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Is Japan being destroyed to keep America alive?

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 01:58 AM
If I was going to pick a wacky scalar theory, I would say Russia hit Japan before NATO could intervene in Libya. Thus keeping Europe dependent on Russian oil and gas, while also silencing Japan over recent territorial disputes.

At least it might make a good story for Battlefield or Call of Duty.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:04 AM
Now they might want us to repay those billion of dollars back to rebuild lol

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:24 AM
Maybe Japanese top officials refuse to do some crucial thing that TPTB
Man 1: It's going down......bring out the HAARP (or whatever device it is)
Man 2: yay
Man 3: yay
Man 4: yay
Man 5: yay.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:34 AM
Haven't had a chance to check the validity of this but I heard just before the earthquake off the coast of Mexico fish were jumping out of the water and onto land. Apparenty there are pictures and video of all this online but I'm not home yet and am on my iPhone

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:43 AM
NZ Herald 30/6/2000:

then there is the O.S.S. papers of 1945

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:00 AM
Why would the powers to be want to destroy another country to keep the US going a float, when their plan all along is to destroy America. Don't u think that would jepordize their end game??

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by amfirst

plans within plans? There's always plan A, B and C

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

I agree. I for one would be interested to hear your theory on it. After all this is all just a big wouldn't it be interesting if.... Scenario. Nobody is saying this is what happened. Were all just spit balling.

alright, don't say I didn't warn ya in advance.
Here is your official notice to put your
tin foil hat on. Don't blame me for
any delusions you may suffer from
reading it. Just for you and Citizen.
And mind you, this is just a theory
or an opinion.

I believe this disaster in Japan was orchestrated
for an agenda and it goes a lot further than just

I believe there is an ongoing covert WW3 scenario
and there are 2 factions at work. Both sides have
covert tools of destruction and both show no bounds
or limits of sympathy.

Very much like the 2 sides in WW2, there was the
Allies and the Axis powers. Same holds true here,
except the boundaries of each have been expanded

On one side you have the OWO (Old World Order)
and on the other side you have the NWO (New World Order).
Both sides are using weather manipulation to inflict
casualties and manipulate financial markets to
their advantage. Yes, I am speaking of HAARP
technology, I am also speaking of chemtrails,
I am also speaking of UFO's (man made),
I am also speaking of mass governmental fraud
and corruption on both sides. I am also speaking
of Cyber Wars using the internet, mass media
indoctrination and a virtual reality spy network
using covert op agencies as tools to further
an agenda. I am also speaking of Illuminatti
Bloodlines and TPTB funding these covert
actions for an agenda. I am speaking of
armchair generals who implement mass chaos
by starting revolutions in countries for the
pure agenda of bringing down a regime who
is siding with the enemy. It is one all-encompassing
conspiracy theory with world events being
played out on your very TV and internet
monitors. Such are wars in the 21st Century
when you do not have to have boots on the ground
to conquer an objective. My theory on this subject
would be the equivalent of mixing 5 famous
games into 1 big game where real people die on
a daily basis.

Mix the games:
Splinter Cell

all into 1 game and you may come close
to my theory. This is the most bizarre
complex theory you may ever hear
on ATS.

The Countries involved:

OWO: (not limited to)
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
Breakaway Soviet Blocks

NWO: (not limited to)
North Korea
South America
majority of the smaller ME Nations
Al Queda

The object of this game is to inflict
serious damage to your opponent
all while keeping the mass populace
completely oblivious that the war is
actually happening. To crash your
opponents Stock Markets by manipulating
investors. False tips and fake intel
lead opponents into traps of destruction
and bankruptcy. You suck the life force
out of your opponent, take his money,
and feed him the cool-aid you want him
to drink. And some die in the process.

I do not think Japan was an accident.
Neither was the sinking of the Cheonan.
Neither was the ramming of the Japanese freighter carrying oil.
Neither were the fires at the chemical plants in Russia.
Neither were the mudslides in China.
Neither were the floods in Pakistan, Australia and Saudi Arabia.
These are all ecological and environmental
attacks by the opposing forces using
weather modification, covert ops and chemtrails
to aid in the effects of dumbing down
and also to act as catalysts for
directing HAARP attacks. Who needs
intercontinental missiles, when you can
inflict mass damage and mass casualties
with an invisible audio resonance?
Missiles have become outdated
in the 21st Century Warfare
when you can press a button
and create massive tsunamis
and earthquakes to topple existing
enemy castles.
Wikileaks and Anonymous are
tools used to blackmail politicians
and influence public opinion.
UFO's can traverse mass distances
in the field of recon and are used by
both sides. There are Illuminati
on both sides of this war and they mainly
do it for money and control. They want
to become God like. It is the nature
of the beast within them.

