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Is Japan being destroyed to keep America alive?

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

I agree. I for one would be interested to hear your theory on it. After all this is all just a big wouldn't it be interesting if.... Scenario. Nobody is saying this is what happened. Were all just spit balling.

alright, don't say I didn't warn ya in advance.
Here is your official notice to put your
tin foil hat on. Don't blame me for
any delusions you may suffer from
reading it. Just for you and Citizen.
And mind you, this is just a theory
or an opinion.

I believe this disaster in Japan was orchestrated
for an agenda and it goes a lot further than just

Just my opinion, but I think your well-thought out post is spot on, boondock-saint! You make a strong case for the "why" possibilities.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Its entirely possible for that scenario to play out as the nations do have this ability of warfare.

Its mind boggling really!

But...I thought they signed a treaty in which they all agreed to refrain for its use.

*Full Sarcasm*

Would they really do this?

Ummmm.....some of them would. Yes....

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by burntheships

also keep in mind misdirection as a possible reason for this tragedy. arent there protests in the middle east right now. i mean didnt the government in Bahrain just deploy troops to control protesters?

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by tim3lord

Yes, I think anything is possible right now, I have never seen any thing like the last three months
in my entire life. I dont think I have even read about anything that compares.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 06:15 PM
This is a very interesting article here at this link, that I think ties into this thread and into many of the other threads here at ATS that deal with the so called NWO and what is happening in regards to the power structure. It seems to imply, something I have pondered for awhile, could there *really* be severe infighting among the factions the OP described as the OWO vs say the NWO, or perhaps even say the so called "Rockefeller" faction vs. the "Rothchild" faction or some other, or maybe is this just an elitist charade or the ol 'good cop/bad cop' scenario to provide the herd with a little false hope while it is being taken down?

Where do people like Alex Jones fit in, how about this Benjamin Fulford, or even Jeff Rense, or say Brother Nathaniel Kapner..... All of these guys and more I feel are owned (somehow and maybe comprimised) and working for some faction, but who, and which side or sides??? If we knew more about how things were dividing up we could more easily understand that IF and I say IF the carnage in Japan was a terrorist attack then we could more fully understand who might most likely be behind it.

The article I linked to seems to echo the suspicion that the carnage in Haiti was an attack by the Bush?Clinton etc. faction (minor players?) and mentions how Russia, the Vatican,etc.etc. and others fit into the different factions but still leaves alot missing about who is really in allegiance to who. Anybody care to try and diagram out who really is on who's side (at this point in time), the article seems to wish for the destruction of the Federal Reserve faction at the same time it slams Rockefeller, could much of the chaos really be a battle among the Elitists for control and is one side really wanting to 'help' humanity evolve (hard to believe) against another who wants to use the tools of the dark to reach their end??? Maybe it's just wishfull thinking that the good witch of the Cabal will slay the bad witch of the Cabal and we can all live happily ever after for a 1000 years.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Tecumte

To be honest I don't think I have the capabilities to identify or even predict who is playing on which side. The problem is the human element. Always a constant source of unpredictability and an unknown variable in the equation.

Tides change and so do sides. It's a pyramid structure with every body clawing for the top job of ruling the world. Now there are factions within factions and agencies within agencies companies within corporations. The level of complexity is massive

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:53 PM
Why? We'll maybe....

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by tim3lord

It's possible, that's what is so disturbing. Any pretext will do for these people, and all they need is ANY excuse to do such a thing, it's not beyond the pale for them, but such a thing, if actually perpetrated by some sort of dark shadow government, is sure to have it's own fallout for them as well, in the grand of scheme of things.

Something's been telling me, that this wasn't a purely natural phenomenon, but was done intentionally, willfully, and without regard to human life and well being. If so an unbelievably wicked thing to do.

But I wouldn't put it past them, to go to such lenghts while being entirely certain they can get away with it. Same thing with that Indonesian Tsunami, where Bush and Clinton showed up at the scene.

Something's fishy about all these events, in fact, from 9/11 to the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill, to the trapped miners, and now this.

I'm not just a paranoid. Something's amiss. It's like there''s a prowling "shadow of man" wandering around the world seeking chaos and more chaos, while trying desperately to create this so-called "New Word Order" but not to the benefit of the masses, or the lone individual and that person's freedom.

But they might have f'd up with this Nuclear Problem, or maybe some of the evil PTB do have mass deaths in mind, I don't know, that's a little too Alex Jones for my taste. I refuse to believe it, but then again, that's what such schemes rely upon, absolute and utter incredulity, at the magnitude of an evil so great.

Once recognized, into the abyss it goes, thank goodness..

If such things are done on purpose for evil purposes.

That Jared Lee Laughner shooting, same "vibe" with that also.

Sounds pretty paranoid and conspiracy theorist-y I realize, but some things are worth expressing for whatever they're worth.

edit on 17-3-2011 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:06 AM
Thou the theories brought up before could be plausable, my theory is that Japans destruction (yes, Japan is finished from here on end as a nation) was a warning to whichever the other side was......the next one will be a direct hit against the US (possibly the much speculated west coast quake/tsunami).

Japan will also now become a physical buffer/wall between the US and China when they go head to head in confrontation in the future....the Chinese are slowly weakening the US or trying to so they could be on a level playing field in Chinese own backyard rather than have to use force projection to get into the US.

Funny as it may seem but I see japan being like a computer game.....2 warring sides all suited up in military bio suits fighting each other in a radiated wasteland with mutants and zombies scouring the countryside feeding off rotting flesh to survive......

