posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:12 PM
Now that the NFZ votes are taken, the Libyans are in a celebratory mood.
But may they know that it is only the beginning, for the road will either be long or short, determined by them.
The Free world will provide air cover to prevent the beast's forces from taking advantage of the air to annihilate his own people, but it will be the
LIbyans fight from the start to the finish. Freedom cannot be bestowed upon, and needs to be won by a People's effort.
The beast is crafty, and will use every trick in the book to stay alive and in power. Power corrupts. And he is absolutely corrupted, resembling no
more a human but the most vile beast one can possible imagine. Thus, the rebellion and the Free world must not be tricked. Sincere and genuine actions
speak louder than words.
Again, my plea to the beast and his minions. Step down now, and step away or you will be stop in ANY way possible so that you may not shed more
innocent lives that you had been doing. Like any wild ravaging beast, it is no crime to kill it, so that it may kill no more.
May the Rebellion give them every chance to honourably surrender, local or mercenaries, but if they insists on killing more ruthlessly, then they must
be stopped at all costs.
There will be a time for a war, but there will be time for peace too. I wish my fellow brothers and sisters from the nation of Libya good luck, and
may the bloodshed by the beast end quickly and no more. Every human life is precious, and means something special to someone else...
edit on 18-3-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)