens have been here over 900 years ago.
Just check out this site, and I dare you to try and prove me wrong.

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