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BREAKING : UN Security Council authorizes no-fly zone over Libya

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posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by DSSONE

There was a change after 9-11. Gaddafi was scared, as was everyone was after 9-11. Much of the world thought we were going to nuke someone in retaliation. He helped suppress Al Qaida in response.

Al-Queda and "the west" are bed buddies and it goes back to ruso-afgan war when america aided them with anti-aircraft weapons. Al-Queda paid back the USA by attacking the twin towers and the pentagon, with american supervision of course. The people "arrested" shrotly after 9-11 were subsequently realised and now live in the middle east.

So what the hell are you talking about? Gadafi had nothing to do with al-queda!

Then after Saddam fell he made outright overtures to the UK and the US. He essentially bought, with oil money, a new relationship with the US and UK.

Maybe you are reffering to the lockerbie compensations?

Things started to sour though after he buddied up with Chavez and acted like a loon at the UN. Money can only go so far.
edit on 18/3/11 by MikeboydUS because: he

So lets use al-queda one more time to oust this pain-in-the-nwo-ass gadafhi and if that fails we declare a no-fly-zone FOR HIM ONLY while we send his aged military assets to the grave-yard and then bring him to the nwo hague to stand trial for "mass murder" eventhough there is no evidence of that anywhere; just lots of mainstream hype!

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:50 PM
Update 20.45: But Al Jazeera reported that Gaddafi s-minded forces race towards Benghazi.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

The Mujihadeen we supported later became the Northern Alliance which fought the Taliban. Pakistani ISI supported Al Qaida.

I never said Gaddafi was related to Al Qaida, I said he suppressed them, meaning he made sure they had no presence in Libya after 9-11.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:06 PM
Would someone who really understands this explain more about the aspect of the Arab lead in this war action? I understand the general political aim of the other countries in requesting it be done this way, but is it one or two planes or what kind of lead? Which arab country(ies) will go in? Which will not? How delicate is this particular aspect within the Arab nations afterwards?

I just heard an interview with a forign correspondent inside Libya who says this cannot be verified as independent observers are not allowed to go to those areas and communications are cut, so read with caution. The propaganda is ratcheting up.
Bombing ambulances in Libya says Al Arabiya

The inevitable Christiane Amanpour Pre-War InterviewLike father, like son

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:12 PM
Update 20.59: More about the troops of Gaddafi wich are moving to Benghaz direction: according Al Jazeera news will be fought with insurgents in Al-Magroun and Slouq, about 50 km from Benghazi.
edit on 18-3-2011 by TribeOfManyColours because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:12 PM
Update 21.04: The declaration (20.41 and 20.52) states that if Gaddafi does not meet the demands, the UN resolution "will be imposed by military means". The countries reiterated again that the Libyan leader "immediately" to stop attacking the people.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

The Mujihadeen we supported later became the Northern Alliance which fought the Taliban. Pakistani ISI supported Al Qaida.

I never said Gaddafi was related to Al Qaida, I said he suppressed them, meaning he made sure they had no presence in Libya after 9-11.

That does not make sense unless *america attacked america* and a few al-queda guys took the fall willingly to repay their debt to the cia during the russo-afghan war. Either way alquida seems to be an nwo asset and probably behind most(if not all) of the uprisings in the middle east!

I would love to see actual democracy in that area but shiites and sunnis don't get along well with each other and both don't get along well with non-muslims. Its like the protestant-catholic issue and they are too backwards, barbaric and uneducated to deal with complex decision making processes. Mainstream religion is a disease but they have not figured that out yet.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

CIA worked directly with OBL

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by TribeOfManyColours
Update 21.04: The declaration (20.41 and 20.52) states that if Gaddafi does not meet the demands, the UN resolution "will be imposed by military means". The countries reiterated again that the Libyan leader "immediately" to stop attacking the people.

Here's a thought someone can hep me with; So the UN is saying he can't attack 'his people'. Seems reasonable. Then again, aren't his people attacking him?

So, is the UN effectively saying he can't fight back?

UN is saying Gadaffi can't attack 'his people'. Aren't his people attacking him?,
edit on 18-3-2011 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Totally agree......

Here we go again.....

Would they care or implement this If there biggest export was cocktail


It's ALL about the oil ......

Is it another sign of peak oil????


posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by CordDragonzord
It's funny how similar Obama is to Bush, hell, they even look the same to me.

Instead of taking troops out of the middle east he is sending more, great.

Read my signature! The sooner the American people realize this, the sooner we can all work toward taking back our country. I was a die hard conservative, all about the Republican party until I realized that that paradigm was no different than having a favorite sports team. You root for your team regardless of the players! I've always been a Red Wings fan and always will be, regardless of the players.