The internet plays a major role for
both sides. Even certain web sites
can be used. Places like 4Chan
can be used as a recruiting tool
for cyber spies and technological
geeks. Places like GLP can be used
to monitor the unsuspecting participants
so each side can judge their accomplishments
and their failures.

The OWO's objective is to keep the
status Quo. the NWO's objective
is to takeover the OWO's place
at the head of the conference table.
Covert agencies like CIA, Mossad
and MI6 work for the OWO, while
FSB, ISI and Iranian intelligence
work for the NWO. And part of
the funding mechanism of the NWO
is George Soros who funds and
exploits financial markets which is
his specialty.

Each group plays it's own part
of operations in this virtually invisible
(to the public) WW3 Psy-Op.
Some wake up !!!
and some do not !!!

This war started before 9/11, but
9/11 was what brought it into
mainstream news and expanded
the boundaries and gave it a face
to the public. All you see and hear
after 9/11 is part of this ongoing
WW3 Psy-Op.

Government officials are set-up
with traps, incriminating evidence
of their misdeeds are recorded
and used as blackmail so they
become puppets and manipulated.
When they decide they will not
perform the functions their puppeteer
asks, then the evidence is released
via media or wikileaks and they
are erased from the equation
by packing their bags and sending
them home in shame. Most
play ball with the puppeteers,
hence you see bills become law
that circumvent the constitution.
It's just a piece of paper standing in
the way of the opponents objectives.

This is what I see from the bottom
of my rabbit hole after taking the red pill.

Sorry, I have ranted on long enough.
Back to your regularly scheduled
kool-aid party

edit on 3/16/2011 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:52 AM
ok, u can start hurling books
at me now, lol

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Well as a theory goes it has a lot of merit. It also does have contradicting data but it doesn't mean the entire premise is wrong or what your describing isn't going on.

I agree that what we see and hear is not even 1/10 the truth of what is really going on. But I don't think it's 2 sides playing against each other. My feeling is this is a prison planet and the people in charge are just the ruthless gang leaders vying for power and control. But even they are just prisoners like us and have to answer to the prison guards and ultimately the prison warden.

Obviously I'm using metaphors but if you think about it the psychology of dictators and presidents ceo's of multinational corps and generals are all the same.

The truth is right in front of us it always has been. It is our fear of realization that blinds us. It's blinds us because the implication are too depressing to admit. That we are all slaves. That we have no say and have no real freedom and no real choice. It's all an illusion to keep us under control. Look around and tell me the dumbing down of people isn't going on.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

very logical and rational thinking there bro

star 4 u
and I mostly agree with ur analysis

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

It's very hard to maintain a rational mindset given the situations we are faced with on a daily basis. More and more evidence come to light about the continued corruption of the world governments. The complicit nature of the medical establishment to maintain the status quo of big pharma. To never heal but keep the slaves in a state of semi death.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:52 AM
Just last week everyone was talking about the increase in oil price because of the middle east issues. Could this have been a plot to try keep it at a stable price? Take out Japan and lower the demand on oil. Lower Demand = less price which would combat the increase because of the ME unrest.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by tim3lord

Your idea sounds like it would make an OK movie for Vin Diesel.

In reality, they'd do what Israel and the US did to Iran, insert a virus into the plant and bring it offline. There is no way "THEY" would want to create an actual nuclear disaster. And they wouldn't insert a special ops team into the plant, thats too much Call of Duty.

And by your idea the massive 8.9 quake was a diversion?

Plausible but doubtful.

Didn't you know? They use US systems. it's already built in. Perhaps someone here on US soil is systematically shutting down different controls at the plant's.
edit on 16-3-2011 by ResearchMan because: Just sayin.. At least I got to use my imagination.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I think you are very close to the Elitist Cabals mindset and Agenda. Really it's quite simple to sum up. Create as much terror, destruction, and mayhem as is possible, both within and without, always cloaked and hidden under plausible deniability, keep the herd spooked, sickened, dumbed down, fragmented, and off balance so that they will run to you for 'help', and profit from it all both financially and politically allowing you to constantly increase your choke hold, and replay as often as possible.

Here's a very relative quote for the few left that may still be unfamiliar with what a former U.S. secretary of defense said:

"Others are engaging even in an
eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off
earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic
So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work
finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's
real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, " -Cohen address 4/28 at conference on terrorism.

While Cohen was somewhat forthright on the issue he at the same time conveniently failed to mention one of the "others" he alludes to is simply his own country/alliance.