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by tim3lord
according to this japan is the second biggest owner of US debt. some 600 BILLION thats right BILLION and china 700 BILLION.

You'd think someone would've done a credit check or at least noticed the Eye of Horus and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" on the currency. As Bernie Madoff said, "the entire U.S. government is a Ponzi scheme." After the SEC spent a year investigating him and found nothing, I'm sure Bernie know one when he sees one.

Originally posted by tim3lord
so lets say you wanted to sabotage a nuclear reactor how could you do it without being directly linked?

Yep. Which is why they couldn't get any of the fried backup generators to work. And probably the reason a 35-year reactor nearing retirement was fueled with deadly MOX plutonium 6 months ago.

Which makes HAARP the perfect earthquake machine and depopulation weapon.

Originally posted by tim3lord
follow the money.

It's been true long before JFK.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:24 PM
here's an interesting video from scientist Leuren Moret fingering HAARP:
edit on 22-3-2011 by Tecumte because: text correction

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:31 PM
I don't believe that the US used any type of weapon to cause the Japan crisis. Earthquakes and Tsunamis are a "tradition" in Japan.

However, I don't doubt for a second that the US would use this disaster to capitalize on the situation. We are a capitalistic society after all. That being said, don't think for one second that any other country wouldn't use a similar US disaster to capitalize on US misfortune. It may not seem right, but that is the way the world goes around if you wish to buy into the capitalistic philosophy. Sad, but true.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:13 AM
definiteley scalar

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

Keep this in mind though.. what if you as the US military/government KNEW that eventually these weapons would come available to your enemies and the general population just as the US government developed them. How would you rprepare for that? That is what i think all of this is about.. 9-11.. the Japan quake and nuclear disaster. I think it was a 50 year plan knowing we would not be able to keep them to ourselves much longer.

The internet may have even sped up this problem. from what I have discovered many of these technolgies are tied to each other. I do not think it is a coincidence that cold fusion is being rolled out right now either (see Rossi cold fusion announcement). I think it's part of an orchestarted plan. These technologies open up Pandora's box.. and the powers that be have to put the world and society in order to prevent them from getting access to them.

They are using these weapons and threats on their own terms in a controlled fashion to push an agenda they have scripted out to move society in the direction it has to go to prepare for a much more complex future... this is all best case secnario, mind you. Hopefuly they at least "think" they have our best interests at heart.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by tim3lord

Your idea sounds like it would make an OK movie for Vin Diesel.

In reality, they'd do what Israel and the US did to Iran, insert a virus into the plant and bring it offline. There is no way "THEY" would want to create an actual nuclear disaster. And they wouldn't insert a special ops team into the plant, thats too much Call of Duty.

And by your idea the massive 8.9 quake was a diversion?

Plausible but doubtful.

AHAHA it's funny you got all "Call of Duty" out of his post and so did I. Lets not forget that OP also got "scalar" from the video game "Bad Company 2".

Ohh boy when kids make topics.. sigh

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by 8311-XHT

"They are using these weapons and threats on their own terms in a controlled fashion to push an agenda they have scripted out to move society in the direction it has to go to prepare for a much more complex future... this is all best case secnario, mind you. Hopefuly they at least "think" they have our best interests at heart."-8311-XHT

The 'direction' *they* wish to take it though IMO is down the road to a much reuced subservient population with them and their offspring set up at the top of the pyramid in a totalitarian 100% controlled society. And little worse than the tryanny of 'good intentions', where intentionally induced death, disease, and suffering are used to 'help' humanity, with an eye only on the future and rarely it seems on eliminating human suffering in the present. It reminds me of what I call the "Waco solution" attitude, we had to kill them all to save them.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by Redneck from Hell

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by tim3lord

Your idea sounds like it would make an OK movie for Vin Diesel.

In reality, they'd do what Israel and the US did to Iran, insert a virus into the plant and bring it offline. There is no way "THEY" would want to create an actual nuclear disaster. And they wouldn't insert a special ops team into the plant, thats too much Call of Duty.

And by your idea the massive 8.9 quake was a diversion?

Plausible but doubtful.

AHAHA it's funny you got all "Call of Duty" out of his post and so did I. Lets not forget that OP also got "scalar" from the video game "Bad Company 2".

Ohh boy when kids make topics.. sigh

Hey genius did it ever occur to you that maybe the makers of bad company got the idea for the term scalar from real life and not the other way around???
educate yourself

Ohh boy when ignorant rednecks post replies...sigh

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:28 PM
Interesting about Japan's Post Bank???

--> Meanwhile, the consolidated Post Bank has grown to enormous size, passing up Citigroup as the world’s largest financial institution; and it has been branching into new areas, alarming competitors. A March 2007 article in USA Today warned, “The government-nurtured colossus could leverage its size to crush rivals, foreign and domestic.”

Before the March 2011 tsunami, that is what it appeared to be doing. But now there is talk of reverting to the neoliberal model, selling off public assets to find the funds to rebuild. Christian Caryl commented in a March 19 article in Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations:

As horrible as it is, the devastation of the earthquake presents Japan and its political class with the chance to push through the many reforms that the DPJ [Democratic Party of Japan] has long promised and the country so desperately needs.

In other words, a chance for investors to finally get their hands on Japan’s prized publicly-owned bank, and the massive deposit base that has so far protected the economy from the attacks of foreign financial predators.

edit on 4-4-2011 by Tecumte because: link added

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:28 PM
I'll still dig Asian chicks.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

I'm inclined to agree with you on this. TPTB are not trying to save our economy but weaken it to allow for complete takeover, because as Soros has said, America stands in the way of their Totalitarian NWO.

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