Using that mentality with politics is just naive. Once I discovered the truth about 9/11, the Patriot Act, the Bin Laden family being quietly flown out of the country on 9/11 and numerous other events, I finally woke up to the fact that everybody in Washington is on the same team! Name one Senator that isn't a millionaire? Congressman who isn't obscenely wealthy? Do those people really represent your values? They haven't a clue what your values are because they don't live your values. They don't obey your laws or abide by your rules.

One thing that takes a ton of humility is admitting that "your side" sucks as much as the opponents and breaking that hold they have on you. If we as individuals have such large egos that we can't admit we've been wrong all this time, blindly following our chosen party, then we will never be capable of seeing the Truth because we will be blinded by our ego.

If you will notice, neither the left nor the right will embrace Michael Savage because he refuses to identify with "conservative" or "liberal". Not one talk show host came to his defense when he was banned in Britain. Sean Hannity always spits out the phrase, "I may not agree with you but I'll defend your right to say it". BS! It's a talking point and warm, fuzzy thing to say but it's a damned lie! Never did he come to Michael's defense. Neither did O'Reilly, Limbaugh or anybody else.

The bottom line is, we have to think for ourselves and draw our own conclusions. Stop relying on others to validate our own opinions. It's okay to "cross check" your data and compare notes but draw your own conclusions.

Proof that they are all on the same team is simple; NONE of them will publicly address the inconsistencies of 9/11. None of them will even hint at the suspicious past of BHO and the missing time frames in his life. They will let the constitution get trampled on before they will go against the Ol' Boys Club. You can NOT tell me there aren't any senators or congressmen in Washington who have considerable suspicions about 9/11 or the roots of BHO, but do they say it? No. That's all the proof I need. They refuse to do what's right and act on their conscience. Left, Right, whatever. None of them are truly on our side.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by truetrigger

Would they care or implement this If there biggest export was cocktail


It's ALL about the oil ......

I doubt it's just about Lybia being able to export oil. Lybia supplies a very small amount of oil on the world .

It's never JUST "ALL" abut one thing, and the entire regions' stability is certainly a major factor for several interest around the world.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Yeah .... You are right.....
Was a tad hasty with my " ALL ".......

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:46 PM
What tail is waggin' this dog?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:47 PM
Here is a question to people who think attacking gadaffi and removing him is a good idea:

Where was the UN during the southern sudan massacre? Rwhanda? Cyprus? Northern Ireland? Ceylon? Kashmir?

Why "free" only kuwait, iraq, afghanistan, libya? Answer: 3 of the 4 have oil and the other has opium.

If there is nothing to be had.......then its not worth it for the corporate governments of the west!

And one last topic but important....its a little disrespectful to the agonising japanese people who have suffered great hardship with little logistical and technical help from any official be bypassed and made irrellevant.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:51 PM
please see my thread ... what do you think ?

we all have to think twice at least !! no ??

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

And one last topic but important....its a little disrespectful to the agonising japanese people who have suffered great hardship with little logistical and technical help from any official be bypassed and made irrellevant.

While I agree with your previous point about WHY we care, I disagree that it's an either/or situation. JApan is not being 'ignored'. US has troops there helping. Several nations are helping. It is possible to pay attention to more than one thing.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
I am ashamed as an American that we fight some third world country without a modern military. We need to pick on someone our own size. I am a man dammit, I love my country, but my country needs to act like a man and pick a fight with Russia, china and GB all at the same time for it to be interesting. We should be ashamed...its like a tank vs a Hyundai.

If it was a modern war we would be seeing body bags by the plane full coming, even a possibility of a carrier loss. state of the art SAM systems...but noo..we have to pick on some third world rag tag African country with a lot of oil...

I'm thinking that might happen one day. China and Russia conduct joint military exercises. For what reason do you think they are conducting them for? It's all about controlling the global energy trade, and China and Russia eventually want to own it all.

Why are you so cool unc?,you are the bestest ever when it comes to things like this,keep up the good work.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Al-Queda and "the west" are bed buddies and it goes back to ruso-afgan war when america aided them with anti-aircraft weapons. Al-Queda paid back the USA by attacking the twin towers and the pentagon, with american supervision of course. The people "arrested" shrotly after 9-11 were subsequently realised and now live in the middle east.

There was no al Qaida in the Russo-Afghan War, nor was there any Taliban. Nor did either of those exist in that time period.

We can not have supplied what did not exist with anything at all.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:06 PM
Fully back the decision for a no fly zone

Gadhafi should stop the slaughtering of his own people and killings of innocent civilians, then step down to then be put on trial for crimes against humanity,

Absolutely ridiculous how people can even say this is about Oil

Its about doing the right thing, and instead of just talking, like the world has been... taking action, the middle east will be more stable and so will the world with him gone, his people want him gone he should have respected his peoples word and done the right thing him self but he put a gun to there heads instead,

Of course Libya export much of there oil to Europe 90% and "the majority of that goes to Italy"

I think alot of our members have gone OIL MAD

Its about doing the right thing END OFF

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