I too have felt for quite some time now instigators are pulling out all of the stops to usher in WW3, hiding behind the so called biblical plagues which they themselves have caused. The End Game is simply to tear down 'the world' so that they can rebuild it in their own image with them set up as god (Lucifer) over it all (though greatly reduced in inhabitants).

It seems very likely to me humanity will continue to see EM and other stealth weapons used and all manner of coming created plagues to bring about more and more and more Andrews, Katrina's, earthquakes, tsunami's, bird flues, swine flues, disease, dying bees and other pollinators, failed economies, shrinking food supplies, etc. etc. etc. until the world is totally drained of health, energy and spirit, so that it will rush into the 'loving' arms of the Cabal's one world Big Nanny State.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Tecumte
I think you are very close to the Elitist Cabals mindset and Agenda. Really it's quite simple to sum up. Create as much terror, destruction, and mayhem as is possible, both within and without, always cloaked and hidden under plausible deniability, keep the herd spooked, sickened, dumbed down, fragmented, and off balance so that they will run to you for 'help', and profit from it all both financially and politically allowing you to constantly increase your choke hold, and replay as often as possible.

i think ur theory is sound as well

star 4 u

there are 2 separate versions of war.
Covert and Overt.
Keeping this covert as it is now,
allows each side to freely manipulate
without public intervention.
Once it becomes Overt, some of that
freedom to manipulate is exhausted.
Keeping it Covert aids the Elite,
not the public.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Boomstix
Just last week everyone was talking about the increase in oil price because of the middle east issues. Could this have been a plot to try keep it at a stable price? Take out Japan and lower the demand on oil. Lower Demand = less price which would combat the increase because of the ME unrest.

Taking out Japan by the NWO had 3 reasons.

1) Destabilizing the Nikkei who was propping up the Petro US Dollar.
It's short term effect increased the value of the dollar, but
it's long term effects will devalue the US Dollar due to economic
hardships. This is why Japan bank pumped 10 Trillion Yen
into the market to help stabilize both currencies.
The NWO wants a 1 world currency away from the US Dollar.

2) Brought fear to the masses of the consequences of Nuclear Power.
GE who owned the Japanese Reactors took a nose dive with their
stock prices in world markets thusly taking away money from the
OWO and giving it to the NWO. A financial hit of sorts. Speculators
like Soros who bet against GE (which he owns a small minute quantity
of stock) made more money off betting against GE than he lost in it's
stock price fallout. Which was positive ground for him. Very similar to
the put options on the airlines before 9/11. Basically it's like
making a bet on a horse race, and then fixing the race so your
bet wins.

3) Japan was an allied force of America and thusly part of the OWO.
In order to bring down America, Japan was hit. If Japans economy
is devastated, then it directly relates to the economy of it's allies
as well.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by amfirst
Why would the powers to be want to destroy another country to keep the US going a float, when their plan all along is to destroy America. Don't you think that would jeopardize their end game??

Not if it was China that did it:
China owns the most US debt.
Japan owns the second most of our debt.
China wants the US dollar to go under.
Getting rid of Japan gets rid of what's holding the US afloat.

Therefore, with Japan out of the way, China could buy up the debt Japan holds. That would put the Renminbi on top, making China the new world power.

According to my ex, who is in the US Navy, the Chinese military has been training to invade the US for a few decades now. Most of our military is currently out fighting or helping in catastrophe areas. This would be their chance.

That said, we can't know if that's what happened, or is what's going to happen, and we can't go blaming them for something we don't know for fact that they caused, or will do. We can't outright accuse them, or anyone, of doing such a thing. Remember, in the US, you're innocent until proven guilty, and being that we would want them to treat us as innocent until proven guilty, means that we have to give them the same treatment. Meaning, for now, I'm not accusing, merely speculating a plausible scenario.

Even if all of this is true, I still don't believe that anyone could create an 8.9 earthquake. To do so could cause an Extinction Level Event, being that any unnatural messing around with the topography could trigger volcanoes to go off around the globe, including the super volcano under the US (Yellowstone), putting the entire world in a volcanic winter. Even if it were only that one volcano, that would cause a food shortage, leading to world war, and the end of the world. That would be something no one wants, especially not such an anti-religious government as China. No, the earthquake, subsequent aftershocks, and the tsunamis those caused were definitely environmental.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by MoonChild02

i dont think china would ever invade the US. Invasion is so 20th century.

America should have learned that fighting a war is best done when the people involved dont know its a war. win their hearts and minds and have them fight your war for them. its genius.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by tim3lord
reply to post by MoonChild02

i dont think china would ever invade the US. Invasion is so 20th century.

I agree. If there is a Chinese invasion, it will
be an industrial and financial one by expanding
free market trade.

edit on 3/16/2011 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

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