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Is Japan being destroyed to keep America alive?

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Tecumte
Interesting about Japan's Post Bank???

--> Meanwhile, the consolidated Post Bank has grown to enormous size, passing up Citigroup as the world’s largest financial institution; and it has been branching into new areas, alarming competitors. A March 2007 article in USA Today warned, “The government-nurtured colossus could leverage its size to crush rivals, foreign and domestic.”

Before the March 2011 tsunami, that is what it appeared to be doing. But now there is talk of reverting to the neoliberal model, selling off public assets to find the funds to rebuild. Christian Caryl commented in a March 19 article in Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations:

As horrible as it is, the devastation of the earthquake presents Japan and its political class with the chance to push through the many reforms that the DPJ [Democratic Party of Japan] has long promised and the country so desperately needs.

In other words, a chance for investors to finally get their hands on Japan’s prized publicly-owned bank, and the massive deposit base that has so far protected the economy from the attacks of foreign financial predators.

edit on 4-4-2011 by Tecumte because: link added

" (Japan's Post Bank).....alarming competitors."...."...crush rivals, foreign and domestic.”

"But now (post tsunami) there is talk of reverting to the neoliberal model, selling off public assets to find the funds to rebuild."

"...a chance for investors to finally get their hands on Japan’s prized publicly-owned bank, and the massive deposit base that has so far protected the economy from the attacks of foreign financial predators."

Foreign financial predators???? Hmmmm..... Who might those be???? "Neo-liberal model??? Que bono???

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